Yes Brahmana Rishis worshipped the Devas and Devas worshipped Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. While the Asuras worshipped Siva and Brahma.
Vyasa tells us that sometimes the Devas would first try to distract the people who were doing Tapas and cause a Tapobhanga or Tapobhagnam – breaking the Tapas. Just as the Asuras would try and destroy the Yajnyas of the brahmans – Yajnyanasanam.
The Devas would just run to Vishnu or Siva and Brahma and just ask for what they wanted. Just asking is called Prarthana or Prayer. Often they would honour Vishnu or Siva and Brahma with praise before asking for favours. This is called stotra or stuti. The devas believed that it was right to honour Vishnu or Siva and Brahma before asking. Sometimes the Devas would just take refuge in Vishnu or Siva and Brahma and say ‘please save us’. And that was enough. This was Saranagata and the word used was Pahi Mam which means Rescue Me.
The following description of the Trimurthi is from the Narada Purana. The Narada Purana was first told to Sanatkumara (a son of Brahma and a devotee of Vishnu) by the Devarshi Narada (also a son of Brahma and a devotee of Vishnu). This Purana was later told by Vyasa’s student Suta to Saunaka and other rishis in the Naimisharanya (near Lucknow).
“ Brahma and Sarasvati are thus together responsible for creation (srishti), Vishnu and Lakshmi are responsible for preservation (sthiti), and Shiva and Parvati are responsible for destruction (laya). The unified Shakti is sometimes also called Mahamaya or Prakriti.“
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