To my fellow Jehovah's Witnesses....?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
To my fellow Jehovah's Witnesses....?
Thirteen answers:
'maters Granny
2009-08-09 05:24:26 UTC
Raised Catholic. Asked to many questions that could not be answered and, like Mr. Dees, the holidays at our house were filled fighting and my mother getting drunk. Saw a lot of hypocrisy in the church and when I questioned it I was told to mind my own business.

Fast forward. Left the church at 16. Wandered aimlessly and went back briefly in my late 20's early 30's. My husband was going to study with the priest but he saw hypocrisy and started questioning things he was seeing in the bible. I might add 4 of his sisters are JW's and have been for 40 yrs and more. My hsband had been corresponding with his oldest sister and she was witnessing to him. September 1980 I left Alaska and went to be with my parents as I was close to delivering my oldest son. My husband went to Tennessee to visit his family and have a much needed rest. It was then he got into the truth. A few months later he sparked my interest, which is another sstory, and I pursued a bible study. I was baptized 6 months later and after 28 years of procrastination, he was baptized April 5th of this year. Now we serve together and have not been happier. We are both in our 60's and look forward to being together as husband and wife or just very good friends forever.
2009-08-09 15:48:35 UTC
I was a presbyterian questioning the teachings at age 16. I started to date a boy who's family were witnesses at age 17 and told him about the questions I had he told me the jehovah's witnesses would be able to answer my questions my mother for many years had been getting the magazines so I asked the sister who was bringing my mother the magazines if she could answer my questions she did and it was so clear that these people had the truth I wanted to know more so a study was started and the rest is history
2009-08-08 10:50:56 UTC

> "by whose authority do you determine what truth is"?

By authority of the truth itself! LOL Do you think we cannot detect a lie?


How did I come in to the truth? It was in 1992. I was 26 and my father had died a year ago. I went up the street and there was that man with a WT-magazine in his hand. The angel whispered into my ear: "Now's the time!" I slowed down and headed for the man, he smiled friendly at me and pointed on the WT saying: "That would be something (for you)" and I stopped and we talked.

The same day he gave me the Paradise-book and from the next Saturday on he studied the Bible with me. Two and a half years later on July 9 1994 I got baptized in Stuttgart (Germany).

One more thing: While studying he explained me about Adam and Eve saying these guys were real people that have really existed on earth. A voice whispers in my ear: "Why do you listen to such stuff? Don't listen any longer to such mad stuff. Adam and Eve? That's rubbish. Who believes in Adam and Eve?!? C'mon, don't listen any longer!" - I was baffled for a moment, then I thought intensely: "No! Go away! I wanna hear, what this man wants to tell me!" From that very moment on the voice became silent, and I was able to make my first steps into the truth. Later on I realized that it was Satan who tried to suppress my Bible study. I'm glad that I have made the right decision.
2009-08-08 13:29:11 UTC
I was brought up Catholic, and I remember always not looking forward to the holidays because I knew that there was always going to be a fight or something when the family got together. I saw religion as being very hypocritical.

I did not know though that this was NOT representative of true religion.

I then became agnostic, knowing that there was something out there, but not knowing what it was.

Then in 1987, when I thought all was lost and just wanted to die (I really believed that I was not going to live past the age of 21), I was contacted by Jehovah's Witnesses right before my 22nd birthday.

A sister contacted me at my apartment and, while holding up the book "You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth", all she said to me was "Do you think this is possible?"

My answer was "Yes, that is the way God first intended it, right?" She stood there in amazement, especially when I told her that I never heard of Jehovah's Witnesses before. I just always believed that from what I did know about the Bible.

I read that book within a couple of days, started studying the Bible with a brother and a Elder about a week later.

During that time my fiance, who never accepted the truth, continued to pressure me saying, "Do you have to follow everything? Just pick and choose." She wanted to continue with our immoral life, but I said "if I am doing this, I am going to do it right. This looks like it really could be the truth." She finally could not take it anymore, refused to get married, and gave me two options.

Leave Jehovah or leave her. I said bye and never looked back.

My family also opposed me. My aunt, who was a devout Catholic and even taught catechism, said to me,"You can become WHATEVER YOU WANT, just NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses. That just showed me even more that there was something to this religion. It was hated by everyone, just like Jesus said it would be.

One day she tried to show me the teaching of the Catholic church on Revelation 12, telling me that it was talking about Mary the mother of Jesus. I asked the brothers who came for my study what Revelation 12 meant. (I always asked alot of questions but this one really took the brothers by surprise). They should me the truth that Revelation was given in signs about the things that must take place in the future.(Rev 1:1). Showing me that this could not be Mary, and then showing me what it really means, I said "OK", never really doubted from that time on.

I started studying in March and was baptized in December the same year. Here I thought that I was not going to live past the age of 21, and what really happened is that I just STARTED living at 21.

Thank you Jehovah for saving my life and showing me the truth. The truth has truly set me free.

Thank you so much for asking this question. Love you all and look forward to meeting you all in Paradise!

2009-08-08 05:22:02 UTC
Hi darling,

Thanks for sharing!!

When my mum was around 20 years old, my grandparents brought a house of two really nice people that left them a Bible in the house....Yes they were JW's!

My mum would often read the Bible and my grandparents had a few study's but lost contact with the witnesses, once they moved houses.

Years later, while my mum was pregnant with me, she got JW's knocking on the door. Although she liked them, being pregnant, she would get a bit annoyed.

They visited her often but never found her home again. One day the sister who was calling on my mum, almost gave up as it had been several months since she found her but the C.O's wife insisted that they give it one last try....and yes, this time they found my mum home and as it was raining, she invited them in.

A study was started and my mum started to progress but was scared that my father would never stop smoking and be interested enough to start a study. So my mum prayed and prayed to Jehovah. That very day my dad decided that he would not go to work but rather sit in on the study.My mum was in shock, as my father would never miss a day of work. He was a workaholic!

He loved what he was learning and stopped smoking immediatly. They continued to study for some time and later when i was four they got baptized together. I remember watching them thinking that they were having a bath.:)

A few years later my mums parent's and two brothers also got baptized.

On Feb 2001, my older sister and i got baptized together.

My younger 18 year old sis is an unbaptized publisher and 8 year old brother will be soon.
2016-04-03 09:14:21 UTC
I am at home recovering from an operation so I don't know if I will be able to personally attend. I am looking forward to listening to the recordings and have heard many good things already. We are so blessed to be so well fed - for those that have yet to go, ENJOY!
Saraphina Blue
2009-08-08 16:46:52 UTC
My Mother & Father were studying when I was born in 74.They left the East coast three kids in tow and were baptized together in California in 1975. We still have the photos of my Father being baptized first then my Mother.

I was raised in the truth it was all I ever knew and I am glad about that. Knowing what we knew myself and older sisters avoided allot of trouble kids not raised in the truth encountered. Although we were still drive your parents crazy teenagers LOL

I have just recently returned to Jehovah's Organization after about one year and it is nice to see such a large group of children and young adults side by side their parents.

This is a nice question you asked.

PS. I almost forgot to add that in a way JW's saved my life and my Mothers as my Mother was having a extremely difficult pregnancy bleeding heavily throughout. As you can imagine the prescribed bed rest was not possible as she all ready had two babies to care for. Then one day some Sisters showed up at the door with cleaning supplies shooed my Mom into bed and cleaned the house top to bottom, watched my sisters, as well as cooked meals and they continued to help this way throughout my Mom's pregnancy. Letting my Mother get the needed bed rest and saving my life which the Doctor thought my Mother would not be able to carry without strict bed rest. Something that without the help of the Brothers and Sisters would not have happened. I will never forget that I owe Jehovah, as well as my Father & Mother my life but also those kind and wonderful Brothers and Sisters who gave up their days and evenings to help me to survive.

That is not exactly what you asked but I just had to tell you. Because it something I see to this day the love and support of one another within Jehovah's Organization and people.
Edwina C
2009-08-08 02:54:07 UTC
It is wonderful to see someone make The Truth their own. Your mom showed allot of inner strength and trust in Jehovah when she let your dad go. I am sure that it set a good example for you too. As for me, I was not raised in The Truth.

My mom was a marginal church goer and my dad claimed that he did not believe in God. They divorced when I was a child and my mom raised me alone. I went back to school in 1992. My first day in school, I met a young woman that was very impressive. She was younger than me, however, she was very together and seemed wise beyond her years. We had a few classes together. In one of our classes was an instructor from Panama. The instructor and her husband came into the US about 20 years prior to me meeting her. The instructor was very impressive as well and we both clicked with each other.

One day I went to school and the young woman and I were the only ones that showed up for this instructor's class. The instructor started to teach the class. Then she said,"What's the point, nobody showed up today. Let's sit and talk." The conversation turned to religion and the instructor reminded me of something I said the first day in class about being a minister.

I admitted that I did not know about the Bible and wanted to learn. I expressed that I wanted to go to college to learn the Bible. The young woman in class with me said that she was a minister and if I was interested study with her. I was very excited about that. The young woman and the instructor asked me if I wanted to know what denomination they were. I said, "As long as you teach what the Bible says and nothing else, I do not care."

They told me that they were Jehovah's Witnesses. I said,"My best friend in second grade was a Jehovah's Witness." The two sisters eyes got big. I later realized that people usually are not that open about Jehovah's Witnesses. I started to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses in late winter of 1993. I got baptized June 17, 1995. And I have been a Witness ever since.

Last year, Jehovah blessed me with a husband. I was one of three Witnesses in my family. Now, I have my husband and a large extended family that worships Jehovah. My husband is also Nigerian and we plan to live in Nigeria permanently one day. I look forward to serving Jehovah in a foreign land.

Thank you for the question. If I do not meet you before the end of this system of things, see you in the New System.
Vöt Änårж
2009-08-08 11:20:41 UTC
This Q is a great conversation starter! LOL


Vot was raised Catholic, although my family has never been considered full of "good Catholics". (My parents got serious with it after I became JW, to protect the rest of the "brood" from leaving the Church lol)

When Vot was 10-11, a young aunt and I used to sneak into my parents' bedroom to read bits of the Bible. I remember when we read the story of drunk Lot and his daughters and we ROFLOL'd at it. Then we read Rev. 14:1 about the 144,000.... and we concluded that ONLY 144,000 people would be saved. Counting from Abel down to the 1st century.... wasn't that more than 144,000 people already? What hope did 20th-century little girls have of being saved???

Fast-forward a couple of years to when I was at Catholic boarding school. This girl raised JW gives me the Revelation book and I said "Nah. You guys are a sect!'' And then she showed me page 160 where it shows a picture of people's reactions to the good news... and pointing at one man she said "You are like this man!" That cut me to the heart, after all in Zambia it is considered taboo to refuse to listen to anything about the Bible..... so I took the book. Finished reading it all in 3 days, and all I remembered after that was-

"YAY!!! 144,000 go to heaven but billions more can live forever on earth! YES!!!"

Fast-forward 3 more years.... I had been reading religious material from all over. I had already concluded the Catholic Church taught lies. I knew God is not a Trinity and that the dead are unconscious.... now to find a religion that also taught these things!

The Seventh Day Adventists caught my attention a while- they know the truth about the dead and understand the prophecies about the beasts in Daniel-.... until I found out that they believed in the Trinity! I dropped them like a hot potato.

Now I had run out of potential religions to join.

Then I got ahold of the Reasoning book from another girl at school in the last few months before graduation. My oh my was that a treasure!!! And when I realised the JWs know the truth about the dead and reject the Trinity, I announced I was no longer Catholic but now JW.

Then I left school, looked for the JWs immediately I got home and attended a meeting the next Sunday.

My parents were VERY opposed so I spent the next 2 years studying in secret, sneaking out to the meetings and assemblies when I could and finally got baptised (my parents thought I was at a wedding LOL).

I still couldn't attend all the meetings after my baptism (I qualified to be an unbaptised publisher and for baptism without ever having attended a Book Study and having only been to one meeting for the School- the elders were so considerate!), so leaving home to study in Russia proved to be very liberating for me.

9 years down the line, my parents are happy to know that for as long as I remain a JW, they won't be having any grandkids without a daddy, and that at least pleases them. They stopped opposing now and Mom even provides transport to Assemblies and asks how my "brothers and sisters" are doing over here in Russia.

Life is good. :)
Rachel R
2009-08-08 05:02:56 UTC
my mom and dad, before they met each other, used to study. my grandmother was studying at the time and the sister who was studying with her asked my dad to study. so he started studying also. when they got married they were both studying together, they had stopped for a while. so i was being witnessed to in my mom's belly. when i was like 3 or so they got baptized. and well i grew up with J.W. teachings so i have no idea what it is like otherwise. then when i was 14 i decided i wanted to dedicate my life to Jehovah but due to a misunderstanding as where my parents were taking assembly it got postponed until the next assembly in May. so i got baptized last year May. so my becoming one of J.W.s was a decision i made on my own without any one telling me to become one. i'll star your question so other J.W.s can answer you. ignore the rude comments, they will always be present.
2009-08-08 11:07:35 UTC
The following is my story (as copied and pasted from a similar question from a Y/A asker here: :

" I grew up in a Baptist faith household. Went to church every Sunday, went to Sunday school and all the rest. Pretty much what one would consider a nice decent kid. My mom and dad were and are well known in the music entertainment arena and our family had to travel often due to their schedules. One Christmas my grandmother gave me a Christmas present wrapped up and it was under the Christmas tree. I opened it and it was a yellow children's book entitled; "My Book of Bible Stories" (the Witnesses use to visit my grandmother every so often and I suppose she received the book from them and gave it to me as a gift).

I loved that book as a child!!! I would go by my grandmothers (she would "babysit" my sister and I at times) and when company would come over, sometimes my sister and I would perform a kind of "talent show" for guests. My sister would dance or do something entertaining and sometimes I would either play piano or I would talk about something I learned from the Bible via the "My Book of Bible Stories" book. People were impressed with what I was talking about and I would read them the Scriptures (the Scriptures were at the bottom of each story in the book).

Time passed, I got older, "My Book of Bible Studies" became lost and a lost memory and... life moved on.

High school years hit. I discovered rock / punk rock, got involved with the "wrong crowd" and sowed my wild oats as they say. I started a band and because of my family's connections in the music field the band went gigging and touring, which was out of the "norm". I partook in things that some people double or triple my age will never experience (and I hope they never will).

Drugs (marijuana, LSD, mescaline, hash, cocaine, alcohol) and being with various women of different ages, races, backgrounds were as common to me as water is in a person's bathroom... as these were readily supplied to me by the record label (this didn't include the "groupies").

I hit my bottom, recalled the words of my mother; "Whenever you feel at your absolute lowest, just remember that God will be your Father, Mother, Uncle, Friend or whatever He needs to be to help you and He will be there when no one else will... you are never alone".

Those words saved me.

I left the band, came home and prayed to God in a kitchen closet (when Jesus said to pray to God in your interior closet I took it literally LOL). I prayed to God in tears, yelling at Him in anger asking Him WHY was I still alive, what the hell is the purpose of it all?! I told Him how many of my friends had died and asked why was I still around. I told Him how I had tried to commit suicide but the doctors saved me... and for what?! I told Him that all I hear about and have heard about is how so damn powerful and loving He is but all I see around me is misery, cheating and people who have all the money get the upper hand. I told Him that either He show me what the hell He wants from me or stop toying with me and let me die!

The very next day... is when my life changed.

I was sitting in the living room of my mom's place and my sister (4 years younger than me) was doing some room cleaning. She was cleaning underneath a bed and asked me to help her, so I did. I noticed under the bed that there were all these various books, but one book in particular caught my attention, it was red and it's title was in gold lettering that read; "You Can Live Forever In Paradise On Earth". I thought that it was a very strange title so I picked it up, briefly flipped through it and saw "God" this and "God" that, scriptures and boat loads of colorful pictures. I decided that I HAD to read this book. My sister wanted to throw it out but I told her that it would be kinda like throwing the Bible away and she told me to just keep it since I was in dire need of God.

I read that little book for more than 8 hours straight! I couldn't shake what I was discovering, questions that I thought could NEVER be answered WERE being answered, questions that I asked various Pastors and Priests in which they could not answer WAS being answered, such as:

Why it's not true that all religions are different roads leading to God, why the cross or veneration / adoration of the cross isn't scriptural and actually is condemned by God, who God really is, who Jesus Christ really is, why humans are here, what happens at death, what kind of place is the Bible's hell, why God is permitting wickedness, what God's Kingdom really is, who go to heaven and why, what the return of Christ really means according to the Bible, what the end of the world really means, how the resurrection disproves the teaching of the so called immortal soul, what Judgment Day really is according to the Bible, how to identify the true religion, are we under the Ten Commandments, who the god of this present world really is according to the Bible... etc... etc.

I got ALL the Bibles that were in the house, in hopes of trying to DISPROVE what this book was saying. I found God's name and from there on out, by looking up the Scriptures, I realized that I had found something unique! By the time I fully finished reading the book, I was scared senseless, because I realized that I was in Satan's world, that all the places in which I thought were Almighty God's houses of worship REALLY weren't and that even my family were in and a part of Satan's world.

I started to panic, my sister came out and thought that I was on drugs or something, so she just kind of left me alone. This woman came into my head who was the mother of one of my friends who I had in the "world". She came to my head because I realized that she was one of Jehovah's Witnesses and I called her home at like 2:00am. Needless to say, she flipped out on me. She told me that I was a bad example on her son and all this other stuff (her son and I use to get high and do all kinds of crazy stuff... he wasn't a dedicated or baptized Witness) and hung up on me. I called her back and pleaded to her in the name of her God Jehovah to hear me because I needed help and didn't know who to turn to.

She asked me; "What did you say to me?" to which I told her; "I need help and that I didn't know who else to turn to", she said; "No that's NOT what you said, what was that NAME that you used?" and I told her; "Jehovah", she then asked; "How did you learn about that name?" and I told her what happened to me.

She told me that if I was serious, there was a meeting I could go to that evening at the Kingdom Hall which was were God's people meet for worship. I agreed without hesitation to go. I went to the meeting. I couldn't tell you for the life of me what the meeting was about, but I remember feeling like I was "home". It was peaceful, beautiful, tranquil and everyone respected the Bible. I was dressed like a freak of nature one would say. I had a white mohawk, sticking up with gel and hairspray and my hair roots were black (looked like a skunk), dog collar around my neck, black nail polish, leather jacket... etc... etc... you get the picture. No one bothered me, I wasn't made fun of (if I was, it certainly wasn't to my face) and I felt that everyone was sincere. I remember feeling a bit overcrowded because of so many people coming up to me after the meeting, so I excused myself to the restroom.

On my way to the restroom I noticed a child holding a yellow book and it caught my attention. I went to the kid and asked him if I could see the book, he nervously gave it to me and ran off. Anyway, the title read; "My Book of Bible Stories" and as I started flipping through the pages... MY MEMORY OF MY CHILDHOOD CAME BACK TO ME OF WHEN I HAD AND CHERISHED THIS BOOK!

I felt weak, faint, lightheaded, I started crying right there! People were confused to say the least and the elders there helped me to sit down and were asking if I was okay (one was rubbing my back and someone else got me water to drink, the sister that brought me didn't know what to think). I told them that I was better than okay, that God had found me and that... I was home!

A Bible study was started with me, I made changes, studied intensly, made it to dedication and baptism

and now I am.....

A messenger

(happily married to a woman who is my best friend on earth, who I have known since 10th grade in high school, who is my dedicated and baptized sister in the faith and we have two amazing young kids)

There is NO ONE and NOTHING like Jehovah and His organization. It is an HONOR to be among the throng of my worldwide family of fellow brothers and sisters. I wouldn't trade this for ALL the money in the world, piled up in one place, handed on a silver platter to me. "

See you in paradise sis... Agape :0)
2009-08-08 18:01:19 UTC
My parents were already baptized Witnesses when I was born.

That said, it did not follow automatically that I would become one of Jehovah's Witnesses myself.

They taught us well and on November 17th, 1973 I was baptized.
Olive Garden
2016-06-05 06:21:15 UTC
It's only a business.

The building blocks of the esoteric money making machine known as the

Watchtower Bible and Tract Society should be of monumental interest to all

Jehovah's Witnesses. This multi-national and multi-billion dollar business empire is

cleverly masquerading as a financially modest Christian religion. The business

growth and success of the Watchtower organization is phenomenal, and through

examining the following evidence one can solidly conclude that Watchtower leaders

utilize devious business schemes which are based on religion. We encourage you to

view the following video, then review the material entailed below it in order to fully

grasp the fact that the Watchtower Society is and always has been interested in

nothing more than financial gain.

Russell's systematic, wide spread and

deliberate indoctrination through his

publications connected well with many

confused and spiritually ungrounded

people, vacillating in a whirlpool of

spiritual uncertainty. Russell carefully

disguised his piratical business

operations with the protective coloration

of religion.

Business schemes that are based on religion have obviously worked for the

Watchtower Society. The leaders of this multi-billion dollar corporation

shamefully attempt to conceal their financial success and their money making

schemes from loyal followers. Although Jehovah's Witnesses believe "Jehovah's

organization" to be financially modest, it is only through Watchtower trickery

and outright concealment that this high rolling money machine could be

classified as such. To a frightening degree, Charles Taze Russell mastered the art

of using religious economic power to build what is now known as one of the

sleekest, smoothest and most powerful sales organizations on earth. Like

Russell's business plan, the plan of the modern day Watchtower Society is to

insinuate, misapply, and twist Biblical scripture to control and coerce people for

their corporate and financial gain. The unrestrained indulgence for power and

money has proven beneficial throughout the Watchtower organization's history.

Some say the circus is the greatest show on earth, but the Watchtower Society's

business tricks, revenue generating performances, and all their underhanded

efforts to keep this giant multi-level club afloat is far more fascinating.

Has the modern day Watchtower Society deviated from the savvy business schemes

of their founding father? On the contrary, today the Watchtower Bible and Tract

Society is a massive sales organization utilizing over six million people to help them

sell their product. For any sales organization to be successful it is vital to have a

good product and the Watchtower's product is undeniably saleable. Everyone wants

to live in a new world filled with grandiose and paradisaic conditions. All successful

sales organizations also know the importance of keeping their customers loyal. The

Watchtower Society is exemplary in this business practice, loyalty at all costs. Loyal

Witnesses will lie and shun close relatives to uphold and honor the Watchtower

Society, even forfeit their own lives. This unyielding loyalty keeps the Watchtower

Society's coffers filled. As of 2001, The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society was one

of the top 40 largest revenue-generating companies in New York City, reporting an

annual revenue of $951 million US dollars. Its yearly report is different from a Wall

Street company as the company's employees are volunteers who live and work in the

Brooklyn complex, in turn allowing the Watchtower leaders to consume the profits

instead of paying for labor.

The timing was right; a period of religious activism was taking place in America.

This religious shuffling was known as the Third Great Awakening, gaining its

momentum from the Second Great Awakening in the early 1800's. A spirit of

revival encouraged the emergents of new religious ideology, spawning counterfeit

Christian religions such as the Mormons and the Millerites. William Miller, who

started the Millerite movement, attracted thousands of loyal followers. Miller

calculated that Jesus would return to earth somewhere between 1843 and 1844.

This was a magic ingredient for Miller, but this predicted date failed and he

became known as a great disappointment.

Russell became known as the "Laodecian Messenger", which was not a title from

God, rather a title he grabbed from the esoteric school of economics. Intoxicated

with power, Russell was like an enthusiastic snake oil salesman setting off to sell

the world on his new product. The timing was perfect. It was a simpler lifestyle, a

world with less distraction. People were committed to their families, their neighbors

and to God. In an era before radio, television and the Internet, information could

only be gathered by print, such as newspapers, magazines and books. Many people

were prolific readers, and C.T. Russell gave them something to read indeed. Russell

now had the instruments and the catalyst (books and magazines) to unleash his

propaganda machine and begin his marketing plan.

Being a quasi-religious entrepreneur, Russell

more than likely extracted the needed business

dynamics from the Miller model. Miller was

able to attract thousands of followers through

predicting dates for God's day. Russell quickly

realized people can easily be motivated and

remain loyal to anyone in the name of God who

is shouting the end of the world is near. The

power of gullibility comes into play, and

Russell (the charismatic guru) claimed he had

received some self proclaimed enlightenment; a

godly exalted position was looked up to in the

eyes of his disciples otherwise known as Bible


Russell proclaimed he was special in God's eyes and that God was always with him,

through his claims of being the Laodecian Messenger. He was a self proclaimed

messenger supposedly enlightened by the creator of the universe, successfully

becoming the master teacher through teaching others how to sell his books. Yes,

Russell was a clever business man indeed, perhaps the cleverest propagandist of his

time. In reference to C.T. Russell, the September 30th 1912 edition of the Nation

Presbyterian Weekly stated: "It is better to put an idea into peoples heads that will

constrain them to give off what they suppose is their own volition than to exact

money by urgency." Russell was not a humble Christian Pastor helping people

connect with God and his Kingdom. He was a savvy and sharp salesman who simply

exploited and sold God's Kingdom short.

Young Charles Taze Russell

2001 Report. Top 40 Revenue Generating Companies.

C.T.Russell in his office

Charles Taze Russell

Charles Taze Russell (founding father of the

Watchtower Society's theological error) was

an energetic and ambitious young man. When

Russell was just eleven years old, he entered a

business partnership with his father through

opening a chain of clothing stores. In a few

years, young Russell sold the stores and his

entrepreneurial spirit moved him in pursuit of

another business, the business of religion.

Russell had planned a recipe for success and

the main ingredient was bringing God into his

business plan. In 1884, Russell established

Zion's Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

It's Only a Business

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.