listen to me: pray to God as if your having a conversation with will be the best way, tell him about your problems etc
ALSO...remember 4 things:
everything works for the good
everything is God's Will
wait for the Lord (ie patience)
God is existent
If you feel that God is existent and you are not alone, that will make you rest assured. he supports you, for He said to us " But the very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Mt. 10:30). God loves you, defends you, and does not will to deliver you to love your enemies for the Holy Bible said "The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace." (Ex. 14:14)
Even if any problems surround you, feel secure and say to yourself: God is existent...if my enemy is strong, God is stronger. If this problem is complicated, God is able to solve it.
"The things that are impossible with men are possible with God" (Lk. 18:27)
Have God between you and distress, so it will vanish and the loving God remains...but also dont put distress between you and God, lest you lost God's help and distress remains with you. then ull just complain ...
once again, youll also be assured at the time of distress is you say to yourself: Everything works for the good.
In the Bible, Joseph was sold as a servant by his brothers, and was falsely accused, so he was put in prision, BUT STILL all that was for good. They intended evil to him, but God intended good and turned evil into good (he became king of egypt afterwards btw). also ull get encouraged by this: "everything works for good to those who love God" (rom 8:28)
how many distresses resulted in good things! so live by hope and faith in the coming good, not in the present distress.
also pray to God to be with you and strengthen you. If he delays his responce, do not get annoyed or distressed or lose your peace. you will be comforted by this verse of the psalm:
"wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heard; Wait, I say, on the Lord" (ps 27:14)
It may seem that God lingers, but surely He will come even in the last watch of the night, so wait on Him with a strong heart.
and finnaly: bearing distresses is a great virtue annd greateer still is to rejoice in distress
The End
ps dont listen to is NOT good to focus on your outward appearance during prayer for even Jesus was raised in a manger