please why say the father, the son if they'r both the same???
2007-01-02 15:54:48 UTC
the father ,the son ??? i just don't get it?
Thirteen answers:
2007-01-02 17:01:42 UTC

You are confused because the Trinity is taught in churches as you can see from the various answers. Here is another puzzling question to some. Who was Jesus praying too if he is the same person as God? Why the need to pray if they are the same? Here are a few facts. Jesus, God's son, never taught the trinity doctrine. I'm sure you are aware that the name trinity is not even mentioned in the bible.

Scriptures that mention all three Father, Son and Holy Spirit are Matthew 28:19 and 2 Corthinians 13: 14 none of these say that they are equal to each other.

Colossions 1: 15,16 says "Jesus is the image of the invisible God the first born of all creation", which means that Jesus was created.

Revelation 1:1 "A revelation of Jesus Christ , which God gave him." Why would the scripture say that something was given to Jesus if God and Jesus are the same?

Mark 13:32 "Concerning that day no ones knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” One person knows, only one.

Matthew 20:20-23 The mother of the sons of Zebedee approached Jesus and asked that her two sons sit, one at his right hand and one at his left hand, in his kingdom.’ But Jesus answered, . . . ‘You will drink my cup, but sitting at my right hand and at my left hand is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father. Again there is a distinction here between Father and Son.

John 14:28 (Jesus said)... I'm going my way to the Father because the Father is greater than I am. Self Explanitary

At Isaiah 9:6 among other things Jesus is called Mighty God not Almighty God which is a title that belongs only to God himself. Because of his unique position to God, Jesus is a "Mighty God not Almighty God.

You seem to be a reasonable thinking person and your question should put those who believe the trinity doctrine to shame.

I hope that I've been able to help you.
2007-01-02 16:24:26 UTC
They are and they are not. Jesus constantly called God, Father.

The Father called Jesus, His Son. Jesus is also God, but not the Father. Although the word Trinity does not appear in the Bible. Scripture does make reference to a Godhead or Family of God. Not necessarily in these words. If you have a Bible handy. Read this. " For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." 1 John 5:7.

You should know that the Word is Jesus Christ! There is one God, in three persons or aspects if you will. Take a look at the baptism of Jesus. What happened there, someone other than Jesus was speaking! The same at His Transfiguration . Someone else was speaking!

Here is an example. Water has 3 states. Solid, liquid, gas .They are the same element. Just in different forms.

Take a mirror. Cut it into three pieces. What do you see? Three reflections. Put them side by side, you see only one. That is the simplest way to explain your inquiry.

Accept it. You will have less difficulties. Incidentally, in the Hebrew language. The word for God is Elohim. That word is in the plural. As is the word for Lord=Adonai.

In addition this. "And now , O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was" John 17:5

Hope these few words give you a better understanding.
2007-01-02 16:09:06 UTC
They are not the same. There is not the Son without the Father.

However the three - Father, Son and Holy Spirit make up a trinity. They are different faces and manifestations of the same pure energy. That is not saying they are all alike or the same thing.
2007-01-02 16:33:14 UTC
There are 3 parts to God - Father, Son & Spirit

God can be such power as an all consuming fire that nothing can survive that comes in contact. Also God is Spirit, but the Holy Spirit is the part of the Spirit that lives in side of Christians. The Father being the 1st person of the Trinity and Scripture identifies the fatherhood of God in five areas

1. Father of Creation

2. Father of Israel

3. Father of Jesus Christ

4. Protective Father emphasixing His defense of poor & oppressed.

5. Redemptive Father when we become children of God

Third part of Trinity of the Godhead is the Holy Spirit.

1. Holy Spirit is a person and He can be sinned against.

2. Since the Holy Spirit is also God it is extremely serious matter to sin against Him.

3.Sins against Holy Spirit are Blaspheming, lying or tempting, despising, resisting or striving with, vexing or grieving, and quenching.

4. Keys to not sinning against Holy Spirit are to 1. led by Spirit, 2. filled with Spirit and 3. illuminated by the Spirit.

The 2nd part of the Trinity the Son of God, God the Son, Jesus Christ. From Genesis to Revelation the Bible is all about Jesus.

1. Hebrew expression "Son of" implies one with the same nature as the father. In this sense there is no real difference between "Son of God" and "God the Son" because both emphasize the deity of Christ and His unique relationship with the Father.

2. Resurrection of Christ - 5 accomplishments

physical renewing of His life

reunion of His body and His spirit

subjugation of death under Him

attainment of His new position

His receiving of a transfigured body

Because of the resurrection Christians received eternal life and spiritual power and future resurrection of the believer and victory in our life.

The Father is the source of authority,

the Son is the channel

the Holy Spirit the agent whereby authority is exercised.

Each member of the Trinity is GOD and a distinct person, each should be so recognized in worship by the Christian

One of the biblical characteristics of believers is that we are led by the Spirit of God.
2007-01-02 16:19:19 UTC
The Hebrew Bible, whch is the foundation of the Christian Bible, teaches that the Lord God is a multi-faceted personality. Transliterated from the Hebrew: "Shema Yisroel, Adonai Elohenu, Adonay Echad." "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One." This is the central tenet of Judaism and Chrisitanity. The word "echad" means one, but is not a singularity. It is the word a speaker uses to describe a cluster of grapes, but not one grape. A survey of the book of Genesis shows that God describes himself in the plural. In the creation story He says "Let us make man in our image..." In the Tower of Babel story He says "Let us go down to see what man is doing..." In Genesis 18, the Lord, in the form of three people, visits Abraham and foretells the birth of Isaac and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.. Jesus teaches that He and the Father are One. Jesus promises that after He would return to the Father following his resurrection, the Father would send the Comforter (the Holy Spirit). Jesus also told the disciples that He would be with us until the end of this age. Thus the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (the Ruach HaKodesh) are the same. They are facets of the personality of the Living God.

May the Lord bless and keep you. May the Lord cause his face to shine upon you and give you peace.

2007-01-02 16:06:19 UTC
The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit are all one, you just can't have part. It is sort of like, H20, water , You have a compound of Hydrogen and 2 parts of Oxygen to make up one, its like that with God, You have the Father who created us, The Son who saved us from our sins, and The Holy Spirit that now guides us on, to do the right thing, make the right decisions, and have the Truth.
2007-01-02 16:00:32 UTC
The living God is a triune being (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). They are three in One.

God the Father, Jesus the Son (also God) and the Holy Spirit (God's Spirit that dwells within us.)
2007-01-02 16:01:58 UTC
The Father is God, Jesus the son is God, but He was the one to become a human being. Man could not look at God and live, that is why God appeared to Moses as a burning bush. He is too holy too perfect and He can not be in the presence of sin. Jesus was God coming to earth in human form, so that you would understand who God is. If you want to know God get to know Jesus
2007-01-02 15:58:32 UTC
God the Father, God the son. God the Holy Spirit are the three persons in one God!
2007-01-02 16:10:58 UTC
The "father" is someone we have never seen in all truth, but he gave us his "son" on earth in which he has been seen. It creates a human effect if "god" sent someone down here to represent him, it shows us that he is not bound to jsut heaven.
2016-05-23 11:53:27 UTC
Two Peas
2007-01-02 16:05:12 UTC
They are three in one, the Trinity, Everything isn't explainable that's why you need faith, to take God at his perfect word without question,because he knows what he is doing, whether we all understand it or not. He could give us physical proof at any time, he chooses not to, because he wants us to believe with out seeing.
2007-01-02 15:58:58 UTC
because you can't get to the Father except THROUGH the Son. i dont have the verse handy

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