Atheists: What would you do & how would you feel if you loved things that Christians loved?
2007-09-11 10:12:22 UTC
Like if you loved to listen to Christian music, loved watching VeggieTales and going to Church, loved to listen to famous preachers like Billy Graham and loved to read the Bible?

I ask because I am a Christian who loves things that Atheists love - Star Trek, Dr. Who, Sci-fi, science, Simpsons etc. I know there's nothing wrong with these things, but it makes it hard to identify with other Christians & my Christianity makes it hard to identify with Atheists you know?
42 answers:
2007-09-11 10:18:31 UTC
I dont think that your religion necessarily dictates what you like to do. One of the most educated believers that I know watches the UFC pay-per-views. You would probably be suprised if you really knew the kinds of hobbies and interests your Christian peers actually have.
2007-09-11 10:30:20 UTC
Don't quite know how to answer this. You see, I don't love or even like Star Trek, Dr. Who, Sci-fi or the Simpson etc. I do like science although I can't say I love it. But I gain quite an understanding of how the universe may work from studying it. So I suppose that I wouldn't feel much different if I loved things that christians loved since I don't even love what some atheists love. Now I'm confused. Never mind.
Jess H
2007-09-11 10:27:15 UTC
There's a difference, really. Star Trek, Dr. Who, Sci-fi, science, Simpsons etc have nothing to do with atheism. You don't need to be atheist to like them. Christian music, VeggieTales, going to Church, preachers like Billy Graham, and reading the Bible are ALL about Christianity.

And actually, there is some sacred music that I like. The majority of classical music is religious music. I majored in opera, and have frequently sung sacred pieces of music, and I love them. (Not to be confused with religious "rock", which makes me want to puke.)

As for the rest of it, the REASON I don't like them is because they're about religion. I can't lie and say that watching Veggie Tales or Billy Graham doesn't irk me, because it does. If you were atheist you would understand why. Imagine for a moment that your children were watching a Scientology cartoon, that was telling them to believe in an alien named Xenu that locked away aliens inside volcanoes, then blew the volcanoes up and the aliens spirits came and possessed all humans, and that they need to get rid of the alien spirits out of their bodies...(etc.etc.) Wouldn't it creep you out that not only are there people that actually BELIEVE this stuff, but that they're trying to teach it to your children? It's the same thing for us. We don't believe in gods or magical, supernatural beings, and watching people who do and try to encourage others to believe it also bothers us. That's why we don't like it. Believe me, I'm not trying to offend you by saying that, I'm just trying to help you understand where we're coming from.
2007-09-11 10:24:45 UTC
You manage to generalize both Christians and atheists in such a ridiculous manner. VeggieTales?? Star Trek?? Where do you get your information from? What kind of people do you hang around with? Have you ever met any atheists, or do you just assume that they all love sci fi and the Simpsons?

Just LOL.
2007-09-11 10:19:13 UTC
I do not know of ANY atheist who loved to listen to Christian music, loved watching VeggieTales and going to Church, loved to listen to famous preachers like Billy Graham and loved to read the Bible.

The things you mentioned atheists enjoy (Star Trek) etc. are not religion-specific but open to all to enjoy. But what you mentioned Christians enjoy is VERY niche in appeal.
Earl Grey
2007-09-11 10:33:04 UTC
It's easy to answer this question by asking you to do a thought experiment. What if you loved the things that deeply religious Muslims love? Praying to the east, going to Mosque, reading the koran etc...

Chances are you probably detest those things because the biblical god detests them and offers nothing but punishment for those who don't detest other religions.

Since I am 120% convinced that the bible is not true, and is full of things which are not good, I would never have a desire to make reading it a part of my lifestyle (though I have read the entire thing). Because I love truth and honesty I find anything related to promoting the dogma of Christianity as dishonest and unworthy of my respect.

Even when it comes to spiritually uplifting material, the bible is not even in my top 100 list of available books that give good spiritual advice. Christians use the handful of good things written in the bible as cover for their real purpose- which is to dogmatize the world and convert everyone they can to a bronze age way of thinking.
2007-09-11 10:21:42 UTC
You are comparing completely different things. Veggie Tales and Christian music are made because of Chritianity and revolve around the belief that the Christian faith is the truth. Star Trek, The Simpsons, and sci-fi are not necessarily atheistic. They are simply fantasy.
2007-09-11 10:58:44 UTC
I'd feel the same, it would be just something a christian and I would have in common. Liking it doesn't make me less of an atheist nor shall it make them less of a christian.

I liked some star trek series, not much into Dr. Who, but I also like the smell of church incense, the taste of monastery wines, and classical religious music. I still don't believe in a christian god.
Pirate AMâ„¢
2007-09-11 10:23:05 UTC
I like VeggieTales (Everyone's got a water buffalo!) and have the deepest respect for Billy Graham. Going to church has lost its appeal as it's hard to listen to falsehoods being presented as truth.

I have a deep respect for the inspiration and good things in Christianity but do not appreciate it cultivating a lack of objective, analytical and informed thought as a good thing or that it seeks to legislate its version of morality.
2007-09-11 10:23:14 UTC
There's nothing in common. Why would atheists love going to church which is something exclusively religious?

When you are talking about Simpson and others you are talking about secular entertainment which is shared by everybody.

As for music, I love the classical masters and it doesn't bother me listening to Mozart's Mass for example, but I don't enjoy it because of the religious subject but because of the beautiful music. So once more religion isn't taken into account.
2007-09-11 10:20:15 UTC
Okay, these things: "loved to listen to Christian music, loved watching VeggieTales and going to Church" mean very little to me.

- Christian-music, as a rule, is pretty awful and insipid.

- VeggieTales. Well, the only good thing was the parody in the simpsons: Homer, Bart and Lisa are walking outside of the "Sprawl-Mart," and in the front window are a cluster of television sets. On the TV sets a cucumber Moses says, "Mighty Yamses, we are weary of building your food pyramid. Let my pickles go!" To which Homer comments, "Mmmm...Moses."

- Church holds nothing for me.
2016-10-04 13:28:25 UTC
your lovable yippee! there is not any such factor as an atheist! they are calling out to God purely like absolutely everyone else! Oh God this or Oh God that! introduction exhibits a writer. Atheist are think to be some form of "psychological" so how could they be so dumb to no longer have faith.... Human anatomy-accident or intelligently designed? Circulatory equipment- wow! respiration equipment-O2 being pumped into the bloodstream-marvelous accident! Reproductive equipment OMG! How theory out improve into that? that the only closest act of intimacy with yet somebody else (that we like greater suitable than the different man or woman) could ultimately produce the suitable like to exist, a son or daughter! "Ironic-Ah?" God is so marvelous! Who can fathom His limitless know-how? Who can draw close the depths of His love! the spectacular writer and grasp shape. The earth, mountains and sea, animals, fish, birds. sunlight and the moon. purely a fool says in his coronary heart there is not any GOD! Oops it fairly is scriptural isn't it!!
2007-09-11 10:21:00 UTC
Be sure and comfortable in your own skin and beliefs..

I'm a Christian who still loves the X Files and will feel comfortable telling anyone about it. I can identify with atheists in their admiration for sci fi (not ALL of them love it) and not on other issues...same goes for Christians who don't share my viewpoint on other matters
2007-09-11 10:20:36 UTC
I'm fine admitting that I like Christmas music, even as a non-theistic Pagan! And I appreciate the architecture and art of churches, synagogues, and temples!

Just because you aren't part of a group doesn't mean you have to be deaf, dumb and blind to their accomplishments. In fact, I don't have much in common with the Pagans and atheists who are still so mad at Christianity/religion that they can't appreciate the art, music and positive attributes!
Peter D
2007-09-11 10:19:30 UTC
Veggie Tales are Christian! Damn it! Now I'm going to have to figure out how to stop recording that show.

If I liked that other stuff then wouldn't I have to be a Christian? I mean, I don't go to bars to be sober.

Those things you mention aren't created with atheists in mind. They just happen to lack the hard or soft sell of Christianity so they don't repel non-Christians.
2007-09-11 10:22:18 UTC
Christian music and movies are part of a Christian subculture that Christians belong to, not atheists or Jews, or Muslims etc. If you're not a Christian then you're not likely to enjoy that stuff.

Secular music and movies are enjoyed by everyone, as "secular" has no religious bias.
2007-09-11 10:22:22 UTC
Do you also love to read books by Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Jay Gould, would you also watch documentaries like walking with cave men, walking with dinosaurs, Cosmos. And do you like going to concerts like Rat Dog, Dark Star Orchestra, Widespread Panic.

If you do we can still be friends.
2007-09-11 10:21:47 UTC
I do. Although my list is more along the lines of, the classic religious architecture like Sistine Chapel or the Westminster Abby, Ava Maria (the song), etc.

What would I do and feel? What I'm doing and feeling right now! Nothing unusual, I guess.
2007-09-11 10:20:39 UTC
I am christian and I love a lot of non-christian things.

I love alot of friends who are atheists, my best friend is an atheist, I am going to be the God mother of her child, I am going to be in her wedding.

As long as she doesn't try to convert me I wont try and convert her.

I am just fine with non christians and so are most atheists, except those who absolutely want nothing to do with the whole religion.
Grotty Bodkin is not dead!!!
2007-09-11 10:28:14 UTC
The only difference between a christian and an atheist is their belief or lack thereof.

All other things are 'up for grabs'!!

An atheist
2007-09-11 10:19:12 UTC

I'll trade you the Simpsons for listening to Billy Graham,

I like christian-themed paintings and sandals (though not on men)
2007-09-11 10:53:17 UTC
Christians and atheists do love alot of the same things, just not religion.

Jezebel: why would your atheist friend get her child baptized?
Mr. Gentleman
2007-09-11 10:27:14 UTC
generalizing much? creed's a great band, veggietales was the best show when i was 7, and the bible thoroughly influenced my lifestyle and moral code even if i dont believe in the god.

how exactly does being a trekkie mean you dont relate to other christians? i honestly think its all in your mind.
2007-09-11 10:18:38 UTC
What the hell is VeggieTales? I'm a carnivore da*n it! :)

And I HATE Star Trek! Dr. Who I haven't heard. Sci-fi sucks. And South Park beats the Simpsons any day.

Basically, what I'm saying is that every atheist is different. The *only* thing we have in common is the absence of belief in a god or gods. We believe in just one less god than you do.
2007-09-11 10:24:02 UTC
"it makes it hard to identify with other Christians"

... watching star trek isolates you from your co-religionists? Is it unchristian or something... the mind boggles
2007-09-11 10:21:43 UTC
What makes it hard to identify with christians is the fact that their world view is rooted in gullibility, irrationality, willful ignorance, self-delusion, intellectual dishonesty, hypocrisy and drooling stupidity... and they are trying to insert these 'qualities' into our government and into our schools.

2007-09-11 10:18:29 UTC
nothing wrong , what if it's the other way round like atheist loving their parents.

those you mentioned are more of christian-theme ..
2007-09-11 10:18:54 UTC

All of the christian things you mentioned make my skin crawl.

As a matter of fact, my mother in law once showed my son an episode of veggie tales and when we found out, we threatened to never allow her to see him again. Period! There will be NO brainwashing of my children. Ever.
2007-09-11 10:19:22 UTC
The only thing I can think of is that "Way of the Master" provides me with endlessly entertaining outrage.

And I love Christmas carols.
2007-09-11 10:22:07 UTC
Christians enjoy lots of things Atheists enjoy... until they find out they are Atheists... then they suddenly loathe them
Chippy v1.0.0.3b
2007-09-11 10:27:02 UTC
im agnostic, and i do like christian music.


might have to do with the fact i was raised in a christian school so its kind of engraved into me...
2007-09-11 10:18:43 UTC
I love pets and some Christians too. Their opinion makes no difference...
2007-09-11 10:25:56 UTC
why would a nonxian like *music* that says 'ohhh praize jebuz..gawd is reel'?? or billy graham?

please explain. That sounds like some kind of mental disorder
2007-09-11 10:22:15 UTC
The difference between the two groups of stuff you list is one of the groups does not teach people that their fiction is true and teach people to hate and discriminate against people that are different than that group.
2007-09-11 10:20:57 UTC
I like reading the bible as much as I like reading any other work of fiction.
2007-09-11 10:18:03 UTC
If I loved all those things, I wouldn't be an atheist.
2007-09-11 10:17:25 UTC
Like chocolate? I'd feel like we finally had something in common.
2007-09-11 10:19:15 UTC
Love of material things,, provided they be moral, has no bearing on love of God, or of his Son.
2007-09-11 10:18:32 UTC
I have no problem with that -- even a broken clock is right twice a day...
2007-09-11 10:19:49 UTC
I do. I just don't see them the same way you do.
2007-09-11 10:18:52 UTC
I'd buy a better-quality Condom!
2007-09-11 10:17:47 UTC
Well...the reason you love those things, is because they are fun. We dont' love veggie tales because it's mindless dreck.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.