Christians: your thoughts on fossils?
2015-11-02 13:49:06 UTC
peticularly the prehistoric neanderthal human ones? what do you think they are exactly
105 answers:
2015-11-03 00:23:20 UTC
As has been demonstrated quite clearly by the fossil record, it supports creation. Unfortunately, there is quite a lot of nonsense being thrown about, such as the 6000 old earth claim that some make. This muddles the waters for many people who can think and need things to be logical. Just as the claim that dinosaur and man didn't live at the same time - does, when there is plenty of evidence for this.

When we look at humans even today, we see a large variety of shapes and sizes. Frankly some today remind me of neanderthals. When then all we usually have is an artist's concept of how they looked, we are left in the dark. Why should I trust his imaginative wet dreams!

If these faces were reconstructed using state of the art science without all the extra stuff coming from imagination and the forced into-the-evolutionary-box type of presentation, perhaps we would see some simply looking as another human variety.

After all, if only the bones were present of pygmies in the fossil record, would the same claim not be made of them that is made of these so called neanderthals!
2015-11-04 03:17:33 UTC
Any one can create a good stories about something. Fossils or non-fossils.

Just remember we leave in a tiny world, a good story will made this world a little bigger.

It is about love to humanity. I guess.LOL

Some will tell something like this:

When we look at humans even today, we see a large variety of shapes and sizes. Frankly some today remind me of neanderthals. When then all we usually have is an artist's concept of how they looked, we are left in the dark. Why should I trust his imaginative wet dreams!

If these faces were reconstructed using state of the art science without all the extra stuff coming from imagination and the forced into-the-evolutionary-box type of presentation, perhaps we would see some simply looking as another human variety.

After all, if only the bones were present of pygmies in the fossil record, would the same claim not be made of them that is made of these so called neanderthals!
2015-11-02 14:11:10 UTC
Most Christians don't say dinosaurs and stuff never existed. We believe they did, and agree that their bones are proof. We just say that dinosaurs and humans, or monkeys and humans, never came from the same little single celled-organism, but we different types from the get-go. These types may have evolved into what we see today from old, extinct animals, but dogs and cats and elephants were never the same single-celled organism or simple creature. Now, about the human-ish fossils. I'm a little less sure what the general consensus is, but I'll try to explain. Some think that God did develop us from other creatures, but didn't give us the divine spark of the human mind until a certain point, so those other creatures we developed from don't matter so much, since they weren't touched by God as we are. Some believe that those fossils are from old creatures that died out, but weren't related to humans- they were only similar. The Book of Genesis has man as the last thing God put on Earth. He put the seas and land and plants and animals first. So, it's highly possible that in those seven days (which most people say is seven days in heaven, which is a really long time- millions of years on earth) those ancient creatures crawled out of the seas and were created into more and more complex organisms until they were ready to support the divinely touched human mind, which God invented.

Hope this helps! Bless you!
2015-11-04 05:13:16 UTC
The fossil record actually mirrors the details of the creation. Sudden and large changes in the right order (check out the Bible account)

What the fossils do NOT show is any slow changes from one species to another. Hence the Bible is shown to be correct :)

Fossils of humans? No skeleton has been found of neanderthals. Research it. There have been SO many hoaxes where one little bit of bone is found and then a whole skeleton of different bones added :) The famous "missing link" was Piltdown Man but more have followed since that one was exposed as a fraud.

There are no missing links from one species to another and that includes from monkeys to humans Despite what evolutionists teach the theory is very very poor and makes absolutely no sense at all.

Research, dont just take the word of others. Evolution is NOT proven
2015-11-02 14:03:53 UTC
They are fossils that means at one time something was living and left behind bones. It's the timing of them that is probably where most of us would differ with you.

What you are actually saying is that you believe the universe to be billions of years old and that these fossils were humans that are way older than Christians would think they are.

Actually, in the end, the truth will be that humans really are only about 10,000 years old. There is a lot of lying and circular reasoning in paleontology and it just might be that you've been fooled.

Dating fossils by a predetermined belief of the strata, and then dating the strata by a predetermined belief of how the fossils are is not science, and when ages are dated they give a very young age, and a very old age - people with their minds already made up choose the oldest age because it fits their theory
2015-11-03 12:32:14 UTC
What do you think prehistoric or Neanderthal mean? These are terms created within the last 100 years or so, the same as dinosaur, which was a devised name for dragon & has only been used in the last 200 years to described such recovered fossils. They are very very old! The dating of such findings in fossils has come deeply into question in numerous instances. For example, they did a carbon dating test on parts taken off a plane found in Greenland that was known to be there only since WW II (1939-45). The metal was dated as being 300-400 years old at least, yet we know they can only be 75 years old at most. This is just one of many examples that we can consider. You should get to really trust in the Bible as being the inerrant Word of God & get to know your God better if you are a believer in Him. Hope this helps.
2015-11-03 00:15:45 UTC
Christians have long had thoughts on fossils. By far the greatest majority of the pioneering palaeontologists in the 19th Century were not only Christians but in many cases Anglican clergymen. The idea of great opposition to Darwin's ideas when presented is something of a myth as a study of the period and the intellectual climate thereof readily reveals. A century and a half on, the effects of the historical move of allowing our religious nutters to head off for the New World and fester there is shown by some of the reactionary opinions expressed herein.
2015-11-03 13:55:54 UTC
Many of the fossils once thought to be ancestors of humans were just hoaxes, errors, or misinterpreted.

For example, Piltdown Man was used as evidence of human evolution for many years. In fact, it was submitted as evidence during the famous "Scopes Monkey Trial".

Later it was examined under a microscope and file marks could be seen. It was a hoax.

Other times, small bits of fossils are assembled by people who want to find evolutionary evidence, therefore, they tend to fill in the missing pieces to make it look like what they have already made up their mind should be there, even though that part of the fossil is not found.

Nebraska Man (also used in the Scopes Trial) was fabricated from a single tooth. Later it was found that tooth was a pig's tooth.

To fabricate an entire model from a single tooth highlights the flaws in the system. Today, you could probably find people living with various dental problems and malformed teeth. That does not make them "missing links", and since this fossil was not even human (or ape) that further highlights the problems with credibility.

Finally, there is no doubt that certain animals look similar to others, but that does not mean one came from the other, or they both came from a common ancestor.

I had a Ford car and my father had a Ford truck. They had many parts that looked similar, but that does not mean that somewhere in the past there was a half car/half truck that became the vehicles like ours.

Much in nature has a similar design because they had the same Designer!

That is why our Fords looked similar in many ways. They were designed by the same company.

That is why many animals look similar. They were designed by the same God.
2015-11-02 14:54:11 UTC
All the "prehistoric" men that have ever been found are a collection of small bone fragments from skulls that may or may not have been human. They can all be contained in one medium sized box.

The drawings you see in books of an ape becoming a man are just that. Drawings.

Instead of pursuing the knowledge of fossils you should be pursuing the knowledge of God and learning how to survive Armageddon because it is just around the corner.

If you live into the next world you will have all of eternity to dig up fossils and you can ask God what they are from. By the year 43,683 you should have a nice collection, neatly labeled and you can invite Abraham and Sarah and your great,great,great,great etc. grandchildren over to see it.

Let us know if we can help you.

Jehovah's witness.
Jim V
2015-11-02 14:09:16 UTC
Those fossils classified as 'hominid' are nothing more than various animals.

The materialistic/naturalistic world-view demands that we be a product of that linage.

In this case Neanderthal has long been considered in the linage of humans. However, in the recent past Neanderthal has been reclassified as an offshoot rather than a predecessor.

There is no clear solid evidence, hence there is no definitive "tree' in regard to human decent from previous non-human species. Every time a new 'hominid' is discovered there is a contention of where it "fits" and sometimes the whole view of human evolution gets redone.
Mike F
2015-11-02 16:49:30 UTC
Here's a scientific fact: reptiles never stop growing and the front of your skull never stops growing. The bible talks of a much different atmosphere pre-flood and these conditions allowed humans & animals to live hundreds and hundreds of years. There is actually phenomenal evidence of this fact, they're called dinosaurs! They've even found skulls with giant protruding foreheads. Unfortunately, "scientists" who refuse to accept God and the bible need to find a different conclusion so they created cavemen. Have you ever wondered why the Chinese calendar has 11 real animals and then a "mythical" dragon as the 12th? Do you think maybe it's because dragons were real when the calendar was made about 5k years ago? Or did they just decide to create a fake animal for no good reason?
2015-11-02 18:39:54 UTC
Genesis 6:4 says “In those days, as well as afterward, there were giants [Hebrew, han·nephi·limʹ] on the earth, who were born to the sons of the gods whenever they had intercourse with the daughters of men; these were the heroes [Hebrew, hag·gib·bo·rimʹ] who were men of note in days of old." AT; see also Mo, NIV, and TEV. Angels forsook their position in the heavens and took on human form to have sex with women. The result, the children born were extra ordinary big men. And don't forget that Goliath was from a tribe of big men. So fossils and be found of many things that we don't see today.

The Bible also speaks of a sea monster called "leviathan". Both Psalm 104:25, 26 describes it as cavorting in the sea where ships travel,

and Job 3:8 says "who can awaken it". So there were large animals on the earth at one time.

Regarding the fossils of “ape-men” depicted in schoolbooks, encyclopedias and museums, we must go by what the Bible says about men. When God created Adam he spoke with Adam. So there was an established language. No where does it say that God grunted to Adam or that Adam didn't understand God. In turn Adam spoke about Eve and to Eve in intelligent conversation. Here are a few notable comments from scientists. “The flesh and hair on such reconstructions have to be filled in by resorting to the imagination. . . . Skin color; the color, form, and distribution of the hair; the form of the features; and the aspect of the face—of these characters we know absolutely nothing for any prehistoric men.”—The Biology of Race (New York, 1971), James C. King, pp. 135, 151.

“The vast majority of artists’ conceptions are based more on imagination than on evidence. . . . Artists must create something between an ape and a human being; the older the specimen is said to be, the more apelike they make it.”—Science Digest, April 1981, p. 41.

“Just as we are slowly learning that primitive men are not necessarily savages, so we must learn to realize that the early men of the Ice Age were neither brute beasts nor semi-apes nor cretins. Hence the ineffable stupidity of all attempts to reconstruct Neanderthal or even Peking man.”—Man, God and Magic (New York, 1961), Ivar Lissner, p. 304.

Carl Sagan, in his book Cosmos, candidly acknowledged: “The fossil evidence could be consistent with the idea of a Great Designer.”—(New York, 1980), p. 29.
2015-11-02 15:05:39 UTC
Fossils are, as mentioned, imprints in sediment, or preserved bone, etc, left behind by something that died.

The sediments are in layers, much like tree rings. Some layers are deep/thick, and some are shallow/thin, etc.

The way the sediment settles, over time, is fairly well understood.

For example, if there were a nuclear accident or event, with fallout...and the radioactive dust settled on the ground or in the water, and sifted down to the bottom.

So, lets say were are in Nevada, where they tested atomic bombs...

We dig a hole, and use a geiger counter to see how deep that radioactive dust was...and, lets say its 1" down, covered by the dust that blows over that area.

So, we find a layer 1" down that shows where the blast's dust settled.

We know that anything UNDER that layer was settled there before the blast, and anything on top of that layer settled on top of it, after it was already there.

Take something that happened longer ago, say a massive volcanic eruption that was recorded at the time it occurred, so we have its location and date.

That will produce a layer of volcanic ash.

We then know everything that landed on that ash, landed after that date, and, that the earth under the ash layer is older than the ash layer that landed on it.

We can count tree rings. Trees grow in very defined and predictable ways, and, each ring represents one season/year.

If we have a bristle cone pine, and it has 12,000 rings, its 12,000 years old...and so forth.

Carbon, potassium, uranium, and other isotopes, minerals and elements, break down over time, and form new materials.

Uranium eventually becomes lead for example. It has a known half life, so, we can tell how long its been how far along the process it is.

And so forth.

The earths magnetic field (Why we have the aura borealis, etc), flips every so many thousand years, so north becomes south and visa versa.

The iron in a rock will be aligned with what was north/south when the rock formed.

We know about tectonic plates (Job security for Vin Diesel/The Rock, etc, why the fault line by California is a fault line, etc...), and that the plates move in a known path, at known rates...and that Locke Ness and the east coast of the USA for example, used to be connected.

We know when two plates collide, and pitch up like a buckled floor board, we get mountains, and, the rocks the mountains are made up used to be under the ocean, so the previously horizontal layers of sediment, are now tilted even straight up vertically....

...and that two plate's now vertical/tilted layers can be pressed against each other...and we can tell how they got that way, and how they used to be.

Essentially, we have a massive list of ways to tell how old a rock is, or a tree, or a fossil.

Some are harder to tell, because the fossil might not have well preserved DNA, or minerals leached out, or there are contaminants of concern.

Just as a mathematician can make a mistake on a calculation, and forget to carry the one, it doesn't mean math is not valid.

Some people have had fossils analyzed inappropriately, such as when a creationist insists a varnished bone be carbon dated, and then gleefully reports that its age was misreported.

The nice thing about science is that it requires verification. Another scientist must be able to reproduce your findings to verify you didn't make a mistake/forgot to carry the one, etc.

So, what we find, using everything we know about fossils and geology, is that things in deeper layers, layers that are covered by newer layers, contain things that were deposited there longer ago.

The newer layers have things in them deposited on top of the older layers.

We do not find new layers that somehow snuck beneath the older layers.

In places where the layers are thin, and an inch might represent a million years or more, etc...things deposited millions of years apart could be within inches of each other in depth.

In places where the sediment settled more quickly, millions of years could be in meters not inches, and so forth.

So, humans and chimps, such as Bonobos, evolved from common ancestors. We did not evolve from them...we just share some great great, etc, grand parents.

There were many early human-like ancestors. Some, like the Neanderthal, and Denisovans, were around when Homo sapiens was too, and, we breed with them...and almost all Europeans have some Neanderthal DNA in them. A smaller number have Denisovan DNA, and so forth.

No Africans from Africa do. Some Chinese and other asian people do have Neanderthal/Denisovan DNA too though...etc, mostly because the Europeans breed like Bonobos....and some migration routes overlapped.

Modern humans have been around for a very long least 100,000 years, with agriculture, etc, being evident as recently as the past 10-20,000 years.

Given our proclivity to breed with anything we can, the most likely scenarios all involve hybridization of the various proto-humans....into what we now call homosapiens.

So, when we find a Neanderthal fossil, it could be a distant relative unless you are an African with no dilution, etc. There's good chance otherwise, that the fossil and one of your ancestors made you who you are today.

2015-11-02 22:18:16 UTC
Christian answer:

Neanderthal bones are of, well, Neanderthals! What did you think they were? What difference does being a Christian have to do with Neanderthals, or fossils? I have some lovely fossils that I display on the same shelves as my Theology books. No conflict as far as I am concerned.
Don Verto
2015-11-03 07:48:52 UTC
Mathematically it is quite possible that in 4,000 years 8 people become our present world population.No doubt the fossils and dinosaurs once were living animals.But if a sign or a picture is shown along with them stating they lived X number of millions of years ago then there is no proof for that.As far as cavemen go they have lived in recent times.I get rather annoyed when on T.V. they talk about millions and billions of years.The speaker has no personal knowledge or proof for that.They express an opinion or they have read or been told by other people who had no personal proof for it.
2015-11-02 19:57:06 UTC
It is just an imprint of a mortal creature's life! Entirely man made! God has given use the intellect and compassion to preserve these fossils! Think of all the wonderful museums that house fossils and ancient structures! These are mostly in Christian societies! WE ARE NOT MOSLEMS WHO DESTROY IMPRINTS OF OTHER CIVILISATIONS, IMPRINTS OF OUR HUMANITY! Those ancient people may not have known the Way then but we know it now! Preservation of artefacts and our past is a must!
2015-11-03 12:22:43 UTC
When we let the fossil record speak, its testimony is not evolution-oriented. Instead, the testimony of the fossil record is creation-oriented. It shows that many different kinds of living things suddenly appeared. While there was great variety within each kind, these had no links to evolutionary ancestors before them. Nor did they have any evolutionary links to different kinds of living things that came after them. Various kinds of living things persisted with little change for long periods of time before some of them became extinct, while others survive down to this day.

“The concept of evolution cannot be considered a strong scientific explanation for the presence of the diverse forms of life,” concludes evolutionist Edmund Samuel in his book Order: In Life. Why not? He adds: “No fine analysis of biogeographic distribution or of the fossil record can directly support evolution.”

Clearly, the impartial inquirer would be led to conclude that fossils do not support the theory of evolution. On the other hand, fossil evidence does lend strong weight to the arguments for creation. As zoologist Coffin stated: “To secular scientists, the fossils, evidences of the life of the past, constitute the ultimate and final court of appeal, because the fossil record is the only authentic history of life available to science. If this fossil history does not agree with evolutionary theory—and we have seen that it does not—what does it teach? It tells us that plants and animals were created in their basic forms. The basic facts of the fossil record support creation, not evolution.” Astronomer Carl Sagan candidly acknowledged in his book Cosmos: “The fossil evidence could be consistent with the idea of a Great Designer.”
2015-11-03 22:25:34 UTC
You are making an assumption that all Christians believe that the planet is much youger than it actually is. I am a born again Chrstian and I believe in evolution at the hand of God.

God is science and science is God. There is nothing wrong with believing that creation happened by evolution. The seven days is not actuallyl really days but a symbol of units of time that humanity can't begin to comprehed.

Note this........ archologist say that the bible is the most accurite ancient written history written by the ancient man kind. And they continue to find places that at one time were undiscovered cities and so on.

There are some christians who are not very brght (sorry) in my opinion still cling to their misdirected thoughts that the earth is much younger than it actually is.

Back in the mid 1960's I was already having heated discussions about the young earth compared to the scientific age predictions of the age of our planet.

This doesn't mean we were monkeys.
Roberta B
2015-11-03 08:49:43 UTC
My brothers' comments:

What, though, about the humanlike fossils of the so-called Neanderthals, often portrayed as proof that a type of ape-man existed? Researchers are beginning to alter their view of what these actually were. In 2009, Milford H. Wolpoff wrote in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology that “Neandertals may have been a true human race.”50

Honest observers readily recognize that egos, money, and the need for media attention influence the way that “evidence” for human evolution is presented. Are you willing to put your trust in such evidence?

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, “How Neandertals Inform Human Variation,” by Milford H. Wolpoff, 2009, p. 91.
2015-11-02 17:54:05 UTC

2. look up Omphalism

The first is the theory that dinosaurs didn't actually die long ago and that their fossils were made very quickly. The second is the idea that fossils could easily have been put into the ground when God made the Earth - meaning there never were dinosaurs, but the world just looks like there were.
2015-11-02 13:57:14 UTC
Fossils are cool, especially dinosaur fossils. I just don't believe a little fragment of a skull is a half ape human thing that walked the earth millions of years ago.
2015-11-03 12:06:52 UTC
Most Christians accept the Big Bang, Evolution, and Adam and Eve.

The account of the Creation in Genesis uses figurative language, but affirms a primeval event, a deed that took place at the beginning of the history of man. Revelation gives us the certainty of faith that the whole of human history is marked by the original fault freely committed by our first parents.

After God created the Universe through the Big Bang and the diversity of Life with Evolution, the scenario might have happened like this. A manlike being is slowly evolving. At some point God gives these beings a soul. They become human beings with free will and responsibility in the image and likeness of God.

These human beings lived in complete “original” holiness, in perfect loving relationships with God and each other. They loved God with all their heart, with all their soul, and with all their mind. They loved their neighbors as much as they loved themselves.

Then the first human beings chose to break off this relationship with God, choosing to be selfish instead of loving. This was the Original Sin.

Consequently, they lost the grace of original holiness and sin became universally present in the world.

Besides the personal sin of the first human beings, original sin describes the fallen state of human nature, which affects every person born into the world, and from which Christ, the "new Adam," came to redeem us.

For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, sections 390 and following.

With love in Christ.
2015-11-02 14:14:24 UTC
You seem to have Christians in general confused with science-denying, biblical-literalist young-earth creationists. Even in the United States where fundamentalist science-denial is most prevalent, it is a minority doctrine. In the context of world Christianity it's positively fringe.

My thoughts on fossils are that they are what scientists say they are - mineralized remains of prehistoric creatures.

As Galileo famously observed, I do not feel compelled to believe that God who endowed us with sense, intellect and reason, intends us to forego their use and by some other means give us knowledge which can be attained by exercise of His gifts of sense, intellect and reason.
2015-11-04 15:40:19 UTC
Christians are better off denying science than they are trying to shoe-horn it into their

religious beliefs.

It is ridiculous to try to twist scientific fact around so that it can be seen as proof that a god

exists. That is childlike reasoning. It is foolish rationalization.

The science of anthropology is solidly based upon many thousands of actual findings.

Theism - the belief in a god or gods - has no factual foundation whatsoever.

No truly thoughtful person is a theist. The four in five people world-wide who believe in one god or another are

simply those of you who lack the courage and strength of character to face your mortality.

A fact: when one of us dies, it is all over. That truth scares the hell out of most people! They cannot handle it.

Theists are fortunate that someone has given them a false alternative - called an afterlife -

that they can embrace, while denying the truth.

Have the decency to leave science alone, while you pursue your fantasies about life everlasting, can't you?
2015-11-02 13:50:19 UTC
Fossils (from Classical Latin fossilis; literally, "obtained by digging")[1] are the preserved remains or traces of animals, plants, and other organisms from the remote past. The totality of fossils, both discovered and undiscovered, and their placement in fossiliferous (fossil-containing) rock formations and sedimentary layers (strata) is known as the fossil record.

No such thing as a "Neanderthal human"
2015-11-02 13:57:28 UTC
Fossils have nothing to do with being a Christian. You have some unspoken assumptions there. You need to get them out in the open so we can have an honest discussion.
2015-11-03 14:54:42 UTC
I think they are pre-historic Neanderthal fossils. That's it.

As for exactly how Adam and Eve fit in, I obviously won't pretend to know exactly how it played out. But I find it likely that God waited until the human species was developed enough to understand agriculture and especially writing before revealing himself to our first parents, Adam and Eve.
2015-11-04 05:09:45 UTC
I believe the Holy Bible is right about many things and archaeology and anthropology seem to support it. The only problem with fossils, especially from flooding is we don't know the exact date of them or what part of the world or culture they might have come from. But I believe science has some proof of the Holy Bible and events of them and the Resurrection and the lives of The Apostles.
2015-11-03 05:23:03 UTC
I'm Christian but I beleive in evolution. Call it whatever you want but you can never be sure about the event unless you were actually there. Even the guy who wrote the bible came AFTER the lords descent.

Plus, early paintings and are depicting "Adam and eve" feature belly buttons. As more of you know, such is impossible without actually being born with a umbilical chord. So yeah :)
2015-11-03 00:34:08 UTC
No such skeleton has ever been found and you should at least include a link to your source when making dubious statements. What some may call a Neanderthal skull matches more or less perfectly with the skull of certain African tribes living today.
2015-11-04 04:31:42 UTC
Evolution is the basis for all biology, itself the basis for all medicine. You can have an opinion otherwise, but you'd be wrong. There is no argument; evolution is fact and the evidence is overwhelming. It's like saying you don't believe the earth goes around the sun. Faith and facts are not mutually exclusive and you do yourself a great disservice by choosing to ignore scientific truth.
2015-11-02 22:32:24 UTC
Personally, I have reasons to believe these are remains of the creatures the other "sons of God" created, in different planets, and were destroyed later by The Almighty, simply because they rebelled against Him, and - when mingled with Man after his creation - subjected and filled Earth with violence.

Man - as created by our Father - is approx. 20 thousand years old. Hominids have millions of years before that ('Lucy' alone, has a life of some 3000.000 years ago, based in Africa). Science has acknowledged a tablet in which it can be observed together 'hominids' hunting dinosaurs, which were extinct some 60.000.000 years ago.

The Universe has 15 billion years of existence; Mars and other planets (including Earth) have other civilization's ruins, all left by those who inhabited these planets. Mars, for instance, dons a Pyramid and a "face" looking up, similar to the one in Cusco (Google Machu Pichu's face). The Scriptures state about the planet that was destroyed, from which Mars was its SATELLITE: "Rahab, I have destroyed you, amidst the STONES OF FIRE [planets]", and that one Astronomers say it's called Niviru or Planet X, coming up in 'ascension 18' (Google it)
2015-11-03 02:24:59 UTC
The canons of Christianity have no concern with fossils. Christianity is a faith based religion.
2015-11-03 13:07:22 UTC
Who cares what Christians think about fossils unless their profession is geologist, paleontologist, etc. With apologies to the sane Christians here, it seems many Christians are utterly ignorant on the subject yet are sure they are right. The level of ignorance is astounding and appalling.
2015-11-02 22:39:39 UTC
Geologists and evolutionists use circular reasoning. They claim the geologic column shows long ages, because of the evolved life-forms found in each layer, but the evolutionists claim the layers demonstrate evolution, because the fossils found in each layer are successively older than the higher layers. They can't use carbon dating on rock, so they use this circular reasoning. But what is shown in the "evolutionary" models in the geologic column is actually not long ages, but catastrophism. This was readily and handily shown to us in the eruption of Mount St. Helens. The ash from the explosion burried a lake instantly in ash, and what you find is that so-called "simple" life-forms, such as mollusks, were found at the bottom, "intermediate" life-forms, like fish, were found in the middle, and "higher" life-forms, such as ducks, were found at the top. This does not demonstrate evolution, but catastrophism. Just exactly what one would expect in the Great Flood of Noah's day, a world-wide catastrophe that buried generations of animals.

As to the Neanderthals, this simply shows the extremes of Micro-evolution within a species. Not macro-evolution between species.
God'S Truth
2015-11-02 14:36:49 UTC
A dentist with his portable xray machine when to Paris to examine the skullls and take xrays and discovered that the information previously provided did not match the pictures he took and considered the information to be fraudulent because those in charge had shifted the jawline to look nonhuman !!! So the theory is this that these fossil heads are the fossil heads of aged men who live before the flood. The gentleman wrote a book detailing what he did entitled BURIED ALIVE authored by Jack Cuozzo !!! Subtitled The startling truth about Neaderthal man !!!


Isa 45:5 I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:

Isa 45:6 That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.

Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil (trouble): I the LORD do all these things.

Isa 46: 6-10 Remember this, keep it in mind, take it to heart, you rebels. Remember the former things, those of long ago;

I am God, and there is no other;

I am God, and there is none like me.

I make known the end from the beginning,

from ancient times, what is still to come.

I say, ‘My purpose will stand,

and I will do all that I please.

John 14:29 And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe

Jer 10:10 But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation.

Jhn 17:3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

1Jo 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

Pray the following

Dear Lord,

I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that don’t please you. I have lived my life for myself. I am sorry and I repent. I ask you to forgive me. I believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me. You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life, I give it to you. Help me to live every day in a way that pleases you. I love you, Lord, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you. Amen
2015-11-02 21:39:49 UTC
The Catholic Church has long understood Genesis chapters 1 thru 3 to be two chronologically different allegorical stories with different purposes. Nothing about these fossils contradicts our faith.
2015-11-04 07:56:51 UTC
One thing you can know for sure, they are not humans. Humans have always been humans, you didn't evolve from a monkey, a primate, or a lesser human at any time. You were made in God's image. And that's a fact. All the assumptions you read in books are just myths. Dont' believe indoctrination.
2015-11-02 14:47:42 UTC
I'm Catholic and I believe in evolution. The pope (I think John Paul II) even declared that since there's so much scientific evidence to support evolution it must be true. So long as we accept at some point God put the soul into the human body.
2015-11-04 00:40:13 UTC
Yes, I am one of those people that believes the earth is almost 6,000 years old.

Consider this:

. Imagination

. + war

. + death

. + (crushed into a dust) bones

. + plaster

. + cement


. moulds of dinosaurs

Now, consider this:

In the span of 6,000 years, as many deaths that there has been, there isn't nearly enough cemeteries to have buried every dead body. There wouldn't be room for homes.

Common sense rules.
2015-11-02 14:20:09 UTC
the humans that existed pre-flood were very heavy duty and lived hundreds of years according to the bible ... the human brow never stops growing either so a very old human as per biblical accounts, would exhibit very defined brows and other features .. it fits the biblical account perfectly and 'neanderthals' are every bit human and ZERO part monkey .. they do not in any way shape or form comprise a 'missing link' or an 'ape man' ... to the contrary, they were much more 'built' and sturdier framed than we are, larger cranial capacity included .. so according to your own theory we must have DE-evolved ..
2015-11-04 11:36:36 UTC
There is only one possibility in fossil formation.Sudden engulphment in waterbound deposits,compressed over time and preserved before decay or predators.There is no gradation of species in strata only humanly contrived progression.Absolutely no scientificly authenticated links or transition.
2015-11-02 13:51:38 UTC
Most Christians accept that all life has not remained as it is since God created it on the 5th day or whatever the hell nonsense the Bible claims. A tiny minority of severely retar... deluded Christians still don't understand how life changes over long periods.
2015-11-02 16:09:29 UTC
i completely agree with cosmology. i completely agree with evolution and natural selection. i can walk outside and dig in the clay-and-slate which make-up the local hill, and i will find fossils of ferns.

even though a church stands right next to this hill, the proof is still there.

it is christian religion which is wrong.

what is the proof? it has never brought PEACE to a single country which practiced it.
2015-11-02 14:06:36 UTC
Your question would be better addressed to Creationists.

The majority of Christians worldwide accept the fact of evolution and the Big Bang. Creationists actually constitute a minority of Christians, except perhaps in America.
2015-11-03 04:28:06 UTC
Neanderthal is a region in France. They named the skeletons found there after the region. All the deformities from skeletons found around the world were likely the result of one of two things: the half breeds found in Gen.6, or the genetic mutations they experimented with. After all, the fallen angels had, and still have, supernatural knowledge.

Does it suprise you that men are now attempting gene modification? Who do you think is behind it all?
2015-11-02 14:32:07 UTC
I don't think much of them. There snare animals that died a long time ago. I do not think the earth is 6000 years ago. I suppose animals may have evolved but I don't think people did. Perhaps a Neanderthal was another unrelated species.
2015-11-03 07:48:48 UTC
I believe now in the creation of this place by evil beings of pure psychopathy.

They've been dicking around with this damn place for quite some time.

Who makes neanderthals? Psychos thats who! No one in their right mind would make this damn place and the beings on it. Our makers are as dark as it gets, true evil.

Any good beings have thus far been unable to help this place if they even know of our existance.
2015-11-03 07:05:56 UTC
A lot of precursors to modern man. Though Neanderthals in particular are more like close cousins (in terms of species) with whom modern humans interbred.

Great program recently on Nova: "The Dawn of Humanity"

"NOVA and National Geographic present exclusive access to a unique discovery of ancient remains. Located in an almost inaccessible chamber deep in a South African cave, the site required recruiting a special team of experts slender enough to wriggle down a vertical, pitch-dark, seven-inch-wide passage. Most fossil discoveries of human relatives consist of just a handful of bones. But down in this hidden chamber, the team uncovered an unprecedented trove—so far, over 1,500 bones—with the potential to rewrite the story of our origins. They may help fill in a crucial gap in the fossil record and tell us how Homo, the first member of the human family, emerged from ape-like ancestors like the famous Lucy. But how did hundreds of bones end up in the remote chamber? The experts are considering every mind-boggling possibility. Join NOVA on the treacherous descent into this cave of spectacular and enigmatic finds, and discover their startling implications for the saga of what made us human."

It was wonderful. Delightful find and fun to watch.

Signed -- Follower of Christ who knows of the living God, and of our Lord Christ Jesus -- the Way, the Truth, and the Life, our redeemer, Who came to save us from our sins! Praise God.

Did God design this Universe? It looks like the evidence from the Large Hadron Collider in 2012 makes this overwhelmingly likely.....
2015-11-02 22:14:29 UTC
Background fuller, God created earth 6000 years ago. He added fossils for decoration.
2015-11-02 18:35:19 UTC
Tons of slate are dug from coal mines are called Slate dumps, slag piles, red dog etc etc....these heaps of stone and debri in a pile the materials heat up and many burn for that hot slate many insects, animals, and plant life have been fossilized and the imprint of such creatures are formed into the stone

many flood plane areas have debri and heaps that are dredged over time, the flood waters and the piling up of materials produced over time create many false impressions of aged materials that appear to be hundreds and even thousands of years old and can be only a few months to a few years. Depending on the material and the depth of the heap, they can appear to be thousands of years old and only be days to even hours old.also depending on the material the heat, the humidity and soil contents

many such places hold fossilized imprints in stone and wood and earthen materials .

Yes fossils exist...are they Billions of years old...NO

they can be again from hours to months to years to hundreds and even thousands...BUT since NO MAN can date beyond the Thousands because of no starting point..anyone who claims something is millions or billions are simply Liars

Carbon dating is not accurate nor perfect.Every artifact has to have a known origin and a dated reference point

We know for example the Civil war years of 1861-1865 and the known materials and metals that were worn and or produced or manufactured in tat era of that known information we can date within a few years to a few months of time accuracy.

BUT to not have materials,produced and or manufactured in the millions of billions and no reports or documented findings, to say anything is millions or billions of years old is a speculation and or an assumption and in most cases as stated Just a Lie .

But that is what scientists have done and do....they fond an object and since it can not be dated and they know it and through time many have lied to justify their agenda every bone is billions of years old and this animal or creature existed in that time era...and everyone eats it up and says it is absolute

fact is it is absolute, an absolute LIE.....and worse it is taught in every public school as a truth and each generation grows up believing what they were taught concerning it and the "rumor" grows over time...and suddenly we have millions of Creatures that roamed the Earth Billions of years ago....

..when truth is we have common animals and their predecessors and their remains that have been located and lied about...they find one bone and they make up an entire creature around it......and many as it has been proven bones have been found of various animals and yet placed together to form an animal that Never existed.....

Fossils yes we have them...are all true fossils ? Yes...they are fossilized, but not all are REAL they are man made and man created......

Go to any Coal mine area and dig and you will find Tons of fossils from insects, small animals and plant life...same goes for the oceans.......same goes for the flood plane areas.......

NONE of which you will find anything that is Millions or billions of years old.....THEY simply do not is a LIE and they know it.

To bad some of you are to foolish to research those facts and learn the real truth.....concerning the matter.
2015-11-04 03:26:59 UTC
Most creationists say that Satan is a scientist who buries fossils all over the world.
2015-11-02 22:53:54 UTC
Fossils from bone, shell or plant matter, and, also, petrified wood for example, can, actually, be made much quicker than some people would expect like over thousands or hundreds of years for instance, or even much sooner. People used to not understand natural mummification, but now the concept is quite excepted. So, why is it so hard to believe that dinosaurs lived a few thousand years ago and along side of Adam, who originally named them? Also, why can't God make intelligent design from the get go and, also, giving us the ability to adapt. Pure evolution, where a creature changes into a completely different thing just doesn't make sense to me. What would be the need for that if we can already adapt and make do with what we've got?

In addition, when secular scientists teach about layers upon layers in the terrain as a time line, they never factor in the world wide flood that churned up the soil and rock layers which is a good reason why many things are buried like dinosaurs and ancient human civilizations. Further,think of a fossil fuel like oil, which is decayed matter and is "old blood" as well. Oil is still being made today from decaying matter and from blood that makes its way into cracks and is put under pressure inside the Ocean's floor. Even ancient and modern grave sites can have the capacity under certain conditions to yield some level of oil or natural gas. Yes, us humans happen to be in the ongoing chain of decaying matter. So, now you will never think the same whenever you fuel up your vehicle again. According to the bible, God s word, the Earth is a few thousand years old, so don't let others allow you to feel stupid or shake your faith just 'cause they hold on to the need to follow an unproven theory of "millions of years old." Just stick with the truth. By the way, God set up certain hours of time in between sunrise to sunset and sunset to sunrise, which is still the same as when He was creating the Earth, so don't feel compelled to believe that each day of creation represented a million plus years. BIG MISCONCEPTION! God plainly tells us that He did it in 6 days so we could easily understand this concept of time of which He created, but many people tend to make God fit our concepts and beliefs rather than just let God be God. When reading the bible about how one day to us is as a thousand to God is because eternity is so long and hard to grasp. Therefore, an average lifetime is like a blink of the eye or a very small fraction as compared to ongoing eternity. Moreover, another way to calculate the Earth's newness is to think about constant water running from mountains to rivers and out to sea. Think about all the salt being distributed. If one calculates the saltiness of the Ocean backwards millions of years, the numbers will reveal because millions of years of salt being put into the Ocean would result in virtually nothing living in the oceans of today. Even if one factors in iceages and glacial melt or the great flood of freshwater mixing too, the calculation doesn't vary in an extraordinary way, so "millions of years" is absurd. Fossils are here to, actually, prove intelligent design rather than evolution and to disprove that the Earth is millions of years old. Continue praying and God will continue to reveal.
2015-11-05 10:11:24 UTC
"No fossil or other physical evidence directly connects man to ape." - Science Digest

"The human family does not consist of a solitary line of descent leading from an apelike form to our species." - The New Evolutionary Timetable.
Hannah J Paul
2015-11-03 11:42:15 UTC
They are ugly. Exactly ugly.

Particularly, the Neanderthal human ones? Particularly ugly.

I'm a Christian too.

Hannah J Paul
2015-11-02 13:50:58 UTC
They are prehistoric Neanderthal fossils.
2015-11-02 14:06:21 UTC
That the fossil record does NOT prove evolution.
2015-11-03 05:42:30 UTC
They haven't changed my life for the better or saved me or made me whole like Jesus has, but I must admit, some of them are neat looking and interesting and I used to collect them when I was a child and even know my kids collect them on the various sea shores we have been to.
2015-11-03 14:45:26 UTC
They are fossils of individuals of the species Homo neanderthalensis. This is an extinct species in the same genus as modern humans.
2015-11-04 04:02:14 UTC
Fossils? What are they? I came from God
2015-11-02 22:29:16 UTC
Charles Veidt
2015-11-02 14:13:51 UTC
As a Christian, I think that they are... the fossilized remains of our now-extinct evolutionary predecessors. What else would I think they are?
2015-11-03 10:09:07 UTC
Most educated Christians believe in The Bible as metaphor, not as literal Word. One can be Christian and still believe in evolution, Big Bang, expanding universe, the whole magillah and still not lose their faith. That is what faith is for.
2015-11-02 15:10:00 UTC
Plastic. Fake. Made by Atheists.
2015-11-02 20:22:25 UTC
They prove God's existance. No evolution, even these so called neanderthals are extinct apes/monkeys. They so our past, their very fascinating.
2015-11-03 18:09:56 UTC
That's a super good question. Because, if we were made his image then why have we changed? Has he changed? Or are we just products of evolution? (Side note: I'm naturalist)
2015-11-03 06:00:34 UTC

2015-11-02 13:54:58 UTC
neanderthals are believed to be the first real people

1st one recognized in 1856 in Neander Valley, Germany

they were slow maturing, long lived and had bodies more complex than ours

better teeth, bones, muscles, eyes, wider hips, and larger brains.
2015-11-03 08:31:34 UTC
Pat Robertson should get off TV
great knight
2015-11-03 11:04:47 UTC
They are men or apes. They might be extinct species of apes but evolutionists have been caught lying many times. See, and so on. He took a buzz saw to change it! The parts were missing but they drew them in however they wanted too! Sick. and so on. Get a kjversion Bible and believe. Jesus Christ is the truth. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” - the Word of God. You trust in the Lord and guess what? Caught them lying to deceive you again! They are sick. Jesus loves you.
2015-11-03 14:56:39 UTC
i eat fossils
Mutations Killed Darwin Fish
2015-11-02 14:00:26 UTC
Fossils are dead. That much is certain.
2015-11-04 05:21:26 UTC
Were animals made by God, so are part of the creation. We must to know and study them to know more about our Father and Creator Jehovah.
2015-11-03 17:42:57 UTC
No one knows for sure how old dinosaur bones are, in fact, live blood cells, soft tissue, and collagen have been found in numerous dinosaur bones which are supposedly 75 million years old.
2015-11-02 13:57:00 UTC
As a Christian, I think they're the remnants of prehistoric creatures, which is exactly what they are.
2015-11-02 13:50:42 UTC
I believe Neanderthals were human like us and descendants of Adam and Eve.
2015-11-05 13:01:24 UTC
We found some on a beech in Dorset
2015-11-05 00:25:31 UTC
WOW, just look at how stupid every one of these theists responses is. They really are a basket full of monkeys. I mean, seriously being that stupid and ignorant should be illegal.
2015-11-02 14:53:01 UTC
Any human bones or manlike bones that are not carefully preserved and protected by religious societies are remnants of 'gatherer adam' and his descendents, which are mentioned in Genesis 1. The more famous Adam, known as 'cultivator Adam' by contrast, (Genesis 2), was given a unique psyche and was placed in a Garden planted by the elohim in a very specific location at the head of four specifically named rivers. He and his descendents are very different from the other 'adam, (Hebrew 'men'), mentioned in Genesis 1. These other men were given the command to fill the entire earth and subdue the various forms of life within it, eating and gathering only from seed-bearing plants. They lived during a period before the first rain cycles began while the earth was watered by subterranean springs left over from the separation of the waters. 'Mayim al,' (the frozen upper waters extending up into the upper atmosphere) and 'mayim tachath,' (the lower waters attached to them by an icy grip which the elohim broke, venting mayim al into the 'great deep,' which modern people call 'space.' Adam and his wife Eve were cultivators, not gatherers. They were permitted to remain only within the Garden and only interacted with the animals and plants within the Garden. Any later interaction between the cultivators and the gatherers was sacred and changed the gatherers in significant ways. God's attention remains only upon the cultivators and those influenced by them, since His unique psyche was given to them. It is this treasure He values most.

The lower waters initially fell and filled the subterranean caverns which the elohim had opened to receive them. The rain cycles did not begin until enough of these waters had begun to surface and evaporate. Obviously, this all did not take place in a single solar day as many have chosen to interpret the Bible as stating. God's 'Day' is the Original, and our solar day is the copy, which did not even exist until God's fourth 'Day.'

The Bible indicates clearly that God is not bound in any way by time, (Psalm 90:4, 2 Peter 3:18), and that He does not view the cosmos or events on earth according to solar measurements or a chronological history. Science chooses to ignore any matter or energy travelling faster than the speed of light, presuming it to be 'irrelevant' to our understanding of reality. This is a very short-sighted and rigid viewpoint. It is only within this viewpoint that we find any such thing as a 'fossil.' Whether the measurements used to date such items according to a static solar timeline even indicate anything at all is highly questionable, especially since God doesn't use one and because dynamic reality isn't governed by one in any way. We can presume it to be so yes, and draw conclusions which we can use to tell tall tales or craft partial narratives, but they are built upon purposely hidden conjecture related to time which ignores the existence of states existing outside of time's chronology. The influence of those states upon the perceived chronology must be acknowledged before we can state that anything sheds light upon our origins or indicates anything other than what God has already indicated to be true.

God has revealed to us that the bones of the righteous are precious to Him and would never be left scattered or untended. Those discovered left in this manner are the remains of animals or unrighteous men. The bones of the righteous contain mysteries that the unrighteous can use to harm themselves, so they are very reverently protected from them. They are even destroyed by intense fire until they are nothing but lime if their protectors are unable to secure them from wicked men. This has been true since ancient times. Otherwise, the bones remain available to those who seek to learn from them. All other bones contain nothing but a narrative of punished wickedness or will be used by the wicked to spin lies based on a hidden foundation of fallacy related to time which denies the existence of eternal influences.

If it makes you feel smart to have learned the language of these narratives, you are not alone. Many people know them well and trust in their apparent truth, and they rely heavily on them for reassurance that God is a fiction and that the Bible is a work of idle mythology. This self-assurance does not address the hidden foundation of the proverbial house, which Christ indicates to us is constructed too shallowly to have reached the bedrock of actual truth. He also indicates that this will not be noticeable until the 'storm' arrives, the winds and waves beat against the house and the weak foundation is finally revealed. We cannot ignore the matter and energy traveling faster than us or its effect on theories related to time. For now, people continue to contribute to the great mansion built on sand. With each contribution it becomes less and less believable to everyone that the house could ever fall. That does not mean that it won't.
2015-11-03 14:41:55 UTC
God created them before during or after noah's flood God has the power to do all things
2015-11-02 13:49:58 UTC
Clearly planted by Satan in an effort to deceive us.

Just like this question.

Now devil be gone!!!!
2015-11-02 14:02:15 UTC
When God creates something He does it elaborately.

In the beginning God created the Heavens and the earth.

There's a period after that sentence. The earth has been here a long time. In that time, plenty of things have lived and died.

I've seen TV shows that take users out to places like Montana and show large beds of fossils, dinosaur fossils, just a few feet or inches from the earth we walk on. They, the so called "scientists" said they were millions of years old. I find that to be very hard to believe. I've also heard that soft tissue has been found in some dinosaur fossils. That would lead many to believe the age of the fossils is not millions of years old.

I've also learned that the government has hidden findings. One place in Indiana, for example, had plants growing there that grew when the dinosaurs lived. These plants were supposedly extinct long long ago. The government bought the land up from the owner for lots of money.

Here's generally what Atheists and or evolutionist take as the truth / what they "believe": The earth is about 4 billion years old.. in that time, everything came out of chaos and is in the present form by random chance. All the animals, plant, fish in the Sea, birds in the air, food we eat all the things are perfect by random chance and didn't get wiped out somewhere along the way. The random amoeba that somehow came into existence out of minerals, water, and crazy randomly chanced coincidences didn't get radiated to death, didn't get frozen to death, heated to death, didn't run out of food, didn't have something fall on it, kept splitting and dividing into billions of different life forms all by random chance. The roulette wheel of Big Bang, Primordial soup, evolution etc. always landed on a winner for billions of years in order to get us where we are now. I don't accept that answer. Especially in light of the following:


Here's what the Bible says: God created the Heavens and the earth. The odds of one man fulfilling the prophecies of the Messiah has been calculated to be at least 1 to the123rd power. God revealed that He was coming to save us and made it crystal clear who He was when He came. He lived, He performed miracles, He was put to death for my sins, He rose from the grave 3 days later and He is coming again very soon.

Here's a summery of the Bible


God is 3 personages, Jesus is God Himself; God the Son, & took on humanity, coming as a man to save us. Satan orchestrated a contract with sin with Adam in the Garden of Eden. Since that time, sin passes through man, therefore, Jesus was born of a virgin in order to save us of our sins & get us out of the contract. God worked out legal grounds, through Abraham, in order to save us & pour the sins of humanity on to Jesus on the Cross. Roughly 2000 years after Abraham was asked to kill / sacrifice his son, God sent His Son, on the same spot, to die for us. A man (Adam) put us in sin, a man (Jesus) gets us out of the contract Legally however, you'll have to accept it, for a pardon is not valid unless you accept it. make the right decision. If you choose to reject God, it's not God's will but your will that will be done.

JESUS, God Himself, Jehovah, YHWH, The Creator, My Savior, Fully Deity, Fully man Romans 10:9-13 believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. (Acts chapter 16)
Doubting Like Thomas
2015-11-02 14:32:21 UTC
If I insist that Neanderthals are the Nephilim, do I get "Best Answer"?
2015-11-03 13:35:37 UTC
They offend the big G upstairs wit his home boy J-bomb.
2015-11-03 18:01:12 UTC
What do I think they are?

Insufficient and incomplete evidence of evolution.
2015-11-02 15:19:38 UTC
I think they are phoney and were put there by satan and Santa Claus to confuse us
2015-11-04 08:26:27 UTC
i'm not convinced ppl are christians nor atheists anymore
2015-11-03 00:36:21 UTC
They have more character than the Holy Ghost
2015-11-04 00:32:05 UTC
they are like a rock imprint of something!!

just a thought
2015-11-02 13:51:09 UTC
"Christians: your thoughts..."

You should stop right there in your question. You'll find that cultists do not have thoughts of their own, they only dwell on what their cult tells them to dwell on.... ESPECIALLY when it comes to science, learning, academics, etc.
2015-11-04 07:24:53 UTC
They are the real thing.....the world is much older than the 7,000 years noted by some....
2015-11-03 01:08:20 UTC
rocked life
brother trucker
2015-11-02 20:53:18 UTC
I think theyre very interesting.
Benoni "Light"
2015-11-02 13:57:56 UTC
The bones of something dead. That's it. Why?
2015-11-03 04:11:51 UTC
Neanderthals are not humans, nor are they related to us.
kat m
2015-11-02 23:33:28 UTC
Its all made up, wake up world!
2015-11-02 13:50:26 UTC
They are a window into the past.
2015-11-03 14:58:13 UTC
Well, they are human of course.
2015-11-02 14:46:27 UTC
I think they are exactly what scientists suppose that they are.
2015-11-02 13:54:56 UTC
Gifts from God.
2015-11-03 10:39:23 UTC
difficult to say
2015-11-04 07:36:32 UTC
yes so?
2015-11-03 05:44:29 UTC
Chris M
2015-11-03 19:38:57 UTC
2015-11-03 02:18:07 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.