The devotees of Lord Sri Krishna, derive unlimited bliss and satisfaction by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra. They are endowed with divine potency for inundating the entire world in a flood of love of Godhead. The mantra is:
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
There are many Vedic references which specifically recommend the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra as the most effective means of reaching spiritual realization and counteracting all the problems of this age. Some of these verses are the following:
"All mantras and all processes for self-realization are compressed
into the Hare Krishna maha-mantra."
"These sixteen words--Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare--are especially meant for counteracting the ill effects of the present age of quarrel and anxiety."
Kali-santarana Upanishad
"In this age there is no use in meditation, sacrifice and temple worship. Simply by chanting the holy name of Krishna--Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare--one can achieve perfect self-realization."
Vishnu Purana 6.2.17
"Living beings who are entangled in the complicated meshes of birth and death can be freed immediately by even unconsciously chanting the holy name of Krishna, which is feared by fear personified."
"The self-realization which was achieved in the Satya millennium by meditation, in the Treta millennium by the performance of different sacrifices, and in the Dvapara millennium by worship of Lord Krishna, can be achieved in the age of Kali
simply by chanting the holy names, Hare Krishna."
Hindus believe that chanting the Lord's names is an effective process because the Lord and His names are identical: they are the same spiritual energy. For example, by chanting Hare Krishna a devotee is in immediate contact with God. If he/she chant someone else's name, he/she cannot enjoy their association because the name and the person are different.
Caitanya-caritamrta (Madhya-lila, 17.131-133) explains that there is no difference between the Lord's name, form, or personality, and they are all transcendentally sweet. Krishna's name is the same as Krishna Himself, and is not material in
any way. It gives spiritual benedictions and is full of pleasure. In
Caitanya-cartamrta (Adi-lila, 17.22, and the Padma Purana), the Hare Krishna maha-mantra is said to be the sound incarnation of Krishna, and anyone who chants this mantra is not only in direct association with Krishna, but is also delivered from the clutches of the material energy.
The Hare Krishna maha-mantra is so powerful that one who sincerely takes shelter of it will attain all the desired results of connection with the Supreme.
"The name of the Lord need not be chanted with regard to place, time, circumstantial conditions, preliminary self-purification or any other factors. Rather, it is completely independent of all other processes and rewards all the desires of those who eagerly chant it."
Skanda Purana
The Caitanya- caritamrta (Madhya-lila, 15.107) also points out that one is freed of
all sinful reactions simply by chanting Krishna's names. And all the nine types of devotional service are completed by this process
The names of God are identical to Him and are therefore transcendental. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu taught that chanting the great mantra “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare” is the sublime method for reviving our transcendental consciousness, or Krishna consciousness.
By chanting this mantra one can feel transcendental happiness coming through from the spiritual realm. Most of us are entangled in material life, but even a materially engrossed person is quickly raised to the spiritual platform by chanting.
The mantra is a spiritual call to the Lord and His internal energy. The mood of the chanting is like that of a child crying for its mother. It is a request to be returned to our natural position of pure devotional service to Krishna. By chanting the mantra sincerely, we invoke the mercy of the Lord's internal energy (Radha), who helps us achieve the grace of Krishna.
If we can do only one thing for our ultimate benefit, it should be to chant the Hare Krishna mantra.
Once you've hear it you'll never forget it. You may not know what the words mean--nevertheless there's something captivating about the Hare Krishna chant. Is it the catchy tune or the fascinating way in which the words are repeated and reversed? People who chant Hare Krishna say both contribute to its appeal. But they know that the secret of the chant's attraction is the quality of the sound itself. BTG Editors (04-15-07)
Anyone can take three words and make a song out of them, combining them in a cleaver way. But can that concoction be meditated on all day and all night? Would the chanters of those words report, as do the chanters of Hare Krishna, that the practice is freeing them from anxiety, opening up their minds to a liberated view of themselves, and investing them with blissfulness? No, of course not. The invented litany would only drive its creators to distraction.
But the sound of Hare Krishna is so enriching that a whole culture has been founded on it. Furthermore the people who chant Hare Krishna are developing good character, gaining knowledge of both the material and spiritual worlds, and helping other people to be free from pain. There is, then, a special quality to the sound of Hare Krishna. What is it?
The words Hare, Krishna and Rama have a special quality because they are seeds of spiritual consciousness. They are not a product of an earthbound language changing through the centuries. They are names of God, as ceaselessly energetic as God Himself.
When you pronounce these sounds, you are propelled into your eternal position as a particle of spiritual energy, a person living in a transcendental nature. Hare Krishna reveals to you the person you really are.
Read more about Krishna consciousness in the other articles on this website.
Although the living entities are Kṛṣṇa's parts and parcels, they are prakṛti, not puruṣa. Sometimes prakṛti (a living entity) attempts to imitate the activities of the puruṣa. Due to a poor fund of knowledge, living entities conditioned in this material world claim to be God. They are thus illusioned. A living entity cannot be on the level of a viṣṇu-tattva, or the Personality of Godhead, at any stage; therefore it is ludicrous for a living entity to claim to be God. Advanced spiritualists would never accept such a thing. Such claims are made to cheat ordinary, foolish people. The Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement declares war against such bogus incarnations. The bogus propaganda put out by people claiming to be God has killed God consciousness all over the world. Members of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement must be very alert to defy these rascals, who are presently misleading the whole world. One such rascal, known as Pauṇḍraka, appeared before Lord Kṛṣṇa, and the Lord immediately killed him. Of course, those who are Kṛṣṇa's servants cannot kill such imitation gods, but they should try their best to defeat them through the evidence of śāstra, authentic knowledge received through the disciplic succession.
Śrī Caitanya Caritāmṛta Madhya 22.9
Nowadays it is the fashion of the atheistic class of men to try to
become God by following some mystic process. Generally the atheists
claim to be God by dint of their imagination or their meditational
prowess. Krsna is not that kind of God. He does not become God by
manufacturing some mystic process of meditation, nor does He become God
by undergoing the severe austerities of the mystic yogic exercises.
Properly speaking, He never becomes God because He is the Godhead in all
Within the prison of His maternal uncle Kamsa, where
( krsna book )
The Srimad Bhagavatam (SB 1.3.25), Vishnu Purana (4.24), Agni Purana (16.7-9) and Padma Purana (6.71.279-282) speak of a future incarnation of Sri Krishna who will appear more that four hundred thousand years from now to bring the present age of Kali to an end and re-establish Satya yuga, the age of piety and religiousness. The tenth incarnation known as Lord Kalki will be the supreme chastiser of the envious and irreligious and will kill by the thousands such people so as to make way for the devotees to set up a society centered around God.
The four yugas
The four yugas or ages are described in the Bhagavad Gita (8.17), the Srimad Bhagavatam (3.11.19), the Vana parva of the Mahabharatha, amongst other places. In the Satya or Krita yuga, which lasts 1.728 million years, there is wisdom, religion, virtue with no vice and ignorance. All the four legs of religion - truthfulness, austerity, mercy and charity are completely manifest in the people of this age, who live in the mode of goodness with life spans of 100,000 years.
In the Treta yuga, which lasts for 1.296 million years, there is a 25 percent reduction in religiosity. People still follow the Vedas but more so for spiritual and economic gains, than for pleasing the Lord. The formerly classless society is now divided by the Varanashrama and the influence of irreligion is felt through lying and violence. People in this age live in a mixed mode of goodness and passion with life spans of 10,000 years.
In the Dvapara yuga people are interested in fame, glory and nobility. They are opulent with large families and live upto 1000 years. In the this yuga, which lasts for 864,000 years, life starts becoming arduous as wars, diseases, passion and hatred begun to grow. There is a further 25 percent reduction in religiosity and people are mostly in the mode of passion.
In the Kali yuga, which lasts for 432,000 years, people live for upto 100 years, mostly in the mode of ignorance, and of the four legs of religion, only truthfulness remains to some extend. With a further 25 percent reduction in religiosity, people are mostly engaged in irreligious practices solely for sense gratification. People in the age of Kali will be lazy, quarrelsome, greedy and deceitful.
In the Srimad Bhagavatam it is said that the age of Kali began five thousand years ago when Sri Krishna left the planet. It began in earnest when Srngi the immature Brahman son of Sage Samika, cursed Maharaja Parikshit to die in seven days. This fall of the Brahmans, who are known for their mercy and forgiveness, then spread to the ruling class, and the rulers became vain, proud and selfish. It then spread to the merchant class who became greedy and dishonest. In this way the age of Kali became an age of the sudras, of people without any religious knowledge, living for the sake of sense enjoyment, forever angry and discontent.
The time period of the four yugas is called a divya-yuga which lasts for 4.32 million years, and repeats itself cyclically. After every Kali yuga, a new cycle begins with Satya yuga. It is the tenth incarnation of Sri Krishna, Lord Kalki, who personally descends at the end of each Kali yuga to kill by the millions the miscreants who are envious of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and set the stage for Satya yuga of the next cycle to manifest.
The golden age of Kali
The Srimad Bhagavatam (11.5.38-40) talks about a period in Kali yuga where even demigods and denizens of the higher planetary systems desire to take birth. This period, which started about 500 years ago with the appearance of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, will last for 10,000 years. It is said that in this period the influences of the Kali yuga will be counteracted by the pure devotees of the Lord. Their weapon will be the nama-sankirtana or devotional chanting of the name, and with this they will reverse the influences of Kali yuga.
Those people who are fortunate to come in contact with these devotees, and take up devotional service themselves will find it very easy to go back to Godhead. What is achieved by austerities in the Satya yuga, meditation in the Treta yuga, elaborate temple worship in the Dvapara yuga is obtained by chanting the name of the Lord in the Kali yuga. This is a special benediction provided to the people of this age, since the environment is so polluted and the potency so diminished. Simply by chanting the name of the Lord one can achieve the highest form of liberation.
Once the golden age of Kali comes to an end, irreligion will set in fully. People with religious propensity will be hunted like animals, and they will be forced to leave the cities and live in the mountains and forests.
Activities of Lord Kalki
Lord Kalki will appear in the home of the most prominent Brahman, Vishnuyasha, in the village of Shambhala. The Padma Purana (6.242.8-12) states that Vishnuyasha is actually an incarnation of Svayambhuva Manu, who performed great austerities to have the Lord as his child. He received the benediction that the Lord will appear as his son three times. Thus Svayambhuva Manu appears as Dasaratha (Rama), Vasudeva (Krishna) and finally as Vishnuyasha (Kalki).
When Lord Kalki appears, people will be too strongly in the mode of ignorance to even comprehend the basic concepts of religiosity. So Lord Kalki does not come to teach, but simply to chastise, punish and cleanse the planet. The Srimad Bhagavatam (12.2.19-20) states that Lord Kalki, the Lord of the universe, will mount his swift white horse, Devadatta, and exhibiting eight mystic opulence, He will travel far and wide with His army of devotees to kill the sinful and faithless.
Only those who are engaged in the worship of the Supreme Lord will be left. Once the planet has been rid of the evil, the spirituality in these devotees will be heightened by the fragrant breeze carrying the smell of the sandalwood paste from the Lord’s body. In this way, Lord Kalki will reestablish righteousness on the Earth and in the minds of His devotees and then go back to His eternal abode.
The Srimad Bhagavatam (12.2.37-38) and the Vishnu Purana (4.24) states that there are two persons who have been patiently waiting for thousands of years for the descent of Lord Kalki. Devapi of the race of Puru and brother of King Shantanu, and Maru, a descendant of King Ikshvaku. Sustained by the mystic strength obtained from devotion they have lived through the yugas in a village named Kalapa, hidden from normal vision. Then at the instruction of Lord Kalki they will return to the society to become great kings and establish kingdoms centered around the sanatana dharma, the eternal service of man to God.
bottom line- there are still 4,27,000 years left 4 lord Kalki's advent so better chant hare krishna and be happy