Why should I believe in evolution over God?
2015-03-15 21:42:00 UTC
Yes. I know some theists accept evolution, but I'm not one of them. Why should I believe in a theory that asserts we evolved through a series of genetic transformations, from creature to creature, over millions of years? Supposedly we went from an amoeba to fish to lizard to blah blah blah blah blah to eventually human. Don't bash me atheists if that's not the exact theory for our evolutionary path. It doesn't matter if it isn't. It's laughable no matter what it is. I don't believe in Poke'mon. Nor will I believe in macro-evolution. It's nothing more than an unobservable theory made up by men who think they know what happened to us over the past millions of years. Now it's propagated as pretty much a fact by educational institutions and people who accept its validity. LOL! Laugh. That's all I do. I LAUGH at the theory of evolution because it's so LAUGHABLE. LOLLOLLOLOLLOLLOLLL
124 answers:
2015-03-17 08:44:28 UTC
You say you don't believe in "macro-evolution" which implies you do believe in "micro-evolution." This is good, since evolution is actually happening and being observed all around us. If you didn't believe in it you would probably die of a drug-resistant infection.

You should believe in macro-evolution because there is in fact no scientific distinction between micro- and macro-evolution. Theists made up those terms so they could believe what you do: that adaptation is happening but the world isn't old enough for a significant amount of adaptation to have previously occurred.

For the age of the earth we can look at geology. It took over a million years to raise the Himalayas or to carve the Grand Canyon or just to compress sand into rock.

For the age of fossils we have carbon dating as well as the relative ages of the rock layers. The fossil record shows plenty of adaptation. Each "Missing Link" has been found.

None of this says anything about God. Evolution isn't abiogenesis. It makes the scale of his Creation and Plan much bigger, but they were already too big for mere human minds to comprehend.

And the #1 reason to believe in evolution: to appreciate how awesome it is that Tyrannosaurus Rex turned into the chicken.
2015-03-16 13:32:39 UTC
Well, there are certain things we know happens, such as the adaptations of animals in ways that makes them look dramatically different sometimes.

I mean breeding. Look at what we have done with dogs and goldfish. It's amazing all the different evolutions we can produce just from breeding over the course of centuries and millenniums.

The problem is Atheists lump all of what we have seen with that which we have not seen and teach them as though they are all facts, when in reality, we can only verify parts are facts while the other parts, the parts we have speculated based off of those facts remain our best guess.

Science today and Atheists simply refuse to distinguish between the two, the facts, and the unverified theories that are derived from those facts.

Certainly, this is not an illustration of the objectivity of such people, nor a going of where the facts lead, for if they were going where the facts lead, they could distinguish between fact and theory at the request of the Theistic opponents without having to resort to belittling them.

It actually indicates very strongly, that their is a strong need in the scientific community today, perhaps by those who lead it, for people to reject the notion of God to a point that it has become like a religious endeavor, a blindly fervent endeavor.

So even implying that God could be possible becomes a huge taboo, and frequently does cost people their careers.
2015-03-16 12:01:10 UTC
To understand evolution, you would first need to understand basic genetics to understand how variation is spread throughout the entire human population.

Evolution is treated as a "fact" by the scientific community because it is the best possible explanation for how life back then turned into life now. By the way, evolution really is supported by mountains of evidence and research.

Evolution explains multiple things that religion cannot, such as how traits are passed down from generation to generation, how genetic variation in humans are considerably less than any other animal(look that up), variation between animals(especially between people), why there is evidence of cavemen, and too many other things...

Anyway, I think the reason why you can't accept evolution is because you can't understand the fact that evolution is not like a ladder. People aren't at the top, they are just the most recent, which happens to be backed up by the fact that around 75% of genetic variation in humans can be represented in any random group of people.
virgin guy
2015-03-16 00:06:01 UTC
Well let me give it to you from the perspective of someone that believe in evolution for over 41 years and changed my mind in the last 6 years.

The main key that turned me away from evolution is that it doesn't fit with what we have always been expected to see from reality.

Let me explain

DNA has been found to have specified complex information within the attachment sites for the nucleotide bases . What biologists have found out is that these bases have no chemical affinity. In other words the chemicals of the attachment bases are all the same so chemical interaction isn't responsible for arranging the DNA sequences in their specified complex order. The information is coming from outside the cell..

We have never ever seen specified complex information created in nature . If we see a painting on the rock wall against a beach of the monalisa do we conclude that it came about by the waves hitting the beach a billion times getting the ink to come together in that specified order ..

Only an atheist or an idiot would conclude this , not a normal person with common sense and. A grasp on critical thinking .

But the atheist wants us to believe that it did happen without an intelligence behind it. Since in all our experience as human beings we have never seen specified complex information come aboit from anything other then a mind the burden is on tepee atheist Darwinist to prove without a shadow of a doubt how it came about randomly with he I all interaction and blind chance .

They have not , therefore evolution. Is not a fact , it's a philosophical position .
2015-03-16 18:43:42 UTC
1. Evolution in real life doesn't work at all like how it does on Pokemon.

2. Macro-evolution has been observed to an extent.

3. There is more evidence for evolution than there is for God. By far. We don't even have legitimate evidence of a god. All we have is the holy books which were written when people hadn't a clue what was going on.
2015-03-17 08:52:49 UTC
Your comment ''It doesn't matter if it isn't'' speaks volumes.

It's why you've never understood Evolution in the past

It's why you don't understand Evolution now

It's why you will never understand Evolution.

Why don't you go into a Natural History Museum and start laughing ?

Why don't you just write ''This is rubbish, God did it'' as answers in Biology and Geography exams ?

Why ?

Because you know .. deep down .. Evolution is how it happened.

Even though you don't understand how.

So read .. learn .. understand.

Also .. as you say yourself .. ''Some Theists accept Evolution''.

That always confuses me.

ALL atheists know that things Evolved.

Theists can't even agree amongst themselves about it.
2015-03-16 06:04:40 UTC
Hi. I do not believe in evolution and to believe in evolution over God is not Nice. God is perfect and complete in all respects. Have a Good Day!
2015-03-15 21:59:02 UTC
I think the one thing people don't take into consideration is how long it took to get to where we are now. Maybe if it was a few thousands years it would be quite bizarre. But each new generation became better suited for each environment they were given. After the first unicellular organisms, they started to have multicellular and it kept growing outward. I'm not going to give you the whole story of evolution, but doesn't it make a bit more sense than just everything appearing randomly? I mean, if God created everything, then who created God?
2015-03-17 07:11:37 UTC
THERE ARE indeed many laughable aspects that have never past the four or 5 steps of "scientific method" ! Powerful truths of creation not "creationism" say that evolution has not advanced from the hypothesis stage! Note a very frank statement:

*** g94 9/8 p. 32 ‘One of the Great Jokes of History’ ***

“I MYSELF am convinced that the theory of evolution, especially the extent to which it’s been applied, will be one of the great jokes in the history books in the future. Posterity will marvel that so very flimsy and dubious an hypothesis could be accepted with the incredible credulity that it has.” Those were the words of British broadcaster and writer Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-90) in lectures he gave at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He added: “I think I spoke to you before about this age as one of the most credulous in history, and I would include evolution as an example.”

An excellent 10 min. audio presentation & article entitled "The Untold Story of Creation" is presented:
2015-03-17 08:43:48 UTC
False premise.

First - the two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive concepts - and there are any number of people who believe in 'God(s)' while also accepting the scientific theory of evolution as the best explanation (based on the available evidence).

The only ones who seem to view it as a sticking point are the ones who take a narrow, literal interpretation of biblical creation myths, and have an agenda.
2015-03-17 11:41:07 UTC
Actually, macro-evolution DOESN'T have to take millions of years. Some scientists in a New England university PERFORMED macro-evolution on a species in just one summer break. When they were through, the new and the original couldn't successfully mate any more, and that defines different species. MAN had created a NEW species! That was published in New Scientist, but it was about 10 years ago, so I forget what issue.
2015-03-16 12:51:34 UTC
How can you say "it's laughable whatever it is" right after admitting that you don't even know if your understanding of it is true? Maybe if you took the time to learn about it and understand it, it wouldn't seem so laughable. It actually makes a lot of sense. And you don't have to believe it over God, you can choose to believe both. I mean God used the power of nature for everything else he did (THE GREAT FLOOD, for example) why is it so hard to believe that he used Evolution to make us? or the Big Bang to create the Universe?
2015-03-17 04:14:04 UTC
God and Evolution are almost the same concept. Both state that basically something came out of nothing. Who created God? If he is eternal, then how does that work? Both of them have dead ends, but the idea behind Evolution is used in science which is being used today for innovation. The device you're using right now is atheist technology.
2015-03-18 11:19:23 UTC
Who said you should believe in evolution over god? Just believe in what you want to believe, that's my advice. If you want to believe in the evolution of organisms, go ahead. If you believe there may be a god, sure feel free. Nobody's stopping you. You have free will.

I believe in both.
2015-03-18 11:22:46 UTC
Well, you shouldn't. But you have presented a false dichotomy. There is no dichotomy.

I believe in the scientific aspects of evolution. However, the scientific aspects of evolution are very limited and not what atheists/Naturalists try to piggyback on top of 'evolution'.

Basically, we are designed (engineered) with a radically sophisticated capacity to adapt to environmental changes.

There is no plausible Naturalistic mechanism that stands to reason. Darwinism is well known to be wildly inadequate as a viable explanation. Don't allow atheists to lie to you. Get informed. Don't be rolled by their false pretenses of knowing science. They don't. The science is not in their favor - but you need to know the difference between science and philosophical Naturalism masquerading as 'science.'

Further, all we know of is adaptations withing existing species. There simply are no transitional species to give any credence to speculations of macroevolution.

I think it's time theists learn how to fight the battle properly. Evolution is not the problem., It's all the non-scientific speculations and misinformation Naturalists try to piggyback under the umbrella 'evolution' that needs to be exposed as a fraud.
2015-03-18 22:12:46 UTC
You shouldn't - EVER.


Evolution is a scientific theory - it is NOT a dogma. It is a theory well-supported with LOTS of inductive evidence but still could be wrong. Even if it was shown to be true every time in every deductive test you could make it would STILL NOT be something to believe in, and could still be open to question.

Religion is a belief system.

Science is not.

When Darwinists continue to push evolution as a dogma they lose more credibility with those of us who actually know what science is and is not.

Evolution is the best supported scientific theory for why we have the diversity of life on this planet that we have - NOTHING MORE.

Save belief for belief systems.
2015-03-16 06:34:05 UTC
I don't understand why God would not use evolution. Seems like a rather simple way to ensure that creatures can live in their environment. Why does God have to choose the hardest way possible of doing everything?

And to answer Elizabeth. There is nothing to explain. No religion believes we are here in this body forever. We are going to die, and something is going to kill us.
2015-03-18 10:43:51 UTC
Because otherwise you need to seek medical help for being delusional!

Science has proved that species mutate over time and evolve into things sometimes indistinguishable form their origins. Hence evolution is probably more accurate than your alternative.

If God is the creator of everything then answer the simplest question that surely disproves his existence ... Who or what Created God?

Surely for God to exist there must have been something there prior to his existence otherwise he would have been met with a paradox. If there was nothing there for god to exist in then god could not possibly exist. In order to exist the possibility for existence must have already been in place meaning it could not be of gods doing
2015-03-16 20:18:44 UTC
I believe in evolution and God. Who do you think caused the big bang?

Everything before Abraham was a metaphor for what actually happened, it is based off of what happened but was put into terms that people at the time could understand and accept.

God bless. :)
2015-03-18 07:03:00 UTC
What a person believes is personal. It should be based on accurate knowledge. You can believe what you chose to believe based on your own reasons. Now to the subject of or Theory of Evolution here are some thoughts from evolutionist:

1.Niles Eldredge, a staunch evolutionist, states that the fossil record shows, not that there is a gradual accumulation of change, but that for long periods of time, “little or no evolutionary change."

2. Richard Lewontin, an influential evolutionist, candidly wrote that many scientists are willing to accept unproven scientific claims because they “have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.”* Many scientists refuse even to consider the possibility of an intelligent Designer because, as Lewontin writes, “we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.”30
2015-03-16 02:22:53 UTC
Evolution is the Method that God set up to arrive at us. Evolution is 98% proved, why convince yourself that the 2% missing knowledge is more important then the 98%. The Old Testament was inspired by God, it is not God's words, men wrote what they thought was correct.
Rigal T
2015-03-15 21:48:43 UTC
You'll have a hard time explaining the fossil record, DNA similarities across species, and the need for a flu shot each year, without evolution. Oh, I guess you accept evolution of single cell life and non-living viruses, just not multi-cell? Since there's no difference you actually accept evolution.
2015-03-18 07:45:34 UTC
The theory of human evolution only says that humans, apes, primitive man and monkeys all came from the same common ancestor. This is in-line with Genesis. The Bible never says that Adam and Eve were humans or even individuals. Who is to say that they couldn't have been that common ancestor? Honestly, whether or not the theory of evolution is correct should not be a theological issue. It doesn't have to be.
2015-03-17 18:40:14 UTC
Not all theists believe in evolution. I'm a Jew and I absolutely do NOT believe in evolution. I agree with you, it's LAUGHABLE. God made man from the very beginning. What kind of stupid joke is EVOLUTION? LOL.
2015-03-16 06:08:42 UTC
Because if evolution is wrong then you have to answer the fundamental question of why a loving, caring God created malaria and polio and ebola and measles and mumps and rubella and tapeworms and liver flukes and all manner of nasties. Why did He create diseases to kill children? To punish them? What sort of evil vindictive b*****d do you believe in?

No, the only sensible solution (other than being atheist) is that God created a universe in which evolution could take place. This is the mechanism by which all the species on earth arose, ensured their survival, their continual adaptation, and eventually the emergence of beings like ourselves. But the downside of this mechanism were the sorts of nasties that kill and infect us and other animals. God took a 3.6 billion year risk and it payed off. Which is much more impressive than a six day risk.
2015-03-17 16:45:20 UTC
I believe in both evolution and God.
2015-03-16 03:08:54 UTC
You are confused, gods are beliefs and evolution is a theory. You don't need to believe in a theory but you do need to believe in gods.
2015-03-17 14:27:00 UTC
First of all, why are you asking this in R&S? It's almost like you're abusing Y/A and you don't actually want a real answer to your question, but instead just want to violate the terms of service by using it as a platform to spew propaganda rather than obtain information. But that would mean you were a dishonest person... you're not that are you? What's the advantage again of your religion? Does it value honestly? Or does it fundamentally value dishonestly (way to set example of what your religion is all about, BTW: you're really going to make converts that way!).

Secondly I don't care whether or not you in particular hate and fear science or not. Just don't expect me to take anything but a dim view of that when you try to undermine critical thinking skills in children with your superstitions.

But in spite your your dishonestly abuse of Y/A for propaganda, I'll answer why you should refrain from spreading your personal fear and hatred of science: science is the process of determining natural explanations for reality. If you don't like evolution, what is your scientific explanation? And don't say "creationism" because that is not science, it's religion, and depends on which subset of gods and goddesses you happen to believe in (out of 2500 or so man has invented over the millennia). That's why it's taught ... it's SCIENCE while you've got nothing but one among many MANY religious creation myths with zero evidence to support it.

2015-03-15 22:01:01 UTC
Evolution is a scientific fact. The theory of evolution explains how the process functions. Evolution is actually very well-evidenced. But let's be honest, you, like many people, don't deny it because you don't accept the evidence, in part because you haven't looked at it. You deny evolution because it is incompatible with your worldview. No more, no less.
2015-03-16 15:57:48 UTC
And again I don't understand why God could not have used evolution to bring about His end results and sometimes I just imagine Him thinking,"How do they keep missing that,it would settle so many of their own internal problems,well they still got a little time.Let's keep Our fingers crossed Son".
2015-03-16 13:34:52 UTC
I suppose many people could ask "why should they believe in God over evolution"? It's just a matter of choice.
2015-03-17 17:55:49 UTC
Don t. It s not true.

"In the beginning, GOD created the heavens and the Earth." Genesis 1:1

Mankind (scientists) invented Evolution so that people would not have to be accountable or responsible for worshipping or obeying a Higher Power. If the Earth and man just "happened to be," we don t have to answer to anyone, right? So that s what they want and that s what Satan the Devil (God s enemy) wants you to believe so you will ultimately be serving him instead of the true creator. It is his master plan to turn everyone away from GOD. Do not let him deceive YOU! Get a good knowledge and understanding of the Bible.

1 Peter 5:8 warns us:

Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
2015-03-15 22:43:22 UTC
I think your own ideas about it are as wrong as the idea of humans evolving from apes or whatever. as Catholics we believe God is the creator and designer and controller of evolution which can be observed with science. But the human spirit and soul and intellect with ability to know and love God which is spiritual invisible can not be the product of what is material not spiritual but can only be created directly by God in each conception.
2015-03-17 11:20:53 UTC
When you say God, you think about your God. Have you ever considered that your God may not be the only God? I was not born a Catholic, however since I was born into a Catholic Family, I was brain washed from moment one. I never considered to become a Muslim, can you understand why? So at that young age there is no free will. I realized free will when I turned sixteen, immediately I had a more open mind. Think about it.
2015-03-16 02:00:02 UTC
Evolution is a proven fact. God is a fairy tale with zero evidence. If that isn't good enough then believe whatever you want. Religious people usually do.
2015-03-18 08:25:56 UTC
Did we originate from animals?

In many details, our bodies are similar to those of animals. But this is because humans and animals were both designed by the Creator to live on earth. He made the first human, not from an animal, but from the ground.—Read Genesis 1:24; 2:7.

Humans differ from animals in two important ways. First, humans are capable of knowing, loving, and respecting the Creator. Second, whereas animals were not designed to live forever, humans were. But now, all people inherit death because the first man rejected the Creator’s guidance.—Read Genesis 1:27; 2:15-17.
2015-03-19 20:58:51 UTC
If you want to you don't choose between the two. It is possible for both evolution and God to exist. In fact, if God created this world, did he not also create the laws which pertain to it?
2015-03-15 21:45:40 UTC
God and evolution are not mutually exclusive. The Bible says God created life, but it doesn't say how. God could have used evolution to do it. But there are fanatics on both sides--religious and non-religious--that say you must accept one or the other.
2015-03-16 14:43:29 UTC
Evolution is a demonstrated fact, that's why you should accept it. Believing in God shouldn't entail the rejection of facts.
2015-03-17 13:45:26 UTC
There's plenty of evidence for evolution, sweetie. There's no evidence whatsoever for the existence of a god.

If evidence -- or the lack thereof -- doesn't matter to you, you are intellectually hopeless, and I don't care WHAT you believe as long as you do not attempt to force it on me.
brother trucker
2015-03-18 02:38:42 UTC
Evolution is a theory. No educated person believes in it except as the 11 working theories that are commonly accepted by science. Its not a belief system.
2015-03-16 09:54:58 UTC
Could be your faith in god is not sufficient. Nearly 100 percent of all well educated people of faith have not the slightest problem accepting and at least partially understanding basic evolutionary biology.

But the criteria with those people is that they have both faith AND education, and therefore have the tools needed to understand the difference between a fact, a limited view of god, and a more expansive view.

if your faith can be harmed by facts, either you lack faith or you do not understand the facts.
2015-03-16 11:27:30 UTC
dna does not prove evolution. who ever said this is brain washed. evolution does not prove there is no God. psychology doesnt disprove the existence of prophetic visions but will acknolwedge the skill of remote viewing. its all double speak, and lies, THERE is a God, no doubt ! Jesus is real, even if most religions dont accept Him as the messiah..
Olive Garden
2015-03-16 08:06:32 UTC
when you believe in evolution, you believe in God. God is the creator of great n small.
2015-03-15 21:45:02 UTC
According to proponents of theistic evolution, you shouldn't.

Actually, according to science you shouldn't either. There's no need to "believe in" evolution. When there's evidence, there's no need for belief.
2015-03-16 17:00:32 UTC
No one says you HAVE to. I know many christians who can't deny evolution occurred, they just say their god kick started the process. they say the same thing about the big bang, too. but you know, it's a first step to overcoming your religious disability of logical blindness, so I guess I can live with a half-truther.
2015-03-17 17:03:41 UTC
Actually Evolution and creationism aren't opposite... read the Bible, read it for real, not as a fanatic but as a real Christian that knows God is a "God of Order".
2015-03-16 02:59:03 UTC
because there is evidence of evolution, and none for god.

And just because evolution actually happened doesn't mean god doesn't exist.
2015-03-16 02:07:05 UTC
Because it is proven scientific fact. Evolution exists. God exists. The proof for both is overwhelming. Why would you accept one, and not the other? That makes no sense.
2015-03-15 21:57:33 UTC
Charles Darwin, creator of evolution theory, became a Christian on his deathbed. So he basically discarded his whole theory because the bible says God formed the first man for the dust of the earth and the first woman from a rib of that man
2015-03-16 19:54:36 UTC
i believe in evolution over religion. always have, always will.

check this site: science; it is the daily science news, and bound to destroy the illusions, that you are telling me you believe in.

religion has three aspects to consider: teaching, practice, and proof. if you were here on earth with the jesus christ, then you were saved by the actual experiencing of teaching, practice of faith, and the proofs of faith. however, when JC passed on, people had not actual proof, they had teachings, and the practice of belief. today, we have only teachings, not practice or proof. and the reason i say that there is neither practice or proof is the christian religion has about 6000-christian religions, each with their own teaching, practices, and beliefs in a particular object; and because there is not a true teaching, but many, there is no proof. this i say is because there is no peace in the world, and every where i look, there is suffering. thus, christianity is dead, and the the teaching is of a dead-religion, a ghost from the past, an echo of times gone by, and there is no proof or value left.
2015-03-16 09:19:06 UTC
You could also change every instance of the word 'begat' in the bible replacing it with 'evolution[ed]' - see if that doesn't amount to the same..., and when/if you see anyone selling [shouting] 'Big Issue', you could take a moment there to picture the readership as subjects all given rather to the beck and call of 'Evolutionary Leap', get your 'Evolutionary Leap'....
Campbell Hayden
2015-03-16 18:55:26 UTC
Because when a fetus survives

and does not die of a stillbirth, it somehow automatically has original sin.


Evolution, even on a bad day, has never been so harsh ... and seems to be the better choice, by far.
2015-03-17 04:31:44 UTC
Ask yourself this: why would God create creatures with DNA and so much of it isn't even used? Does it make more sense that God would "design" us with all of this unused DNA (which doesn't sound very "intelligent"), or that all of this unused DNA is leftover from hundreds of millions of years of Evolution?

2015-03-16 07:50:18 UTC
"I know some theists accept evolution, but I'm not one of them"

and I should care what you believe because?

You want to believe biblical creation then go ahead

You may as well believe in fairies, dwarves, elves and all the rest, while you are at it.
2015-03-16 08:08:26 UTC
Not over God, and God. God used evolution as part of the intelligent design of the universe.
2015-03-15 21:45:26 UTC
There is evidence for evolution. No evidence for the existence of any god...

Ryan: Get educated on the matter before you make a fool of yourself...
2015-03-19 16:04:04 UTC
why do you believe in creationism over evolution ,,, because you read it a book ... do you have proof it is true ..thats your choice .. science can demonstrate evolution with facts and evidence ,, can you do that with your book ..or are you going to say . the bible says so .. it also says snakes talk and so do bushes have you ever heard one ?
2015-03-17 12:39:56 UTC
I am laughing at you for laughing at the theory of evolution and talking about it like it's religion... Cause I think religion is an unobservable theory and don't tell me it isn't..
2015-03-17 18:44:06 UTC
God stayed where god is while the spirit of god[lord god] evolved the earth to reach god.[heavens]"in the day the lord god made the heavens and earth[earth to heavens as evolves back to god] God blessed[be less] sunday when the lord god [spirit of god] became god to us.[Gen.2:3-4] and..created means animals eat each other to evolve[created-see re ated] then when human body appears[created becomes see are eated]. Holy bible is wholly by[bi] belly and table is cross a belly[on both sides] And Able is not conditioned yet. God blessed [be less] when life is commanded to reach back to god.
james o
2015-03-16 20:42:27 UTC
You ask why believe evolution over God, as if there is a choice.

No. God is for real, and evolution is for real. God made the universe, and according to the laws of physics which God created, evolution is just the way life "rolls," if you will.

Evolution is not a "thing"; it is a description of how life adapts to its environment.

Evolution is of God; there is absolutely NO CONFLICT.
2015-03-18 22:03:44 UTC
evolution is a globull warming....

Yes Climate change happens always has always will.......does not make Global warming anything other than a Lie

same goes for evolution, things adapt, both man and animal and is called Creation...NOT evolution.....
Brigalow Bloke
2015-03-17 14:28:38 UTC
Put your lab coat on and do some research. Show a biological mechanism that prevents formation of a new species.

I can say with confidence that will never happen, since creationists do no actual research.
2015-03-16 10:23:18 UTC
What you believe doesn't really matter.

You can educate yourself (and actually learn what evolution is rather than the drivel you spouted), or not.

It's your choice... if you don't want to educate yourself, no one really cares.
2015-03-17 04:44:03 UTC
becoz science is a fake religion. Lets all go and believe in the flat earth society too? why not? after all, we should believe in spirit! as we shouldn't believe in evolution as it is a science, and science is a fake religion... come along and we can support the flat earth society together! the world is faithful... jks, I believe in chewology now.

why do they separate science and religion classes again? after all, science is a fake religion...
Averell A
2015-03-15 21:48:23 UTC
Because it takes more faith to believe that life is the product of time + matter + chance than to believe in God as the Creator and Sustainer of life.
2015-03-16 21:46:39 UTC
Now please concentrate on some revolutionary measures in this earth. Later on we will take up the other thing also pertaining to evolution over God.
2015-03-16 22:42:24 UTC
Believe what you want, it has no effect on the facts or the theory of evolution.
2015-03-18 08:05:23 UTC
Ah ****! They've been screwing with the genome!

It said they made it in the first place but who knows really, maybe they just happened upon the earth and decided to mess around with the creatures!

It doesn't explain the dinos, it just mentions their existance and supposed creation. How would they not just be blatantly evil to make those things?

Ah ****!
2015-03-16 17:52:27 UTC
Evolution is false. God exists and He is great and wise and powerful.
Michelle Malkin
2015-03-17 13:13:46 UTC
Argument of incredulity: evolution doesn't make sense to me because I've never studied it, therefore it's false.
2015-03-17 12:08:54 UTC
Evolution is BS...God created the earth in 6 days and that's that ok
Alex - Sans the Mercy
2015-03-16 09:06:49 UTC
No one is demanding you do. You can believe in, or refuse to believe in, anything you want.

However, I would advise you do your own research, and actually understand the topics you are refusing to accept rather than baselessly claim they are unsound because somebody once told you they contradict your book.
2015-03-16 12:57:24 UTC
2015-03-15 21:44:01 UTC
Evolution has overwhelming evidence, god has no evidence. Hmmmm.
2015-03-15 22:05:29 UTC
"I LAUGH at the theory of evolution because..."

You've been programmed to.

You wanna teach your kids Planet Ours is only 6,000 years old and Evolution isn’t real?

Fine, but my kids probably won’t hire yours.

2015-03-15 21:43:22 UTC
Same reason why you're believing in God. You can't exactly prove what the Bible claims either.
2015-03-16 03:07:20 UTC
Have you not noticed that when you look in the mirror in the nude, you resemble and act like a Chimp, ha, make no sense to you, never mind then stay a Christian, you are not intelligent enough to join the atheist crew.
2015-03-16 21:06:03 UTC
I am not going to dignify your question with an answer, because you have closed off your mind. No amount of scientific evidence is ever going to convince you, because your brain cells literally will not accept the information. Why should we waste our time trying to educate you about real world things when you have stated flat out that you refuse to learn?
Richard English
2015-03-16 09:22:16 UTC
Because there is masses of scientific proof of evolution and no proof at all of any deity.
2015-03-16 15:36:27 UTC
I believe in God's word I believe in God's power

All of creation shouts of his glory

Jesus Christ is the Risen Messiah

I believe from Genesis to Revelations
2015-03-16 01:18:59 UTC
Well considering that evolution is proven fact that "belief" in it doesn't make sense its "acceptance of it" cos its fact, that should be good. God is not proven and is not fact so "belief" in it is the correct terminology.
2015-03-17 09:44:56 UTC
evolution is the map of Gods creation.
2015-03-16 01:58:44 UTC
evolution and the creator of the universe who created us and inspired the evolutional process. Not the god of the bible or any other manmade religion.
2015-03-17 05:59:45 UTC
because evolution exists
2015-03-16 16:57:12 UTC
Are you stupid? This is real. We are evolving right now and so are animals and you still think evolution isnt real. Girl bye😂
2015-03-15 22:12:23 UTC
Let's talk about evolution but on my terms. A person poses a rhetorical question on Y!, usually with no knowledge of evolutionary principles. S/he may provide unreferenced quotes, misquotes, made up quotes, misstatements, YouTube videos, or Creationist websites. S/he usually doesn't know that evolution has NOTHING to do with the origin of life, which is the science of abiogenesis. And the person's only alternative, whether stated or not, is a supernatural origin (Creationism) for the species diversity we see today.

So.... thanks for the opportunity to present references to readers that might never have seen Creationism exposed as a non-science, and evolution shown as very much a falsifiable set of predictions and mechanisms to explain the diversity of life on this planet. In 150 years of research in the fields of biology, biogeography, geology, molecular biology, anthropology, paleontology, population genetics, and others, the theory of evolution has been modified (see below for the definition of a theory), but never falsified.

If I were to suggest only one thing for you to read, it would be the 2005 court case where Creationists pushing Intelligent Design wanted it taught in the science curriculum of public schools as science. The conservative judge, after hearing evidence in a court of law, including testimony from the leading Creationists, ruled that Creationism was a religious approach and not scientific. Creationism/Intelligent Design did not use the methods of science and had no evidence to support it. Here is the full judge's decision which prohibited the teaching of ID in the science curriculum:


and a quote from his conclusion: "In making this determination, we have addressed the seminal question of whether ID is science. We have concluded that it is not, and moreover that ID cannot uncouple itself from its creationist, and thus religious, antecedents."

Also you should see the position of the National Academy of Sciences. If you haven't heard of them: "The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) is a private, non-profit society of distinguished scholars. Established by an Act of Congress, signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, the NAS is charged with providing independent, objective advice to the nation on matters related to science and technology. Scientists are elected by their peers to membership in the NAS for outstanding contributions to research. The NAS is committed to furthering science in America, and its members are active contributors to the international scientific community. Nearly 500 members of the NAS have won Nobel Prizes, and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, founded in 1914, is today one of the premier international journals publishing the results of original research."

This is part of a statement by them about evolutionary theory.... "The formal scientific definition of theory is quite different from the everyday meaning of the word. It refers to a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence.

Many scientific theories are so well-established that no new evidence is likely to alter them substantially. For example, no new evidence will demonstrate that the Earth does not orbit around the sun (heliocentric theory), or that living things are not made of cells (cell theory), that matter is not composed of atoms, or that the surface of the Earth is not divided into solid plates that have moved over geological timescales (the theory of plate tectonics). Like these other foundational scientific theories, the theory of evolution is supported by so many observations and confirming experiments that scientists are confident that the basic components of the theory will not be overturned by new evidence. However, like all scientific theories, the theory of evolution is subject to continuing refinement as new areas of science emerge or as new technologies enable observations and experiments that were not possible previously"
2015-03-16 06:22:09 UTC
now is the true time to read and study the secret doctrine of HPB of theosophy where all is revealed to mankind about cosmos and mans role therein. Om Shantih.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2015-03-16 09:13:57 UTC
If you can't combine the 2, then don't believe what makes you feel happiest.
2015-03-17 15:55:52 UTC
Umm, you spelled LOL wrongly. Ooops. Wingnut alert
2015-03-16 11:04:22 UTC
Truth over all, including deities.
the big man
2015-03-16 09:37:39 UTC
its not as laughable as believing a virgin had a baby

or god made the whole universe in six days

or all the other garbage thats in the bible
2015-03-16 16:30:12 UTC
i sincerely do not give a sh¡t what you do or do not believe in as long as you stay outta mah fu¢king face with it. i have a right to freedom from religion.

just to be clear... i didn't read the rest of that crap you posted, just the question.
2015-03-24 14:15:29 UTC
there Are a fair number of scientists who believe in both
2015-03-17 15:35:40 UTC
This is too deliberately desperate and ignorant to be anything but a Poe.
2015-03-16 21:20:04 UTC
believe in God threw his Son Jesus Christ Amen.

God bless all in Jesus name Amen.
2015-03-16 21:41:29 UTC
I don't care what you believe, just don't force your ignorance on everyone else.
2015-03-15 21:46:13 UTC
And that's why thinking people laugh at the education system in your country. if it produces people like, you, there is no hope for you.
2015-03-15 21:51:55 UTC
U should be proud of choosing a career path with The King
2015-03-16 11:20:56 UTC
Not picking a side here, but it makes more sense than being built from dirt...
2015-03-17 10:17:55 UTC
how is believing god any better religion just based on superstitious beliefs
2015-03-15 21:48:36 UTC
Perhaps that might help you to remove your head from the bible and get out of that religion thingie and learn the truth.
2015-03-18 07:59:46 UTC
A theory may or may not be true. Get life, hahaha
2015-03-16 12:03:01 UTC
Believe what you feel is right
2015-03-16 08:47:45 UTC
God is real.
Texas Czech Chick
2015-03-16 10:59:05 UTC
Why should they be mutually exclusive.

I believe in both.
great knight
2015-03-16 14:55:37 UTC
You shouldn't. No evidence.
Joe E Dangerously
2015-03-15 21:52:07 UTC
Because you care about reality?
Hsu Chen
2015-03-16 12:10:57 UTC
If ignorance is bliss then YOU must be absolutely ecstatic!
2015-03-17 08:09:37 UTC
Because one leads to the other...0317/2015
el atlatl
2015-03-17 15:03:52 UTC
Because you are a rational Homo sapiens.
2015-03-18 20:03:52 UTC
These are not mutually exclusive concepts.
Alan H
2015-03-16 02:11:09 UTC
Why the choice?

Darwin was a Christian
2015-03-17 02:42:29 UTC
Well then don't.
2015-03-17 09:03:56 UTC
2015-03-16 07:44:02 UTC
If man evolved from a monkey, where did the got damn monkey come from?
✡mama pajama✡
2015-03-17 14:26:01 UTC
Why do you think that is your choice? You also don't even tell us what deity you choose to believe in.

Evolution is a cornerstone to understanding modern biology and medicine. As long as there is reproduction with exchange of genetic material, evolution happens. It doesn't require faith but accepting the observed and tested reality. There has been absolutely NO debate in scientific circles over the reality of evolution for more than 70 years. What IS debated in Biology are various means and methods of the many processes at work IN evolution. We know more about how evolution works than we do about GRAVITY. This "debate" between fundamentalist literalists and the scientific and medical community is NO different from the early medieval church condemning astronomers who put forth the notions of a heliocentric solar system.

Creationists lie about biology because the clear implication from understanding that biological evolution affects every living species showing us all life is connected is a threat to the SELF-CONCEPT. The self-concept held by people who accept certain religious beliefs of being a special creation set apart from all other life forms cannot co-exist with acceptance of the reality that humans are connected and related to other life forms. My faith in God is not threatened by scientific method. My faith teaches me to test what I know to make sure it is real. If there is an aspect of dogma that I accept and it becomes threatened by objective evidence, perhaps that is an aspect of belief that should be challenged.

Biology shows us that rather than life appearing on the planet *poof* in six literal days, as long as life exists, creation continues! As long as reproduction with exchange of genetic material happens, evolution happens. That is reality.

Biology does not support or negate a Creator.

Yet the same Torah that the Genesis creation story came out of is the same Torah those fundamentalist literalists reject in their commandments for Israel from God! They will argue viciously for the creation story to be taken as literal ,but just as adamantly argue that the commandments God gave Israel in the Torah have been "done away with" or "nailed to the cross". They've no problem ignoring that God said God doesn't become a man, and that no man becomes a god, or that God refused Moses offer to take on the sins of others by saying NO that no man may take on the sin of another, but if you say that all life didn't appear on the planet as it is today in six literal days you're rejecting God who told Israel not to worship anyone other than God!

They will also insist that a literal belief in the creation story from that text they argue has been superceded should be given a stauts of scientific theory or an “alternative” in a science class when it doesn’t fit scientific method. Religious dogma has no place in a science class.

Because a self-concept is often very strong, and Christian fundamentalists who were raised with a self concept that they are above all other life forms they cannot reconcile the irreconcilable, they must resort to justify their belief with lies. ( and also above all other humans who don't worship as they do * also* in contradiction to Torah showing that all humans came from one family so that no man can say one is above another and Torah's precept that all humans are equal before God in judgement )

It really is NOT faith in a Creator/Creative force/God that is *threatened* in understanding biological processes of evolution, but in the fundamentalist literalist it is their SELF-CONCEPT that is threatened! I tested this over many years online. It is very rare when any "Creationist" would say YES to the following Yes or NO only simple question.

Are you an animal?

Most people will of course, say YES. Sometimes they will qualify it that our soul or spirit is different or that we have greater or different abilities, etc. But by definition, we are still animals. Almost all Creationists will give a knee jerk reaction that NO, we are human, and consider the term animal to be degrading.

When the very rare Creationist said "yes", it was ALWAYS with the qualifier that we are *above* and separate from all other animals. Well that changed the question a bit, but at least in a few, they recognized they were animals.

Our psyche is a wondrous thing. If our self-concept is threatened, the self-protective mechanism of denial kicks in to prohibit the shattering of self to be replaced by one that is unacceptable to them. That explains why they simply cannot see the literal mountains of observable, tested, verified, physical evidence that is SO VERY PLAIN to see to those whose self-concept is NOT threatened to know that they too are an animal affected by the same biological processes affecting all life. They are unable to consciously process things that would replace their self-concept with one that is degrading to them. Many of them are completely revolted by the notion that they are an animal. There is nothing inherently degrading about acceptance of our biological, mortal, physical self. Our very thoughts are electro-chemical processes. That I **believe** that an Omnipotent Creator set every process at work in the universe in place. That isn't my place in a science course to try to teach that. It makes no difference if one is atheist or theist in a science classroom; objective data reveals evolutionary processes and they are utilized daily in modern medicine.

Scientific method is the best method yet devised by the human mind to determine if something is real or not. This is why theories change with new evidence; that is what makes it SCIENCE. Creationism/ID is religious dogma. It cannot be tested, it cannot be changed, and to do so is heresy. It is religion.

The asker might be laughing at all of us who understand modern biology and medicine, but those of us who do, may choose as I do and pity you for your willful ignorance that can indeed cause you harm in your ignorance if others choose to abuse knowledge you choose to blind yourself to even attempting to understand.

I choose to use my God given capacity of discernment to determine what is or isn't real. I don't debate whether or not evolution is a reality and I don't debate whether or not the earth revolves around the sun, either.
2015-03-18 00:04:46 UTC
James O
2015-03-16 13:54:16 UTC
they are quite compatible
Roman Glass
2015-03-15 22:02:26 UTC
why not both?
Dennis Sagt
2015-03-15 21:47:49 UTC
Why should it be either/or?
2015-03-16 17:15:42 UTC
you don't want to be retarded.....
2015-03-15 21:42:58 UTC
2015-03-15 21:45:32 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.