I'd like to get something straight to certain morons in the world who know nothing about logic.
It is possible to prove negative premises in some cases. It is not now, nor has it ever been POSSIBLE to prove negative existence.
It is not logically possible to disprove the existence of God, Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy, Leprechauns, Fire-Breathing Dragons, because to prove their non-existence would require Omniscience and nobody has that.
Non-existence of ANYTHING cannot be proven at all, in any way shape or fashion. Existence IS possible to prove. Non-existence is not possible, and will never be possible.
Nobody on Earth could prove that Santa Claus or Mermaids do not exist.
Still, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the existence of such unlikely beasties verges towards the infinitessimal and approaches the limit of 0%, a limit which like some limits in Calculus are approached but never actually reached. That's another reason why non-existence is not possible to prove. At best the chance of something existing approaches 0% and that's about it.
Also I hear over and over again a very common logical fallacy known as the Fallacy from Ignorance or Ad Ignorantiam fallacy.
It has a positive and negative form. A Fallacy is a flawed, deceptive and bogus form of reasoning. It is not valid and any form like it is equally invalid.
Example: You cannot prove that God does not exist, therefore God DOES exist. [BOGUS!]
likewise the reverse: You cannot prove that God exists,
Therefore God DOES NOT exist. [BOGUS!]
No scientist can prove that Mermaids do not exist, as that'd require omniscience, therefore THEY MUST exist [somewhere, somehow]. [WRONG! BOGUS!]
The Ignorance Fallacy in a nutshell is the argument that goes "Well, you can't prove me wrong, so I must be right" or
"You can't prove yourself right, so you must be wrong!"
You have commited the Ad Ignorantiam fallacy by suggesting that if the people here cannot disprove Santa Claus, then we must be open to the possibility of Santa existing? [And then by inference--judging by your opening "Atheist"--those who cannot prove God's nonexistence must be open to the possibility that God exists.
OK, I'm open to the possibility. Now please send me enough verifiable evidence to convince me that the odds of God's existence are a flat 100% and I'll convert immediately. Until then, I prefer to take the agnostic stance and suspend judgment. Besides until I know exactly what you mean by the word God--[do you mean omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent One God of Christianity or do you mean the superhuman being like Zeus? or some Force like the Force of Star Wars? or God as Nature?]---this argument won't even begin.
How can I argue against God with some person who uses an ambiguity like "God equals love". To deny God is to deny the existence of love too? I believe in Nature so if God=Nature as Spinoza infered, then I'd have to come out as a believer in God myself! What if you defined God as "The Evolutionary Process that creates all life?" who could not believe then?
Your argument is totally worthless. At least with Santa Claus, I know more or less what you have in mind. Oh BTW, Santa Claus is based on St Nicholas, who may have actually existed. The Santa Claus of modern fantasy and TV shows is a pure unadulterated fiction. But St. Nicholas the Christian Saint may very well have existed.
Yes, I can give Santa a non 0% chance of existing, but still the odds are so infinitessimal, that I've better things to do with my time than worry about the existence of Santa Claus or flying reindeer? Capisce.
And spell it right. "Santa Claus" not "Santa Clause" which is the name of a movie a few years back. That only further damages your credibility which is pretty much also approaching 0% credibility on line with the odds of mermaids existing.
Science isn't much into exactitude anyway. It's all greater or lesser degrees of probability. The more probable something is, the more you put behind it.
Getting a billion heads in a row with an undoctored perfectly balanced coin is logically possible, but the odds are so low, this Universe would have long since died out and every star darkened or collapsed into a Black Hole before you reached the target number!!
However, the odds that your crappy reasoning will convince anybody is pretty much a flat out 0%.