im an atheist, but i really wish that i believed ?
2008-10-21 09:38:34 UTC
i just cant embrace religion, my mind rejects it. but ive been firm in my atheism for years now (im now 19) and i always seem so unhappy, things never turn out for the best ami just looking for a way out with religion? please dont tell me to accept christ as my saviour, i dont mean to be rude but i cant help but roll my eyes every time i read that. and please dont say im going to hell either. my question is, does my sudden doubt in my atheistic existentialism mean that i might be able to have a religion involving god? and how can i try to believe in something that 99% of me knows to be dead wrong?
45 answers:
2008-10-21 09:56:23 UTC
Commiserations on being 19. It's a rotten stage in life these days. You are liable to be genuinely optimistic yet faced with appalling negativism and beset with doubts about everything. The muddle will clear if you give it time and space. Meantime, could I suggest you try reverting back to being a little child? That's what Jesus said was necessary if people wanted to enter into the Kingdom of God and be great in it. Go and have a wee peek at Matthew's gospel, chapter 18, from verse 1 to verse 14. Think about it. Mull it over in your mind. Ask questions into thin air. Search for further understanding, in your thoughts. It will come to you. God bless.
2008-10-21 09:54:58 UTC
You can be spiritual without being religious.

You can be religious without being part of a large organized religion.

There are a wide variety of things you can be. Do not let others tell you how to limit yourself.

ADD: Secular Atheists are those that do not believe in anything spiritual. Some of them are very evangelical and try to tell other Atheists how to believe. They are often the ones that make sweeping (incorrect) general statements about what an Atheist is base on their personal beliefs. Beware.

I know some people who are Pagan Atheists and some even argue that Atheists can be Pantheistic or even Panentheistic (I find the last one to be a bit of stretch, but who am I to dictate someone elses beliefs?).

PS: I would still be agnostic if I had not had a personal experience where I was in the presence of a non-human intelligence (a god) that was NOT the god of Christians, Muslims, nor Jews.
An Agent of Chaos
2008-10-21 09:53:06 UTC
As an atheist as well, people might think it would be hard for me to point you to spiritual belief, but it is not. I will never say that thinking a 900-year old man who sailed around the world and collected two of the billions of species on Earth today would be a good spiritual thing. These stories that are obviously false do not need to be included in whatever "religion" you feel that you might need.

Spirituality with philosophy does not need religious belief but rather constant thought and internal exercise. Whenever I start feeling down and hoping the world is better, I go to two places: the complete outdoors (any place where human presence is non-existent) or a place of good social interaction (a discussion club/classroom, even a beer garden where conversing with your neighbors is widely encouraged). To me, these places stimulate thought and encourage my spirit to grow. It's different with everyone, but nonetheless can be uplifting and encouraging. In my native city, there is a school for this called the School of Practical Philosophy. You might want to give something like that a try.
2008-10-21 09:57:54 UTC
Yes... you are just looking for a way out... for someone or some thing to blame for your problems... that is what all of the man invented "religions" are about, in one way or another. and what the majority of those who are lost seek

That is not what God is all about.. and there is only One Way to God.

Listen to the 1% of you that knows the 99% is dead wrong...

If you have any honest question concerning the basics of the God stuff feel free to email me.... I am of The Church( those of The True Christian Faith)... I do not claim to know-it-all... But I do know enough to know that my Salvation is eternally secure....

you will not get any one liner BS YA response to any question... you will get The Truth as I know it to be... if I am unsure I will tell you... if I do not know I will not fake it... I have only been of The Church for 8 yrs... for 53 yrs before that I was a mocker of all that God stuff... So I can tell you right now that your 1% is seeking what the 99 rejects... and the 99 is wrong. Let the 1% lead.

youcan check me, and my Faith out, if you like, at:

and you may contact me from the site if you like. That is better than YA email
Swaminathan V
2008-10-21 12:11:23 UTC
There are no atheists in this world. Everyone believes in something. Most people at least believe in love. The definition of God is so broad, (for instance, some traditions define God as Love), that even an "atheist" who simply believes in Love would be considered by certain traditions as someone who believes in God. You may or not be part of any religion--a religion is just a support system for your beliefs.
2008-10-21 09:54:29 UTC
I am ever Christian, but checking out religions most are not obeying the Bible today, as they first did. So they are disobeying the Bible a lot. Also many are hooked on the King James Bible because King James did NOT want it to be understood and ordered 400 words (time each used) to be changed to other words. EX. Where most other bibles have "wild ox" or "wild oxen"; King James ordered "unicorn"s to be put instead.

So a lot of people are not receiving truth.

Also consider this: If the earth, moons, stars, etc all came on their own; where did the first atom come from that split into two, then four, then eight, into all there is today? No one has even been able to answer that to me.

Try teaching yourself, then see if you can find a church that is obeying/following the Bible.
2008-10-21 09:46:15 UTC
I know how you feel, I really struggle to believe sometimes. And there are going to be all kinds of atheists who tell you that you should stay atheist, and christians who want you to accept christ. I think that you should do what is right for you. You're having a hard time believing in God, and thats ok, you dont have to, lots of people dont. But that doesnt mean that life has be hopeless and pointless. Why dont you look into other religions, some of the less mainstream ones. Buddhism is very beautiful, and they do not believe in a God at all. There are also some pagan faiths that involve the earth that are really lovely.

I think you need to seek your own truth. Its ok to not believe in a God, but you can still be spiritual, and your life can still have a very important purpose. Do some soul searching and some studying, and allow yourself to make your own conclusions. If nothing else, you may come to the realization that you were right to not believe all along, and be at peace with yourself. And remember that religion is man made, and you can make your own beliefs without religion. You dont have to follow any "rules" to be at peace with yourself. Good luck
2008-10-21 09:51:11 UTC
I sort of know what you mean. In my life, I've met many people with overwhelming joy, love, and hope. They give credit to Christ for that and it was really attractive to me. That's a part of why I'm a Christian today. I'm here to tell you it works - I'm totally changed!

I don't expect you to follow what you don't believe though. I'm sure it wouldn't work since belief is pretty much what's needed.

I expect you've heard one side of the story for many years. Would you be willing to look at the other side of the story? Perhaps the 1 percent is what is true. Unchallenged "truth" often is not truth at all. If so, check out "More Than a Carpenter" by Josh McDowell. A more complete, but a lot more reading, is "The NEW Evidence That Demands A Verdict" by Josh McDowell.

In any case, I hope you find what you are looking for.

2008-10-21 09:55:45 UTC

I'm so sorry.. =(

*Hugs for you*!!

I can sort of understand where you're coming from. Being a believer is, indeed, easier in many ways. Theists get this cool imaginary friend that is always there for them. They get the promise of an eternal afterlife. They get simple rules to follow, and a book to turn to for all the answers!

But still.. On the other side.. Who wants easy, right..?

Shouldn't knowing the truth be the most important thing of all? I sure think it should! Why would you wish to delude yourself? Why would you wish to get stuck in a sugar-coated fairytale? It might be sweet for a while, perhaps. But not authentic in any way! And eventually you would choke on all the fake premises and want out. I'm completely sure of it...

Besides, see the positive things:

You have a sense of freedom that they will never have! You have rationality. Reality. The ability to think for yourself without being told what to do by an ancient fable full of nonsense! You have the opportunity to seize this one life and enjoy it for everything it is.. The fact that it is the only one you will ever get just makes it even the more precious, don't you think..? It sure is like that for me! =)

Don't try converting to anything. It would be useless.. Seems like you are one of those people who actually see reality for what it is. And that is quite a bit like having swallowed the red pill and gotten yourself unplugged from the matrix, so to speak.. You can no longer reverse it and go back to take the blue one. You cannot unlearn the truth once you have realized it! Sorry, but that's just the way it goes..

Instead of looking for what you need in life in fake gods, religion and such, try looking for it in your fellow human beings instead! Yourself, friends and family.. Those are real, tangible beings who can be there for you in difficult situations. Individuals who actually do exist. People who care..

If you miss some sort of spirituality, you can get a very similar feeling from listening to music, being in nature, writing, or just being in love with someone.. I love those feelings more than anything! You don't need anything supernatural when you can find it all in other places! Just try it out. Try finding something that gives YOU meaning.. I wish you all the best, girlie! =)
2008-10-21 09:59:29 UTC
I've felt the same way much of my life. All of my friends and family are believers and it's not fun being the one they all can't understand. I really can't see myself pretending to believe as I did not arrive at this state of belief by choice. I just have to realize that other people think differently or might need something like a God to be able to cope with the death of their friends and family, if not their own mortality. I can accept that others simply want and need to believe. I've accepted that I cannot, and I cherish this life. Many people do not have computers or steady nourishment or even good health. My guess is that your life may be better than think. For one, you don't have some kind of fear of Hell that most of the religious do. Could you imagine living in fear of eternal punishment. ewwwwww. I'll take this life as an Atheist, albeit the minority, rather than try and pretend to make myself feel better by giving up reason for a false sense of security that also looms some reward/punishment over my head. lol Like Gods would care about punishing people. lol

There may be thousands of Gods, but I don't see any filling in for you during any crisis in your life. This is your life, make it count.
2008-10-21 09:54:46 UTC
At 19 you are still very young. So you are not yet set in your ways. If you honestly look at all of the evidence and the various explanations for man's origin, you will find science falls woefully short on detail. If there is a God, and he created us, wouldn't you think that he would create us with a need for relationship with him? All of us desire acceptance and have a need for relationship. Some seek it in the wrong places. That leads to unhappiness. But I want to caution you that there is a difference between happiness and joy. Christians experience, or are supposed to experience, joy. All of us live under the same conditions. We experience the same hardships in life. The biggest difference is how we view life and it's meaning. Christians know their eternal destiny whereas non-Christians do not. That's a huge difference.
2008-10-21 10:05:55 UTC
Your thoughts and actions are not guided by Atheism, per se. They're guided by your personal philosophy, which happens to not include a god(s).

Instead of looking at what you don't believe, look at what you do believe. Examine your assumptions about how the world works and what your possibilities are as a human being. You can be incorrect in the philosophy you live by while still being correct about the nonexistence of a god(s).
2008-10-21 10:00:11 UTC
Alot of people who strive to hold onto their god-belief cannot in the light of reason. That is a good thing. To be free from superstition and able to see the world as it is, not as people want to pretend it is is a wonderful thing.

You sound depressed and pessimistic. Lots of religious people are depressed and pessimistic too. Religions promise comfort, but it is a false comfort. Would you rather learn to deal with reality and find true joy there or settle for a lie that requires you to fool yourself in order to feel at peace?

At 19 alot of people are frustrated and looking for answers. So, don't feel odd. 19 is a great age for education and discovery. There are philosophies and perspectives you could learn about that do not require you to pretend to believe in a god. Discontent can often be the motivation you use to grow. Smart people use every opportunity to edify themselves. I think you can do that. I can't tell you what to think or do, but I can tell you that I'm a 32 year old atheist and I am happy without any mumbo jumbo in my life. Life has struggles and is not story book perfection, but I don't need it to be. It is glorious just as it is.

Feel better. Best wishes.

EDIT: You can email me if you like. I want to point out that Lou often threatens to kill herself and Fireball is a total nutter. Some of these people claiming that you'll be happy if you just think like them, are themselves unbalanced folks.

You can be very happy and eschew a supernatural world view.
2008-10-21 09:48:35 UTC
Have you embraced hard work/learning/studying yet?

There is no other cure which makes everything in your life come out just perfect and even hard work does not work all the time. But at least it gives you a decent shot at it.

The other option is finding contentment with whatever is thrown your way. I've met some guy who loved living on the street. He was happy with that way of life. It's not that large villa which makes you happy...
2008-10-21 18:42:16 UTC
I know how you feel. I've never been big in religion but still there's that little bit in me that makes me doubt. And I've realized, well that's the way it is. There'll always be doubt for me but I'm not going to stress myself about it, I'm going to live my life happily and not worry about what happens after because I find that pointless. That's just how I'm choosing to live. It's really up to you.


P.S. My favorite answer so far of all these answers is Bella Cullen's on the first page.
2008-10-21 09:47:59 UTC
I'm an atheist for well over 30 years now, and one major life experience lesson is that once one decides on one's life values, then the problems in one's life have more to do with forces that you cannot control (Like a divorce, or losing a job or loved one), than whether or not one wants to believe in a factless fictional deity figure.

Notice that LOTS of believers also have crappy lives, so your desire to be saved from your present view of your life in no way means that changing your view on this topic will make your life any better for it.

What many unhappy people really need to do is to change the details that make them unhappy in their own lives. Because an unhappy atheist who becomes an unhappy believer will still be... internally unhapy. Thats what you really have to work on fixing.
Allie Q
2008-10-21 09:50:28 UTC
Well, you can't force yourself to believe in something, and if 99% of you knows it's dead wrong, then is it really going to be very helpful in the end? Your world won't change just because you start praying to some god. The only one who can make your life better is you.
2008-10-21 09:52:51 UTC
The number one key, Sweetie, is believing in YOURSELF! Seeming to be unhappy doesn't mean that you feel a void for a religious means that you need to understand how to love you even more!

Things don't always go right for me either, but there are times that they do...its a 50/50...

If you don't believe in a god, Sweetie, why would you try to make yourself believe? Be happy with who you are! If you need someone to talk to, there are lots of us on here that can be kind...I promise :-)
2008-10-21 10:05:47 UTC
why dont u consider god as a perfect human for u and i am talking abt "perfection" from ur point of view

n have a gd relation with that god "ur god" n u will find out u r doin the extreme of what YOU like...with no stupid titles like "atheist or any other titles" ...n if u one day found a religion that fit all what u wanted ..go for it

just be good ..u just cant harm anyone else

i mean there's no r8 or wrong except if u r goin out of ur circle n started to hurt other ppl...

2008-10-21 09:49:51 UTC
This is not a bad question, and it actually harkens towards explaining one of the main reasons humans desire religion. For many theists, god is a like a super-daddy, whose shoulder they can always cry on when life gets too tough. Of course, they're really just talking to the air, or in many cases commiserating with other theists, a priest/pastor or trying to find comfort in the doctrine of their particular religion, but ultimately, their comfort comes from within. It's their own mind which is making things "all better" but for whatever reason, they need to feel this newfound strength/comfort is coming from an external deity. It's really just an elaborate delusion, but for the majority of humans, it seems to work. It probably has a lot to do with our need in general for parents.
Adam of the wired
2008-10-21 09:54:41 UTC
yes I believe so, I know many people that have convereted from atheism to catholicsim.

please not I am NOT trying to sell you my faith. what you should do, if you so desire, is meditate on the philosophical questions, see if you cant come up with an answer and talk to open people from other faths, i as a catholic have my email always open, im sure you will find many buddists and pagans likewise

were all after the same goal, understanding
2008-10-21 11:07:57 UTC
Try reading the bible with much interest you will see the truth. And pray before for god to give he's holy spirit!
Christine L
2008-10-21 09:47:01 UTC
I often feel the same way. I was raised in a very devout family, and still wish it were true. All sorts of people claim that Jesus answers their prayers--why can't Jesus love me enough to answer my prayers?

That way lies nothing but despair and more doubts. Remind yourself that everything you think is good, is still good, whether or not God is there, and that whatever you are looking for in religion can be found in other places. And finally remember that you can and will change your mind if God ever presents you with good evidence.
2008-10-21 09:54:20 UTC
Do some looking into it. Like logic? So do I. So here's some: (scroll down to number 1)
2016-10-07 06:55:33 UTC
once I did. I had fought to have self assurance for a protracted time and had basically come to settle for the incontrovertible fact that gods have been make have self assurance. It grew to become right into a protracted technique for me and that i had solid all good judgment out of my strategies as a manner to sense comforted so normally it had exchange right into a habit. It grew to become right into a crutch. i grew to become into Christian and then theistic Pagan for many of my life. I have been given extra ideal. I do animal rescue and the 1st time it grew to become into touch and bypass with a critter i presumed might die, i found out that i did no longer sense the could desire to wish or create a spell with the aid of fact I knew it grew to become into BS. I cried with the aid of fact i grew to become into chuffed to be loose from superstition, yet in addition with the aid of fact i grew to become into dealing with a concern on my own knowingly for the 1st time in my life. I had to locate the desire to settle for my undertaking with out the buffer of non secular fantasy and it grew to become into no longer uncomplicated. That sounds lame and vulnerable, in spite of the incontrovertible fact that it rather is actual. while abused animals die i'm getting indignant that they are not getting a brilliant gamble to journey convenience or be all they are able to grow to be basically with the aid of fact some f**kwad chosen to be merciless or lazy. So i'm getting kinda emotionally invested. I have been given over it each and each of how that night and that i've got by no ability felt something yet relieved considering that. do no longer concern, you will get there. EDIT: The canine lived BTW. no longer basically did he get well, yet he ate my air mattress for relaxing as quickly as he felt extra ideal and lives with me nevertheless as a foster.
2008-10-21 09:53:30 UTC
God is a placebo. You don't need a placebo to deal with life's troubles. Life has it's moments of unhappiness and that unfortunately is normal.

My only advice is to read Fireballs answer because I think you need a good laugh.
Empress Kat [Atheati]
2008-10-21 09:45:38 UTC
I, too, wish I could believe. It would be so much easier to have someone to blame for the good and bad that happens.

You may need something in your life to help you though bad times but it doesn't have to be a god specific religion. You might try Buddhism or Taoism. The introspection and meditation can help your piece of mind.
2008-10-21 09:46:56 UTC
my answer to you would be quit trying to find a religion cause there is no truth in religion , its man made .

Find the Truth in God who even now speaks to your heart .

Try Him and Him Alone , He wont fail you .

Stop trying to reason away the Truth and use an excuse of religion to do so ; for once really embrace TRUTH .

And at 19 years of age , you haven't even lived long enough to hardly see anything clearly . You only go by what you have been willing to accept or reject or what someone else has said that goes along with what you , yourself wanted .

You will never see TRuth nor accept it until you are willing to turn away from your own reasoning's and see how the Truth really is , and who He is .
2008-10-21 09:46:45 UTC
I'm an Atheist and this is normal to be honest I was a Christian up until I was 16 and then something clicked and I realized I was living a lie. This is totally normal you just need to find out what your truly getting at. I refuse to believe because it's not realistic and I'm the master of my life and everything in it. Nothings going to tell me I'm right or wrong but me when it comes to my beliefs.

Good luck though
2008-10-21 09:48:10 UTC
You're just not built for it then. Try an atheistic religion like Buddhism -- all the benefits of a path without conflicting with your beliefs.
Festy T
2008-10-21 09:45:28 UTC
How about you get the full goods before you do the eye-rolling. I am a convert myself. I wouldn't even call what you have 'doubt'. It seems to be based on emotion, emotion that maybe you are more anti-religion than you are pro-atheism. And that is usually a knowledge problem. Trust me. -- And I'm a Catholic. Holey Moley
Max V
2008-10-21 09:54:15 UTC
Don't listen to the religious nut jobs - eat some psychedelic substances and find your own definition of god!

Certainly helped me - I used to be an atheist, but I'm more of a shamnic/agnostic now. Whatever the hell that means!

The important thing however is that I'm much happier, feel better in my own skin and in general, have this all-pervasive feeling that I'm on the right track in life.

So yeah - I recommend you start with something light, such as psilocybe cubensis mushrooms. Eventually however, walk with the wise teacher that is Mescalito (Peyote and San Pedro cacti), who will show you that all your ego's fears are nothing but bits of string floating in the wind...
Prophet of Zero Gods
2008-10-21 09:44:18 UTC
I had a similar experience. Thats just your mind having to accept reality. Its not all roses and rubies.

Really you could go with the vague notion of God thats so popular these days. I just hope you get to feeling better.
donutkid: hammer of Thor
2008-10-21 09:45:02 UTC
You don't have to have a religion to be spiritual or to believe in a creator. Religion is man made. Figure out what it is that you feel and believe and just go with that.
Josh R
2008-10-21 09:46:00 UTC
Its very difficult for some of us to come to terms with atheism. I honestly don't think its much different from realizing your gay.

It just takes time and reflection to accept what you know is true, and Iā€™m sure most theists would agree with that.
2008-10-21 09:46:34 UTC
LMAO @ Fireballs answer! Where do you get this stuff!! For me life is like a rollercoster. It has it's ups and downs and I take the good with the bad.
[ ā˜…ā™ . A I R ]
2008-10-21 09:43:40 UTC
no. you're questioning why bad things are happening, and finding a reason for it.i'd be more concerned with karma
2008-10-21 09:42:45 UTC
"how can i try to believe in something that 99% of me knows to be dead wrong?"

Really, you can't. Just accept that it's nonsense and make the most of the only life you will ever have.
2008-10-21 09:45:44 UTC
Listen to that tiny voice that calls you to God.
2008-10-21 09:43:32 UTC
I won't tell you what to do. But I hear what you are saying and I pray that God will hear you, that He will see your seeking heart and show you who is the truth, the life and the way. I ask this in Jesus' name.
2008-10-21 09:44:18 UTC
go to

click on the blog there is proof that god is real. click on the blog that says god exists.

look at all they blogs if you like thay will all help you :)
2008-10-21 09:43:19 UTC
You are not an atheist if you are prepared to embrace a god, I would say you are just a confused Christian, or maybe a troll.
2008-10-21 09:43:41 UTC
i won't stop u from believing in fairytales jesus

my favorite fairytale is harry potter
2008-10-21 09:43:25 UTC
youre just being say you wish and then say dont tell me....then why are you here?? UNTIL YOURE WILLING AND HUMBLE GOD CANNOT HELP YOU....wishing alone is worthless....

are you possessed of satan?? If not then think on this....

2008-10-21 09:42:21 UTC
You don't have to embrace religion............just embrace Jesus Christ.

If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to e-mail me. I may not have all the answers.........but Scripture does.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.