Does the bible seem to be true because it has such an intelligent design?
2009-07-06 16:43:21 UTC
Let's face it the bible seems to cover almost every aspect of life and even though it is unprovable it seems as there must have been an extreme amount of thought and organization if they were trying to pull the wool over our eyes. The question is why would so many writers over such a long period of time all pull together and plan the bible as a big hoax? Your thoughts Atheists welcome
21 answers:
2009-07-06 16:51:56 UTC
Yes it does, but in a very primitive way!

The Priestly clan of Jewish Bible writers who invented the Creation story and the “God” that goes along with it are saying that during the “creation week” when God created “Heaven” with all the angels, 1/3 of them, including Lucifer* (*”Light Bearer,” the most beautiful and intelligent angel ever created) were not one bit impressed with God’s “beauty and holiness.” They made full use of their free will, and rebelled against God on the spot! They became known as DEMONS, and SATAN! Christians today are sweet talked into totally ignoring this, and any other story in the Bible that is detrimental to their faith. The Bible God had this drama planned BEFORE the “foundation of the world.” God created angels with the capacity to become Demons and Satan, almost immediately! They were ready to compete with God on the best way to manipulate the people that God “loves” so much. Satan was ready to tempt Eve as soon as she was put together, in a messy operation using one of Adam’s spare ribs!

The Priestly Bible writers made up the story of a sadistic God the Father planning to send God the Son Jesus Christ to Earth to be sacrificed on a Cross so the human race can be forgiven, only if they believe the original “sin” idea and the need for a Savior! The Bible God solution was to have Jesus beaten to a pulp, totally tenderized, heavily marinated in Roman soldiers’ spit, and nailed by the hands to a Holy Cross especially designed for the occasion! The original Jewish Bible writers provided enough stories for the creation of 2 of the major religions in the world, Christianity and Islam, later on. Some Bible writers discovered a few incoherent stories in the OT that they used to come up with the Christian religion, while Islam was put together on a tangent of their own. There is no record outside of the Bible that Jesus ever existed, or that the Romans ever crucified anybody to any cross in Jerusalem. Our body is too heavy to hang placidly in there from a couple of nails! The Romans were known to impale their victims driving a pole into their rectum and making them stand up into the air until the pole would eventually pierce the heart or lung killing the victim. The thicker the pole, the longer it took for the victim to die. In some cases, the victim would die of severe internal bleeding. Jesus died a sissy man’s death hardly shedding any blood while hanging from the cross. If he were to be impaled, there would be a lot of blood mixed with feces gushing out of his anal cavity when the pole is removed (not a nice “blood shedding” event, for most religious purposes). The Romans had plenty of poles available for free. They never had to manufacture any cross, or even a NAIL! Nails were not that easy to make in those days! The horizontal beam of any “crucifying” cross had to be very carefully designed and built to stay firmly in place, and not to come loose jeopardizing the safety of the victim nailed to it! You don’t need to be scientifically oriented to figure that much! The Christian idea of a cross comes from some odd ball Heathen source! In the real world that we live in, it is very doubtful that the Romans would have spent so much taxpayer’s money, and effort to nail common thieves to such elaborate crosses that needed to be dramatically carried back and forth to the execution site! The Romans were not that stupid!

Deuteronomy 21:23 (KJV) His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; for he that is hanged* (*plain hanging by the neck, spiritually speaking!) is accursed of God; that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.

The NT writers used this ONLY “clue” in the Bible to come up with the Holy Cross idea, and the same day burial! God turned out to be an Indian giver because the “land” of Judea was in Roman possession all that time, and the Jews NEVER had it until 1948. They are still fighting for it, too, in spite that “Jesus” was hanging “upon the tree,” and was buried on the same day! The JWs claim that Jesus was nailed to a pole with his hands above his head held by only one nail! You need to be much more gullible to qualify as a “JW” because all CHRISTIANS KNOW “BY FAITH” THAT JESUS WAS NAILED TO A HOLY CROSS! Anytime you see a stick laying around in a Kingdom Hall, it may be a religious symbol! Any JW into sadomasochistic pleasures would feel a mind blowing experience to be thrashed with a religious symbol, in the closet, of course!

1 Peter 1:19-20 (KJV) But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot* (*but full of Roman soldiers’ spit!): who verily was foreordained before* (*please Christian, read again! “WHO VERILY WAS FOREORDAINED BEFORE”) THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD!

Hebrews 10:7 (KJV) Then said I* (*Jesus Christ!), Lo, I come in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do thy will, O God.* (*Jesus is following the script in a HOLY BOOK! That is why the NT Bible writers always claimed that he did this and that so that any “prophecy” about him may be fulfilled – e.g. Mat 4:14! This is the best way to fulfill any Bible “prophecy,” especially the ones that DON’T MAKE ANY SENSE AT ALL, and need to be “spiritualized!”)

The Bible writers claim that God got so upset at all the dissenting angels that he didn’t provide them with a Savior, instead he created a sulfuric fire burning HelI in the depth of this Earth during the original “Creation Week” to punish them someday for ever and ever along with all the unbelieving Jews and the rest of the world!

Matthew 25:41 (KJV) Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

God is still in desperate need of all the help that he can get from the Demons and Satan, to make life miserable to everybody, especially Christians! RIGHT NOW, all the Demons and Satan are freely commuting back and forth to Earth until the “end of the world.” The Bible God and Satan are not much different from any of the Heathen Gods of that time! The preachers are hiding all these statements in the Bible from the public, and very seldom, if ever they are discussed in open Church sessions! It takes an honest atheist to tell the world that Christianity is a cruel joke on all of us!

Revelation 12:9-10 (KJV) And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent* (*that tempted Eve… this statement ought to shake the Hell out of religious people!), called the Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVETH the whole world he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven* (*Heaven is full of sound effects like in any Greek theater of that time!), Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for THE ACCUSER OF OUR BRETHREN IS CAST DOWN, WHICH ACCUSED THEM BEFORE OUR GOD DAY AND NIGHT.

The whole Bible story is like a classical Greek theatrical show. The Bible writers insist that the Devil and his angels are DAY AND NIGHT EXTREMELY BUSY IN HEAVEN! You can tell that the Bible Heaven is run by a whole bunch of low IQ Ayatollah morons. The “Holy Throne” of the Bible God is infested with all sorts of Demons blowing the whistle on any misbehaving Christian! God never gets tired to listen to their reports DAY AND NIGHT! He is on record that he destroyed Sodom based on their report (Gen 18:20-21)! This primitive Bible God also heard reports that the world was living in full harmony, had a common language, and that people were united in an effort to build a tower of TAR AND CLAY to reach Heaven! God became so paranoiac that he had the whole Trinity team come down to EARTH to investigate the reports, like if this humongous and billions of light years wide universe was not even there! The Bible writers claim that in punishment for their novel experiment in a tar and clay application God confused for ever the common language spoken on the Earth. That is why we have so many languages today! The Bible God is the “Chief Author of Confusion” to this day (Gen 11:5-7)! And some naive men of science still want to dialogue with creationists!

According to the Bible writers, Satan is very much respected in Heaven! No human or angelical being has the power to hurt or offend Satan. The elite Archangel Saint Michael, and Satan had a fetish tearing apart the dead body of Moses. They did it with due respect for each other (Jude 1:9)! At times, Satan is much more powerful than God! (1 Thes 2:8, Judges 1:19) The Bible say that God lost to Satan ALL the kingdoms in the world (Mat 4)! God must have been a terrible poker player! 2,000 Years ago Satan dragged God the Son Jesus Christ like a queer guy to a spot in a secluded rest area on top of the highest mountain so Jesus could see ALL the kingdoms on this flat Earth. Then when nobody was watching, Satan was ready to hand them over to him, only if Jesus would discreetly KNEEL DOWN and worship him guy to guy (Mat 4:9)!

The Bible writers insist that without gullibility, aka “faith” it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God (Heb 11:6)! Atheists can relate to that 100%! Jesus clarifies that a person has to have the gullibility of a child to follow him! The Bible stories are NO different from any story of Heathen origin that Christians today still deep throat like a charm, spiritually speaking, of course!
2009-07-06 23:53:36 UTC
It wasn't planned as a big hoax - it was planned as a rulebook for a way of life.

The Old Testament, or Hebrew Bible, had many, many writers. The Torah is said to have been written by two different groups, who have been identified through their styles of writing: the E writers (priests, lawmakers, etc.) and the J writers (other holy authorities of the day). It was probably started when the Hebrews established a nation of their own, to govern the tribal confederacy that was the 12 tribes. The writers firmly believed in everything they were writing, and many of the stories came down through 400 years of oral tradition. What we get are the first five books of the Bible: a lawbook for a nation to follow.

The other books were written as either the prophet spoke or the event happened. Someone thought it important that these people be recorded in history and took action to make sure they were. These books were then adopted into our modern Bible.

The New Testament was, as you claim, crafted. The council that decided what books were to be holy threw out some books because they did not proclaim the beliefs the council was trying to promote. Some of these books made it into the Apocrypha, which you will see if you read a NRSV translation or a Catholic bible. Others were simply discarded. This was to promote a religion and make it more palatable and popular with the people they were trying to convert. Think of the council as a bunch of lobbyists, and it all makes sense.
2009-07-06 23:53:05 UTC
Although it might cover some aspects of life, that doesn't mean it covers them correctly, morally or intellectually.

The bible isn't as amazing as you think it is when you know the history of its formulation. The bible authors didn't know they were writing the bible. What happened is that various authors from different periods of history decided to write texts about God. During Constantine's reign over the Roman Empire, he decided Christianity would be the best religion to tie the empire together. He called together a council at nicea to discuss the various texts floating around the Mediterranean. The council decided which texts were allowed and which weren't. The allowed texts became the bible.

The priesthood at the council decided that only texts corroborating Jesus divinity and what they felt was the true message would be allowed. Most of the new testament was written by Paul, who happened to be a Roman citizen (which is why they liked him so much).

The bible is definitely has its literary merits, but it's far from divine. There never was a bible during Jesus time. There wasn't a bible for a long time after he died.

History will set you free <3
2009-07-07 14:08:51 UTC
This Monday the oldest Bible in the world was released .It is called The Codex Sinaiticus.Written on animal hide rather than parchment and does contain some of the OT and most of the NT including the 4 gospels.Once we have viewed this and compare it to the Bibles we now have then maybe some of these questions will finally be answered.
2009-07-07 00:47:15 UTC
The bible is true to you because you believe in it, not because of the design. The world's GREATEST thinkers couldn't have come up with it by themselves, so really, you have to believe in the inspiration God gave the bible writers to cover such amazing events. And if it was a hoax, it wouldn't be here in the first place. All you have to do is trust what you can't see.
2009-07-06 23:47:56 UTC
What should a hermaphrodite do if they want to get married? The Bible doesn't cover this.


║In the end, all actions are justified.

║No matter how heinous, there is always a reason

║for all that happens. And to feel anger over such things

║is as logical as being mad that apples fall to earth.

║I sought to understand everything...

║and even still, I've got a long way to go.

2009-07-06 23:57:23 UTC
There are more than just stories in the Bible. It also tells you rules. One of the 10 Commandments states, "Thou shalt not kill."

However in Deuteronomy 22:22 it says, "If a man is caught having intercourse with another man's wife, both of them are to be put to death. In this way you will get rid of this evil."

Deuteronomy 22:5 says, "Women are not to wear men's clothing, and men are not to wear women's clothing; the Lord your God hates people who do such things."

Tight jeans; for which gender?

Tight T-shirts; for which gender?

God hates what you wear. He doesn't care about you as a person if you're wearing a certain clothing.
2009-07-06 23:47:33 UTC
Covers every aspect of life?

How about nuclear physics? Lettuce? Muons? Antares? Dogs' dew claws? Conjoined twins? Existentialism? The atomic theory? Fuzzy dice on rearview mirrors? National greed that marginalizes and subjugates other countries in the world? Stem cell research?

I'm being flip. But my point is the Bible was not written to cover every aspect of life. It was written to give us some guide posts while we seek life's answers ourselves. The only answer it gives us that covers everything is that we love one another. The rest is up to us.
2009-07-07 00:53:20 UTC
1) Does the bible seem to be true because it has such an intelligent design?

Either that, or it seems to be true because it is true. Considering that its "design" is the rather haphazard combination of various carefully evaluated texts originally written in 3 different ancient languages, I'd guess that design has little to do with it.

2009-07-07 00:46:22 UTC
The Bible was intelligently designed, it was written and compiled by humans.However it is not without self contradictions, poor logic, natural world inaccuracies, and some pretty horrendous morals.


There is also great wisdom, beautiful poetry and some history within its pages. It is definitely worth reading and studying.
Days like this....
2009-07-06 23:50:37 UTC
The hoax lays with those who interpret the Bible to suit their own ideals to form religious groups or cults and then attempt to brain wash those who know no better.
cavs sweep
2009-07-06 23:49:48 UTC
yea it hasn't been proven wrong wasn't pulled together god influenced ever letter ever word....people dont wanna except it and nowdays people will argue with a brick wall...people might not know it but the bible has helped science more than science with the bible...and the wool is only goin to get thicker over there eyes...people in control want u to think its bs

ps there arent any contradiction even well know athiest has said this ....there were suppose to be 148
2009-07-06 23:47:22 UTC
Oh my.

Someone hasn't read the bible, otherwise you'd know about all the hundreds of contradictions within.
Beautiful Soul
2009-07-07 00:46:29 UTC
There is an old saying if you argue or debate with a fool then that makes two fools. Peace!
2009-07-06 23:58:02 UTC
2 Timothy 3:16 " All scriptures are inspired by god,and beneficial for teaching , for reproving ,for setting things straight,for disiplining in righteousness,that the man of God may be fully competent,completely equiped for every god work.
2009-07-06 23:55:05 UTC
Maybe whoever made it didn't think people would take it seriously?

I'm not sure because I haven't read it but I've heard it's been proven wrong.
2009-07-07 00:22:19 UTC
it is living and active in the life of born again of the spirit people,it is our guide and is leading us in all truth,when people belive err that keeps them in bondage,there is people that belive they need to confess their sins,they are beliving a lie and they are still in bondage to sin,all sin was taken away from the eyes of god never to see them when we belive this trurh then sin has no more hold on us,truth sets us free form all bondage,but you must belive or you are still dead spiritualy,with out faith it is impossable to please god,god word is powerfull,natural man cannot receive the thing of the spirit they sound foolish,a person has to have jesus living in them to have life.
2009-07-06 23:46:37 UTC
The bible has been proven wrong thousands of times.

What are you on?
2009-07-06 23:47:35 UTC
Maybe the writers were altruistic?
2009-07-06 23:52:34 UTC
Have you ever even read another religions holy book?
2009-07-06 23:51:01 UTC
conspicary everythings a conspicary

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.