Jehovah’s Witnesses, which one of these statements by JW’s is correct?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Jehovah’s Witnesses, which one of these statements by JW’s is correct?
Fifteen answers:
2010-10-05 18:54:53 UTC
Nobody's lying, and this very question of yours shows the dishonesty and deceit behind your so-called questions asked to Jehovah's Witnesses.
Poя¢єℓαιη Vєѕѕєℓ (στην αλήθεια)
2010-10-05 11:11:20 UTC
None of my brothers & sisters are lying, they are both truthful

No Jehovah's Witness would ever say that the NT was only written for 144,000, because we don't believe such a thing

(so that is a false statement with no who is the liar?)

Even though you are asking us (Jehovah's Witnesses) a 'question', we all know that this is a rant & you use this as an excuse to mail us with abusive rants (which are being forwarded to yahoo... so save your typing fingers)

You never want our answers & always add a further rant at the close of your so-called question.

That's why you get so few answers from us
Kilroy J
2010-10-05 08:45:24 UTC
They both said the same thing - it you who are trying to make one of them a liar. (1 Timothy 6:20)

(Matthew 7:4) . . .how can you say to your brother, ‘Allow me to extract the straw from your eye’; when, look! a rafter is in your own eye?
2010-10-05 18:56:32 UTC
my brothers and sisters do not lie and this question makes no sense at all
2010-10-05 17:37:31 UTC
They are saying the same thing.....

Just saying it differently.

I read, No opposition in these statements:

"Great tribulation has begun; 144,000 accounted for."

"When the # is complete, the great tribulation starts."


1)The movie character YODA, speaks backwards, to us....

but he is just saying something differently.

2) Translate English to Spanish (or vice versa).

It's the same meaning;

just said differently.

3) Two people sitting in the same car.

Going in the same direction and at the same speed -obviously.

See a car accident in front of their eyes.

But, each will tell his own version.

Doesn't mean they saw two diferent accidents.

Your reasoning is flawed.

Don't fight the truth, you won't win.

Moving On...............................................
Smiling JW™
2010-10-05 09:32:15 UTC
I'd say you are the liar. Because I can only see the unity of replies from J.W. answers in your first link and the other has no working link.

As with your regular tact of misapplying and twisting the Bible scriptures and distorting truth and ignoring sound, reasonable, sensible answers so it is not us that indulge in lying that you accuse us of.

Emailing me with your caps on rant don't change the purpose of your agenda on YA to scam good intent for the venting of your intolerance and dislike.

And no, your other accusation about me is completely and utterly false.

I'm still receiving rancid hate emails. He seems to love the word cult in caps. Totally insane in your own prejudiced hatred and accusing us of what you do. What a happy life you must lead.
Mr. Immortel
2010-10-05 17:32:05 UTC
Which do you not understand in both statements the word "begun" or "starts"? We can help you from there. :) When you reply have a dictionary in hand and a pencil with an eraser and paper, maybe several sheets. You can always rewrite what you make a mistake on.

First of all, there was only one unified congregation [some refer to as a church] not many. The word congregation can mean all congregations as a whole or individual local congregations of that whole. They all taught the same things. By the middle of the first century apostasy had already started and by the end of the century sectarianism had developed. (2Thessalonians 2:3, 7 9; Revelation 2:2, 6, 14, 15, 20) Though, some Christians remain faithful to the teachings of Christ, as Jesus gave them commendation on their good while he gave them admontion and strong counsel on what they needed to improve upon or change. (Relation 2:2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 13, 19, 24, 25)

All from the first century until undoubtedly 1919 C.E. were chosen to be of the 144,000. Since 1919 C.E. those with an earthly hope have been gathered along with the remaining remnant of the chosen. In 1935 C.E. the great crowd with the earthly hope was officially identified. God continues onward to complete the number of the 144,000 while gathering a great crowd which no man can number for surviving the great tribulation.

All other denominations of churches that veered away from the original teachings of Christ came from the initial apostasy and teachings of sectarians. From these, by the 4th century, the teaching of the trinity developed. These churches also came to teach other pagan doctrine such as the immortality of the soul, hellfire, eternal torment, and many other non-scriptural teachings that have been passed down by tradition. These apostate churches are responsible for many deaths in the name of religion, such as the crusades and the inquisition, to name two instances. The true Chrisitan congregation remained neutral and faithful to Christ during these trialsome years of their particular generation and time. While this went on God was still choosing members with the prospect of becoming of the 144,000 down until our day, as wheat amongst weeds.

EDIT: @ isnrblogdotcalm; I already know that some of the 144,000 will survive armageddon. The Bible reveals this. We never said none would. We do not converse with those who unrepentently and defiantly oppose the true God, the spirit of truth, the word of truth [the Bible], and the true Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. By what you admittedly stated, I am done reading your responses and responding to you or about what you might and will have said.

EDIT: If you too "I Try" are also disfellowshiped or an apostate [which you seemingly are] we are also done.
בַר אֱנָשׁ (bar_enosh)
2010-10-05 12:42:17 UTC
It is typical of apostates and opposers to try to use the statements of individual Jehovah's Witnesses against each other.

It's a useless tactic that only shows up the opposer.

Jehovah's Witnesses are individuals who have their individual ways of expression. We may not always say the exact same thing in the exact same way. But we are united in our love for the truth.

If anyone wants to know the official beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses, the official website is:

A person who is always calling others liars brings his own character into question.

Attempting to trip others up by their words is the same deceptive tactic that the scribes and Pharisees used against Jesus Christ:

"When He left there, the scribes and the Pharisees began to oppose Him fiercely, and to cross-examine Him about many things; they were lying in wait for Him to trap Him in something He said." -- Luke 11:53, 54, Holman Christian Standard Bible

This trick didn't work 2,000 years ago, and it still doesn't work today.

And those who use it merely show themselves to be the deceivers.
2010-10-06 08:56:06 UTC
To be honest, you are rather confusing me, because both are saying the exact same thing, but wording it differently!

It is also true that the NT were written primarily for the anointed class, but this does not mean that we who are for the earthly class cannot read and take on board the wonderful teachings.
puppy warm-heart
2010-10-06 04:34:40 UTC
Sheesh! Such nit picking, just goes to prove we don't all answer with the very same answer. Please get a life that does not involve bashing people who are trying to help you save YOUR OWN life.
2010-10-06 20:11:11 UTC

A lot of JWs don't realize this stuff, even though it's in their own literature.

Look at the Revelation/Purpose book, "Who Is Worthy to Open the Scroll?"

Who do you think "the John class" is?

Yes. They publish that the Bible is written to the 144,000.


Check your stuff.

Edit: Also search on "Mediator"
2010-10-07 02:45:32 UTC
They are the same answer. When the great tribulation starts. All the 144,000 will have been gathered. Armageddon is next. So, all the gathering would be done, not just the 144,000, but the "great crowd". Up until the tribulation, people can become a witness or leave. They are not assured that they will live until what Jesus stated" he that endures to the end is the one that will be saved". So, right up to the tribulation, everyone,including the remnant of the 144,000 have to stay faith-full...Mark
2010-10-05 15:18:51 UTC
It seems that Angelmusic and Mr. Immortel don't even know what there religion teaches

The Watchtower 3/15/67, page 185:

"They are known as the remnant of Christ’s spiritual brothers, but, being faithful through the fight, they will be accredited with a share in the conquest. Here we have added proof, assurance, that a remnant of Christ’s spiritual brothers will survive Armageddon in the flesh and will for a while be in the flesh on earth in the new order after the battle. Alongside them will be the “great crowd” of persons who serve with them."

So, according to this some of the 144,000 will survive Armageddon. That's what I was always taught.

Another example of Witnesses not even knowing their own religion. That's OK us disfelloeshipped Apostates will keep you informed.

And then we have Bar_enosh who says "It is typical of apostates and opposers to try to use the statements of individual Jehovah's Witnesses against each other."

What?? When do we know when you are speaking the truth if you post opposing views? And how could one be called a deceiver who simply asks for clarification?

A little thin skinned are we Bar_enough?

Wow look at all the thumbs down from the Jo Hos. I guess you can't stand the truth from you own literature.
Olive Garden
2010-10-05 13:28:46 UTC
the answer is peanuts: wait for th new lights and presto, there will be an answer.
2010-10-05 08:23:35 UTC
Whenever a Jehovah's Witness can't answer a question you have for them the refer you to an elder. Yet they claim to have come to their own beliefs with the bible alone and not because the Governing Body told them what to believe. If this is true how come they can't answer the question themselves by using the bible instead of going to an elder or looking it up in a watchtower? They need permission to believe in anything or do anything from the Governing Body, they control their every thought, belief, and action.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.