Is the Bible true?
Did you know that the Bible is self authenticating?
You may think how could this be or what do I mean?
Well let me explain…..
The Bible is comprised of Hebrew in the Old Testament
and Greek in the New Testament. The Hebrews and the
Greeks use their alphabets as their numbering system.
This means that their words also represent
numbers as a co-incidence of this previous fact.
This system of interpreting words as numbers of
significance is known as Gematria. For example the
number *eight* in the bible is a number that represents a
new beginning. The name Jesus in the Greek is Ἰησοῦς
where the letter Ἰ=10 η=8 σ=200 ο=70 ῦ=400 ς=200
….thus the total for His name is 888.
This can be sourced at the following unbiased links….
Now this in itself may not be that surprising…..
But this principle has been applied in a similar fashion to
the first verse of the Old Testament and the first verse of
the Gospel of John in the New Testament….both verses
relate to Creation and Origins. The results are surprising
to say the least. The author claims there is a 1 in ten
billion chance of it occurring. The formula that is applied is
kind of suspicious but since it is the same formula applied
to both verses the result achieved for both verses is so
unique it is undoubtedly the hand of God.
The results are 3.141554509 and 2.718312812 for
Genesis 1v1 and John 1v1 respectively
Which is the value of Pi and e within (-ve)0.0012%
and (+ve)0.0011% respectively!
If you are interested in understanding
the details please visit this site….. http://homepage.virgin.net/vernon.jenkins/First_Princs.htm
Further….the Gospels can be validated thus....
Matthew describes Jesus as a King
Mark describes Jesus as a Servant (humble)
Luke describes Jesus as the Son of Man (Perfect)
John describes Jesus as the Son of God
Matthew = Purple = Lion = Royalty
Mark = Red = Ox = Sin/Sacrifice
Luke = White = Man = Righteous
John = Blue = Eagle = Heavenly
The colours(& tone) are those used
in the Holy veil in the Temple.
2 Chronicles 3:14 ..... http://bible.cc/2_chronicles/3-14.htm
The animals are those represented
by the Four Living creatures.....
Revelation 15v7 ..... http://bible.cc/revelation/15-7.htm
Ezekiel 1v5 ...... http://bible.cc/ezekiel/1-5.htm
The bible continually weaves facts with indescribable
codes and symbols that over a period of approximately
1600 years leaves no doubt as to it's author.
The first Prophet of note in the Bible is Enoch. He named
his Son Methuselah. Mut is the Hebrew word for death
and Shalach is the Hebrew word for sent. Prophetically
his name means it is sent when he dies. The year that
M@thuwshelach died was the year the flood was sent.
If you take all the names of Adam through to
Christ it is a hidden gospel message....
Isaiah is a mini-bible comprising of 66 chapters each
representing the 39 documents of the Old Testament
and 27 documents of the New Testament....
…6 is the number of man.
Without even touching on all the fulfilled and yet
to be fulfilled Prophecies contained in the Bible
it is without doubt the Word of God.
One example is Israel becoming
a Nation on Pentecost 1948...
Isaiah 66v8 …. http://bible.cc/isaiah/66-8.htm
>>>----- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1BPtPABoGo&feature=pyv&ad=5473392745&kw=god&gclid=CLWOzOKs26MCFQEcHAod8h0ZWQ#t=7m48s -----<<< please watch
God Bless.