Ok, so I've been doing some reading about Wicca and I still truly do believe it is the path I want to follow, but I did come across something about sex being sacred. I am asexual (that's right), so I don't know if it's an issue for me or not. I'm just simply not interested in sexual relationships, I never have and I believe I never will be. I don't think sex is bad or nasty or shameful, I'm just completely indifferent to it in relation to myself. I do understand the importance of sex in nature and I believe it is something to be respected and even honored. I don't have any problem with sexual symbolism at all. But I am not sure if my sexuality (or lack there of) will prevent me from following this beautiful path that I have found.
Deprecation is not welcome or appreciated. I don't know how some of you can say very hurtful things about someone without batting an eye. I am looking for information, not insults and scorn.