Is the bible really the most historically accurate book?
2011-05-25 04:52:12 UTC
Is it really? I don't believe in god. Lots of people tell me that the bible is the most historically accurate book but I'm not sure
If I believe. And I want examples
Of it being right/wrong like I don't want " just pray about" it or "of course not it's crazy"
Fourteen answers:
2011-05-25 04:56:49 UTC
The bible said the earth was a sphere 4000 years before scientists figured out it was not flat.

The bible said the earth was free floating thousands of years before, when scientist thought it was on the back of a giant beast.........>
2011-05-25 05:14:02 UTC
I would wonder at anyone claiming the Bible is the most historically accurate book around. It does have some historical references to real people, places, and events but that is mixed in with many claims that don't match up with outside references and events and those that can't be verified with any supporting evidence. It also contradicts supposed historical information it gives from one place to another at times. For example, its book of Kings says that Baasha reigned over Israel in the 26th year of the reign of Asa while Chronicles reports that Baasha reigned over Israel in the 36th year of the reign of Asa. Or things like Chronicles says Jehoahaz son of Josiah became the successor of Josiah while the book of Jeremiah says it was another son named Shallum. There is all sorts of stuff like this which is wrangled over with a wide variety of interpretations. The Bible is hardly the most historically accurate book around but it can give us some historical insights.
2011-05-25 04:57:22 UTC
TERRY THE KLOWN is a typical anti-theist. Thinks he knows it all, and proves he knows next to nothing. That's how I've found most atheists to be. The Bible NEVER says 2 of every animal went on a boat. NEVER. PROVE IT, you ignorant anti-Goddite.

And by the way.....current science says that there is the potential for humans to live to be 1000. Pretty much lines up with what the Bible said happened before disease entered the world.
2011-05-25 05:12:31 UTC

Is the Bible true?


Did you know that the Bible is self authenticating?

You may think how could this be or what do I mean?

Well let me explain…..

The Bible is comprised of Hebrew in the Old Testament

and Greek in the New Testament. The Hebrews and the

Greeks use their alphabets as their numbering system.

This means that their words also represent

numbers as a co-incidence of this previous fact.

This system of interpreting words as numbers of

significance is known as Gematria. For example the

number *eight* in the bible is a number that represents a

new beginning. The name Jesus in the Greek is Ἰησοῦς

where the letter Ἰ=10 η=8 σ=200 ο=70 ῦ=400 ς=200

….thus the total for His name is 888.

This can be sourced at the following unbiased links….

Now this in itself may not be that surprising…..

But this principle has been applied in a similar fashion to

the first verse of the Old Testament and the first verse of

the Gospel of John in the New Testament….both verses

relate to Creation and Origins. The results are surprising

to say the least. The author claims there is a 1 in ten

billion chance of it occurring. The formula that is applied is

kind of suspicious but since it is the same formula applied

to both verses the result achieved for both verses is so

unique it is undoubtedly the hand of God.

The results are 3.141554509 and 2.718312812 for

Genesis 1v1 and John 1v1 respectively

Which is the value of Pi and e within (-ve)0.0012%

and (+ve)0.0011% respectively!

If you are interested in understanding

the details please visit this site…..


Further….the Gospels can be validated thus....


Matthew describes Jesus as a King

Mark describes Jesus as a Servant (humble)

Luke describes Jesus as the Son of Man (Perfect)

John describes Jesus as the Son of God

Matthew = Purple = Lion = Royalty

Mark = Red = Ox = Sin/Sacrifice

Luke = White = Man = Righteous

John = Blue = Eagle = Heavenly

The colours(& tone) are those used

in the Holy veil in the Temple.

2 Chronicles 3:14 .....

The animals are those represented

by the Four Living creatures.....

Revelation 15v7 .....

Ezekiel 1v5 ......




The bible continually weaves facts with indescribable

codes and symbols that over a period of approximately

1600 years leaves no doubt as to it's author.

The first Prophet of note in the Bible is Enoch. He named

his Son Methuselah. Mut is the Hebrew word for death

and Shalach is the Hebrew word for sent. Prophetically

his name means it is sent when he dies. The year that

M@thuwshelach died was the year the flood was sent.


If you take all the names of Adam through to

Christ it is a hidden gospel message....




Isaiah is a mini-bible comprising of 66 chapters each

representing the 39 documents of the Old Testament

and 27 documents of the New Testament....

…6 is the number of man.




Without even touching on all the fulfilled and yet

to be fulfilled Prophecies contained in the Bible

it is without doubt the Word of God.

One example is Israel becoming

a Nation on Pentecost 1948...

Isaiah 66v8 ….

>>>----- -----<<< please watch

God Bless.
2011-05-25 05:02:43 UTC
Honestly ,

Holy Quran is the most historically unchanged book that most of it contains alot of stories from millions of years thats why alot of people reverted to islam after they surprised about those amazing realistic discoveries and one of them was Dr. Maurice Bucaille was the leading scientist that tested the body of Pharoah in France in 1981 to prove the authenticity. That puzzled him of how come it was mentioned in Quran which was revealed 1400 years before. This led him to read the Quran which he did with a bias heart at the start but finally he discovered many scientific truths in it and accepted it to be the true revelation from God Almighty and became a Muslim. Therefore my humble request to all those skeptics and Islam bashes out there is to read the Quran with an open heart if you want to know the truth.
2011-05-25 05:14:10 UTC


Hydrologic cycle…Ecclésiastes 1:7 & Isaiah 55v10

Evaporation…Psalm 135:7 & Jeremiah 10:13

Condensation Nuclei…Proverbs 8:26

Condensation…Job 26:8; 37:11,16

Precipitation…Job 36:27-28

Run-Off…Job 28:10

Oceanic reservoir…Psalm 33:7

Snow…Job 38:22 & Psalm 147:16

Hydrologic balance…Isaiah 40:12 & Job 28:24-26


Principle of isostasy…Isaiah 40:12 & Psalm 104:5-9

Shape of the earth…Isaiah 40:22 & Psalm 103:12

Rotation of earth…Job 38:12,14

Gravitation…Job 26:7; 38:6

Rock erosion…Job 14:18,19

Glacial period…Job 38:29,30

Uniformitarianism…2 Peter 3:4


Size of universe…Isaiah 55:9 & Job 22:12 & Jeremiah 31:37

Number of stars…Jeremiah 33:22 & Genesis 22:17

Variety of stars…1 Corinthians 15:41

Precision of orbits…Jeremiah 31:35,36


Circulation of atmosphere…Ecclesiastes 1:6

Protective effect of atmosphere…Isaiah 40:22

Oceanic origin of rain…Ecclesiastes 1:7

Relation of electricity to rain…Jeremiah 10:13


Blood circulation…Leviticus 17:11

Psychotherapy…Proverbs 16:24; 17:22

Biogenesis and stability…Genesis 1:11,21,25

Uniqueness of man…Genesis 1:26

Chemical nature of flesh…Genesis 1:11,24-27; 3:19 & 1 Peter 1:24,25


Mass-energy equivalence…Hebrews 1:3 & Colossians 1:17

Source of energy for earth…Genesis 1:14,17 & Psalm 19:6

Atomic disintegration…2 Peter 3:10

Radio waves…Job 38:35

Many Infallible Proofs by Henry M. Morris
2011-05-25 04:57:35 UTC
The Bible is a collection of mythology, much of it was borrowed from previous religions.

It's just as historically accurate as ancient greek or ancient egyptian myths.
2011-05-25 04:56:29 UTC
No, any high school history text, even ones with large bias, are likely to be more historically accurate.
2011-05-25 04:56:07 UTC
I think you will find that there are many books more historically accurate the encyclopaedia Britannica being one of them.
2011-05-25 04:56:44 UTC

Talking animals, global floods and people rising from the dead to name but a few...
Jim the evolution cruncher
2011-05-25 04:55:15 UTC
The Bible is perfect and inspired yet it is not necessarily a history book

It is more a Book on instruction on what is right, how to get right and how to stay right
2011-05-25 04:54:20 UTC
Really? The Bible talks about God making a woman out of Adam's rib, and a man living to 900 years old and putting 2 of every animal on a boat, and you're asking if it's in any way historically accurate?

The Bible has too much magical mumbo jumbo to be considered a good reference for history. Don't use it for your history assignments.

@Richard Right: Okay... *does a quick google search*

Book of Genesis, Chapter 6, KJV

[17] And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.

[18] But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee.

[19] And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.

[20] Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive.

[21] And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them.

[22] Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he.

" And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female."

How are you supposed to interpret that, then?
2011-05-25 04:55:48 UTC
Are you kidding?

Numbers 12:3 - NOW THE MAN MOSES WAS VERY MEEK, ABOVE ALL THE MEN WHICH WERE UPON THE FACE OF THE EARTH* (*Moses was drooling with Holy modesty while writing his share of Bible stories!).

The Bible writers proudly present the story of a Holy and meek “LAW GIVER” Moses stabbing in the back an Egyptian foreman because HE WAS TOO ROUGH ON THE JEWS! Moses had to run away from the Pharaoh’s Police to the Kingdom of Midian in the Palestine region where he was given FULL ASYLUM. 40 Bible years later he returns to Egypt to take over the INSTANTANEOUS FULL LEADERSHIP of 2,000,000+ Jews who hardly ever heard about him. That’s a miracle! He told them that his newly found God Yahweh (aka YHWH, Jehovah, The LORD, Ha-Shem) promised to conquer the Land of Palestine for them as long as they kill all the Palestinians living in there… NO JOKE! The Palestine region was the Jewish Bible writers’ “God’s Holy Promised Land” for them! They are still fighting for it!

Moses was a cold bloody murderer. The “Thou shalt not kill” commandment that he got in stone from God was a big finger salute to the foreman that he slaughtered back in Egypt (Exo 2:12)! Killing anybody to settle a Godly account is still the way some powerful Christian politicians do business today!

The Bible is full of stories of GOD ordering Moses to slaughter everybody including babies and pregnant women in the Palestine region to make room for Israel! The “obedient” Jews complied!

Numbers 25:16-17 (NIV) (“Moses” wrote) The Lord said to Moses, “Treat the Midianites as enemies AND KILL THEM”* (*regardless of how good they were to him when he was running away from the Pharaoh’s police!)

The PREACHERS today explain that GOD wanted the Medianites slaughtered and sent to HELL because they were “SINFUL” people. The Midianites couldn’t have possibly been a political “enemy” of Israel because in this Bible story Israel didn’t exist as a nation yet. The Jews were slaves born in Egypt. God is ordering Moses to TREAT THE MIDIANITES AS ENEMIES AND TO KILL THEM, ALL OF THEM, just like when GOD ORDERED ABRAHAM TO KILL HIS SON ISAAC! No Joke, God is in the killing business! Zipporah, Moses’ first long term loving wife was a Midianite! No Preacher today talks about ANY Bible story of millions of “UNGODLY” Midianites SLAUGHTERED in a way that not even Hitler would have ever dreamed doing it! Hitler was not known to be a sexual predator like Moses!

Numbers 31:17-18 (NIV) Now kill all the boys* (*today SOME CHRISTIANS are very upset at their Clergy and Preachers for FONDLING KIDS, but this verse here is GOD ORDERING the outright genocide of Midianite CHILDREN! Moses’ children were Midianite citizens, for Christ’s sake!). And kill every WOMAN* (*including Moses’ mother in law and any other female relative. MOSES DEMANDS NOT TO SHOW ANY MERCY TO PREGNANT WOMEN! It is amazing the BIGOTRY OF FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIANITY taking an irrational anti-abortion stand WORSHIPPING THIS SADISTIC CHILDREN AND PREGNANT WOMEN KILLING BIBLE GOD! Christians are HURTING women in real need of an abortion!) who has slept with a man* (*i.e. ANY PREGNANT WOMAN, even married ladies! Except the Blessed Virgin Mary, of course! God the Holy Ghost got her pregnant and that is OK! Still, any pregnant lady who “slept with a man” even her own husband MUST DIE! “PRAISE THE LORD!” –says PTL! In the Bible stories fetuses were NEVER of any concern to anybody and they were ALWAYS stoned to death along the pregnant women! No preacher today would risk their source of income talking about any gross immorality in the BIBLE! I honestly had to quit Christianity and religion!), BUT SAVE FOR YOURSELVES EVERY GIRL* (*NOT THE OLD LADIES, BUT ONLY THE YOUNG GIRLS!) WHO HAS NEVER SLEPT WITH A MAN* (*so God’s Chosen people can break in brand new virgin girls by the bushels!)

In the Bible stories ALL sexual predators and abusers are FULLY PROTECTED! CHILD ABUSE IS ALSO PROMOTED! Moses was a cold bloody mass murderer worse than Hitler. He was a sexual predator and a proficient Bible story writer, if he ever existed that is! The Jews are known to be very good at story telling and movie script writing! They made it very easy for Clergy and Preachers today to grope and fondle almost everybody! Deut 17:12-13.

Christianity is a very primitive and repulsive religion, second only to Islam! Pedophilia and the killing of innocent children and pregnant women was NEVER A “SIN” in the Bible stories, but a Holy routine! In Midian alone the HOLY MEN OF GOD collected 32,000 young virgin girls for their own sexual enjoyment (Num. 31:35).
2011-05-25 04:54:11 UTC
LOL hell no!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.