anyone wants to know about the Bahai faith???
I m a Bahai
2006-05-24 11:54:00 UTC
Please go to and you will find answers to your questions in all the languages.and through this websites you will find other links inside.
Please ask anything if you want to. i m more than happy answer anyone and say the truth about My faith.
always remember you have to SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH by your self
Eleven answers:
Montana Don
2006-05-27 01:05:11 UTC
Response to Synthyia –

I think you need to read the Writings of Baha’u’llah and the official interpretations by His son, Abdu’l-Baha, and great grandson, Shoghi Effendi, instead of relying on the opinions of others. This is not the best forum for a discussion of the points you raise. I would suggest you join the bahai-studies email list -

Baha’u’llah did not claim to be a prophet, be either Nabi or Rasu’l. He claims to be the Manifestation of God, a Messenger from God, the fulfillment of the prophesied return, but not to be a prophet. The age of prophesy is over; now is the time of fulfillment, the beginning of the maturity of the human race.

Baha’u’llah did not claim to be more powerful than Muhammad. In fact He explicitly rejects the idea that any of the Messengers from God are any more powerful or important than any other. The differences are solely due to the needs of the society in which they appear.

The idea that the Faith is an amalgam or synthesis of previous ideas is not new. If you had done a serious study of any of the other religions of the world, you will find that the same objection can be made to all of them. God doesn’t make major changes when He sends a new Messenger. Rather He introduces one or two new ideas and particularizes the message to the new needs of mankind.

The Baha’i Faith does not claim that Jesus is merely a prophet in the sense that Christians refer to the Old Testament prophets. We do reject the idea that God has materialized in physical form. Rather we say that God manifests His attributes in a physical form that humans refer to variously as Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Buddha, Krishna, etc.

The fact that we accept the divine origin of all religions does not mean that we accept all the current teachings and interpretations that their followers make. The Messenger of God has the responsibility to reject faulty interpretations, and confirm correct ones.

The Baha’I Faith does call for a new world order. This is the first time in man’s history that such a system is practicable. A prophesy of this is found in Revelations where it predicts a new earth because the old earth had passed away. This is a reference to secular society. It will be a commonwealth system in which the rights and authority of the individual states is recognized and supported.

Continuation - - - -

As to women on the House of Justice, there is no answer which is likely to satisfy you. Most people who have trouble with this issue seem to define the importance of the individual in terms of their power, their ability to make people do things they don’t want to, or their ability to make lots of money. The Baha’i administrative institution’s primary purpose is not to exercise authority, but to coordinate the initiatives of individuals. In a mature Baha’i society, the people who are truly important are those who actually do things. As the Scriptures say, "Let deeds, not words, be your adorning".

Regarding homosexuality, what is prohibited are homosexual acts. This is because all forms of sexuality outside of marriage between a man and a woman are prohibited. The most explicit condemnation of homosexuality is reserved for pederastry, homosexual activity with a pre-pubescent individual. The sanctions against practicing homosexuals is no different than those against someone who violates the marriage laws.

The American Baha’i enrollment procedure and ID cards was developed largely as a response to U.S. military service laws. It provides legal proof of eligibility for non-combatant status.

As to avoiding Covenant Breakers, these are people who, while claiming to be followers of Baha’u’llah, reject His only unique teachings, those concerning the Lesser Covenant and administration. Why should we be expected to be accepting of individuals who seek to undermine those aspects of the Faith which define it?

I don’t understand your problem with the authorized Scripture of the Faith being copyrighted.

As to the claim that the House of Justice or someone has absolute control over what is written by members of the Faith, this is absolute nonsense. Look at the 100’s of web pages on the internet, the 1000’s of postings on a variety of email lists. Do you really believe they were all vetted in advance?
2006-05-24 21:41:31 UTC
My answer goes to Synthia - I have been reading all ur replies on questions on bahai faith. it is always same. please do not have so much of hostility. one person does not make the whole faith. and yes Baha'u'llah says he is the prophet after Muhammad when Muhammad has said he is the last one. but Muhammad also said that he will come back. As did Jesus, Krishna and other manifestations of the past. and we believe that Baha'u'llah is the return of all these prophets. maybe this is b.s. for you, but for others, it is their belief. plse drop all that hatred u have - it will hurt u only - it will not stop others to follow the religion. know why? because religion is only and only a matter of heart, not a college assignment.
Global Helper
2006-05-24 11:58:50 UTC
First let me tell you something. I have not visited the link uptil now and I am going to visit it as soon as I post this answer.

All I know about your religion is that ...........

I just know that I have been to Lotus Temple (Bahai Mandir) in New Delhi. There was a large hall. We had to sit there for a few minutes in silence. It was really nice. A memorable experience. I think that Bahai's follow all GODs and religions !!! Am I right? And let me tell you honestly .................... I don't know anything else about this religion!

Let me go and check out the link you provided!
2006-05-24 12:45:28 UTC
I will have to say I couldn't really get a clear picture as what you are about. Baha was a prophet of God?, link doesn't say much about this god? who is he?, what does he want from me?. What is baha opinion about Moses, Jesus and Muhammed and their religion Islam?. Did the prophet you believe in tell you about a revelation from God to him to be revealed to Mankind? or is it just about a clan or a tribe somewhere?. If you have a book from God, then what does it say. (Link)? And finally; What is the name of your God? This is the most important question of all, so in 2 or 3000 years from now will be sure about. Till this day Christians do not know the name of their God or which of the three is which or... , anyway we do not want that to happen again to the poor people of 3000 years ahead, do we? one last question; HAS YOUR PROPHET OR ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH HIM OR ANY THING TO DO WITH YOUR RELIGION AT ANY GIVEN TIME ANY WHERE IN THE UNIVERSE SAID OR INDICATED OR HAS GIVEN A WRITTEN TESTIMONY IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM THAT HE IS THE SON OF GOD?
2006-05-24 18:23:08 UTC
Isn't this the faith who's founder swore up, down and sideways that he was the next prophet in Islam when the Koran bluntly said there would be no more? Not only that but he was more powerful than Mohammad? When they didn't work he formed his own religion by pulling junk from all other existing religions? 'God is unknowable' is a direct pull from the Gnostic texts, the three tier vision of heaven is a direct copy of the Roman/Greek vision of Hades. They say to believe in all religions yet their teachings directly contradict them, such as they say Jesus was a prophet not God or the son of God, depending on your interpretation of the bible. They also call themselves the One World Religion and press for a One World Government as well as a New World Order (, all three things mentioned in the biblical book of revelations as a sign of the anti-Christ and a harbinger of the battle of Armageddon. They profess women are equal to men in every way but women are not allowed to serve in the universal house of justice because that would offend some people from the middle east. They profess to allow everyone to join but practicing homosexuals are excommunicated, sorry, that isn't equality. They also REQUIRE you to give 10% of your income to them. There is also the fact you have to sign a card confirming you are one and carry it with you, something most other religion never do. Also, they say it is still a pure religion because there are no break away factions when in reality there are 7 of them. Another problem is the texts, they have been changed. Easy way to tell is the copyright information, The entire contents of the Baha'i World Centre Text Server are copyrighted by the Baha'i International Community, Copyright (c) 1994, All Tights Reserved, as a collective work (compilation copyright), that is troubling. Copyright in the US runs out 70 years after the authors death to maintain it as copy-written material the text has to be changed by a certain percentage, either 5-10% or up to 20% in some countries. Spelling and grammatical changes alone aren't enough to extend it, there has to be significant changes in the text its' self to maintain it which means, in this case, the holy texts have been changed and altered.. Then there is the fact that they practice shunning, meaning people still in the religion are not allowed to have any contact with those who have been branded covenant breakers, excommunicated, even if they are family. They censor and have full control over what is written about them by members and if you write something they don't like they will brand you a covenant breaker and kick you out. Isn't that the religion? Sorry, every reputable agency that studies such things call them a cult for good reason. Sorry, it's not something I can see myself joining I have a problem with being lied to and from my own studies as well as others a lot of what they promote is a lie and directly contradicts what they profess, I like free thought and freedom of speech. See the following links for details on the information I just gave...'i.htm
2006-05-24 11:58:05 UTC
Bahai Humbug! Go to to find the answers.
2006-05-27 12:19:45 UTC
Thanks for the link

Response to Synthyia

I am not a Baha'i but I want to ask you to open your mind... I was reading all your reply to all Baha'i questions... it seems that you are here to say some nonsense to just this sort of question....

go and do some research before saying anything... it will just hurt you.

no one is going to Liston to you... even those who are not Baha'i... you are making me to think better about Baha'i faith ....

Open your mind... free your soul and go for the truth....

Good luck
Gravitar or not...
2006-05-27 02:20:35 UTC
The ignorance is rampant on this subject... Although I can't speak perfectly, perhaps my understandings can clarify things. I welcome emails or comments...

Mohammad never said he was the last of the Prophets, simply that He was the "seal" of the Prophets. The last of the Prophets notion came about more than 100 years after, when Islam was so flourishing compared to what was before, they assumed that Mohammad was the perfect end, and justified it by the Qu'ranic text with the word "seal".

Prophet with a capital P is the same meaning, different term, for Manifestation, Emissary of God etc. To distinguish the personage of the Holy Spirit's Revelation, by name, is explicitly denied to be of any real merit in Baha'i text, by Baha'u'llah, the same Spirit is what matters.

Copy rights can easily change if newly translated text, formerly untranslated, are entered in a compilation, the whole compilation is considered a new work.

Shunning of former believers that would be divisive, and who will not be reconciled, are explicit in Christian teaching, the letters of St. Paul speak of it. Yes, it is practiced in cults, and Christianity, as well as many other "official" religions to preserve the integrity of the organization...

If such and such group say "We believe no one should kill.", and then one of the claimed adherents kills people, claiming they are true representative of that group, do you think the group should still call them by the same name?

God loves persons of homosexual behavior, as much as anyone else, but all things which tend toward selfish only pleasure are condemned by the mere reality of eternity.

No one can have eternal happiness if all they ever receive are temporary bursts of self indulgent pleasure. Anyone who tends another to favor what is less good, over what is more good, is suitable to shunning, for the preservation of what's truly healthful, not because the one shunned isn't worthwhile - quite the contrary, the one shunned is counsoled by God's Spirit and is loved more for the hope of reconcillation with eternal virtues. - May God bless their souls.

Women are not allowed on the Universal house of Justice for a test of believers, for men to prove they are worthy of women's trust after so many centuries of oppression. For women to preserve what's right despite appearances. To slowly allow those believing, men are the only gender worthy of God's Supreme Guidance, to be gently restored to wisdom of "God has no gender, but engenders all things.". Also as a sign of God on earth, that God has no equal, whether same, or opposing power.

Baha'i Faith also has no involuntary tax, or tithes, of 10%. Zakat, the Islamic foundation of this is not practiced in the Faith. Zakat is for the social welfare of society, something the Baha'i faith hasn't for the world of today, but country sovereignty's, and more populace religions, still retain that conditional authority. The "Right of God" which is a 19% of profits/income voluntary dispense, is for the aid of the most destitute people, we are only obliged by God, not human enforcement.

ID card are subject to the nation wherein Baha'is live, India for example has no ID cards. I personal think they are childish, but I think American expectations of such ways to prove one is Baha'i for voting is necessary due to lack of perfect discern of erroneous speech, and for the cases where a new Baha'i may not know two other Baha'is to vouch for them. That'll end with more believers, and we can be rid of these primitive IDs. - No one is, or should be, judged by a number by God, or by God's wisened people.

As for fractures or splits, it is in reference to the fact that no faction will ever gain a substantial number of converts to rival the central unity, as has happened with all previous Faiths of this cycle thus far. Primarily it is that Baha'i will become more unified over time, and not more divisive as prior Dispensations, some of which have more than 30,000 factions, including Christianity, and Islam.

Again, I welcome emails or comments...
Sara A
2006-05-24 12:00:15 UTC
i don't believe in what u believe in, sorry,

but u urself try to find and search for the truth, i'm sure u r not on the right track.

wish u'd be able to find the right path soon
2006-05-24 11:57:43 UTC
I'm sorry but you are asking too much of my time.
2006-05-24 21:55:23 UTC
Thanks for the link :)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.