I am baptised as a Roman Catholic, read the bible and practice my faith daily.
I have never heard anyone via proxy say atheists cant have morals because they don’t believe in God.
If you have been told this by a christian, I advise you to stay clear of the raving lunatic. As more than likely that christian is being prejudice towards your belief he/she will be prejudice towards others.
Definitely not a catholic thing and more than likely not a correct christian approach.
God does exists in my life, in me and that is what I am trying to reach and once I do, I may be able to achieve enlightenment.
Even if you Atheists are right and God does not exist, I still do not care as I follow the God that Jesus preached as it isn’t such a bad thing (You know, all that love and peace and stuff JC used to go on about. All the good stuff), as I have faith and belief in my fellow man to do good and not evil. (Some people have the Devil inside them....boooooooo, like you christian friend it seems)
So if you don’t believe in God, that’s fine by me and many other Catholics would say the same, if you believe in another God, that’s fine by me as many other Catholics would say, just as long as your God or no God preaches love.
The bible is used for reference, good story’s and some not so good (All written by man by the way and not God as you may think)
So don’t worry too much about the religious fanatic, just stay clear and follow your own path and (sorry for the quote) do unto others as you wish done to you :)