How is it physically possible to put 2 of every animal on a ship? This alone is enough to debunk the bible?
2017-05-17 12:51:04 UTC
Of course everything a Christian finds impossible to explain goes into the category of "God works in mysterious ways" So sad... very, very sad
147 answers:
2017-05-21 23:59:48 UTC
In that same year, the patriarch Noah received a new message from Jehovah God: “Go, you and all your household, into the ark.” At the same time, God told Noah to take all the varieties of animals into the ark—by sevens in the case of the clean ones, fit for sacrificial use, and the rest by twos.—Genesis 7:1-3.

It must have been an unforgettable sight. From the horizon they streamed in by the hundreds—walking, flying, crawling, waddling, lumbering—all in a dizzying variety of sizes, shapes, and dispositions. We need not imagine poor Noah trying to corral, wrangle, or somehow cajole all those wild animals into entering the confined space of the ark. The account says that “they went in . . . to Noah inside the ark.”—Genesis 7:9.

Some skeptics might ask: ‘How could such a thing happen? And how could all those animals coexist peacefully in a confined space?’ Consider this: Is it really beyond the power of the Creator of the universe to control his animal creations, even render them tame and docile if needed? Remember, Jehovah is the God who parted the Red Sea and made the sun stand still. Could he not carry out every event described in Noah’s account? Of course he could, and he did!

Granted, God could have chosen to save his animal creations in some other way. However, he wisely chose a way that reminds us of the trust that he originally placed in humans to take care of all the living things on this earth. (Genesis 1:28) Many parents today thus use Noah’s story to teach their children that Jehovah values the people and the animals he has created.

Jehovah told Noah that the Deluge would come in a week. It must have been a hectic time for the family. Imagine the work of getting all the animals and their foodstuffs placed in an orderly fashion and hauling the family’s belongings aboard. Noah’s wife and the wives of Shem, Ham, and Japheth may have been especially concerned about making a livable home aboard that ark.

What of the community? They still “took no note”—even in the face of all the evidence that Jehovah was blessing Noah and his endeavors. They could not help but notice the animals streaming into the ark. But we should not be surprised at their apathy. People today take no note of the overwhelming evidence that we are now living in the final days of this world system of things. And as the apostle Peter foretold, ridiculers have come with their ridicule, mocking those who heed God’s warning. (2 Peter 3:3-6) Likewise, people surely ridiculed Noah and his family.

2017-05-19 07:58:59 UTC
Maybe two of everything in that area. It depends on whose inspiration wrote the passages at that time centuries ago, and how many translations it has got through over time. There are over 900 versions of the King James

2017-05-18 22:12:09 UTC
There are about 5 million higher vertebrate and invertebrate species on the planet, mostly the latter. If we fit in, say, 10,000 species per deck on the ship, it would need to be 500 decks high. That's not counting food. The story absolutely debunks the bible and anyone stupid enough to support it
2017-05-18 20:03:30 UTC
M not a Christian btw but When you talk about God, you must keep in mind that HE WHO IS GOD, CAN DO ANYTHING.If he can create you from dust, He can keep you alive without food.

If He can swing your planet, billions of stars, moon and sun in sky, He must have the power to keep alive these animals for 40 days.

You talk about 100 million animal species let me talk about billions.

According to experts and scientists, the probability of this universe to come into existence by chance is 1 chance out of 10 to the power of10 to the power if 30(nearly impossible) and like standing a pen on its nib for billion billion years.

So better stop studying darwin. Lol
2017-05-18 04:05:44 UTC
No, even if we based it on Ken Hams idea of how the whole bullshit story went down, the boat would simply be too heavy, taking into account the weight of animals alone, without food/and other valuables or luxaries.
2017-05-18 01:53:36 UTC
Noah had 3 sons yet how many different races have come to be from Noah's 3 sons? We are told by scientist that from the wolf we have the thousands of different dog breeds! Same thing with the cat! Bears are of the pig family so on and so on!

All you have to do is look at creation and you will see how just 2 of each species was taken on to the ark and from them we see the world of animals we have today!

You use mans reasoning when the scriptures state mans ways are not God’s ways!

A man and a women can have 10 kids yet all of them look a little different, some have blonde hair and some have black hair! I have a sister who has a red haired blue eyed daughter yet has 3 other children that all have different hair color and different features!

There’s mammal , fowl, sea and reptile families and in truth only 3 pairs of those I just mentioned would have to be on the ark! We know there were more so that would make up the different families like dog, cat, rodent, deer, horse, sheep, goat etc etc!!!!

If all the ice melted you say there wouldn't be enough water to cover the earth??? You forgot to add the water in the clouds that surrounds the earth!
2017-05-17 22:53:53 UTC
were we around back then? how do we know??
2017-05-17 17:48:54 UTC
God didn't command Noah to put two of every animal on the Ark, God commanded Noah to put two of every kind of animal on the Ark, not two of every animal! For example, two of the Canine kind and two of the Feline kind.
2017-05-17 12:56:48 UTC
First of all there is not that many large animals. Most of them were quite small so having just two of everything does not require that much room.
Tyler L
2017-05-17 12:54:15 UTC
It's more than 2 animals as it turns out. It's several of each. But yes it's completely impossible, just like the entirety of the whole Flood story
2017-05-20 18:57:21 UTC
With God all things are possible. More than likely not all of the animals were full grown, so they wouldn't take up as much space. That would include the dinosaurs as well. It's not that difficult to realize if you believe the first verse of the Bible - In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth - Genesis 1:1. <----- If you believe that, then you can know that God Almighty can do anything (except sin). He is supernatural and the flood was a supernatural event.

Please watch the clips below:
2017-05-20 11:03:19 UTC
anything is possible
Heart Stone
2017-05-19 21:46:47 UTC
Technically, it was two of each KIND of animal, not two of EVERY animal.

Hence, two dogs, not two Labradors and two Cocker Spaniels and two German Shepherds.

Two spiders, not two daddy long-legs and two black widows

Two snakes, not two vipers and two cobras...

It's still a lot, but then you've got to remember that it was a BIG ship. It had many levels too, and was just plain gigantic.

And they didn't have to bring fish, so that rules out many...

Flying animals could have just lived in the rafters...

So all they needed room for was mammals, reptiles, amphibians... It would be an amazing feat, but they would most likely be able to all squeeze inside...
2017-05-19 03:40:05 UTC
Correction: Seven of every kind of clean animal and two of every kind of unclean animal.

Genesis 7:1-5 ​ The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.” And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him.

Answer: Without tiering of cages, only 47 percent of the ark floor would have been necessary. What’s more, many could have been housed in groups, which would have further reduced the required space.
2017-05-19 02:53:48 UTC
The ark was huge, like the size of two football fields put together and had more than one level. The animals could be young, thus smaller.

There were 7 pairs of each 'clean' animal and 2 of all the others. So it was actually more than just 2. A clean animal is what God said we could eat, the ones that chew cud and have a cloven hoof, like sheep.
2017-05-19 00:33:14 UTC
Funny video on this very topic:
2017-05-18 23:32:24 UTC
Mars used to have lots of water where did it go? Perhaps some of our water went there too???

As for the animals. The bible does not say every animal but two and seven of each according to their kinds, clean and unclean. So, it would be like seven birds, two cats, two dogs, seven cows, seven sheep... etc... Then they branched out as they spread around the world. Also, the mountains were probably lower than today and the oceans were more shallow.

Your talking about the God who created the universe, He fed 5000 men plus their wives and kids with seven loaves of bread and a couple of fish. God wants you to trust him.
2017-05-18 21:29:32 UTC
Can we as a human society be accepting and have some tolerance of others' beliefs? Seriously, no wonder society is in the shape that it is in. I'm a Christian, and I believe anything is possible with God. Just because there are millions of animal species does not mean they were each on the ark. New species could have emerged as time went on; many variations of species have occurred.
2017-05-18 18:54:33 UTC
What you really mean is YOU are the one claiming to answer for Christians.

YOU say "God works in mysterious ways".. I just saw your so-called "question"...

It was an easy solution to physically put 2 of every animal on a large ship ...

Common sense ~ they chose BABY animals. Problem solved. (too hard for you)
2017-05-18 17:45:42 UTC
Well, you see, it's very simple. This sh*tty, amateur a$$ carpenter heard God, right? And God was all like, "Yo, Noah, build a giant boat and put 2 of each animal on it, aight?" And Noah was all like, "Aw yeah, God, I'm gonna go do some retro pokeman-like sh*t!." And then he went and did some retro pokeman-like sh*t, and it totally worked, until he got shipwrecked on a mountain.

What about that is hard to understand?
Steve B
2017-05-18 17:17:26 UTC
Keep in mind:

All men, women, children, and animals were killed from this flood.

And, Christians celebrate this. Even though children and animals can't sin.

Through all of the explanations,

An all mighty deity could have just killed every one and thing.

Salt water fish can't survive in fresh water.

Fresh water fish can't survive in salt water.

There were 8 adults on the ark.

And, one mating pair of each animal.

So, there was a ton of incest.

Which is the same thing with Adam and Eve.
Vinegar Taster
2017-05-18 15:35:41 UTC
When the bible was written , the average person couldn't even read or write .

Look at Adam & Eve . Can anyone be so stupid they don't know they're naked ?
2017-05-18 01:00:23 UTC
It's not possible. Noah only took two of each kind, 7 pairs of the clean kinds, of land vertebrates, Since the Kind is at the genus or family level in most cases the number is well within reason.
2017-05-17 23:59:10 UTC
Isaiah 55:8, 9 - “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, And your ways are not my ways,” declares Jehovah. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So my ways are higher than your ways And my thoughts than your thoughts." That statement cannot be understood by mere man. Man was created by God, not God created by man.

Isaiah 40:13, 14 - Who has taken the measurements of the spirit of Jehovah, And who can instruct him as his adviser?  With whom did he consult to gain understanding, Or who teaches him in the path of justice, Or teaches him knowledge, Or shows him the way of true understanding?" Can man direct God's activities when they can't even direct or control their activities?

Also, Jehovah’s wisdom is far superior to that of imperfect humans, and man, not God, must learn the path of justice. (Isaiah 40:14) Thus man is in no position to judge God’s acts as just or unjust, true or not true, but must learn to conform his thinking to the standard of justice that Jehovah has revealed in his Word. Said God to the Israelites: “As for my ways, are they not adjusted right, O house of Israel? Are not the ways of you people the ones that are not adjusted right?” (Ezekiel 18:29) Also, Jehovah’s creatorship rules out all basis for questioning the rightness of his activities.—Romans 9:20, 21; Job 40:8–41:34.
2017-05-17 22:39:55 UTC
Only God knows! Noah was saved because he was so faithful to God and was willing to do anything to save the world and God allowed it! It's love!
Dr. D
2017-05-17 21:43:58 UTC
The natural laws don't seem to matter to God.

Yes, it would be impossible to put 2 of every animal on a ship.

And, it would be impossible to feed them because the predators would eat the prey animals.

And, its also impossible for Moses to cross the Red Sea.

And, its also impossible for Jesus to heal the blind, walk on water, multiply the loaves and fishes, and resurrect from the dead.

There are many impossible things in the Bible, but that's just evidence that the hand of God was involved.
2017-05-17 19:18:48 UTC
It's impossible for you, because you are not God.

Water not only rained down from the sky, but it also says the waters that are under the ground ( there is water underground). Since God produced the water, he would have no trouble having it recede. He also had Noah put enough food provisions
2017-05-17 16:52:11 UTC
I'm not a creationist, but in their defense, Genesis doesn't say "two of every animal" went on the Ark.

Obviously, sea creatures didn't need to go on since they can breath underwater, and neither did plant life. Insects do not breathe through their nostrils (requirement to go on the Ark), so they didn't go on either.

Taking that into consideration, you've already dropped down that number by millions...

Only two land-breathing animals from its kind went on the ark. Most modern day species of life descend from a particular original kind which would be grouped today within what modern taxonomists (biologists who classify living things) call a genus (plural genera).

For example, horses, zebras and donkeys are probably descended from an equine (horse-like) kind, since they can interbreed although the offspring are sterile. Tigers and lions can produce hybrids called tigons and ligers, so it is likely that they are descended from the same original kind.

How did dinosaurs and larger animals fit on the Ark? The largest animals were probably represented by ‘teenage’ or even younger specimens -- before they hit puberty and became enormous.
2017-05-17 13:36:16 UTC
Genesis 5:14 Make for yourself an ark from resinous wood. You will make compartments in the ark and cover it with tar inside and outside. 15 This is how you will make it: The ark should be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. 16 You will make a window for light for the ark, one cubit from the top. You should put the entrance of the ark in its side and make it with a lower deck, a second deck, and a third deck.
2017-05-17 13:17:18 UTC
So sad that you hypocritically disguise your hate as pity.
2017-05-20 19:15:05 UTC
Good question. Try thinking about how it's physically possible to put a Camel through the eye of a needle. That should be your answer.
2017-05-20 19:12:16 UTC
It was a large boat.
2017-05-20 07:31:24 UTC
Maybe 2 of every "grand" animal. You know the more popular ones. Or maybe, it's that in those times, there was only a small variety of animals...?
2017-05-19 18:09:10 UTC
By 'God all is possible !

And Jesus said: "Your Word is Truth" - Jahn 17:17.
jon pike
2017-05-19 17:07:50 UTC
It's really too big a question for this space. I'll answer the water question and leave the animals for another time. The water from the flood is still on Earth. Nearly 70% of all fresh water on the planet is captured in ice.
2017-05-19 15:18:28 UTC
Some say it was the DNA, not the actual animals, that was preserved from the Flood. Scientists in Russia are creating just such a DNA bank in case of disaster.
2017-05-18 21:07:07 UTC
Nothing is impossible for our God.
2017-05-18 15:45:43 UTC
are you sure you are not just saying that YOU CANNOT DO IT YOURSELF.



2017-05-18 11:47:29 UTC
It does not debunk the Bible. Archaeologists have found evidence of a flood in the area where Noah lived, around his time. I'm Christian and don't take the story literally-of course 2 of everything couldn't fit on a ship- but the point of the story is correct: destruction, followed by God's grace towards the world.
2017-05-18 09:56:23 UTC
A god is real I just don't know who.
2017-05-18 07:06:51 UTC
It means a DNA sample for males and females of each species. Lots of room.
2017-05-18 02:53:39 UTC
You are addressing Christians about the ideas of Judaism. Conspicuous also is the fact that you did not address muslims who believe the same account.

Religious beliefs do not need proof - that's why they're called religious beliefs. That's the LAW.

As an individual, you are free to believe or disbelieve anything you wish - you do not get to dictate to others what to believe.

God can do whatever He deems right. Whether you or I understand it is irrelevant. You have debunked nothing.
2017-05-18 00:07:14 UTC
Have you watched hitchhikers guide to the galaxy? everything is explained on there
2017-05-17 22:02:36 UTC
This probably will not matter to one who insists that the Bible cannot possible be true, but here goes. "Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive." (Genesis 6:20). "Kind". What does that mean? Does that mean every single breed and variation of breed? Or did God, for example, pick a couple "Canis lupus familiaris" and ALL domestic dogs came from that pair? Or maybe just "canis" was picked and, post-flood, every dog and wolf came from that pair. Same goes for birds and cats and oxen and you get the idea.
Mia delight
2017-05-17 18:40:32 UTC
It was animals of that area.

One theory felt that the animals were in embryonic frozen form . The thinking is the offspring of angels, were as techno advanced as we are. The boat was provided and a driver.
2017-05-17 16:58:08 UTC
the ark was bigger on the inside
2017-05-17 13:14:08 UTC
The Bible says that Jehovah brought the clean and unclean animals to Noah. Naval Architecture has proven that it wouldn't have been impossible for the animals to be put on the Ark of Noah's day.
2017-05-17 13:11:58 UTC
If the entire world was flooded, nearly all life including aquatic would die.
2017-05-17 13:01:15 UTC
What I don't get is science says animals evolve and can become new species of common ancestors, yet ALL the current animals supposedly existed back in the time of Noah. Why do you ask for it both ways? Yes I understand there is the "Young Earth" Christians, but Christianity covers far more.
2017-05-17 13:00:54 UTC
One part that most people seem to overlook is that ALL terrestrial plant life DIES after being submerged for 40 days and 40 nights. The terrestrial food chain would have essentially been destroyed.
2017-05-20 01:56:43 UTC
Impossible! There were no Kangaroos, Koala's, Sharks, Lizards etc so myth debunked.
River Euphrates
2017-05-19 16:29:22 UTC
The 'Noah's Ark' story in the bible plagiarized an older story about a king who floated some of his livestock downriver on a barge during a *localized* flood.

I try to have a modicum of respect for other people's beliefs - but anyone believing it actually took place as described in the bible is painfully stupid.
2017-05-19 14:14:03 UTC
Was every species on the ark? No! From chapters such as Leviticus 11, it is obvious that the created kind (min in Hebrew, in Genesis 1:11–12, 21, 24–25) was a much broader category than the modern term of classification, species. Current baraminological2 research suggests that the created kind most closely corresponded to the family level in current taxonomy. However, to be conservative in this study, the genus was set as equivalent to the original created kind. As for the clean animals that entered the ark in seven pairs, this added a modest number of additional animals, notably bovids (cow-like mammals) and cervids (deer-like mammals). Under these conservative assumptions, there were no more than 16,000 land animals and birds on the ark.

According to the Bible, the ark had three decks (floors). It is not difficult to show that there was plenty of room for 16,000 animals, assuming they required approximately the same floor space as animals in typical farm enclosures and laboratories today. The vast majority of the creatures (birds, reptiles, and mammals) are small. The largest animals were probably only a few hundred pounds of body weight.

It is still necessary to take account of the floor spaces required by large animals, such as elephants, giraffes, rhinos, and some dinosaurs. But even these, collectively, do not require a large area. God would likely have sent to Noah young (and therefore small, but not newborn) representatives of these kinds so that they would have a full reproductive potential for life after the Flood to repopulate the earth (Genesis 7:1–3). Even the largest dinosaurs were relatively small when only a few years old.

Without tiering of cages, only 47 percent of the ark floor would have been necessary. What’s more, many could have been housed in groups, which would have further reduced the required space.

What about the provisions for the animals? It can be shown that the food would have filled only 6 to 12 percent of the volume of the ark, and the potable water only an additional 9 percent of the same.
2017-05-18 18:43:57 UTC
Where there is a will there is a way
2017-05-18 16:26:14 UTC
If you took the babies off all the animals or even the eggs of the animals it could work.
2017-05-18 16:07:53 UTC
Psalm 64:9

All people will fear; they will proclaim the works of God and ponder what he has done.
2017-05-18 15:37:24 UTC
Debunk the bible. That's pretty funny. Keep trying. God may still very well open your eyes.
Joanna S
2017-05-18 14:18:39 UTC
It could have been a space ship for all we know
2017-05-18 13:37:37 UTC
Many early cultures have some sort of "flood myth". Look also at the "Legend of Gilgamesh" for another one from the Middle East. The Native Americans of western Canada have a very beautiful flood story.
2017-05-18 09:24:54 UTC
I hundred percent agree with your point of view. You have really updated your knowledge and expertise about it.

I do not want to deny what you say here. I am a believer and I believe your words in letter and spirit.
military supporter
2017-05-18 02:32:23 UTC
It is not physically possible. It is NOT even possible to build a boat that large out of wood. Where would you find a tree long enough? The "ark" was allegedly 538 feet long. It stood about 50 feet high. That means a tree over 640 feet had to be found. And, of course it needs to be big enough around to be able to be carved into a keel which would have to be at least 6 feet square. Then of course, they have to find some way to bend the keel, which requires steam to soften the wood to bend it and an enormous rig to bend it and hold it into place until it cools and dries.
Nick Danger
2017-05-17 22:58:17 UTC
The flood myth dates back through several other societies long before the bible was put together. So it's just an ancient fairytale.
2017-05-17 20:10:59 UTC
There is a lot more than 100 million species of animals on Earth. Different animals are constantly found almost everyday. Christians were never the brightest.
2017-05-17 19:25:37 UTC
Not to mention the Native Americans and Australian Aborigines who have existed for tens of thousands of years, and their tribes were never wiped out by global floods.
2017-05-17 18:11:52 UTC
People that ask these questions are usually not interested in the answers. They already decided they are not going to believe it. The answer is that it is a regional story. When it says Noah and his family were the only ones saved, it means, in that region. There were mountains in other areas of the earth that were not covered. How do I know this? The Bible itself recognizes there were other survivors. The Bible says the Nephilim lived in those days both before and after the flood. Noah's sons come across other survivors and had to fight them later. So the animals saved were from that region. It is clear from the Bible's account that the climate was different then and there was a cataclysmic change in the climate, that was world wide, global. How do I know this? Because the Bible says even the old men in Noah's time did not recall it ever raining. Why would it say this when even the driest desert on earth has a rainy season? The atmosphere was different, and it had to be. The Bible says there were waters above and waters below and the heaven opened up and the waters fell. The atmosphere was much more humid then because the earth was warmer, thus more water vapor. The earth cooled below a set point and the atmosphere dumped it's moisture, causing global flooding. How do I know this? Because every ancient culture on the planet has a great flood myth. Even science says that Humans went through a genetic bottle neck in ancient times and that is why we are not as robust as early man.
Doubting Like Thomas
2017-05-17 18:02:23 UTC
The FUN part happened when I noticed that SOME of the Fundamentalcase Bible Thumpers who claim evolution NEVER happens, ALSO claim that Noah only had to take ONE pair of canids aboard, and that ALL the wolves, coyotes, dingos, dogs, foxes, etc EVOLVED from those two, in just a few centuries.

And that Noah only had to take TWO ungulates aboard, and ALL the species of antelope, cow, bison, buffalo, etc, and so on EVOLVED from those two, in just a few centuries.
2017-05-17 17:34:42 UTC
2 of every kind not every species. God said this would be an issue in latter times Peter mention it but guess what if you if you still have Faith in Jesus Christ God still loves you
2017-05-17 16:31:34 UTC
There is evidence that the Noah Story came from earlier myths of Mesopotamia. There is no evidence at all to indicate there ever was a recent global flood. For one the Earth’s geology doesn't show that kind of evidence.

Some points and questions to consider:

Where’s the Ark?

Conditions aboard the Ark would have been unsurvivable.

Where is the evidence of universal population bottlenecks?

How did Penguins get to the antarctic and how did kangaroos get to Australia?

Where did they store the hundred thousand tons of meat for the carnivores?

Where did they store all the grain for the herbivores?

How did they keep the animals from eating each other?

How did the family remove the 12 tons of animal waste everyday?

How could fresh water and salt water fish survive?

Anyway, as one with half a brain can tell, this story is illogical to the point it's comical. I can't imagine the mental gymnastics a believer must go through in order for this story to make any kind of logical sense, other than just to say goddidit.
the re - chosen one
2017-05-17 12:59:44 UTC
Debunking The Bible is a waste of time when it took until now for mankind to figure out that the scripture that makes up the Book of Leviticus contains knowledge of this partial list of many more advanced fields of science unknown to mankind at that time. Anthropobiology, apiology, arachnology, bacteriology, biology, bromatology, carcinology, cetology, coleopterology, convalescence after childbirth, cynology, cytology, dermatology, embryology, emmenology, entomology, entozoology, enzymology, epidemiology, gastroenterology, germ theory, gynaecology, haemataulics, helminthology, hematology, herpetology, hippology, hydrobiology, hygiastics, ichthyology, insectology, lepidopterology, leprology, lichenology, limacology, loimology, magirics, malacology, mammalogy, marine biology, mastology, microanatomy, mycology, myrmecology, nosology, ophiology, ornithology, orthopterology, pathology, piscatology, spongology, stoichiology, symptomatology, therology, thremmatology, threpsology, trichology,
2017-05-17 12:55:21 UTC
By using a food blender and a funnel.
2017-05-21 01:58:17 UTC
It's interesting that you posture a simplistic view. The Bible does not say two of every animal. Try reading it. The Bible states 7 of every clean kind & 2 of the unclean. Not of every animal, but of kind. In other words, Two of one kind, not of every variation. A dog is a dog, a wolf, a fox. Still the same kind. The animals of the sea, he wouldn't have to taken. Insects would take very little room. Genesis also states that the animals ate straw. During their voyage, none of the animals ate the humans, nor each other. Very clearly it states that after the flood God put the fear of humans in them. Several Commentaries put the size of the arc around the size of the Queen Mary - and there was no need for an engine room or electronics room.
2017-05-20 16:43:32 UTC
It depends on how many kinds of animals and the size of the ship in question that's under discussion.
2017-05-19 15:06:12 UTC
Noah and the Ark is allegorical--probably a combination of actual events and legend.
2017-05-19 12:58:49 UTC
There are only 2 animals on ship the good and the bad.

You will never know the truth for humanity are sinners yet and bad yet.
2017-05-19 03:17:10 UTC
it isn't
2017-05-19 02:15:53 UTC
The ark is huge.
2017-05-18 17:45:33 UTC
The idea of god is a joke
2017-05-18 14:17:18 UTC
This could have been possible through the method of 'Cloning''.
2017-05-18 13:20:14 UTC
2017-05-18 12:58:08 UTC
It was the DNA of every animal.
2017-05-18 10:18:02 UTC
I think there's enough answers here to debunk what you are saying to try and debunk the Bible. Lol

Gods word is true.
2017-05-18 04:14:14 UTC
Your problem is that you are assuming God is a human being and limited by what we can do ourselves.

You are terribly mistaken. Read a little about who God is and consider if such a powerful entity is not capable of directing the construction of a boat that will hold some animals:

Job 37 New International Version (NIV)

37 “At this my heart pounds

and leaps from its place.

2 Listen! Listen to the roar of his voice,

to the rumbling that comes from his mouth.

3 He unleashes his lightning beneath the whole heaven

and sends it to the ends of the earth.

4 After that comes the sound of his roar;

he thunders with his majestic voice.

When his voice resounds,

he holds nothing back.

5 God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways;

he does great things beyond our understanding.

6 He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’

and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’

7 So that everyone he has made may know his work,

he stops all people from their labor.[a]

8 The animals take cover;

they remain in their dens.

9 The tempest comes out from its chamber,

the cold from the driving winds.

10 The breath of God produces ice,

and the broad waters become frozen.

11 He loads the clouds with moisture;

he scatters his lightning through them.

12 At his direction they swirl around

over the face of the whole earth

to do whatever he commands them.

13 He brings the clouds to punish people,

or to water his earth and show his love.

Don't mock your creator. You don't know who you are dealing with.

Instead, seek him with all your heart because it is written that a day is coming where people will seek him, but he will not be found anymore. It will be too late. You don't want to be there.
Reconstitute America
2017-05-18 02:12:18 UTC
You do not need two of every species, just two of every kind, which the Bible says, kind. This is the only place where the true form of evolution fits and works in the Bible. You only need two cats to accommodate the cat family, two dogs to accommodate the dog family and so on. So when reduced to kinds there aren't that many.
2017-05-18 01:18:12 UTC
Some small minds can't comprehend that there must not have been as many species and sub-species then.
2017-05-17 17:10:49 UTC
It would debunk the story of Noah if it were written as a true story by Moses. Of course, as we all know from our study of the theology of the Old Testament, it was never meant to be taken literally.

It comes from the Yahwist & Priestly sources. It is obvious to anyone who has actually read it that is is a melding of two sources. The fact that the number of animals to be saved varies widely is a not-so-gentle hint.

Few people here who claim it is true have actually read it. They colored a picture of an ark and some animals in Sunday School when they were six and that is as far as they got before becoming atheists.
Kyojin The Giant
2017-05-17 14:34:29 UTC
That is quite impossible, as are many other things in this silly tale that was copied from the Sumerian myth of Utnapishtim.
2017-05-17 14:26:24 UTC
Who say's there was two of every animal? It would make more sense if there was a representative of animal species that was collected to go in to the ark. God brought the animals to Noah. It is also amazing how you can put more objects into an area when you take the time to arrange them. Noah was smart and he had God's direction.
2017-05-17 13:21:02 UTC
Antitheists read too much into the Noah history. Very likely the flood encompassed the Tigris-Euphrates valley, and the two members of each animal species would only include domesticated animals and those native to Mesopotamia.
2017-05-17 13:15:27 UTC
They lost me when they said a 600 year old man built an ark.
2017-05-17 12:52:57 UTC
Fossils were formed when minerals (silica, especially) penetrated the tissues of plants and animals - under extreme pressure - turning them to stone; the result of being buried in mud under miles of water for a year.

Reptiles never stop growing as long as they live and the lifespan of some animals can be determined by the size of their fangs, horns, tusks or antlers. Trees and some grasses also never stop growing until they die.

Fish float, rot, or get eaten when they die. They do NOT turn into fossils. But fish fossils are found at high altitudes all over the world.

The only reason why fossils even exist is because of the world wide flood; 5000 years ago everything lived about ten times longer because the atmosphere was like a hyperbaric chamber. We know this from air samples extracted from fossilized sap. Fossils prove the flood happened. Science proves the Bible correct.
save us
2017-05-20 17:38:20 UTC
Virtually every part of the flood story disproves a literal interpretation of the Bible.
2017-05-19 09:47:10 UTC
Animals known to the people of the day and not as we know of them today.

Horses, cows, dogs, cats, and a few other known animals of the time plus a flock of birds. No mention of fish because they simply swam with the flood anyway.

The only historical documented flood we know of is the tsunami which almost entirely destroyed the Minoan culture of Crete - which back then was subject of Egypt. The Minoans fled to the Island we now call Cyprus.

Cretan dance music today. . . .now
2017-05-19 00:49:11 UTC
impossible to explain anything to a closed and biased mind
2017-05-19 00:01:12 UTC
they were babies,and it wasn't every type it was, for example, one type of dog which every other type of dog/wolf came from through natural selection
2017-05-18 23:36:45 UTC
You'd have more of a chance sailing to england on a screen door than you would bringing to light any evidence that supports that bullshit story.
2017-05-18 20:25:11 UTC
Of course if the bible was made up, people who wrote it wouldn't have been so stupid to write such obvious fallacy
2017-05-18 20:20:33 UTC
"Every kind". Not every breed.
2017-05-18 17:54:54 UTC
It's not. The bible wasn't written by normal people like ourselves. So take everything it's says with a bag of salt.. yes, a bag, not a pinch.
2017-05-18 16:34:05 UTC
Well actually Noah is told to go out and gather every kind of animal. It would only be animals that Noah could gather. That probably means domesticated animals. That's a little different from the children's books which claim pairs of polar bears and koalas traveled to the middle East to get aboard the ark.

But let's assume for a moment (if you have enough imagination to do this) that the story isn't 100% true and the wasn't a global flood. The author would have known it was fiction and it's unlikely he wrote the story with the intent of creating a false history. More likely it was a story meant to teach a lesson through allegory. For example, the water represents God's wrath and the ark represents God's grace.


Update 2: of those species, the majority are aquatic, which were not on the ark. And the concept of "species" is far too new. It would have been a completely foreign concept to Noah or the writer of the story.
2017-05-18 02:02:33 UTC
Genesis does not say "two of every animal went into the ark"

To debunk the Bible you first have to quote the Bible correctly and you did not......

Obviously, sea creatures did not go with them and neither did plant life. Insects do not breathe through their nostrils (requirement to go on the Ark), so they didn't go on either.

Taking that into consideration, you've already dropped down that number by millions...

Only two land-breathing animals from its kind went on the ark. Most modern day species of life descend from a particular original kind which would be grouped today within what modern taxonomists (biologists who classify living things) call a genus (plural genera).

Also, the animals were more than likely not adults.
Yorkshire Lass
2017-05-17 22:48:54 UTC
It was explained to me that not every animal that exists today was included, for instance - maybe just a pair of wolves and no dogs for they have come from wolves. The same could be said of the big-cat family - and so on.-The animals were the primary pairs and not the many kinds that have developed from them.

It was God who led the animals to Noah, he did not have to 'round them up'! the ark was huge All were vegetarian in those early times.

In the folk-lore of many cultures around the world there is the story of the big flood, details vary. This is sufficient evidence of a great flood.a long time ago.
A Second Witness
2017-05-17 19:34:27 UTC
Your Unwarranted Assumption fallacies include:

1. The "kinds" of animals taken on the ark included every species.

2. The ark was a ship.

3. Christians explain everything you think is impossible as mysterious.

4. You have debunked the Bible by making Unwarranted Assumptions about it.

5. You have asked a question on Yahoo! Answers.

All those Unwarranted Assumptions are too much to explain to you here, so I suggest you ask some questions and learn what the Bible and Christians have to say, instead of taking some bigot's derogatory falsehoods on such faith that you evangelize it to others.
2017-05-17 19:25:29 UTC
For your contemplation ...

"Humani Generis” of Pope Pius XII:

“..the first eleven chapter of Genesis...nevertheless come under the heading of history; in what exact sense, it is for the further study of the exegete to determine. These chapters have a naïve, symbolic way of speaking, well suited to the understanding of primitive people. But they do disclose to us certain important truths, upon which the attainment of our eternal salvation depends, and they do also give a popular description of the origin of the human race and of the chosen people. It may be true that the ancient authors of sacred history drew some of their material from current popular stories. So much may be granted. But it must be remembered that they did so under the impulse of divine inspiration which preserved them from all error in selecting and assessing the material they used…
Jim V
2017-05-17 18:34:22 UTC
No, it does not debunk the Bible.

IMO, a global flood is not required by the text.
2017-05-17 15:36:58 UTC
two things are certain

- the Bible does NOT teach that two of every animal was aboard Noah's ark

- the Bible does NOT teach that Noah's ark was a ship (though I suppose it could be characterized as a ship, that's not really accurate since it was not designed as transportation, but rather as a protective container, thus the word "ark" being used)

I recommend that you carefully read the story in the Bible.;NRSV
2017-05-17 15:18:49 UTC
This has been explained already. Check out the apologetics video explaining the flood of Noah based on Bible verses. It will make sense to anyone with half a brain :-)
2017-05-17 13:25:57 UTC
They argue there were different 'kinds' (biologically equivalent to genus or family) of animals and pretend there is some mechanism separates a kind from a species without saying what that mechanism is.

Even then, to have two of every 'kind', no matter how small, on the ark for around a year would still be problematic, not only due to the food problem, but keeping the animals physically and mentally healthy.

Ironically, creationists then have to argue that evolution occurred so that a kind could become different species (what they call micro-evolution), and again need to pretend this unknown mechanism then stops two different species from becoming so divergent as to become a different genus (what they call macro-evolution).

So in effect creationists argue 1) evolution does occur, 2) miracles don't (rats to bats), and 3) that Christianity must be false because no one was there to see Jesus resurrected (or to see the 'eyewitness' accounts being written).

Another thing they fail to take into consideration is that an upheaval on such a biblical scale would raise the air temperature to several thousand degrees centigrade, instantly vapourising the ark and all on it.
2017-05-17 13:16:34 UTC
70% of the animal kingdom is smaller than house cat size. you only needed two of each kind of animal. its not hard at all. your flawed reasoning is the problem not the bible.
2017-05-17 13:03:56 UTC
The bible debunks itself on the first page. You don't even need to get to the ark part.
2017-05-17 12:57:05 UTC
I think Noah was dealing with the animals in his own area. Not all over every part of the world.
2017-05-19 06:42:49 UTC
Never mind the logistics of getting them all on a boat, how would you feed and water them, how would you stop them eating each other and you? It is insufficient to invoke 'The will of 'God'.
2017-05-19 05:36:54 UTC
Exactly! You know how much shït they'd have to clean up every single day?
2017-05-19 05:23:30 UTC
Pardon, but first of all, we should bear in mind that the flood happened around a period where both man and animal-kind where in a developmental stage. Considering from one major species can come about 1000+ descendant species, that have all changed their form to adapt to the various circumstances of the habitats they found. All this combined with God's "mysterious" holy spirit which really in my perspective is a representative manifestation of his "dynamic energy" (that is his ability to manipulate matter and energy) shows that what modern day individuals consider 'miraculous' is often quite explainable.

But especially the argument raised in relevance to mankind's looks are foolish arguments. Differences in genetics and our various environments all factor in our current variety in appearance. Since Noah's sons spread throughout the earth it is feasible to conclude therefore that overtime their descendants adapted to physically to their cultural and physical environments.
2017-05-19 04:07:55 UTC
2 of every species of animal is a common misconception. The Bible states that 2 of every "kind" of animal, male and female, would be taken on board, and only those animals that breathed air. Scholars believe the word "kind" would be more closely synonymous with the taxonomic family instead of a species. This means you could take two species of felines, two species of canines etc... This drastically reduces the number of animals that would have needed to be taken on the ark - an estimated 16,000 animals. Natural selection and speciation would then create all the biodiversity we observe to day.

As for how these animals could fit on board, Dr. Johnathan Sarfati breaks it down clearly: "The Ark measured 300 × 50 × 30 cubits (Genesis 6:15), which is about 140 × 23 × 13.5 metres or 459 × 75 × 44 feet, so its volume was 43,500 m³ (cubic metres) or 1.54 million cubic feet. To put this in perspective, this is the equivalent carrying capacity of 340 semitrailer trucks (i.e. articulated lorries), each of which can hold 37 1,200-pound slaughter steers, 90 500-pound feeder calves, 180 250-pound hogs, or 300 125-pound sheep. This would be a line six lanes wide and half a mile long." How did all the animals fit on Noah’s Ark? by Dr Jonathan D Sarfati

Where did the water come from? The Earth is covered in 70% water. To flood the world would require that landmasses to be leveled. Dr John Baumgardner,a staff scientist in the Theoretical Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory, conducted a study using computer models to figure out how it might have been possible. He theorizes that run away subduction at the ocean plates would have heated that portion of the ocean to produce an estimated 3 ft of rain per hour over the globe. The seismic activity would have resulted in massive earthquakes and tsunamis that would have leveled the continents. Catastrophic plate tectonics: the geophysical context of the Genesis Flood by John Baumgardner
2017-05-19 03:38:10 UTC
There's also the fact that a truly global flood would put the arc at such a high elevation, everything would suffocate in a few hours, assuming the lack of oxygen from all of the plants being submerged didn't kill them first.

And if, somehow, anything survived that, illness from the millions of people, animals and plants rotting in the water would kill them.
2017-05-19 02:28:10 UTC
It isn't.
Q The First Timelord
2017-05-19 01:13:30 UTC
You're familiar with the genetic database being kept in Greenland which houses DNA for pretty much every living creature on the planet, right?

This information's protected, under ice, and while most of the DNA is kept as samples in millions of vials, which is enough to fill a small warehouse (or a rather large ark) it's currently in the process of being decoded and converted to a computerized form. So it's reasonable to think that that warehouse can be reduced to the size of a small desktop computer system over the next few years.

So first. You're making the assumption that this world you see in front of you is precisely the same as it existed 2000 years ago. Furthermore, you're making another assumption that technology has progressed in a predictable linear form the entire time and there's been absolutely no regression and/or historical manipulation by your predecessors.

The internet has in a literal sense at least 5 billion different hands and eyes manipulating that information. 200 countries. Many who may or may not have your best interests at heart.

Have you actually read the bible? No. I mean. Cover to cover read it? Not just judged it by the story you've heard from a million people already, but actually read it? I suspect not.

I'm not religious, and studied the bible enough to understand there's evidence there to suggest that alternate realities exist. That my planet is formed by a series of events - many of which I'd previously referred to as fictional. And that there's a great chance that we - as a society - may have been at similar points as we are in, historically speaking, and that technology may very well have been suppressed which made the things written about not just plausible, but quite likely.

In any case. Don't make the same mistake I once did when I was young eliminating the bible as a possibility. There's enough who believe in it that should invite you to question your own cynicism and at least consider that it - in part - has contributed to development of the world around you.

Which it most certainly has, that part of it is undeniable.

Understand. The story's not there to prove your perspective wrong. I also provides insight to what more is possible, if you just take the time to understand and compare it to current theories.
2017-05-18 19:05:42 UTC
Ok folks, lets' everyone settle down and pay attention. This might shock you.

#1) The "ARK" never existed. The Story is meant to explain the animals possessing the ability to follow their "masters" without question. Going and doing what and where they were told. Obviously we humans are so smart we need not do that. That's why our "Master" decided to end the world.

#2) Adam and Eve never existed. When Moses wrote the "Pentateuch", the first 5 books of the Bible, he was writing to people who had no ability to understand that Adam and Eve represented the entire human race, as opposed to two Human Beings.

#3) IS this alone is enough to debunk the bible? The last person who tried to "Debunk" the word of God, was Satan. If you run into him, ask how that's working out for him!
2017-05-18 16:48:14 UTC
The God of the Bible did it. He is able.

Jeremiah 32:27

“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?
2017-05-18 10:52:46 UTC
Nothing is impossible with God. You seem so limited in your thinking and no faith.

And I don't believe you are accurate on all of your facts
2017-05-18 10:00:05 UTC
First off, they only had to house the original species, like Wolves. Not each kind of dog, for example. Secondly, God could have put them in hibernation during the voyage, so no problems there, either. Thirdly, animals that had been amalgamated from hybrids by humans were not part of God's original plan, so were not allowed on the ark. This may have been where dinosaurs came in at, and went out at.
2017-05-18 03:35:33 UTC
You have many answers.... but here is something no one has mentioned concerning the story of Noah! It's worthwhile to consider: as it shines some light.

In Genesis 1, at creation, God gives the animals (and people) all the plants and the fruits of plants to eat (Gen 1:29-30). It is only after the ark of Noah is opened and the animals and persons come out that God allows the eating of animals (Gen 9:1-7). So, presumably, on the Ark, the animals and people ate various plants that had been gathered to eat (Gen 6:21).
2017-05-18 00:33:15 UTC

This should answer most of your questions. To sum it up for you, he only needed less than 100,000 animals on the ship considering the fact that the majority of animals are aquatic and/or can survive under water. the article stated that he could have brought 50,000 animals with him with enough food for a year and plenty of room left on the ark.

Allah probably didn't destroy the whole world, only where there were humans living. The whole world wasn't inhabited at that time. That means significantly fewer places to flood. The flood was entirely possible.
2017-05-17 21:26:34 UTC
That book is full of **** from the first page to the last. The only reason people still believe it is because they are drug addicts, and their drug of choice is Hope for Eternal Life.
2017-05-17 20:31:14 UTC
7 of those who reproduced not as prolifically and the rest of the details I am not going to say but the flood was real and you should just have faith and not question God and keep this simple and this will not happen
2017-05-17 20:25:00 UTC
Most of them could swim so he only needed to load a few kinds
2017-05-17 16:46:44 UTC
We studied this story (or stories; it is actually 2 different ones combined) in seminary - as myth. I.e., a story about truth but for which the details may not be. The Bible does have myth in it, as well as literal history, and many other genres of writing. Throwing out the entire collection because you do not like one section is silly. By that logic, we should throw out every math textbook because the problems are invented (to teach us mathematical principles), or physics textbooks, because "frictionless tables: do not exist, and so on.
2017-05-17 14:27:30 UTC
If you start at the beginning, how many 'kinds' of animals were there in Noah's day?
2017-05-17 13:17:20 UTC
And how is that impossible in this world of randomness?
2017-05-17 13:07:32 UTC
Yes,with God all things are possible..

As far as we know,God could have put 2 of every animal's DNA on the ark.

God KNOWS DNA,he created it.Darwin had NO CLUE ABOUT DNA.

Which makes me laugh @ the whole evolution theory,seeing how modern DNA scientists have recently proven that not all plants,animals,& people could have possibly have evolved from a common 1 celled creature.It is GENETICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.😂😂😂
2017-05-19 03:25:35 UTC
It pretty much isn't. Though this only debunks the bible as a science text, not necessarily as a source of moral truth or whatever.
2017-05-18 21:12:31 UTC
I go to a Catholic secondary school and I am taught that the bible is not literal but a symbolic story for Christian's to find the underline meaning. People who believe that the Bible is literal and every word that is written is true are called Christian fundamentalists. I hope this helps.
2017-05-18 20:29:09 UTC
No, it isn't. I think there were alien intervention and alien science throughout the bible. Jesus could only have been born to a pregnant woman who had sex or artificial insemination. I could show you one drawer containing thousands of babies in a fertility clinic. I bet the ark carried eggs and sperm rather than animals. That would mean that a regular size fishing boat could have housed the creatures of the world.
2017-05-18 18:28:02 UTC
Gods word is true. I just hope you find out before it's too late.
Hardest Worker
2017-05-18 14:34:50 UTC
1. God sent the animals he wanted on the ship by their instincts. By letting him know they were going to be flooded. 2. If anything it would be regional to Judea and The Black Sea area to begin with. 3. Some animals survived by going to higher ground, swimming, or flying. 4. By having God make them go extinct or "Evolve"/change a couple of them. 5. No, this not enough to debunk The Holy Bible. 6. He did it with his family which started out with 8 sons, then ended up with his youngest son and son in-law and a total of 8 people. 7. The animals were hibernating and they ate ones that did not survive.
2017-05-18 13:23:43 UTC
Yes off course. God will get n store the dna of all animals and make sense, even dinosaur gets in the Ark. Make sense.

Edit: guys, why did it take so long for you to think of the DNA..
2017-05-18 10:33:38 UTC
God is able.

Nothing impossible with God.
2017-05-18 07:40:32 UTC
LOL It's about faith not science .Like any religion. You can take the time to challenge anything in the bible, the korat, mytholgy or any faith, it's about faith.

Challeging us with not help you understand it.
Suzanne lily of the valley
2017-05-18 06:12:55 UTC
Very possible and since evidence is always presenting itself, to prove the bible is authentic, then one has to conclude that one has to go beyond human understanding.

Since everything is here, because of our Creator, it is absolutely nothing to Him, to get animals to listen and obey; especially when He has command over the elements too, as we read. ( He will soon put all the horrors of this system to rights).

I know it is hard to think God's thoughts, rather than our own, because we are human, but the fact is, it is possible, when one meditates on life. Think of a flower; the colour; the texture and so forth. You cannot force a flower to open, but it is programmed to open through its own personal dna etc ( I am not be factual there, just an example). No one thinks it is false; they just accept it and do not even see it as a miracle.

Where does rain come from? Why does it not just fall to the ground in one sheet? Why is snow particles all different and yet, you have to look under a microscope to see that?

When one really cogitates on every day life, then they can begin to understand how the bible is authentic.

This scripture is a good one to read: Isaiah 55:9
2017-05-17 22:38:36 UTC
2 of every kind......

From bulky bob This probably will not matter to one who insists that the Bible cannot possible be true, but here goes. "Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive." (Genesis 6:20). "Kind". What does that mean? Does that mean every single breed and variation of breed? Or did God, for example, pick a couple "Canis lupus familiaris" and ALL domestic dogs came from that pair? Or maybe just "canis" was picked and, post-flood, every dog and wolf came from that pair. Same goes for birds and cats and oxen and you get the idea....

From doc d.... The natural laws don't seem to matter to God.

There are many impossible things in the Bible, but that's just evidence that the hand of God was involved
2017-05-17 20:39:12 UTC
It's possible, yeah.
Black Sabbath
2017-05-17 18:46:31 UTC
not possible
Jimmy C
2017-05-17 18:37:25 UTC
The Bible actually says seven of every kind of animal, coming in two by two, so it is even more.

I always wondered how they explained getting koala bears and kangaroos from Australia in time for boarding.
2017-05-17 16:27:07 UTC
Gaia’s Garden
2017-05-17 15:54:47 UTC
Maybe they were more advanced than we know and they saved DNA samples. A more logical explanation is the flood was not world wide and they saved the domestic animals of the time while the wild ones away from the flood survived on their own.
2017-05-17 14:01:43 UTC
Impossible by human efforts alone? Perhaps. Fortunately for us God's hand was very specifically involved. Also, the ark merely needed to preserve the genetic diversity required to produce the species we see in the world, which does not require every identified species to have been preserved. For instance, genetically speaking, a single breeding pair would have been capable of producing all the different modern species present in the canid family (wolves, coyotes, weiner dogs, etc.) So the number of different animals that needed to be on the ark is actually much lower than many people realize.
2017-05-17 13:15:34 UTC
It's a BS cult story. Never was a possibility.

You know that, right?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.