There are 3 parts to God - Father, Son & Spirit
God can be such power as an all consuming fire that nothing can survive that comes in contact. Also God is Spirit, but the Holy Spirit is the part of the Spirit that lives in side of Christians. The Father being the 1st person of the Trinity and Scripture identifies the fatherhood of God in five areas
1. Father of Creation
2. Father of Israel
3. Father of Jesus Christ
4. Protective Father emphasixing His defense of poor & oppressed.
5. Redemptive Father when we become children of God
Third part of Trinity of the Godhead is the Holy Spirit.
1. Holy Spirit is a person and He can be sinned against.
2. Since the Holy Spirit is also God it is extremely serious matter to sin against Him.
3.Sins against Holy Spirit are Blaspheming, lying or tempting, despising, resisting or striving with, vexing or grieving, and quenching.
4. Keys to not sinning against Holy Spirit are to 1. led by Spirit, 2. filled with Spirit and 3. illuminated by the Spirit.
The 2nd part of the Trinity the Son of God, God the Son, Jesus Christ. From Genesis to Revelation the Bible is all about Jesus.
1. Hebrew expression "Son of" implies one with the same nature as the father. In this sense there is no real difference between "Son of God" and "God the Son" because both emphasize the deity of Christ and His unique relationship with the Father.
2. Resurrection of Christ - 5 accomplishments
physical renewing of His life
reunion of His body and His spirit
subjugation of death under Him
attainment of His new position
His receiving of a transfigured body
Because of the resurrection Christians received eternal life and spiritual power and future resurrection of the believer and victory in our life.
The Father is the source of authority,
the Son is the channel
the Holy Spirit the agent whereby authority is exercised.
Each member of the Trinity is GOD and a distinct person, each should be so recognized in worship by the Christian
One of the biblical characteristics of believers is that we are led by the Spirit of God.