The ignorance is rampant on this subject... Although I can't speak perfectly, perhaps my understandings can clarify things. I welcome emails or comments...
Mohammad never said he was the last of the Prophets, simply that He was the "seal" of the Prophets. The last of the Prophets notion came about more than 100 years after, when Islam was so flourishing compared to what was before, they assumed that Mohammad was the perfect end, and justified it by the Qu'ranic text with the word "seal".
Prophet with a capital P is the same meaning, different term, for Manifestation, Emissary of God etc. To distinguish the personage of the Holy Spirit's Revelation, by name, is explicitly denied to be of any real merit in Baha'i text, by Baha'u'llah, the same Spirit is what matters.
Copy rights can easily change if newly translated text, formerly untranslated, are entered in a compilation, the whole compilation is considered a new work.
Shunning of former believers that would be divisive, and who will not be reconciled, are explicit in Christian teaching, the letters of St. Paul speak of it. Yes, it is practiced in cults, and Christianity, as well as many other "official" religions to preserve the integrity of the organization...
If such and such group say "We believe no one should kill.", and then one of the claimed adherents kills people, claiming they are true representative of that group, do you think the group should still call them by the same name?
God loves persons of homosexual behavior, as much as anyone else, but all things which tend toward selfish only pleasure are condemned by the mere reality of eternity.
No one can have eternal happiness if all they ever receive are temporary bursts of self indulgent pleasure. Anyone who tends another to favor what is less good, over what is more good, is suitable to shunning, for the preservation of what's truly healthful, not because the one shunned isn't worthwhile - quite the contrary, the one shunned is counsoled by God's Spirit and is loved more for the hope of reconcillation with eternal virtues. - May God bless their souls.
Women are not allowed on the Universal house of Justice for a test of believers, for men to prove they are worthy of women's trust after so many centuries of oppression. For women to preserve what's right despite appearances. To slowly allow those believing, men are the only gender worthy of God's Supreme Guidance, to be gently restored to wisdom of "God has no gender, but engenders all things.". Also as a sign of God on earth, that God has no equal, whether same, or opposing power.
Baha'i Faith also has no involuntary tax, or tithes, of 10%. Zakat, the Islamic foundation of this is not practiced in the Faith. Zakat is for the social welfare of society, something the Baha'i faith hasn't for the world of today, but country sovereignty's, and more populace religions, still retain that conditional authority. The "Right of God" which is a 19% of profits/income voluntary dispense, is for the aid of the most destitute people, we are only obliged by God, not human enforcement.
ID card are subject to the nation wherein Baha'is live, India for example has no ID cards. I personal think they are childish, but I think American expectations of such ways to prove one is Baha'i for voting is necessary due to lack of perfect discern of erroneous speech, and for the cases where a new Baha'i may not know two other Baha'is to vouch for them. That'll end with more believers, and we can be rid of these primitive IDs. - No one is, or should be, judged by a number by God, or by God's wisened people.
As for fractures or splits, it is in reference to the fact that no faction will ever gain a substantial number of converts to rival the central unity, as has happened with all previous Faiths of this cycle thus far. Primarily it is that Baha'i will become more unified over time, and not more divisive as prior Dispensations, some of which have more than 30,000 factions, including Christianity, and Islam.
Again, I welcome emails or comments...