Which religion supports the big bang and evolution ?
2010-01-17 06:56:18 UTC
Which religion supports the big bang and evolution ?
26 answers:
2010-01-17 07:21:12 UTC
Science writers Carl Sagan and Fritjof Capra have pointed out similarities between the latest scientific understanding of the age of the universe, and the Hindu concept of a "day and night of Brahma", which is much closer to the current known age of the universe than other creation myths. The days and nights of Brahma posit a view of the universe that is divinely created, and is not strictly evolutionary, but an ongoing cycle of birth, death, and rebirth of the universe. According to Sagan:

The Hindu religion is the only one of the world's great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths. It is the only religion in which time scales correspond to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long, longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang.

※ BIG BANG in Hinduism:

※Is Brahman an oblique reference of Big Bang?

The very name ‘Brahman’ representing the Ultimate Reality in Hindu religion appears to be nothing but an implicit reference to the ‘Big Bang’ itself. The word ‘Brahman’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘brh’ which means to ‘grow big’ without limit and can be an oblique reference to an explosion. Hence it is perhaps also called ‘Shabda Brahman’ in the scriptures as Brahman manifests itself as a ‘Sphota’ or explosion.

※Big Bang is represented by Symbol OM

As all creation emerges from Brahman with the Big Bang, its symbol is the single syllable ‘OM’ (Shabda Brahman). The ‘OM’ is the only symbol used as a ‘Mantra’ (Invocation) by the seers of the Upanishads in meditation to attain oneness with the cosmos. It also represents the waking, dream and deep-sleep states of all living beings. Hence it is the appropriate symbol of Brahman in its transcendent as well as immanent aspects. Representing the primal sound of creation the ‘AUM’ symbolizes the manifesting sound (or vibration) of the ‘Big Bang’ which astronomers have detected as the residual cosmic emanation from that explosion.

※The concepts of Narayana, Lila, Sankalpa are attempts by Upanishad Seers to simplify the complex Bing Bang Theory

The Upanishads are more cryptical in their description of creation. According to them the ONE (Brahman) wished to be many and creation is only an expression of its WILL (Sankalpa). Sometimes creation is depicted as divine play (LILA) of the Supreme Being. But any game will lose its meaning when the omniscient player knows all, from beginning to end. The scripture state that the universe originated from Narayana; Narayana is too difficult to interpret even in Sanskrit. He is very the Big Bang personified.

※ About EVOLUTION many scholars think that the 9 incarnations of Vishnu are actually tells the full story of evolution. Life originated from water to land according to today's Evolution theory. Now notice Vishnu's avatars.

Matsya - fish Acquatic form

Koorma - tortoise Amphibian

Varaha - tthe boar Land Animal

Narasimha - half man-half lion Transition to human

Vaman - dwarf man Homo sapiens

Parashuram - man with an axe Savages

Rama - moral man Family and social life

Krishna - philosophical man Philosophy and teaching
Veers த‌மி‌ழ்
2010-01-17 07:21:31 UTC
I am not knowledgeable in other religions, but with very little knowledge on Hinduism I guess there is a point to support Big Bang & Evolution.

In Hinduism a Saivite Siththar said the Everything came from nothing (Soonya).

Aathi Paraa shakthi is the first creation from that nothingness. Universe is manifestation of Shakthi.

Scientifically, Emptiness can produce paricles which is also Energy! When lot of such energy or particles converge it lead to Big Bang. Hence we can say Hinduism supports Big Bang!

In evolution we understand life started from water and then it was extended to land. If we see the Dasaavathaar of Lord Vishnu, the theory of Evolution perfectly fits in. Hence here also we can say Hindism supports Evolution!
2016-02-26 05:29:32 UTC
The Elegant Universe.
2010-01-17 07:05:26 UTC
Not so much a religion as one sect of Christianity.

George Lemaitre was a Jesuit (Catholic) priest who suggested the big bang theory and they support the theory of evolution completely.

The Catholics decided centuries ago to let the facts of the real world over rule dogma and created the Jesuit order as a way to keep up and not look foolish.

The Jesuits are God's science monks.
2010-01-17 07:01:04 UTC
My own personal belief system can handle evolution but the Big Bang can't be if Black Holes exist.
2010-01-17 16:52:24 UTC
your question is on theistic evolution and creationism.

well the answer to your question is ---

1-No religion had any idea about evolution and big bang .those are recent theories compared to the origin of religion.

2-Every religion supports the big bang and know what even wiccan religion supports it...they call it wiccan creationism.Depending on the scientific discoveries or inventions people interpreted their religions in such a way that it suits the modern scientific theories.

-->real credit goes to lemaitre,Hubble, Einstein and wallace,Darwin for bigbang and evolution theories respectively.Great people.

Theistic evolution and Evolutionary creationism::

Theistic evolution and evolutionary creationism are similar concepts that assert that classical religious teachings about God are compatible with the modern scientific understanding about biological evolution. In short, theistic evolutionists believe that there is a God, that God is the creator of the material universe and (by consequence) all life within, and that biological evolution is simply a natural process within that creation. Evolution, according to this view, is simply a tool that God employed to develop human life.

there are many religious interpretations ....christian darwinism,islamic creationism,etc.

Hinduism --:

As maitree some extent the 'Dashavatara' resembles the evolution .

And about big bang....i don't think it is complete .in addition to 'AUM' we should add purushasuktha from rig veda.The purushashukta fits perfectly to solar system (related big bang) and 'AUM' is universe,big bang.

Om sahasra shirsha purushaha

sahasrakshaha sahasrapat

sa bhumim vishvato vritva

atyatishthad dhashangulam

The Purusha (the Supreme Being) has a thousand heads, a thousand eyes and a thousand feet. He has enveloped this world from all sides and has (even) transcended it by ten angulas or inches.

nabhya asid antariksham shirshno dyauh samavarthata

padbhyam bhumir dishah shrotrattatha lokan akalpayan

“Space is navel, heavenly bodies (galaxies and constellations) head, feet the land, directions give ears, manifests in the form of worlds”

yatpurusheNa havisha

devaa yajnam atanvata

vasanto asyasidajyam

grishma idhmash sharaddhavihi

When the devas (the demigods or beings of light) performed a yajna (or sacrificial ritual), using the Purusha as the havis (sacrificial material) for the yajna (ritual), the Vasanta (spring) became the ajya (ghee), the Grishma (summer) served as idhma (pieces of wood) and the sharad (autumn) filled the place of havis (oblatory material like the purodasha or rice-cake).

chandrama manaso jatash chakshoh suryo ajayata

mukhad indrashchagnishcha pranad vayur ajayata

From His mind was born the moon. From His two eyes was born the sun. From His mouth were born Indra and Agni. From His breath was born the air.

other interpretation--Expressings-- (face denotes expression) as indra (thunder) and agni (fire), breathing life through the atmosphere is the nature of this Creation.”

saptasyasan paridhayastrih sapta samidhah krtah

deva yadyajnam tanvana abadhnun purusham pashum

Like a female (one who bears children) with seven holes, this yajna has seven black holes, which are the fuel/fire (samitha) for this yajna, which keeps spinning out fast (with) unbound purusha as the sacrifice.

---earth--from two feet,sun-- from eye

***interpretations of all religions (BIG BANG) --:

Jewish views --

Islam --:

There are several verses in the Qur'an which some modern writers have interpreted as being compatible with the expansion of the universe, Big Bang and Big Crunch theories:

"Do not the Unbelievers see that the skies (space) and the earth were joined together, then We clove them asunder and We created every living thing out of the water. Will they not then believe?"[Qur'an 21:30]

"Then turned He to the sky (space) when it was smoke, and said unto it and unto the earth: Come both of you, willingly or loth. They said: We come, obedient."[Qur'an 41:11]

"And it is We Who have constructed the sky (space) with might, and it is We Who are steadily expanding it."[Qur'an 51:47]

"On the day when We will roll up the sky (space) like the rolling up of the scroll for writings, as We originated the first creation, (so) We shall reproduce it; a promise (binding on Us); surely We will bring it about."[Qur'an 21:104]

" Between plants and animals there is sponge, and, between animals and humans there is monkey."

—İbrahim Hakkı of Erzurum , Marifetname

(*these interpretations were made by modern muslims,intellects...not religious imams and ulemas)


Evolution Christianity--If the evolutionary account of human origins is true, then there was certainly no literal Fall from Grace — no Adam and Eve disobeying the Christian God and no Original Sin. But without Original Sin and expulsion from the Garden of Eden, then there is no reason to think that anything called "sin" (which is supposed to be disobedience to God) suddenly entered the world. If sin instead "evolved" into our ancestors through the natural development which God set into motion, why would God hold us accountable? A naturalistic development of sin should mean that insofar as we are "naturally" sinners, we simply are what our creator caused us to evolve into being.

christian big bang theory--

like this all religions supports scientific theories .....of course a section of conservatives in all religions deny scientific theories...
2010-01-17 07:01:54 UTC
Baha'u'llah, Founder of the Baha'i Faith, teaches that religion without science is superstition.
2010-01-17 18:47:14 UTC
In India science and religion are not opposed fundamentally, as they often seem to be in the West, but are seen as parts of the same great search for truth and enlightenment that inspired the sages of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Thus, in the Hindu scientific approach, understanding of external reality depends on also understanding the godhead. In all Hindu traditions the Universe is said to precede not only humanity but also the gods. Fundamental to Hindu concepts of time and space is the notion that the external world is a product of the creative play of maya (illusion). Accordingly the world as we know it is not solid and real but illusionary. The universe is in constant flux with many levels of reality; the task of the saint is find release (moksha) from the bonds of time and space.

"After a cycle of universal dissolution, the Supreme Being decides to recreate the cosmos so that we souls can experience worlds of shape and solidity. Very subtle atoms begin to combine, eventually generating a cosmic wind that blows heavier and heavier atoms together. Souls depending on their karma earned in previous world systems, spontaneously draw to themselves atoms that coalesce into an appropriate body." - The Prashasta Pada.

As in modern physics, Hindu cosmology envisaged the universe as having a cyclical nature. The end of each kalpa brought about by Shiva's dance is also the beginning of the next. Rebirth follows destruction.

Unlike the West, which lives in a historical world, India is rooted in a timeless universe of eternal return: everything which happens has already done so many times before, though in different guises. Hinduism arose from the discoveries of people who felt that they had gained an insight into the nature of reality through deep meditation and ascetic practices. Science uses a heuristic method that requires objective proof of mathematical theories. Yet both have proposed similar scenarios for the creation of the universe. Here is a look at Creation, Maya, Churning of Milky Ocean, Shiva's Cosmic Dance, Serpent of Infinity and a few articles on Hindu Cosmology.

Indian cosmologists, the first to estimate the age of the earth at more than 4 billion years. They came closest to modern ideas of atomism, quantum physics, and other current theories. India developed very early, enduring atomist theories of matter. Possibly Greek atomistic thought was influenced by India, via the Persian civilization."

The cycle of creation and destruction continues forever, manifested in the Hindu deity Shiva, Lord of the Dance, who holds the drum that sounds the universe’s creation in his right hand and the flame that, billions of years later, will destroy the universe in his left. Meanwhile Brahma is but one of untold numbers of other gods dreaming their own universes.

The 8.64 billion years that mark a full day-and-night cycle in Brahma’s life is about half the modern estimate for the age of the universe. The ancient Hindus believed that each Brahma day and each Brahma night lasted a kalpa, 4.32 billion years, with 72,000 kalpas equaling a Brahma century, 311,040 billion years in all. That the Hindus could conceive of the universe in terms of billions.

The similarities between Indian and modern cosmology do not seem accidental. Perhaps ideas of creation from nothing, or alternating cycles of creation and destruction are hardwired in the human psyche. Certainly Shiva’s percussive drumbeat suggests the sudden energetic impulse that could have propelled the big bang. And if, as some theorists have proposed, the big bang is merely the prelude to the big crunch and the universe is caught in an infinite cycle of expansion and contraction, then ancient Indian cosmology is clearly cutting edge compared to the one-directional vision of the big bang. The infinite number of Hindu universes is currently called the many world hypothesis, which is no less undocumentable nor unthinkable.

Big Bang Theory postulates that 12 to 14 billion years ago, the portion of the universe we can see today was only a few millimeters across.Thousands of years before scientists came up with Big Bang model, the sages of Upanishads knew about the cosmos wake up.
Dharma Nature
2010-01-17 07:01:14 UTC
I don't know that any support it per se, but there are several religions where these things are irrelevant.
2010-01-17 07:02:52 UTC
Supports the big bang and evolution?

Ya mean they send money to support the evolutionists?
2010-01-17 07:25:37 UTC
No religion supports this theory, its a scientific theory and only rationals believe it they may belong to any religion but definitely no religion of the world supports it.
2010-01-17 07:04:29 UTC
I believe you might mean denomination rather than religion, dear. Catholicism, United Methodism (in the North, anyway), Unitarian Universalism, and probably the American Baptist Church, the Disciples of Christ, and the United Churches of Christ.
2010-01-17 07:00:13 UTC
Non.The idea of Big Bang came much later.
2010-01-17 07:02:27 UTC
Pretty much only ones that showed up after science figured them out.
2010-01-17 07:07:16 UTC
Well, the Roman Catholic Church accepts them both, but I'm sure there's others. I'm not sure what you'd mean by "supporting" them. It's not like they're political positions. They are explanations of natural processes.
2010-01-17 07:00:54 UTC
Any rational form of thought.
2010-01-17 07:00:50 UTC
2010-01-17 07:15:11 UTC
None of them because it is contrary to what they are selling.
2010-01-17 07:01:15 UTC
I don't think there's a 'religion' that does

Atheism is without belief in a God, no religion, idiot
2010-01-17 07:37:34 UTC
I fully agree with Maitree - it is hinduism
2010-01-17 16:03:49 UTC
2010-01-17 07:03:12 UTC
none, religion and science do not go hand and hand.
2010-01-17 06:59:41 UTC
a catholic priest discovered the big bang theory & evolution is taught in catholic schools

edit:look it up freak its the truth.

don't thumbs down just because the truth hurts.
2010-01-17 07:02:46 UTC
2010-01-17 07:01:00 UTC
None .
2010-01-17 06:59:24 UTC
ermm atheism??

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