My 402 years in the world, KJV Bible, at 2013 CE, 2619 years after Daniel at end
of Judah kings, Dan.2:44; has, from then, there will be no king until Jesus at his
second coming, the coming kingdom to be made known to the world, all nations,
Matt.24:3,7,14,36; then the end will come. God gives all time in years, God alone
knows the day and the hour.
There was the hell that Jesus was in, Acts 2:27-35; No fire is here.
There is the hell. prison, the angels[spirit beings], are in, Jude 6; 2Pet.2:4; Jesus
as resurrected, went to talk to them, 1Pet.3:18-20, no fire is here.
Hell fire, death and burial or burial by fire, Jer.7:30,31; Jer.19:2-5, form 628 BCE is
Mark 9:42-48, Jerusalem has a city dump.
The living dead belief system of the rich, covetous, religious Pharisees, Gen.18:18;
Gen.3:19; Jesus tells them if they do not believe Moses and the prophets, the will
not believe one made alive from the dead, their living dead rich man, is who's
Rev.20:1-6[6:9-11; Rev.11:12; 12:11; John 3:5-8; Luke 20:24-36; 1Thes.4:15-17].
After the king, Christ Jesus has reigned as king in his kingdom 1000 years, with
those anointed after he ascended are to reign with him at his second coming, and
the promised eternal life, John 3:16; 17:3; is in the promised new heavens and the
new earth[Isa.65:17,25; 66:1,22; 2Pet.3:13], after all evil from those resurrected is
gone, Rev.20:7-9, they are scattered among the saints[holy ones], upon the earth,
fire rains down from heaven to devour them where ever they are, having life as Noah
was saved, then resurrected into the 1000 year reign of Christ Jesus, only to be evil.
These with Moses were brought into the safety of the wilderness, Num.16:35, only
to be evil. Fire rained down from heaven to consume them. Fire devours, consumes
or cremates evil humans.
Evils Satan, the beast and false prophet, Rev.20:10[19:20]; the everlasting fire is
for them, Matt.25:31-34, 41; evil humans are devoured, consumed or cremated.
The new earth, Rev.21:1-5, is cleansed of the resurrected turned evil, Rev.21:8; as
shown by Rev.20:9, and Num.16:35, evil humans are devoured or consumed by fire.