Why don't Protestants believe in the Catholic concept of Purgatory?
2016-01-01 08:23:53 UTC
Please use the Bible to support your answer, and let's not be unkind or rude!
Sixteen answers:
2016-01-01 13:33:32 UTC
No such thing as purgatory.

the New Catholic Encyclopedia acknowledges: “In the final analysis, the Catholic doctrine on purgatory is based on tradition, not Sacred Scripture.”

“The church has relied on tradition to support a middle ground between heaven and hell.”—U.S. Catholic

A Catholic Catechism for Adults states: “The word ‘purgatory’ is not in the Bible, nor is the doctrine of purgatory explicitly taught there.

Regarding the condition of the dead, the Holy Scriptures say: “The living know at least that they will die, the dead know nothing.” (Eccl. 9:5
2016-01-01 08:34:24 UTC
Because Martin Luther must have skipped the significance of 2 Maccabees 12:45-46

Just like they also skip the significance of Peter the Disciple.

They'd probably be focused on telling stories about talking snakes, and stuff instead, and then slowly wonder why people ridiculing Christianity.
2016-01-01 08:44:47 UTC
The Protestant Reformation was triggered by Martin Luther's outrage at the Catholic Church selling "indulgences" which allowed wealthy contributors to buy their way out of Purgatory. The money was purportedly used to fund building the Vatican. To this day, any mention of purgatory still reminds Protestants of what they still consider Catholic corruption.

The Bible is fourth century Roman Catholic propaganda and is proof of nothing more than humanity's persistent gullibility.
2016-01-01 14:36:07 UTC
Protestants don't believe in it because they are all "sola scriptura" which means Bible alone. If it isn't explicitly in the Bible, they reject it. Over time, the understanding of what purgatory is, and how scripture does support the notion of it, has been totally lost for them. However, it seems to be lost on them that the Bible never says it is the sole rule of faith, or that everything must be in it to be valid.

It is not a second chance, as some believe. It is not that Christ's sacrifice was not sufficient as others say. Purgatory is the continuation of the purging of our sins, that is begun on earth. Our earthly suffering is usually understood by most Protestants as being brought about by our sinfulness.

The Bible says "nothing unclean can enter heaven." However, I would like to know any Protestant who would claim that at the time of their death they were free of sin, and their soul was pure. The suffering we endure on earth, can be offered up to God and joined to the sufferings of Christ.

All those in purgatory are already saved. They are assured of heaven, however they must still be purged, be made clean.

"Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church." Col 1:24

These sufferings continue to purge and purify our souls and make us holy, as we journey to heaven.

The most specific verse is in a book of the Bible that was in the Septuagint (the version of the Hebrew scriptures used by Christ and his Apostles), and has been a part of the Catholic Bible always. 2 Maccabees. In 2 Maccabees 12:38-46 we read about Jews who were found dead, and had pagan amulets around their necks. Those who found the dead men, offered up prayers for their souls because of the pagan amulets. If there was no hope for them, then why pray for them?

Protestants reject Maccabees, however it was not rejected at the time of Christ.

Matt. 5:26,18:34; Luke 12:58-59 – Jesus teaches us, “Come to terms with your opponent or you will be handed over to the judge and thrown into prison. You will not get out until you have paid the last penny.” The word “opponent” (antidiko) is likely a reference to the devil (see the same word for devil in 1 Pet. 5:8) who is an accuser against man (c.f. Job 1.6-12; Zech. 3.1; Rev. 12.10), and God is the judge. If we have not adequately dealt with satan and sin in this life, we will be held in a temporary state called a prison, and we won’t get out until we have satisfied our entire debt to God. This “prison” is purgatory where we will not get out until the last penny is paid.

Matt. 5:48 - Jesus says, "be perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect." We are only made perfect through purification, and in Catholic teaching, this purification, if not completed on earth, is continued in a transitional state we call purgatory.

Matt. 12:32 – Jesus says, “And anyone who says a word against the Son of man will be forgiven; but no one who speaks against the Holy Spirit will be forgiven either in this world or in the next.” Jesus thus clearly provides that there is forgiveness after death. The phrase “in the next” (from the Greek “en to mellonti”) generally refers to the afterlife (see, for example, Mark 10.30; Luke 18.30; 20.34-35; Eph. 1.21 for similar language). Forgiveness is not necessary in heaven, and there is no forgiveness in hell. This proves that there is another state after death, and the Church for 2,000 years has called this state purgatory.

Here are more:
2016-01-01 10:40:01 UTC
Most or all online bible sites have a search option that will find all occurrences of a word or phrase. You can search for passages that mention hell, or hades, or purgatory, or whatever subject you want to study. That way you see what the bible actually says, not what some nitwit tells you it says.

Catholics ignore what the bible says. They follow their own churchy traditions.
2016-01-01 08:53:25 UTC
Why don't Protestants believe in any of the dozens of beliefs of original Christianity they have rejected?? That's what makes Protestants Protestant! You want biblical support (another unbiblical Protestant idea)? Okay. Jesus Christ to the leadership of the ONE Church He founded: "The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth"; "Whatsoever you bind upon Earth is bound in Heaven"; "He who hears you hears Me". Do you believe the words of Jesus Christ Himself, or don't you?
2016-01-01 08:30:23 UTC
Because the existence of Purgatory remains thoroughly unproven, even in the realms of Spirit ....

and the concept of it is beyond common sense itself, and all form of intelligent reasoning.

Protestants, and others, know when to stop.
2016-01-01 08:34:55 UTC
Because there is no basis for purgatory in the Bible.

"Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him." (Hebrews 9:27)

Jesus said, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." (Matthew 7:13)

Step 1: Choose path while living

Step 2: Die

Step 3: Judgment

You will not find an in-between, such as "purgatory", placed after step 2 and before step 3. While the judgment is delayed for those that have died in the past, they are either waiting in Paradise or Hell (Hades, Sheol), as illustrated by the account of the rich man and the beggar Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). In that account, Abraham makes it clear that upon death, no one can change their final destination which is Heaven or the Lake of Fire:

"Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. The earth and the heavens fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what they had done. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire." (Revelation 20:11-15)
2016-01-01 09:43:29 UTC
Because they're Protestands, not Catholics.
2016-01-01 08:55:04 UTC
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Heb. 9:27

The word of Almighty God is very clear. There are no second chances or redemption after death. In the book of Joshua we read, And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

We have only one opportunity to make Jesus our Lord and Savior. Choose wisely.
2016-01-01 09:35:05 UTC
Protestants are sola scriptura, and want things explicitly stated in the bible. Also, their bibles have 66 books.
2016-01-01 08:38:16 UTC
Didn't the Catholics create this out of thin air to explain something that was unexplainable? I really don't know.
2016-01-01 11:22:53 UTC
Because it was made up. They stole it from Dante's Inferno in 1300.
2016-01-03 07:47:44 UTC
because the very idea is not supported by the bible. and even if it were, exchange of earthly goods as a means to escape it would not work.
2016-01-01 08:30:14 UTC
there are no rules to pretending to believe nonsense.....
2016-01-01 10:25:19 UTC
Why don't Protestants believe in the Catholic concept of Purgatory? Fake Patriarch Kirill and other fake church leaders signed a document in 2006 where it says that all religions worship the same supreme being; anathema. Last Orthodox Patriarch is Patriarch Irenaios of Jerusalem. Major heresy of the last century was that the name of the Creator doesn't have anything to

do with the Creator.

American pronunciation of the word "God/god" is "gaad" which means Satan in Ruski.

Ruski words for "English" and "angelic" are very similar; Satan was an angel.

Read only Bible that is translated by theologians. John the Baptist ate only carobs and honey. Eating bugs like locusts leads to demon possession and three stands of DNA. 666ed people eat GMO food (which is food with bug DNA).

Ecumenism has 263 heresies; each heresy leads to hell.

Roman Catholic icons are drawn from naked people.

Orthodox icons are inspired by the Holy Spirit.

When you look directly into the eyes of the figure depicted on an Orthodox icon, energy is coming your way, that is, you get healed.

If you look at Buddhist-Roman Catholic-Satanic icons, you get the passions from the person depicted.

There has been a study done by Ruski scientists. When an Orthodox Christian crosses regular water, it becomes better. When an Orthodox Christian priest crosses regular water, it becomes even better than if regular Orthodox Christian crosses the water. This is the usual.

Now, we are in the end days. In some churches (that have been infiltrated by the antichrist's minions), antichrist's blood is served. Also, scanners put 666 on foreheads at the entrance. Theotokos Virgin Mary pushed down the altars at these churches (invisible to humans). Icons in these churches are changed to Satanic-Buddhist-Roman Catholic type instead of normal. Water (instead of becoming better) becomes worse when "blessed" in these "churches".

Orthodox icons must have correct hand signals.

Correct blessing hand means Alpha and Omega


Iesus Christous (Jesus Christ in Greek and Church Slavonic).

Incorrect hand signals are signifying the antichrist.

Also, do you see the scrolls on the Orthodox icons?

They will be opened when antichrist will be coming to town.

These scrolls will reveal everything about the antichrist.

Note also, calendar must be Orthodox, not Roman Catholic.

During the 8th "wolf" Council, antichrist will kill those priests who

disagree with him. Other priests will worship him when a bird dies at

his feet.

Pelageya of Ryazan said that there will only be seven churches left in the end days.

Vaccines, IVs, tooth fillings/implants, cosmetics, medicaments, certain foods and drinks, etc. contain nanochips and/or cells of aborted fetuses; intake of which leads to demon possession.

Give back your documents to the gov't and live in Ural Mountains or Alaska.

Heresy leads to loss of love. Rapture is a heresy. You have to hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666. Reject globalism, UFOs, documents, vaccines, ecumenism, cities, technology, etc.

The only true Christians are people who rejected mark of the beast documents and drink blood of Jesus.

Note, some churches serve antichrist's blood. So, choose wisely.

Read the Book of Revelation.

It's all clear now anyway if you have wisdom to

understand that 2 elongated lines on a barcode is a 6.

Each barcode has 3 double elongated lines.

Hence, it spells 666.

Barcode on documents leads to temporary hell.

Barcode on one's body by isotope rays leads to permanent hell.

According to Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, 666ed people will

first hide the green 666 with durags and long sleeves, but then openly will walk

with shiny green 666 on their foreheads or wrists.

The Most Holy Trinity gives you a name during baptism.

Devil gives you an anti-name during anti-baptism.

Barcode is Druid black magic curse and a form of mark of the beast just like Social Security.

People who took any number (which is an anti-name given during anti-baptism by the beast) on documents or in computer go to temporary hell;

but those who receive green 666 (given with World Passport with no name on it) on forehead or wrist go to permanent hell.

How not to go to hell?

Give back all these anti-name anti-baptism documents back to the beast

by writing to appropriate authorities.

If authorities refuse to cancel these anti-names, then write again (up to three times).

If you wrote to the gov't three times about it, but gov't refused, then The Most Holy Trinity

will not send you to hell.

Don't take the microchip. If you already took it, get rid of it because microchipped people will be influenced by computers to take the World Passport (grey plastic card with no name on it).

Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Those who reject 666 will go to heaven. Also, their direct ancestors will be saved from hell.

All who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ or sign themselves with sign of the cross during WW3 will be saved. War in Ukraine will last two years (2014 - 2016). Then WW3 will start. Then Tsar (revealed by resurrected Seraphim of Sarov) will come to power in Russia to protect people from the antichrist. Antichrist will allow all sin. Don't sin. The Most Holy Trinity is merciful but 666 is not forgivable. 666 is given with grey plastic card.

Food stores, prisoners, and police will 666 people too. Don't get new documents. Don't get any surgeries. Don't eat meat. Don't eat fast food. Don't eat junk food. Pray the Jesus prayer.

Don't go into UFO to be healed by evil demons. Feed the pigeons. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael. Reject vaccines. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape mark of the beast; leave all electronics behind so that you can't be tracked.

Antichrist's next target is the Statue of Liberty.

One big shake, one giant step forward, one giant collapse.

You use your spirit to talk to The Most Holy Trinity.

Demons attack soul and body.

Demons live inside clones. Jesus died for all sins committed by all.

Jesus said that you have to drink His blood.

All people have soul, body, and spirit.

In animals, blood substitutes soul.

That's why you're forbidden to drink animal blood.

Animals don't have spirit.

You're forbidden to drink human blood (like during blood transfusion) because sins transfer.

You're told to drink blood of Jesus (because He's sinless) so that your sins are forgiven.

Dogs are not allowed in your home and your church because the Holy Spirit will leave.

One can receive mark of the beast because of cats; so, stay away from cats.

Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from hell. Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia. Since antichrist (born to a 12th generation prostitute, flying, big-nailed, gloved, pale-faced, red-eyed, Satan-possessed since he's 12 years old, homosexual man from the tribe of Dan, who wears blue robe over left shoulder while red/pink robe is underneath just like Jesus, and is surrounded by demons but people see angels of light) is around, there is no need for disputes. Forgive me.рязанская&w=wall-25720730_57029%2Fall

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.