which is the real God?
2007-01-12 09:21:28 UTC
Christians feel theirs is the only God namely Jesus. Nobody has seen him , and all reference is only via old books like the bible (numerous versions). Its the christian world responsible for invading Iraq, threatening Korea and so on.
Muslims feel theirs is the true God. He has no form or pic.all others are kafirs or disbelievers. Yet most terrorists in the world are muslims.
Hindus believe theirs is the true God. Yet they want their wives to be virtuous , while making out with all the other women.
Buddhists believe theirs is also the real god. If they had relinquished tibet to china, probably they may live peacefully in their own land.
Is the real God , only in the mind. ? a creation of man for control over another?
38 answers:
2007-01-12 09:28:19 UTC
Buddhists don't believe in God, so you might want to keep that in mind next time you post. Hindus worship more than one god ... keep that in mind.

The "real" God not in church, not in a "place", nowhere in the outside world. He is within your consciousness.
2007-01-12 09:32:28 UTC
First of all you have some things wrong. There are non Christians sources that tell of the man Jesus was here on this earth and had a following called, "Christians". Many Atheists know of Jesus they just don't believe he was God's son.

Some sources are Tacitus, Pliny the younger and Josephus.

The judo christian bible is a historical document. Never been proven wrong on history. We have writings of Pontius Pilate, the tomb of Ciaphus the priest that sent Jesus to Pilate, the walls of Jericho found, evidence of a world wide flood, and SO much more!

If the bible is true the the others are false.
2007-01-12 09:29:50 UTC
C'mon dude, everybody knows that Odin is the real god. His best son, Thor will save the world from the giants during the coming Ragnarok, and will give his life to save the brave. Only the ones who die in glorious battle will be taken by the Valkyrie to Valhalla for an eternal feast.

We all know Thor would beat some middle eastern carpenters a ss in a fight to the finish. Jesus had better suit up his armor and fight with Thor against the giants if he wants to have a shot at Valhalla!
2007-01-12 09:33:36 UTC
There is really only ONE true God.

But there is a godhead in heaven, and thrones without numbers if there are planets with other inhabitants in the galaxies that exist.

All the thrones are given to the saviours on Mt Sion. and the saviours are part of the same Godhead, I even heard an interveiw that the word Eloiheim was plural which also represents the three classes of different kinds of angels.

So all christianity is wrong, All muslims are wrong and Judaism is wrong, but They all worship their one true God according to the traditons which they are given.

I worship the unknown god that i have never met, but know he is there? i pray to the Father in Heaven, as it says to do so in the book of Luke when Jesus is said to have taught his disciples how to pray.

But in the bible it says there are 3 in heaven that Rule and reign over this earth. there is one throne for the son of God and 12 or 24 thrones for his apostles. This oligarchy is the TRUE aluminati in heaven. The aluminati on earth is an antichrist forgery. well? it is my opinion on that subject.

the aluminati in heaven has the true saviour the aluminati on earth is a false corruptor and deals with lies and murder. The god or diety of Naziism showed his true fruits when he Raised up Hitler to become a murdering SoB. but people like that have always existed throughout history and throughout history have invented religion in their own Images.

There are many Fallen angels that pose themselves as dieties and people have built up false religions unto them as well.

Can the truth ever be known if My own church is one of these, or if islam truely worships a moon god after the order of one of these? or even if all the catholices follow the doctrines of devils? or the christians who follow a historical Apostacy rather than the revelation of Jesus.?

If i am wrong in any thing i will be the first to repent of it. I would hope all people of the category of righteousness and believer would do the same!
2007-01-12 09:32:10 UTC
You are incorrect. Jesus is not our God. Christians believe God is God, that Jesus is the Son of God, a part of God. Christians are not responsible for invading Iraq or threatening Korea. BUSH and his Cronies are...his Christianity is questionable.

Buddhists believe in Buddha's teachings, he is not their god, but a spiritual leader whom they revere. Hindus do not "make out" with all the other women, marriage is just as sacred to Hindus as any other religion. Besides most Hindus are Indians (from India) and Indian men far outnumber Indian women. It's very difficult for an Indian man to find the right, available woman willing to marry him so I doubt their all playing the field.

Muslims are only reacting to what they feel is Western influence in their countries--I don't blaim most Muslims because most aren't terrorist. The truth is the Jews stole land from the Palenstinians and abused them first. America, the UK, and others have interfered in Arabic and Persian countries for oil profits and Muslims rightfully feeled threatened and want to see us deposed from our "High and Mighty throne"

Which is the real God? My God and I'm Christian;)
Miss Momma
2007-01-12 09:32:56 UTC
Jesus is God and the true God. All other gods take and expect something from you. A True God would not demand this. Jesus Christ does not demand human sacrifices and such other things for your eternal life. He only asks that you love him and if you don't he doesn't force you, he gives you free choice. Plus, people have seen Jesus Christ (who claimed He was God's son) and I learned about him in history class in 10th grade in textbooks in a public school. So I don't know where you got your info, but yes the Bible has the history in it as well as many history books in the I know He is the true God because of what he has done for me. This proves he is still a living God and not dead like the rest of them. That is how I know.
2007-01-12 09:30:41 UTC
There are many false prophets and false docterin's in the world. The "Christian world" is NOT responsible for the war in Iraq and the threat on Korea!! Men having ill and selfish motivations are the reason for that!! For me PERSONALLY I believe the only God is God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit all in One, One in all. Everything else is false.
2007-01-12 09:25:36 UTC
No one knows the "real God," or if there is really a god out there. It is all just what people believe. Everyone believes that theirs is the true god because that is what they believe in and worship.

On a personal note, yes, I believe that religion was created to create a kind of moral code for people.
papa G
2007-01-12 09:42:19 UTC
Catholic theologian Gregory Baum of Toronto says that modern religion is turning to a ‘new God.’ Instead of thinking about God as an invisible being who can be approached through prayer, Baum says the ‘new God will be found through self-knowledge, through talking with other people and deciding through political and social growth what is right and what is wrong.’

But this is precisely what has been done already for centuries. Men have leaned on their own understanding instead of following God’s wisdom as revealed in the Bible. They have decided for themselves what is right and what is wrong and have ignored what God says is right and what is wrong. The folly of leaning on human wisdom alone is evident to many now as the awful results of imperfect, often selfish, human rule and human thinking become more obvious daily. Long ago the Bible, God’s Word, warned: “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding.” “Do not put your trust in nobles, nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs.”—Prov. 3:5; Ps. 146:3.
2007-01-12 09:29:06 UTC
"Is the real God , only in the mind. ? a creation of man for control over another?" -- great quote!

God is someone you simply believe in. There is no real explanation for his existance, he's just in the mind and heart of millions around the world. I once heard believing in God is like a young child believing in Santa Clause. It's just a belief and dedication/trust to a higher power. (no matter what religion)
2007-01-12 09:26:57 UTC
Look to science, physics and reality for creation, not a trickster "god." I firmly believe that god and religion are the myths of humankind for the purpose of control, power, and profit. Although these myths at one time brought early humans comfort in the face of an unknowable world.
2007-01-12 09:26:59 UTC
Hindhu gods are made by hands. Muslim god is a rock at Mecca which they worship every day by praying towards it. Their lame denial of this worship means nothing. Action speaks louder than words, just like they would behead you to insist that you call them peeaceful. Buddha never said he was a god, neither did he say he was to be worshipped.

So, the only monotheistic religion in this entire world is Judaism and Christianity.
2007-01-12 09:29:00 UTC
No one knows who the real god is. In fact, no one knows if one even exists. What matters most is to live your life by what you deem is right and wrong, not what someone forces upon you. Research these religions, find one that sets off something in your mind, and live your life for it. For the most part, religion has been used as a tool to oppress, but when used with balance, it can be a tool of all knowledge.
2007-01-12 09:25:57 UTC
Each says there is only one God - obviously that is true - they are all talking about the same guy!

I think the problem with religions is that they worship and follow their holy books instead of God himself. If they just listened to their hearts and found god inside then very different things would happen.
Learn about the one true god
2007-01-12 09:46:46 UTC
“All the peoples, for their part, will walk each one in the name of its god; but we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever.”—Mic. 4:5.

Psalm 83:18 reads: “That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.” Also, God’s name is found in most Bibles at Revelation 19:1-6 as part of the expression “Alleluia” or “Hallelujah.” This means “praise Jah,” a shortened form of Jehovah.

Here is the definition from an online dictionary...

“You must tell the Israelites this, that it is JEHOVAH the God of their forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, who has sent you to them. This is my name for ever; this is my title in every generation.”—EXODUS 3:15, The New English Bible.

Learn More!
2007-01-12 09:39:17 UTC
Jesus is the One True God.
Wisdom Lies in the Heart
2007-01-12 09:25:50 UTC
The best answer for this would be "I don't know". Isn't that why we have religion- to find our way to the real God.

Your question is a good one and is probably one of the things we need to lean on Earth before we can accept the real God. I could be wrong, you could be wrong, Willie Nelson could be wrong. As humans, we will never be able to understand Deity.
2007-01-12 09:35:59 UTC
No body have seen GOD. Jesus was not GOD. He was a messanger of GOD to tell people how to live and how to worship GOD.If someone attack at your home what you will do, fight for it or just give them everything. dont follow media. 11 september is open secret now. Muslims were just blamed to make them target to kill them for isreal. Whole world is in fire just for Jeruslm and who want it. Media is just in thier hands and even our government is in thier hands so dont follow it. Its quite easy to do propaganda to create background to attack muslims. I am christian but these things make me mad. Why our soldiers are dying for israel. Why we are killing innocent muslims. Why we made fake usama's videos of hate to show muslims hatefull. They are dying everyday without any reason. That is just a drama. if you want to know about islam just read Quran as a normal book. You will find islam is peacefull religion. Dont follow media. They are under attack. Just imagine if we as christians are blamed for nothing and attacked, childrens and people are dying everyday and our home are bombed everyday. what you feel and everybody hate you for nothing. What you will do. All this done through proper planing. I believe islam is totally different as they are painting it through propaganda. Islam is most growin religion even in america where people hate them more than anything. I am christian and i believe in christianity but not in this human addited bibles. They made us blind and deaf after changing real bible. GOD bless you
2007-01-12 09:28:29 UTC
Yes Muslims believe in God and HE is the True God .

we don't consider that Christians or Jews r Kafirs but we do consider atheists r kafirs and disbelievers because they r!!

"Yet most terrorists in the world are Muslims."NO,they r extremists and what they do is not in Islam
2007-01-12 09:28:17 UTC
the christian God is not jesus but Yaweh or jehovA jESUS is his son! Yaweh is a god who loves his creationand tells them to also love each other !Allah who as the quoran clearly states has no sons so they cannot be one and the same !the reason Christians should not recognise Allah is because our god forbids us too


3 "You shall have no other gods before me.
2007-01-12 09:25:29 UTC
I think it's funny when people say, "the bible says that the christian god is correct." OF COURSE IT'S GONNA SAY THAT!!!!!

If you go ask Microsoft what the true web browser is, guess what they will say?
2007-01-12 09:27:08 UTC
The One True God came to earth as Jesus Christ and we rejected him.
Gods child
2007-01-12 09:28:06 UTC
There is but only one God. I am who am. The loving Father of us all. The sustainer of all life Who sent His Only Son to Die for us so that we may be happy with Him in Heaven.
2007-01-12 09:24:50 UTC
I don't believe in "God"

I just don't feel that some "greater being" should be controlling my life. Only I control it.
2007-01-12 09:25:58 UTC
There is so much nonsense in everything you have wrote...

If you even bothered to look you would notice countless similarities between faiths. Ultimately God is something you must find in yourself, and make peace with yourself.
2007-01-12 09:29:26 UTC
I believe he is not found in religion at all,but in oneself and all around in the beauty of nature and all of creation.The universal consciousness that is everywhere
2007-01-12 09:31:10 UTC
there's no arguing who's the real God. No one can argue who is the real God, it's just that God can't also drive himself out, the Satan you like is like it, that he also can't drive himself out. God and Satan are best friends, and Satan might of tried to **** God's ***. did you know that God anaq's like one foot, and like 2 to 4 inches thick? God cannot show up because he farts like you, takes a **** like you, and love it without shame like qilitti?
2007-01-12 09:23:54 UTC
Check out Cthulhu.
Captain America
2007-01-12 09:29:04 UTC
Are you seeking truth or simply wanting to blast God believers, because if you are not seeking truth, you will not find it.
2007-01-12 09:24:40 UTC
It's pretty obvious that the Aesir are the true gods!
2007-01-12 09:27:04 UTC
Allah..and Muhammad(pbuh) is HIs messenger
2007-01-12 09:34:46 UTC
No! the real God is the FSM :)

of course it is all imaginary, there is no God.
2007-01-12 09:23:58 UTC
Maurice H
2007-01-12 09:26:11 UTC
Jesus all the way!
2007-01-12 09:24:41 UTC
Which is the real God?

2007-01-12 12:10:25 UTC
The Abrahamic God.

"The West, whether Christian or dechristianised, has never really known Islam. Ever since they watched it appear on the world stage, Christians never ceased to insult and slander it in order to find justification for waging war on it. It has been subjected to grotesque distortions the traces of which still endure in the European mind. One symptom of this ignorance is the fact that in the imagination of most Europeans, Allah refers to the divinity of the Muslims, not the God of the Christians and Jews; they are all surprised to hear, when one takes the trouble to explain things to them, that 'Allah' means 'God', and that even Arab Christians know him by no other name."

(Unveiling Islam by Roger Du Pasquier)

"The use of false evidence to attack Islam was all but universal..." (Norman Daniel: Islam and the West)

"The lies (Western slander) which well-meaning zeal has heaped round this man (Prophet Muhammad) are disgraceful to ourselves only."

(Thomas Carlyle in 'Heroes and Hero Worship and the Heroic in History,' 1840)

"History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths that historians have ever repeated."

(De Lacy O'Leary in 'Islam at the Crossroads,' London, 1923.)

"Head of the State as well as the Church, he (Prophet Muhammad) was Caesar and Pope in one; but he was Pope without the Pope's pretensions, and Caesar without the legions of Caesar, without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a police force, without a fixed revenue. If ever a man ruled by a right divine, it was Muhammad..."

(Reverend Bosworth Smith in 'Muhammad and Muhammadanism,' London, 1874.)

"If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astonishing results are the three criteria of a human genius, who could dare compare any great man in history with Muhammad (peace be upon him)?...This man moved not only armies, legislations, empires, peoples, dynasties, but millions of men in one-third of the then inhabited world; and more than that, he moved the altars, the gods, the religions, the ideas, the beliefs and the souls...The founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?""

(Alphonse de LaMartaine in 'Historie de la Turquie,' Paris, 1854.)

"If any religion had the chance of ruling over England, nay Europe within the next hundred years, it could be Islam...I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him - the wonderful man and in my opinion for from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Savior of Humanity...I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today.”

(Sir George Bernard Shaw in 'The Genuine Islam,' Vol. 1, No. 8, 1936.)

"Arabia was idolatrous when, six centuries after Jesus, Muhammad introduced the worship of the God of Abraham, of Ishmael, of Moses, and Jesus. The Ariyans and some other sects had disturbed the tranquility of the east by agitating the question of the nature of the Father, the son, and the Holy Ghost. Muhammad declared that there was none but one God who had no father, no son and that the trinity imported the idea of idolatry...I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all the countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of Qur'an which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness."

(Napolean Bonaparte as Quoted in Cherfils, ‘Bonaparte et Islam,’ Paris, France, pp. 105, 125.)

"We have never heard about any attempt to compel Non-Muslim parties to adopt Islam or about any organized persecution aiming at exterminating Christianity. If the Caliphs had chosen one of these plans, they would have wiped out Christianity as easily as what happened to Islam during the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella in Spain; by the same method which Louis XIV followed to make Protestantism a creed whose followers were to be sentenced to death; or with the same ease of keeping the Jews away from Britain for a period of three hundred fifty years."

(Thomas Arnold in 'The Call to Islam.')

"In the eyes of history, religious toleration is the highest evidence of culture in a people....It was not until the Western nations broke away from their religious law that they became more tolerant, and it was only when the Muslims fell away from their religious law that they declined in tolerance and other evidences of the highest culture. Before the coming of Islam it (tolerance) had never been preached as an essential part of religion...The various sects of Christians were represented in the Council of the Empire by their patriarchs, on the provincial and district council by their bishops, in the village council by their priests, whose word was always taken without question on things which were the sole concern of their community..."

(Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall in his 1927 Lecture on 'Tolerance in Islam,' Madras, India.)

"The Islamic teachings have left great traditions for equitable and gentle dealings and behavior, and inspire people with nobility and tolerance. These are human teachings of the highest order and at the same time practicable. These teachings brought into existence a society in which hard-heartedness and collective oppression and injustice were the least as compared with all other societies preceding it....Islam is replete with gentleness, courtesy, and fraternity."

(H.G. Wells)

"Islam is a religion that is essentially rationalistic in the widest sense of this term considered etymologically and historically....the teachings of the Prophet, the Qur'an has invariably kept its place as the fundamental starting point, and the dogma of unity of God has always been proclaimed therein with a grandeur a majesty, an invariable purity and with a note of sure conviction, which it is hard to find surpassed outside the pale of Islam....A creed so precise, so stripped of all theological complexities and consequently so accessible to the ordinary understanding might be expected to possess and does indeed possess a marvelous power of winning its way into the consciences of men."

(Edward Montet, 'La Propagande Chretienne et ses Adversaries Musulmans,' Paris 1890. Also in T.W. Arnold in 'The Preaching of Islam,' London 1913.)

You were saying?

Peace and Love.

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(by Dr. A. Zahoor and Dr. Z. Haq)
2007-01-12 09:25:34 UTC
2007-01-12 09:26:53 UTC
the one you feel in you're heart !!!!!!!!!!!

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