Why do you think that is your choice? You also don't even tell us what deity you choose to believe in.
Evolution is a cornerstone to understanding modern biology and medicine. As long as there is reproduction with exchange of genetic material, evolution happens. It doesn't require faith but accepting the observed and tested reality. There has been absolutely NO debate in scientific circles over the reality of evolution for more than 70 years. What IS debated in Biology are various means and methods of the many processes at work IN evolution. We know more about how evolution works than we do about GRAVITY. This "debate" between fundamentalist literalists and the scientific and medical community is NO different from the early medieval church condemning astronomers who put forth the notions of a heliocentric solar system.
Creationists lie about biology because the clear implication from understanding that biological evolution affects every living species showing us all life is connected is a threat to the SELF-CONCEPT. The self-concept held by people who accept certain religious beliefs of being a special creation set apart from all other life forms cannot co-exist with acceptance of the reality that humans are connected and related to other life forms. My faith in God is not threatened by scientific method. My faith teaches me to test what I know to make sure it is real. If there is an aspect of dogma that I accept and it becomes threatened by objective evidence, perhaps that is an aspect of belief that should be challenged.
Biology shows us that rather than life appearing on the planet *poof* in six literal days, as long as life exists, creation continues! As long as reproduction with exchange of genetic material happens, evolution happens. That is reality.
Biology does not support or negate a Creator.
Yet the same Torah that the Genesis creation story came out of is the same Torah those fundamentalist literalists reject in their commandments for Israel from God! They will argue viciously for the creation story to be taken as literal ,but just as adamantly argue that the commandments God gave Israel in the Torah have been "done away with" or "nailed to the cross". They've no problem ignoring that God said God doesn't become a man, and that no man becomes a god, or that God refused Moses offer to take on the sins of others by saying NO that no man may take on the sin of another, but if you say that all life didn't appear on the planet as it is today in six literal days you're rejecting God who told Israel not to worship anyone other than God!
They will also insist that a literal belief in the creation story from that text they argue has been superceded should be given a stauts of scientific theory or an “alternative” in a science class when it doesn’t fit scientific method. Religious dogma has no place in a science class.
Because a self-concept is often very strong, and Christian fundamentalists who were raised with a self concept that they are above all other life forms they cannot reconcile the irreconcilable, they must resort to justify their belief with lies. ( and also above all other humans who don't worship as they do * also* in contradiction to Torah showing that all humans came from one family so that no man can say one is above another and Torah's precept that all humans are equal before God in judgement )
It really is NOT faith in a Creator/Creative force/God that is *threatened* in understanding biological processes of evolution, but in the fundamentalist literalist it is their SELF-CONCEPT that is threatened! I tested this over many years online. It is very rare when any "Creationist" would say YES to the following Yes or NO only simple question.
Are you an animal?
Most people will of course, say YES. Sometimes they will qualify it that our soul or spirit is different or that we have greater or different abilities, etc. But by definition, we are still animals. Almost all Creationists will give a knee jerk reaction that NO, we are human, and consider the term animal to be degrading.
When the very rare Creationist said "yes", it was ALWAYS with the qualifier that we are *above* and separate from all other animals. Well that changed the question a bit, but at least in a few, they recognized they were animals.
Our psyche is a wondrous thing. If our self-concept is threatened, the self-protective mechanism of denial kicks in to prohibit the shattering of self to be replaced by one that is unacceptable to them. That explains why they simply cannot see the literal mountains of observable, tested, verified, physical evidence that is SO VERY PLAIN to see to those whose self-concept is NOT threatened to know that they too are an animal affected by the same biological processes affecting all life. They are unable to consciously process things that would replace their self-concept with one that is degrading to them. Many of them are completely revolted by the notion that they are an animal. There is nothing inherently degrading about acceptance of our biological, mortal, physical self. Our very thoughts are electro-chemical processes. That I **believe** that an Omnipotent Creator set every process at work in the universe in place. That isn't my place in a science course to try to teach that. It makes no difference if one is atheist or theist in a science classroom; objective data reveals evolutionary processes and they are utilized daily in modern medicine.
Scientific method is the best method yet devised by the human mind to determine if something is real or not. This is why theories change with new evidence; that is what makes it SCIENCE. Creationism/ID is religious dogma. It cannot be tested, it cannot be changed, and to do so is heresy. It is religion.
The asker might be laughing at all of us who understand modern biology and medicine, but those of us who do, may choose as I do and pity you for your willful ignorance that can indeed cause you harm in your ignorance if others choose to abuse knowledge you choose to blind yourself to even attempting to understand.
I choose to use my God given capacity of discernment to determine what is or isn't real. I don't debate whether or not evolution is a reality and I don't debate whether or not the earth revolves around the sun, either.