"There is no higher instance, no judgement, no divine intervention, and NO GODS that steer man's destiny, but only the law of karma itself, which works on a universal scale. Deeds yield consequences either in the next second, in the next hour, day, month, year, decade, or even in the next lifetime, or in another distant lifetime.
What we are is determined largely by what we THOUGHT, SAID and DID in the past, while what we are thinking, saying, and doing now will form our future.
Wherever the three defilements - delusion, greed, and aversion - are present, they blur the view and increase the level of confusion in the individual. There is a low level of skill in distinguishing between good and bad actions.
As long as there is delusion, greed, aversion, and as long as passions are not extinguished, we generate karma. Because we eventually accumulate unmaterialised karma, there is a next lifetime in which the accumulated karma will take form. Only when all accumulated karma is realised and the generation of new karma is stopped, one can enter the stream that leads to Nirvana."