Some Bibles are translations, others are paraphrases (where no attempt is being made to convey the exact meaning - the person doing the paraphrasing is trying to give you the gist of what is being said, but you are limited by their understanding of what it means). Paraphrases, like "The Living Bible" are easier to read, but frankly, I think you lose too much of what is being said. There are some passages that have double meanings - a pharaphrase is only going to be able to convey one of the two.
King James translated the Bible into the English of the day. English has changed since then. It is popular because there are no copyright issues - it existed before the concept of copyright did.
NIV (New International Version) is commonly thought to be one of the most easy to read true translations. I'd agree. Some relatively conservative denominations would suggest NASB (New American Standard Bible).
When translating, some passages could be translated this way or that way. Conservatives will claim NASB is a more "accurate" translation. This is because it chooses translations that agree with their point of view. There is a myth that the KJV is the most accurate. KJV is a translation of a translation. The translation that it is based on was widely considered in its day to be the most accurate. That translation, however, was lost, but this notion that it was the best transation is what this is based on. Archology has uncovered parts of this translation. Archology has also uncovered more original copies, in the orignal language, that are closer in time to when the various books were orignally written - less mistakes intoduced by copying, mistranslating, etc. In spite of the fact that we've discovered that this lost translation wasn't a very good translation, and the bliblical scholars in 1000 A.D. just didn't know any better, the notion still persists that KJV is the most accurate translation.
You will find the same translation (NIV, NASB) printed by different printers, and as things like illustrations aren't part of the Bible itself, one will have lots of useful pictures and diagrams and others will have none. The pictures are unrelated to the translation. You can get the "Life Application" Bible in NIV, NASB, KJV, etc. - it has a lot of good diagrams and sidebars about the major people mentioned in the passages, etc.