weve been around for about 4.5 million years (eve) she had 2 legs, 2 arms and a central brain protected by a skull...etc etc...
pretty much the same as my wife... whose only 45 years old...
darwin was wrong... human evolution happens every day, when DNA splits and recombines in the womb.. thats how we change, how we evolve... there is NO other way.
you have to remember that the church was at war with science.. and the people wanted an alternative to creation, that wasnt god oriented...
darwin gave his speech tot he royal society, the times printed it, and the world accepted it as a truth...
and it isnt. its one mans interpretation, based on victorian science... and in darwins boigraphy at says on page one, paragraph one, "i have doubts as to the accuracy of my work" all this within 5yrs of publishing... so much for the truth.
the catholic church needs us to belive in a higher god, or they lose all their power influence and wealth... call me cynical, but theres 3 damn good reasons for lying...
the truth of our being here is another story... but no one wants to hear it... call me heretic