Why does Jesus preaches that it is difficult for a rich man to be saved ?
2009-03-23 01:08:00 UTC
Jesus said that it is easier for a camel to go thru needle's eye than for a rich man to enter into Kingdom of God. What's wrong with being rich if one becomes rich via honest hard work ? How can poverty solve society's problems ? I find this a weak point in Christian philosophy.
27 answers:
2009-03-23 01:13:43 UTC
I think the idea behind this story is that when you are able you should help others less fortunate than yourself.
2009-03-23 08:45:55 UTC
Yours have asked a very relevant question here!! So I hope that I can address this issue according to what the Bible has to say about it.

I am sure you remember the Commandment that says, "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me". This is the root and the answer to the question you have asked.

One other person wrote about the "Gate of Jerusalem, Eye of the Needle", un-fortuneately this is not what the Bible is talking about. Jesus Christ stated this exactly according to it's words, literally the "Eye of a Needle" and here's why.

In my years so far on this earth I have met and know many wealthy people and by-in-large the mahority are "Consumed" according to their wealth. For the most part, their clarity on Business Ethics has a lot to be desired, in that many times their left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. In some cases I have seen them "Look the Other way" on some issues, regretably.

The Bible also speaks, "Where ever your Treasure is, there is your Heart as well" and this will speak volumns for most wealthy individuals. Regretably, thier sole endeavor in life is the attainment of more wealth, they then lack the time and effort to profess the Lord in thier activities. In other words the richer keep getting richer and poor get poorer. When does a rich man have time to help someone less fortuneate than themselves, when every waking moment is concerned with attaining more wealth and usually at the expence of the more poor around them.

It is a gift to have a great deal of money or power and with that, comes a greater deal of responsibility from God to assist others. This won't take place if your efforts revolve around your issues and circumstances of wealth. Sort of like putting on a set of blinders, like a horse, you won't be able to see the afflictions of others, therefore, how will you be able to assist them?

Most importantly. This is why wealth in the Christian Life is NOT a weak point. As a "True Follower of Jesus Christ" you won't need to consume your life with wealth, when the Lord states "He will provide for all your needs".

Poverty will NOT solve societies discrepancies, but the "Faith" in ones heart for the Lord God Almighty will "Solve" all things!! You must put the Lord first, in all that you do. Your mission and reason for being NOT....wealth!!! You reason for being here is to decide the path you want for Eternity!! This life we have here is to decide that ONE issue alone!! This life is just the beginning of the Life God originally intended for us and every single person that has ever lived or will live, is to get to that one point in life and make that decision. It is a simple "Y" in the road of life and you can only pick one way or the other, it is YOUR decision for your life and only you can make it.
Messenger (I has tuff)
2009-03-23 08:17:41 UTC
Yours Truly,

You misunderstand the teaching.

There is nothing sinful about being rich. In fact, God made Solomon very rich. Abraham was very rich.

What Christ was referring to is that many people focus on their riches instead of on God. Anything, no matter what it is, may become like an idol to you if you put it first in your life.

As for the rich young man that Jesus told to sell his things and give to the poor, and to come and follow Him: He could see into that man's heart and knew it was his "stuff" which was holding him back from a true relationship with God.

If someone is wealthy, or even if you are simply not poor, God expects you to help the poor and give to the needy although it is not required for salvation. It's just the right thing to do.

As for the eye of the needle, He also said that nothing is impossible with God.
2009-03-23 08:14:15 UTC
It isn't that poverty is good so much as it is that it is difficult for people to part with material possessions; and the more possessions one has, the more they must be willing to part with.


Not all people know about this, but it puts this story into much more relatable context.

One of the gates to the city of Jerusalem was called "The Needle's Eye." It was extremely narrow--a single camel or horse could fit through it, but not if it was carrying any kind of a load. For the camel to be able to pass throught the gate, the rider had to strip the camel of the entire load so it would be thin enough to squeeze through. The bigger a load the camel was carrying, the more work it was to unpack it (and repack it once through the gate).
lantern swinger
2009-03-23 08:29:06 UTC
It is the attitude of rich people that is more of a problem than being rich. Most rich folks are motivated by a LOVE of money. They want nothing else but to have more money, even if they already have billions. They literally serve money as if it were their God, just as most of the world does.

But continue reading the same passage. The disciples ask "who then can be saved?" (reasoning in themselves that rich people were the most blessed by God, more than likely). Jesus answers that "with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Fortunately, we are saved apart from our own righteousness and our own works. Christ paid the price for our sins, therefore it is now possible for a rich man to be saved.
Neil K
2009-03-23 08:20:00 UTC
I don't know. I am not a Christian, but Jesus' way was a doctrine of voluntary poverty. Modern Christians who try to claim this is somehow metaphorical are just kidding themselves.

There is a streak of sadism in Christianity. Mother Teresa did not believe in alleviating suffering, but in glorifying it as bringing the wretches of the earth closer to God. Her hospitals deliberately avoided treatments that might actually cure their patients. No really, look it up.

You also have to remember that Jesus lived under Roman occupation. Democracy and the middle class haven't really been invented yet. To get rich -- really rich -- meant exploitation of the people or collaboration with the enemies of Israel. Note how people in the Bible are way more shocked about him hanging out with tax collectors than with prostitutes, and how Jesus compares them both to sick people needing his holiness.
Lkonae Y
2009-03-23 08:20:59 UTC
Im Atheist but i don't think this is a weak point. In their time this was true. Many, if not all rich men were corrupt.

The eye of a needle is in reality the small gate to a city. Camels were strictly not allowed through :)

So its very very difficult for a rich man to goto heaven, not super impossible.
2009-03-23 08:13:33 UTC
You miss the point completely. Jesus never said that because you are rich you cannot be saved. What He was saying is that once you are saved, your riches get used to extend the kingdom of God. You cannot out give God, and this is why He said this, for this man did not wish to work for God, but only live for his flesh.
2009-03-23 08:20:19 UTC
(Matthew 19:24) Again I say to YOU, It is easier for a camel to get through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of God.”

If a person becomes attached to his possessions as that wealthy young man did, they could become a barrier to his serving Jehovah wholeheartedly. That could be true both of one who is already wealthy and of one who is “determined to be rich.” (1 Timothy 6:9, 10) Trusting too much in material things can lead a person to be less ‘conscious of his spiritual need.’ (Matthew 5:3) As a result, he might not feel the same need for Jehovah’s support. (Deuteronomy 6:10-12) He might come to expect special treatment in the congregation. (James 2:1-4) And he could spend most of his time enjoying his wealth rather than serving Jehovah.
Ry Pikachu
2009-03-23 08:16:35 UTC
I think what Jesus is trying to say is that after you die you don't get to keep anything anyway, and having a bit too much money can get you a little 'distracted' from that fact. So instead of putting your focus on the Treasures of Heaven you might be focusing too much on what you got already. Also the money might make you more arrogant and materialistic and gives you too much power to humble yourself before God, because you might think that you have everything and don't need help from anyone. Of course this is based according to the Christian way of thinking.
2009-03-23 08:29:24 UTC
A rich man is he who amasses wealth only for himself. He forgets the fact that every human being is a child of God and all of them should live a good life. If he is kind and sharing, he will be loved by God. But if he keeps on amassing wealth ignoring those who are needy, he can never enter the kingdom of God.
2009-03-23 08:15:54 UTC
because the rich are living it up while the poor suffer and jesus did not invent christianity man did thats why its interpreted wrong jesus did not want to creat a new religin"the law is alive no longer writtin in stone" that means fill your heart with compasion not with ideas that man created. jesus said to give all of your material things away and it is hard for a rich man to do this to follow the word of god and for a poor man to do this is much easier.
2009-03-23 08:23:00 UTC
People often misunderstand what was said here...The Rich Young Man Let's take a look at this young man...what was his motives? Who or what was his Higher Power, his idol?

16Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?"

17"Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments."

18"Which ones?" the man inquired.

Jesus replied, " 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, 19honor your father and mother,' and 'love your neighbor as yourself.'"

20"All these I have kept," the young man said. "What do I still lack?"

21Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

22When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.

23Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

25When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, "Who then can be saved?"

26Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

27Peter answered him, "We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?"

28Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother[or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. 30But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.

What Jesus is saying here is have Him as your number one, your central belief...but the young man obeyed laws and rules, yet was not willing to make the sacrifices to follow Jesus...Surely, if God had wanted only the poor to go to Heaven, He would never have returned Job's riches and then some...He would not have promised the throne of Heaven would come from the family of a King-David---but greed, the love of money, makign money an idol rather than a goal, not wishing to give it to benefit others via charity, not tithing and making other offerings is Not following is idolizing gold and such.

Jesus was saying those who value money over the commandments and arenot willing to choose spiritual values over physical, earthly, material values--including those who preach prosperity doctrines--will have a hard time attaining his grace and mercy....a man who is humble and successful and credits his wealth tot he blessings of the Lord puts his priorities in the proper order.
2009-03-23 21:29:24 UTC
its not the money or the wealth that a person has, its the pride and selfishness that often accompanies that. Jesus isnt saying its a sin to be rich...just that it can be more difficult to enter into the Kingdom if your heart isnt in the right place.....†
Siver ChaCha
2009-03-23 08:16:04 UTC
Well if the Jesus, Oprah and Dr. Phil keep banging on about is real... man they are huge trouble!

The idea is if there were no truly rich people... if all of those who have more than they need gave what they did not need to those who need it. There would be enough for everyone.

Unlike you to ME the idea of EVERYONE being my family is what I find the single most appealing feature of Christianity.

I just don't believe in god
Friedrich Wilhelm
2009-03-23 08:13:26 UTC
Rich people often let their money or other ones work instead of working for themselves. They are often egocentric and do not share their money. The way to richdom is often a brutal one. However, this does not concern all rich people. Poverty is not necessary to be blessed. It should be an average for all.
Lady Kk
2009-03-23 12:14:15 UTC
You find a weak point in this philosophy because you are not seeing it clearly. People put their trust in the riches of this world more often then putting their trust in God.
2009-03-23 12:15:12 UTC
you may have noticed the more money people have, the more greedier they are (in most cases). people develop a love for money and this begins seperating them from God. money becomes an idol to them. Jesus said you can not serve both God and mammon. theres nothing wrong with being rich; it depends on how you handle your wealth
2009-03-24 13:28:38 UTC
This is merely an attempt to program people into WANTING to be poor for the purpose of control. See the below website for more answers:
2009-03-27 07:53:16 UTC
How else are the Churches going to get money out of the rich?
2009-03-23 08:18:26 UTC
In order to be rich you need to consider yourself before others. But if a rich person shares what they have with the poor- then it is possible to be rich and still go to Heaven. (Rich in their pockets, yet poor in their spirit (attitude) But when you sin you consider yourself before others, when you do good you consider others and God before yourself. So it is possible- but not likely, and a difficult task. But with God all things are possible.
John N
2009-03-23 08:16:02 UTC
I'm not an expert in Christianity, but I think God wants us to be humble in our life. I'm not saying all rich people have this but to me all of them seem to like buying a huge house and load all these useless stuff in them.
2009-03-23 08:28:08 UTC
Because they are chasing treasures on earth rather than treasures in heaven. Two verses later it says with man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
2009-03-23 08:32:11 UTC
because jesus knows that the more rich you are the more your going to spend your hard earned money on yourself than giving it to the church every sunday
Max 56
2009-03-23 11:37:48 UTC
I feel that what we usually forget is that all what we have is from God, he give us abilities and gifts, He is giving us something and looking at how we use it!

We should ask: God, what you want me to do with al this, what do you aspect from me?

Prayer will keep you close to Him!

God bless you!

2009-03-23 08:14:53 UTC
earthly possesions are a distraction. not to say they are bad. love of money is the root of all evil. this is often missunderstood as money is the root of all evil. if you spend all of your time and energy in the persuit of money it is hard to devote yourself to following God
2009-03-23 08:14:37 UTC
Just to stick it to George Jefferson (Jesus is a racist)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.