AN HONEST question for Creationists...(I'm serious)?
2009-02-03 07:04:51 UTC
OK, I know I've been a bit hard on you guys this morning, so I'll stop.

I have a real, honest-to goodness question for you guys.

Everyone, even the most die-hard Creationists, agree that "micro-evolution" is real, that species will adapt to their environment. (It took you guys awhile, but I will give you credit for that) However, from what I understand, you guys draw the line at "macro-evolution", where species can evolve into a seperate species which cannot interbreed with the first over thousands and millions of years (Like Homo Rhodesiensis to Homo Sapiens, for example).

You state a lack of evidence for this claim.

However, can you guys help me out here for a second?
1. ALL things are possible with God, including macro-evolution, and
2. Macro evolution DOES exist

How would we prove it? If it takes millions of years to occur, you obviously cannot "see" it, so what proof would be sufficient for you guys?
Twenty answers:
2009-02-03 07:09:28 UTC
Macro-evolution is not a scientific term. It refers to speciation, which has been observed many times in the laboratory. Creationist ignore this, as they do with any evidence that they don't agree with.
2009-02-03 15:15:46 UTC
Since the 70's there has been a lab breeding plants, mice and other things. These have been kept in isolation and every couple generations the atmosphere and conditions these things live under has been changes just a little to be more like Mars. At this point the animals (I don't know about the plants) are no longer able to breed with their "normal" unchanged cousins. In another 5 to 7 years the conditions will be at the point where these living things could be dropped off on Mars and survive.

I would consider this proof of macro-evolution; but the "true believers" just say science is the work of the Devil and won't listen to anything.
2009-02-03 15:16:26 UTC
There is no absolute evidence that macro-evoltution happens. A good example is the Precambrian explosion. There in the fossil record was millions of primitive life forms then suddenly with no explanation millions of complex forms. In between there should be millions of transitional forms, there is none.

Second that is a big if, How do those who believe in evolution know it takes millions of years? There was know one there to observe that change. It is all assumptions based on what we see today to prove the past.

Third, the main argument we have is that we all look at the same evidence. We all just look at it coming from a different bias. I was an atheist for 47 years and then was asked to think about it. Take a good honest hard look at what I was believing. I realized i was wrong. There is no such thing as a non-bias person we all have them and that is what controls what we think.

Lastly my God can do all things. That is what he can create a world in 6 days. That is why He can create man in His image. That is why he came to earth an humbled Himself as a mere man to die for all of our sins. With a love greater that any could imagine. Paying the debt we all owed but could never pay.
2009-02-03 15:17:26 UTC
Good Question!

First of all, some creationists adhere to an "old" earth model, and may accept some forms of evolution. So not all creationists reject the idea of macroevolution.

What most assert is simply God created everything. If he used evolution, it was engineered evolution from the beginning.

Let me stop right there and ask you a question concerning Intelligent Design:

Is it possible for a new species to be created without evolving?

I suppose your answer would probably be, no, everything must have evolved due to natural selection and other processes.

But is that really true? Can a scientist (Intelligent Designer) not manipulate genetics today, and create complete species by alter codes without evolution?

The answer to that question, is YES. They are beginning to do this more and more.

So if an intelligent designer (scientist) can create life using genetics, and species in a particular form with the ability to adapt with their environment... Without Evolving from a lower life form...

Is it not also logical to assume an intelligent designer could have created the genetics for each species, in its final form, without having them evolve, and also writing into the completed "code" the ability to adapt to their environment with subtle changes (micro)??
2009-02-03 15:20:31 UTC
You won't get a decent answer to this Q. from a creationist.

Speciation does happen.

If you do it with organisms small enough to have very rapid reproduction rates then you can create entirely new species in the lab. However the people you are asking cannot or will not understand that this applies all the way up the spectrum of biological creatures. You could do the experiment with dogs or humans but to do it with humans at 5 generations a century, the experiment would take something like 2000 centuries or 2,000,000 years.
2009-02-04 03:58:38 UTC
I'm a CHRISTIAN, not a creationist. "Creationism" because the Christian's way of trying to get around the secularist's ban on God in school. Anyway ... I will attempt to answer your question. Just know that it comes from that point of view.

I mock "the science" of carbon dating. You may be aghast by this, but I do. I tell people all the time, look at that rock over there. It may be a billion years old, or 10 million years old, or maybe only 10,000 years old. How do we know? NO ONE KNOWS! Then along comes some brainiac who explains how he "knows." He gives us a bit of scientific mumbo jumbo about carbon half life, etc. and voila! We believe him. But ... if no one was there before that rock came to be, if no one knows how, let alone when, that rock came to be, then how do we know Mr. Carbon Dating is right? You already know that we don't know!

I'll go further ... the "science" of carbon dating is what ... 50 years old? They are basically taking things that they KNOW the age of and measuring the carbon in them. Okay.... I ask a simple question: What if carbon does not break down at a consistent rate over time? What if it doesn't breakdown at a consistent rate at varying temperature, altitudes, climates, etc.? You want scientific FACT? I'll give you logical facts:

No one knows the age of the earth. Christians and Jews have their opinions, based on God's word. Scientiists have their OPINIONS based on their best scientific GUESSES, using the best scientific methods of the day. But carbon dating is not factual. Wait! It MAY BE factual, but it cannot be proved to be! And it's folly to say that we KNOW that this bolder or this fossil or this plant is such and such an age. Pure folly! The science rests as much on knowing that NO ONE knows the right answer as it does on calculating the answers.

So, given what I just said about carbon dating, we can apply such shadows of doubt to almost all of life. How do you know that your parents are indeed your parents? How do you know that you are who you say you are? WHAT IF you were born in Berlin 1 year before you were told that you were to two people who gave you away to "those people" who raised you as their own? What if, indeed! How can you PROVE that you were born to these parents?!

You said, ASSUMING that macro-evolution is true, etc. The fact is that there are MANY things thought to be false that are in fact true. I suspect that you don't believe in God. Does that make Him a lie? Of course not! Whatever percentage of non-believers doesn't change the facts. Either God is real or He is not. It has nothing to do with how many people believe. Yet, evolution has this "following" that slams this theory down our throats. You can't prove it any more than I can prove God is real. I'm good with that! If God Almighty wants me to believe in macro-evolution then He'll reveal it to me. Otherwise, I believe what I believe by some combination of faith, reason, logic, and empirical evidence. That does NOT make the things I believe in factual, at least not always. But trust me, my friend, when I say, lots of "science" isn't factual either. At least, they can't prove that it is.
Goethe's Ghostwriter
2009-02-03 15:13:43 UTC
Sure can. Yes, ALL things are possible with G-d. Not all of us believe that evolution is entirely discredited. Many of us believe G-d instilled the creatures of this world with many defenses and ways to adapt to changing climate conditions. I don't believe G-d created this world as a static environment. I draw the line at the Darwinist claim that all this was set in motion by chemicals or some other scientific gewgaw, period. Whether our story of Creation or Native American's tale of the Raven is "true" is immaterial. Our understanding of the world is advanced by certain science; our understanding of our place in the world is enhanced by Faith.
2009-02-03 15:13:02 UTC
Maybe God did create micro- and macro-evolution. But that's not how human beings came into being. Adam and Eve were created like God tells us in the Good Book. Period.
2009-02-03 15:20:22 UTC
Evolution is taught first and only perfectly in our 1611 KJV.Yes macro evolution is taught in the BIBLE.The reason all don't understand this is due to the fable of the talking snake.I solved the riddle of creation by applying science to the BIBLE.I alone know the mystery of the seed of the serpent/cave man.The serpent/cave man is the product of evolution.Cain is his son.The original sin wasn't eating an apple but rather a forbidden sex act.Cain' family tree is portrayed in Genesis chapter four.Adam wasn't the product of evolution in anyway.His family tree is portrayed in Genesis chapter five.These two separate and distinct gene-pools crossed in Genesis chapter six verses one and two.That is the missing link science so covets to find yet its hidden from them because they refuse the truths about our creation found in the BIBLE.Therefore does the BIBLE offer the best and only perfect truth to our creation. THANKS D'S
2009-02-03 15:14:11 UTC
You are totally wrong just on your illogical use of 'species'.

Hope you can follow this. If not get

From Darwin to Aristotle and Back by Etienne Gilson

"A more accurate title for Darwin’s book, according to Gilson, would be the Origin of Varieties. Darwin’s use of the word “species,” however, is contradictory. “To say that species are fixed,” Gilson writes, “is tautology; to say that they change is to say that they do not exist, Why does Darwin obstinately say that they transform themselves, rather than saying simply that they do not exist?” (pp. 140-1)

[ brushing hands ] No point, no rebuttal needed. Have a sterling day.
Poя¢єℓαιη Vєѕѕєℓ (στην αλήθεια)
2009-02-03 18:22:25 UTC
There would be fossil evidence (if it was true)

There is none

There's a great deal of evidence that dinosaurs were here all over the earth... but none to prove one thing evolved into another... not one

Adaptation is not evolution
2009-02-03 15:35:24 UTC

Let me try to answer in a much simpler way? When I was a child, I was beginning my own form of evolution, but God had already begun creating the person he wanted me to be. I believe each of us have the capability and ingredients to be Christians or to "believe" in God but many "choose" not to. Simply because if I have the one ability, I have to have the other's called choice. So I begin my trek or path in life and I immediately begin to hit stumbling blocks. By the time I'm 16 years of age, I was "evolving" into something that the average man would not appreciate. I began spending most of my time in the streets of New Orleans, and soon enough would find myself as most of the street people did there. I knew if I stayed there very long I simply would not survive, as it can be devastating. After a few long years of scoping the gutters, I came to know an elderly couple who were Christians and they took me into their confidence and taught me about the God of the Bible. I began to evolve and change my thought process and suddenly I demanded more education about life, man and God....As the years progressed, I came to acquire degrees in two fields and by the time I was 20 I acquired my own business and became very successful. I can only attribute God and those two fine people to much of my success and peace in life, because each time I left God's side for a time my life began failing and I only saw those gutters in New Orleans as a place of refuge. Had I not heeded to God's evolution in me, I'm sure I wouldn't be here to talk about his NEW Creation....

Kevin, this may not satisfy your determination to dispel the God of the Bible and dismiss him, but it satisfied my successful life and the lives of the hundreds of Christians whom I'm responsible for leading to God..and that's all that's important to me right now.

The thing you have to keep reminding yourself Kevin is "What if you're wrong?" What if all you are doing here only takes you to a lowly grave of death and dust ? What if there is a life after death and you have done all you could to avoid it?

Right now Kevin, you hold the life of many people in your hands, and you may be taking them down with you in your efforts to convince someone that you are simply .....right! That's not the same as what I'm trying to do here.....It does not affect me if you or others decide to continue your only affects you all. I only pray that you will TEST the God of the Bible! Give him a few years of your life and then come back and tell me he doesn't exist!


2009-02-03 15:12:28 UTC
That depends on how "macroevolution" is defined. Scientists have seen bacteria exchange genetic material. They have seen bacteria become antibiotic resistant. They have seen bacteria become bigger from mutations. But have they ever seen bacteria become anything other than bacteria? No. Have they ever seen one type of bacteria, such as E.coli, become some other type of bacteria that is not (in this case) E.coli? No, they haven't. In fact, with over a hundred years of work with E.coli behind us, (at 20 minutes per generation time, that's over 2 1/5 MILLION generations of E.coli minimum that have been witnessed), and despite forcing or encouraging mutations, they still cannot get anything but E.coli. So it's your call. Is that macroevolution? By some evolutionists' standards it qualifies.
2009-02-03 15:11:43 UTC
Every thing that exist, exist because of what came before it. Everything is the direct or indirect result of the progression of events from one single event; this is just the way things are whether accept this fact or not.
2009-02-03 15:14:45 UTC
actually kevin, speciation HAS been observed in nature by science. and there are many examples being compiled as we speak. from ring species to those cut off from each other in lakes or rivers and other environmental pressure situations. these things are recorded...and they're easy to find if you want to.
2009-02-03 15:13:00 UTC
All things are possible with God. As if he would make one animal and have it turn into a complete different animal. No proof science gives will make me believe anything.
2009-02-03 15:10:33 UTC
If they don't get it by now - now that we have seen this 'macro-evolution' happen in the wild AND in the lab, observed it fully - they never will.

They are just blindly denying.
2009-02-03 15:13:03 UTC
What lab has this been proved in?
2009-02-03 15:12:19 UTC
The real question is not whether God could do it, but whether God did do it. So that brings us back to the Bible again which clearly states that God did not do it that way.
2009-02-03 15:08:57 UTC
the dinosaur fossils older than 6000 yrs were put there by Satan to deceive you

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.