Why should we help others?
17 years ago
When I was 18, I became a born again Pagan. My best friend became a born again Christian. At that time, I was a volunteer for a Women's Sexual Assault Center, a Telephone Crisis Center, a Wildlife Rescue & Care Organization, an Organization for the Blind, and did Environmental work.

My born again Christian friend asked me what purpose my volunteering had. She felt that if I wasn't doing it for God, it meant nothing, because there was no greater purpose to my efforts to help others. She then went on to explain that when she helped others (which to her meant trying to convert people) she was doing God's work, thereby insuring a place for her in Heaven.

Many years later, long after our friendship dissolved due to her unceasing efforts to 'help' me, she works as a missionary, while I continue dedicating my life to helping others in my own ways.

I find that rather screwed up. Should we not be helping others because we can, and we care, rather than to receive an award for our efforts?
27 answers:
Cheryl E
17 years ago
You are typical of most Pagans I know - doing what you can to help in your community. Why do we do it? Because we feel that we are all connected to each other and to the earth. It has nothing to do with expecting anything in return. It has everything to do with seeing suffering and wanting to do something to alleviate it. My husband and I have donated time and various items to the local shelters and rescue mission. He served openly as a Pagan (in conservative Idaho, no less) on a statewide hunger coalition. Other Pagans I know also help out at food banks and in other charitable ways. We also help each other, our friends, and family when we need it. We've also helped people of other religions just because they are human beings in need of a helping hand. It's about caring and kindness. Why do people want to make something holier-than-thou about it, and go around telling everyone how "good" they are because they do it? I suspect a lot of people do charitable work just so they can deduct it from their taxes and have something to brag about so others think they are altruistic.
17 years ago
I don't think morality, charity and ethics were first invented by the Christians.

Doing what we can to help others is a good thing. The energy we put out comes back, that's a good enough reason to start with. Also, if you help others, help will be there if you become needed.

Helping the environment is a major good thing, something that some Christians have actually told me is pointless. "Jesus is coming in our life time so why save the earth?"

I think I walked away at that point because any conversation was pointless.

Keep doing what makes you feel good and gives honor to the deities, yourself and your family.
17 years ago
Soul is Permanent.Body is Like a dress for the Soul.It will act according to the deeds in ones earlier Birth.All souls are Brothers. There is no sex unless it is entering into a Body and take Birth.

When we are in soul conscious we can experience all souls are Brothers.

When we are doing any help to any Soul (Any Body) with soul conscious we will feel that we are only an instrumental and done a deed a trustee and we will always do GOOD deeds only on behalf of GOD.God has used our body since we are his children.

In such be the case that you and your friend have done any thing only in the Part of the Drama and there is no new thing in it.According to your role in the DRAMA you both have acted, that all.!
Not perfect, just forgiven
17 years ago
Matthew 25:35-40
17 years ago
With all the wonderful self sacrificing things you are doing to help others, no one should be finding fault with you for it. Not all good people have the same beliefs, and your point about helping others for reasons other than rewards marks you as a good person. Your friend may not be capable of accepting that others don't share her beliefs, but that is her problem. For her own sake I hope she opens her mind someday.
kymm r
17 years ago
I agree , I help people because I can, I do not wish to accept thankyou or glory I feel it more a duty.Many are surprized when I help out an aquantance whom has strong ties with a church, collect clothes to send to needy children etc, which I do constantly I tell the church people you do not only have to be catholic to care and help people. I am Pagan and I am proud to be, Blessed be.
17 years ago
I completely agree with you. Trying to convert someone is NOT helping an individual. Volunteer work and offering your time and assistance to others is a mitzvah in my faith. If it gives you a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment, then the rewards that follow are irrelevant. I see why your 'friendship' didn't last!
Amma's Child
17 years ago
To serve others selflessly without expectation is already a path towards God even if the person is not thinking of God in the process. Rather the love out of being in service to another is already loving God because God exists in everyone.

We all are one, to help another, we in the end help ourselves because we all are these fingers on the hand of God.

Did you know that in Hinduism there are four paths towards God (which also applies to all religions): karma yoga (path of action/selfless service), raja yoga (path of meditation), jnana yoga (path of knowledge) and bhakti yoga (path of devotion). It is said that if a person spends their life doing nothing but being of service to others in any shape and form like you are already doing, you are already favorable in God's eyes bringing Him/Her closer to you. It is said that God resides in the hearts of those that give selfless service to others regardless of one's religion/beliefs or whether they thought of God or not in the process.

My guru Amma talks alot about how important it is to give selflessly as part of the spiritual path. I wasn't volunteering anywhere at the time two years ago and decided to start incorporating that into my life. I chose to volunteer at the local food bank. Ever since I started volunteering, I started to feel more love in my heart for others and felt more useful. I also learnt how much the community needs the helps of others and that the help we give really does matter and makes a huge difference in many lives. It opened my eyes more on how we need to create a balance between those that are without and those that have an abundance. Now selfless service is something I will always do for the rest of my life.

I agree with you that we should help others because we are compassionate, have a big heart and are able to give and help. It is our nature to love others. That itself is already doing God's work. Your friend was misguided and made judgments about your intent of doing it. That is just ignorance and lack of understanding of the underlying spiritual principles.
17 years ago
i dont see how converting people helps them... i help others because its nice and the best way to gain new friends. i was raised in a christian family, but never cared for the idea that the only way to help someone is to convert them. makes me feel good to help some one with a problem. i appreciate it when i ask for help and someone comes to help, so wouldnt it be good to give help too? i dont pay much attention to religion much
17 years ago
Every once in a while I give a dollar to someone standing on a corner holding a sign. After seeing the same individuals day after day I think to myself..Why can't they find a job?. Seeing these same people everyday gave me cause to quit donating. I still feel compassion for those of us that are down and out but they're people out there that take advantage of my generosity. I'm lucky to be where I am in this life...and I'm willing to help others. I just don't want to give it to those that are too lazy or criminally inclined too earn it on their own.
17 years ago
We should help others because it's the right thing to do. Your ex-friend is totally messed up. When you help someone you get back many times over. YEs, we should help other because we can and we care, not to recieve some king of reward for our efforts.
17 years ago
I agree with you that it's screwed up. In my opinion you're a better person than she is if all of that is true. You're doing those good things because you care enough about others to help. She's doing them with the expectation of some kind of reward.
17 years ago
In helping others she has a selfish cause of going to heaven. You work for God when you have no self interest and work for the betterment of society you live in. She has put heaven before God.
17 years ago
We most assuredly should help others simply for the sake of making their lives better. I can honestly think of no higher purpose than that.

How can people not realize that if their god existed it would see right through their fake attempts at helping others while their real purpose is to help themselves?
17 years ago
its a very self full filling deed to help others. I have lost 4 wallets in my time and never has not one kind person returned them. Its gets me so angery, but when I find other peoples wallets or purses I return them with out stealing a cent. Its not fair, but I feel so much better about myself when I do that, the same goes for any case similar to that.
17 years ago
Keep up the good work.

I am not talking about your friend.

But there are some people in this world, that ask themselves:

"What's in it for me?" Before they do anything at all for

anyone else. You have a heart of gold. <3
17 years ago
Helping others makes us feel good inside and makes the world a better place for all.
17 years ago
helping others for your own reward is selfish. if you are going to help someone (and i mean help someone with something they need, not convert) it should be just because you want to. you are doing your bit to make this world a better place.
17 years ago
Yeah. Christians always look so selfish. I personally help people cause it's the right thing to do some times.
17 years ago
Doesn't matter what the motivation. The helping hand is good, unless it breeds dependence and/or is offered conditionally (like, "embrace Jesus or you don't get your soup at this kitchen")
17 years ago
do you do for others out of a desire to do good for others? isn't that better than doing good out an expectation of reward or to avoid punishment?

yes... help others... out of a pure heart... not for recognition my man or god.
17 years ago
It makes me feel good knowing I'm helping others.
17 years ago
The true spirit of charity is to help with no expectation of reward or recognition. Your help is real. Your ex-friend's help is false.
☮ Pangel ☮
17 years ago
when we do things for others without the promise of reward for ourself ...

then we are doing it from our heart

of course we are all rewarded , when we do something for others , it makes us feel good

your friend is not doing things for the right reasons ... and if she is correct and her God is correct , he will judge her heart
17 years ago

I think that you already know the answer to this question.
17 years ago
all i can say is

i totaly agree with you
17 years ago
The truth is, your friend is going to heaven, where she's currently storing up treasures, you are not.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.