If the Christian God created the universe (physical laws, matter, etc...) how could he have such a marked?
2008-08-28 20:35:14 UTC
If the Christian God created the universe (physical laws, matter, etc...) how could he have such a marked interest in man?

The unthinkable power and intelligence of the creator of the universe - if it was truly interested in us, can't even be depicted by the analogy of one of us monitoring the behavior of a amoeba and casting it into amoeba hell if it wiggled the wrong way.

Do you agree? Don't quote scriptures blindly please, agree or disagree logically with what I've written/asked. Are we closer to god than we are to an amoeba?
Eighteen answers:
2008-08-28 21:00:03 UTC
The idea is an entity with free will, such as a human. Creating the universe and everything which all works in a systematic way (physics)... to someone who is all-knowing... it' would probably be boring because you'd always know exactly what it's going to do and how. A person who can choose to do or not do something, even in the most irrational way, creates interest. Then there is... creation... a human who can create things from their own imagination and creativity... it would all be very interesting to the higher being. How much more interesting is a creation that can create unique things on it's own?

Think of it this way, what quality is the friendship of someone if they are not given the choice to refuse to be friends with you? You could say "well god castes people into hell who don't like him"... that's not entirely the right interpretation... hell is actually "distance from God" not some fiery place, and you're not "caste into it"... which makes sense, if you refuse God and his laws, then he doesn't have to let you be under his roof.
King's Kid <><
2008-08-28 20:43:48 UTC
How can we answer your questions without using the Bible. The Bible is the basis of all of our beliefs and to answer this question I need to use some scriptures.

There is a major difference between how we look at an amoeba and how God looks at us.

While it's true that God created everything He created us (mankind) with a purpose in mind. He doesn't see us as amoeba. He sees us as children. That's what the scriptures say.

Because He sees us as children that gives us the right to talk to Him and confide in Him and ask His forgiveness when we screw up.
2008-08-28 20:51:13 UTC
I don't agree with your comparison of us to amoebas. If I were God, I would be interested in our actions. We are far more complex creatures than amoebas, and most other animals, if only because we have an imagination. With that, our possibilities as a species are almost limitless. We have the ability to think and create our futures as we wish. And with a much larger brain capacity than other animals, we can do far greater things, and we have. So yeah, I would be interested in us, if for no other reason than to see, even when we have all the advantages, how spectacularly we fail as a race, when we should be able to fix things like cancer, AIDS, global warming, and poverty, etc, and we haven't.
2008-08-28 20:46:29 UTC
It depends on how you look at it.

If we can assume God created us, along with the universe, time, matter, etc., it is safe to assume that he did it for himself (there not being anyone else to create us for.) We exist for no other reason than for God's pleasure. God created the physical laws by which everything in the known universe abides, and also the rules that govern the way we act and feel. These "Internal rules" differ greatly between male and female, and somewhat more limitedly inside genders. But, he also knows the end of all things, and he knows all of the rules inside our heads. He knows what choice we will make every time. So, why would the almighty ever have an interest in us?

I believe the answer, in part lies in the fact that God exists outside of time. How else could it be that God has always existed, always will exist, and exists today, without ever changing? How could God have created time if he were trapped in it? God sees the whole picture at once. He can interfere in a specific time, but I believe that the way he perceives it is fundamentally different.

God is interested in a personal relationship with us. But, he also created our free will that can cause us to reject him. Although he knows who will and will not accept him in the end, he is intimately interested in revealing himself to each of us. It's not the ending he's worried about, it's the relationship. God has created the angels, but I believe that we are able to connect with God in ways that the angels cannot dream of. Sure, I guess God could be doing bigger things with his time, but his character compels him to love and seek him out. Can anyone truly understand and explain God?

(In response to the logical question)

Just as God exists outside of time, so he exists outside of the universe. After all, how could his existence be dependent upon something he created? Therefore, if the essence of God is something from outside the universe, time and all physical laws we know, which were created by him, I think the question is rendered fairly pointless. God exists outside of all quantitative properties we know, so I'd say it's fairly reasonable to say that he doesn't necessarily have a beginning.
2008-08-28 20:53:43 UTC
I don't want to be confrontational or anything. I just think that since you are talking about the Christian God that I am going to use beliefs from Christianity in my answer.

Christians believe that the beauty of God is that he did make us in this kind of small "amoeba-like" way and he is still deeply concerned with us and gives us the ability to make decisions about what we belive. I just think you make God seem so cruel when he (according to Christian beliefs) gives us life and allows us to "wiggle the wrong way", so if he were so uncaring why would he even give us the ability to sin against him? If you were to do wrong against someone who thought of you as "amoeba-like" who had the ability to "cast you into hell" immediately, would you expect them to love you unconditionally and give you a lifetime to ask your forgiveness? (based off of Christian beliefs)

Again I'm not trying to come off as confrontational, but I would love to hear what you think about my answer.
2008-08-28 20:40:37 UTC
God has such a marked interest in us because he created us in his image. Also, the amoeba analogy is only apt if applied to something constricted by the laws of science. God does what he wants. If he can create everything that you see and can't see from nothingness, he can surely monitor it.
2016-10-01 11:21:07 UTC
photograph that God is a guiding stress that components the types and good judgment for the massive Bang to apply. there is means (the Bang) in spite of the undeniable fact that it want actualities to objective at. A explanation why there is order particularly of chaos. in spite of the undeniable fact that it truly is a delicate God who works via maximum suitable and persuading, not capturing lightening bolts at each and every physique who displeases his royal highness (an thought borrowed from the Romans i think of). So issues crawl, consistently in the direction of bigger and extra pleasing life. inspite of each and everything, the universe is God's conciseness, the certainty that supplies him something to pay interest to.
paul h
2008-08-28 20:51:38 UTC
The human body was the only vessel worthy of God to inhabit when He came to earth in the form of Jesus...not some animal or human/animal hybrid or alien creature. That speaks volumes of how God considers the human form as the closest thing to Him...we are even above angels according to the Bible and will judge them one day.

Humans are the only creature on earth capable of contemplating the universe and God as well as being capable of having a relationship with and faith in Him....indeed, the human brain is more complex than the rest of the universe combined. We are miniature universes ourselves with the billions of interacting neural connections' of our brains, trillions of cells, hundreds of millions of bacteria, tens of thousands of miles of blood vessels, the incredibly rapid chemical and electrical impulses that happen just to see, the complexity of human DNA, etc...
2008-08-29 10:19:16 UTC
God created man in His image. The universe stands as a reminder to us just how great that God is.

2008-08-28 20:43:07 UTC
Of some interest to myself why is it that over, and over, and over again people such as yourself ask these christians biblical question then immediately say " and don't use the bible or quote scriptures to us " why not ask some one to show you how to do advance mathematical calculations with their hands - fingers wrapped and taped together, Good Luck there also!
Steven L
2008-08-28 20:40:35 UTC
I don't believe in a Christian God.

But if he did exist, one explanation why he has such a marked interest in man is because we are aware of him and his relationship to us. Kind of a Catch-22.

An amoeba isn't aware of us. Even if it was, it can only perceive us in very primitive ways (like bumping into our cells.)
Nick K
2008-08-28 20:46:02 UTC
BAsically God is the universe (really he is the multiverse)

Being the universe means everything in it is part of him.

If you get sick, you go to a doctor right, you take care of yourself.
Royal Pain
2008-08-28 20:38:34 UTC
Well of course we are closer to God than an Amoeba. God created man in his image.
2008-08-28 20:46:30 UTC

People are sinners who break God's Law

People need to repent as God said and turn to him for salvation or they will go to hell and the Lake of Fire.
2008-08-28 20:38:24 UTC
There is no evidence to suggest that such a god even exists.
fmko ( 無神論者は神を知っていない。)
2008-08-28 20:42:11 UTC
disagree...its humbling to me that God is interested in my life...
2008-08-28 20:39:06 UTC
that would make Him uncaring. remember He did make us in His image. There is the connection. There is our destiny.
2008-08-28 20:38:31 UTC
He's got a sick sense of humor?

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