There are many examples of your third axiom, like this one...
Matthew 20:29 "Now as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him..."
Luke 18:35 "Then it happened, that as He was coming near Jericho..."
This one is special in the sense that an archaeological survey of the city of Jericho (this one I'll need to recheck if this study is available in Net) reveals that there are actually two cities of Jericho. To be more accurate, there's the original one, and an adjunct or extension to the city. As the original city walls (not the one in Joshua's time, the one when the city was first rebuilt) were intact at that time, one city gate would've been the entry to the other city. In speak, you could be both entering and leaving the city at that time...
In the case of the temple you've given, note that the temple is divided into three distinct regions, a public area, a holy area, and the Holy of Holies, each potentially divided by a curtain.
Science is one way to look at Christianity, but another way to look at it is through law, as in courtroom law, etc. If we were to bring Christianity to the courtroom, it would all depend on testimony, both scientific and eyewitness.
Then, there is the potential problem with the theory you've presented. Based on that I could equally come up with this theory and three axioms:
- Created beings cannot be equal to or greater than its creator.
- As God is perfect, His creation cannot equal to His perfection.
- Thus, things coming from man would have flaws or loopholes.
Evidence of such would be our system of law and judgement, that regardless of how its written there is a way to circumvent it. There is a good possibility that your theory could be flawed in its writing (I am assuming you are not claiming to be God) as it is. Even the greatest of scientific discoveries, such as gravity and relativity, remain in theoretic form. When a theory attempting to explain an event in nature or space is proven wrong, we discard the theory, not the event in nature.
So what does all this conclude? It could be summed up in this verse:
"For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God" - 1 Corinthians 2: 11