As a Christian what evidence do you need to stop believing in god?
2017-09-19 19:06:32 UTC
If the answer is none, then aren't you following blindly while suppressing critical inquiry?

I ask because during a debate the host asked Bill Nye what he would need to believe in god, he replied evidence.

The same question was asked to Ken Ham, and he said there is no evidence in existence that could change his beliefs.

I think that Ken is very much a tool, by his own definition. But I could be wrong.
153 answers:
2017-09-20 03:36:06 UTC
Their minds are closed, and evidence, facts, and reality can't get through the thickness to them.

They have all the evidence rational people have, yet they ignore it with intent, and many state, that no matter how wrong they prove to be, nothing can change their irrationality. They don't care what is right or wrong, they just want to feel superior to you and the others.

They claim to "know" what they simply wish for.
2017-09-24 14:55:09 UTC
hindu religion is good and true please do convert as fast as possible.
Rolando C I
2017-09-24 13:32:02 UTC
When you can prove that there is no God. Whivh you can't of course. Romans 1:20
2017-09-23 14:19:56 UTC
The evidence is in the scriptures written by 12 disciples who followed Jesus. But, if you're a skeptic and choose not to believe then that is your choice. Ask yourself this question: why do people do good and others do bad. If you had a choice between good and evil, which one would you choose?
2017-09-22 18:47:53 UTC
The proof of an existence of GOD has gone on for millennia and will continue for many more. No one has the right to claim to know the truth. Belief in God comes from a feeling within, your feelings are neither right or wrong and it's irrelevant to others how you feel on the subject. However, bible thumping is dogmatic brainwashing and does not represent the true feeling of God if you choose to have him in your heart.
Roberta B
2017-09-22 00:17:57 UTC
If you or I do not exist, along with everything else in the universe, that would be sufficient evidence. God's works shout out his existence and his worthiness to worship, and any other explanation for our universe is atheist wishful thinking. This makes SENSE - I am not "brainwashed" into believing it:

"Because what may be known about God is clearly evident among them, for God made it clear to them. For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable."
2017-09-20 09:05:57 UTC
The evidence of Mercedes Car assembling on its own.
Matthew T
2017-09-20 07:12:12 UTC
The Bible uses "believe in God" and "seek God" almost interchangeably. The whole enterprise is based upon our perceived need for God and not upon evidence of the existence of God. The Christian message is that God is worth seeking. What is it in life that you think worth a lifetime of seeking?
2017-09-20 07:10:47 UTC
I really don't think that there is anything that would convince me that there is no God, as I am fully convinced that there is a God.
2017-09-19 23:47:19 UTC
2017-09-19 23:17:44 UTC
My belief in God and His eternal plans can never stop, because

of what I have already experienced. Can an ignorant person ask

a mother what evidence she needs to stop believing childbirth is

something she experienced? You haven't a clue about faith.

God is not interested in whether you "accept" His existence on

YOUR terms. He provided the means to learn about Him through

millennia of recorded literature, and He has true adherents of His

word (among many counterfeits) who have experienced their own

evidence of Him. Billions of us. God is not "required" to meet your

arrogant desire for a personal command performance.

You approach your smug question from the standpoint of a critic

with no experience of the things you HOPE other people haven't

known, witnessed or experienced .. in other words, you're like a

dog barking at the moon - because it has no understanding of it.
2017-09-24 23:43:08 UTC
I usually get 30 pieces of silver but am thinking that is not enough.
2017-09-24 17:01:56 UTC
Well, I’m not a Christian.

All you need is a dose of reality.
2017-09-24 14:20:34 UTC
The whole concept is a joke to me, alot of you laugh at the idea that 911 was an inside job or other conspiracy yet alot of you beleaves in a mythical being that made us all c,Mon guys theirs nothing their I'm just waiting on the missing pages of your special book that reads.... All charector in this book are fictional any likeness to those deaf or alive are just coincidental
2017-09-24 13:19:54 UTC
There is no such evidence so you will never find it (if that is what you look for) however, God is waiting to hear from YOU and, when you are ready, He'll give you all the evidence you need to accept His as your Lord and God. Don't think that you can fake being interested though. He knows you inside out. One day, when you least expect it to happen, something might happen in your own life which will MAKE you cry out to Him for help. Don't ignore Him. If you do you will regret it for the whole of ETERNITY.
2017-09-23 20:15:01 UTC
i have nto stopped I just believe in cause and effect. Science. Human nature is a science. If man was created by a god then god is a part of that science. But for the most part WE are the cause of the things that happen. Humans as a whole. I am not weak enough to bow down to religion completely I hope the best for all . Bless.
2017-09-23 19:10:41 UTC
I'm not going to stop believing in God. I'm not going to stop believing in Jesus Christ. To do so would be apostasy. I'm not about to do that. It's not worth burning alive in Hell for eternity.
2017-09-23 14:03:19 UTC
Usually such decisions are emotional, not logical. Hate your parents' snake handling cult? Declaring there is no G0d will piss them off.
Don Verto
2017-09-22 13:34:00 UTC
It would take an atheist to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that God does not exist.Also that same atheist would have to prove to me that all that exists came into being out of absolutely nothing in some miraculously,unscientific way without the existence of some preexisting power.
2017-09-22 08:18:38 UTC
Big Bill
2017-09-21 12:08:48 UTC
There is no "evidence" that proves the gods don't exist because yu can not prove a negative...

Seems neither the Christians you are addressing your post towards nor you understand such.
2017-09-21 06:56:25 UTC
When hell freezes over? Mind you, I've heard it said that "hell" is simply outer darkness, and we know outer darkness exists. I reckon the one thing that would challenge my belief in God would be to feel utterly and totally cut off from Him. You see, for the past 21 years, after I became a Christian, I've experienced what it means to be spiritually adopted into God's family. For me, that is a reality.

Also, I believe the evidence of my eyes and other senses. How on earth could the magnificence of our planet and the universe have got here by accident? I just don't buy into the idea that time, space, matter and life are the result of some sort of cold, cosmic coincidence.

Obviously, by the time we die, if there is no such thing as a Creator God then it won't matter.

Trouble is, some people might not accept any evidence for the existence of God till it's too late, like after they die and then they discover there was more to life than their earthly "here and now."
2017-09-20 23:09:00 UTC
I'm struggling...It's the pain and suffering that has me baffled sometimes. Jesus fills my heart though. God in is the cute little birds in the trees...I see God through his creations. I pray you find a belief in God. Life's easier with him.
2017-09-20 20:34:58 UTC
There isn't any. Romans 1:20

20 For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made,+ even his eternal power+ and Godship,+ so that they are inexcusable.
2017-09-20 18:45:41 UTC
There is no perceivable need for a believer to stop believing. A true believer already has evidence within his/her own experience and knowledge to believe. Why would such a one need to deny the evidence? You do not make any sense. Is it hatred of truth that you are expressing? You say you would accept evidence for God, but you have not, and you try to assault people who have accepted the proofs. So, what are you up to?
2017-09-20 16:22:50 UTC
Bill Nye is a commie that can't be trusted. Scientists make up fake evidence to oppress us. But we won't fall for those lies.
2017-09-20 14:45:00 UTC
All the evidence points to God for me. You may as well tell a fish that water does not exist. The Spirit of God is real and lives within me and all who are believers in Christ. Those who are born of the Spirit.
2017-09-20 13:03:22 UTC
okay if a god existed (as they are commonly defined)then it would know exactly what evidence would convince someone. If I thought a god existed...I would not seek it....I would HUNT it....
2017-09-20 04:41:33 UTC
I can stop believing that he shows up in church and I see him

with his hands open to everyone. I see him Jesus at church

at home I see angels, I see prophets in the spirit, I seen God

the Father once, he was at the Left side of Jesus kicking it.

and looking at the church people worship him. he had white hair.

he was so majestic in the way he sat there.
2017-09-20 02:03:27 UTC
They say science is false but they're using the internet that create from the scientist. The lord/jesus on that book is made up, it is impossible to be existed. I don't know which God they're praying, and guess he is the women who death few thousand years ago, because I was dreaming she come talking to me, and I know she is the fake god.
2017-09-19 19:10:45 UTC
Evidence that the laws of physics are eternal or evidence that the universe didn't have a cause. If you could give evidence of either of these two it would debunk all gods and miracle claims instantly!
2017-09-25 18:32:32 UTC
Faith by its very definition is belief without proof;it doesn't require evidence.
2017-09-25 15:09:52 UTC
Read accounts of people who've died and come back.
2017-09-25 12:48:58 UTC
This makes me wonder: You're not truly a christian if something can make you stop believe in God, right?
2017-09-23 16:22:52 UTC
I totally and utterly believe in God and will do so for ever
2017-09-23 06:30:08 UTC
You don't need evidence. It is your choice to believe/not believe in god.
2017-09-22 03:18:51 UTC
Evidence is a must.

As the time goes by, we discover that we cannot be sure 100% of nothing. Everybody is right in their own perspective and life is nothing but a sequence of illusional events where you pretty much project everything.

We are way too limited to go around defining heavenly things like that. If there is a supreme being, we know nothing about it and we shouldn't ever limit it.
2017-09-22 03:11:05 UTC
If the same Holy Spirit that convicted me that I was a sinner in need of a Savior and that Savior was Jesus Christ who gave His life on the cross to atone for the sins of all mankind and who unmistakable saved me when I repented of my sins and through Faith commited my life to Him as Lord and Savior suddenly changed His message an said, Your Salvation is no longer good, then I would no longer believe in God. BUT, God who can not lie would never brake His promise and I can never loose my Salvation. I have known of Atheist who became convicted of their sins, Repented and through Faith trusted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, But no true Christian ever stopped believing in God. What about it Atheist? Are you willing to stand before Jesus Christ at the last judgment and hear Him say, Depart from me in to everlasting punishment. I never knew you. It's your eternity. What will you do with it?
2017-09-22 01:08:46 UTC
So you admit to making a statement disguised as a question? That would be an abuse of forum format and anyone can eject you withe the Report Abuse button by your silly false statement/question.

If you understood logic, you would recognize how stupid you sound. Are you completely ignorant of scientific method and burden of proof?

You can have any opinion you want, believe anything you want, but if you come here and make a claim, that claim, by your statement, REQUIRES, DEMANDS support by the burden of proof of any known method of engagement, process or method. Support for your claim is required, not an option, or you dismiss yourself as a fool, ignorant of anything about the subject. Not my problem, you've automatically failed before you sat down, yet you actually think you "know" something. How delusional is that? Or show us what you "know" and provide the support REQUIRED.

When you don't provide support, the truth can be whatever you want it to be in your mythical little world. Reality doesn't work that way. Truth in fact requires support.

Atheists say that since there is no direct evidence of God, then God doesn't exist. But this is just one example of silly atheist logic.

Nobody has ever found the silver dollar George Washington threw across the Delaware, or the Hatchet he used to chop down the cherry tree... I guess that proves George Washington Never existed.

By atheist circular reasoning, neither would Darwinian evolution, abiogenesis, or the Big Bang. Since their presuppositions are false then their conclusions are equally dubious.

All the atheists require for belief is their trusty circular reasoning to cook up a dandy tale concocted specifically to preclude the obvious. Voila -- POSSIBLE, therefore it is. Who needs God? You so easily jump to all kinds of delusional conclusions from a false positive and delude yourself. Atheists are delusional by their own choice.

It’s easy to be an atheist if you evade, ignore and deny operational science.

You don't need to disprove what has never been proven, and what is needed to assert it is proven empirical evidence; another signature of your stupidity.

Fact is a truth that is ascertained by direct experience or observation. i.e., that which can be empirically established. If you knew anything at all about the subject or science, you would know that science can say nothing about the supernatural. “Origins science” is beyond the realm of observable science since hypotheses cannot be subjected to repeatable tests.

The scientific/philosophical reality is that you do not need to present an argument against an assertion (God does not exist) that cannot produce any evidence or logic in its defense! Since it cannot sustain what it brings to the board, not anything need be said in refutation. Its own lack of evidence/logic is sufficient to scuttle the 'argument' before it even begins!

The fact that you end up with an absurdity whether the objection is aimed at atheism or theism demonstrates the objection itself is absurd, which shows you to be an ignorant fool.

It is very sad that your teachers were more concerned teaching you what to think (interpreting the facts/evidence for you) than teaching you how to think (how to evaluate the facts and interpret them for yourself).

Evolutionists believe that life (at least once) spontaneously formed from nonliving chemicals. But this is inconsistent with the natural law of biogenesis. Real science confirms the Bible.

The study of origins is foundational to any belief system. You don’t have a belief system.

If you can't answer how life came to be don't blame my belief, deal with it.
2017-09-21 20:42:28 UTC
There is no evidence to support that. I have experienced and heard things that cannot be explained by anything else. God has saved my mind and life many times. I should be dead or at least vegetative by medical standards, but i am niether, because God has brought, is bringing, and will bring me through my life.
2017-09-21 03:05:48 UTC
Produce the dead body of Jesus.
2017-09-21 02:35:17 UTC
Let me ask you a question dear: Suppose you met someone, his name was Paul. No one you knew met him, but you knew of many others who knew Paul. You told your friends of Paul because he said some great things that really made you consider your life choices, and tried to tell them. The question is: How would you answer the people who said "Paul is not real, a figment ofyour imagination, what would it take to convince you he is not real?". You knew you met Paul, you knew Paul is real, the person making the claim that Paul is a figment of your imagination is simply wrong, because you know you met paul, and you heard of others who met him and he changed their life too. Is there anything that could convince you that the person you met isn't real?

Of course the answer is no dear, and if you can understand that, then you can understand why there is nothing that can lead people away from God who has come into their lives and changed it for the best, or who have heard His voice.
2017-09-21 02:12:20 UTC
There is no evidence and proof in the first place. Why bother Talking to a bunch of religious bufoons anyway?
2017-09-21 00:50:33 UTC
I've already seen plenty of examples of God in our world. I'm convinced beyond a reasonable doubt. I'm also from a family of scientists, and I have an Ivy League graduate degree, so I'm not a hick with a low IQ.

So your question to me is, "as you've already seen proof of God, what would cause you to disbelieve?" Maybe sheer insanity?
2017-09-20 15:45:23 UTC
There's nothing you can say or anyone else can say to convince me that the things that have happened to me in my life were not from God. There is a purpose for this life and it's not to simply live and die. God has done too much for me in my life to deny his existence.
2017-09-20 04:15:03 UTC
Christians and Muslims believe in God -that's all.
2017-09-20 00:05:12 UTC
Evidence and belief in one sentence is an oxymoron.
2017-09-19 19:56:01 UTC
You are a complete fool. Your motto : Have an open mind and never close it on anything. A PERFECT FOOL
2017-09-19 19:51:22 UTC
I don't know what believing "in" God means. I do believe that God, wait, I "know" God exists. Is that what you want to know? What evidence do I need to stop knowing something doesn't exist that I know exists?

In order for me to know God does not exist, my own existence would have to be utterly extinguished.
2017-09-19 19:18:28 UTC
2017-09-19 19:10:31 UTC
Satan will be in hell soon
2017-09-23 01:05:10 UTC
wher are the poks
2017-09-22 01:16:21 UTC
No universe and no life on Earth horse's rectum.
2017-09-21 13:35:21 UTC
That Jesus wasn't real which we all know he was
2017-09-21 11:56:43 UTC
The bible. Get rid of the bible and all religious texts. Then introduce education.
2017-09-21 09:38:03 UTC
I would think for that group for he/she to say 'I am not God'.
2017-09-21 05:04:23 UTC
None i don't believe yet i believe.
Space Wasp
2017-09-20 23:11:31 UTC
Having read through many of the answers here, the typical position seems to be that Christians will not even consider potential evidence against their beliefs.

The very few people who do seem willing to consider the possibility that the god they chose to believe in may not exist are typically looking for an impossible standard of evidence - far above the level of evidence they use to support their belief.
2017-09-20 22:56:17 UTC
filipina flower
2017-09-20 17:28:53 UTC
I believe in Jesus Christ and there is nothing you can say to change my mind.
2017-09-20 16:58:22 UTC
I'll go with Bill Nye's logic and say:

PROOF that God does NOT exist -- EVIDENCE won't cut the mustard!

Then again -- every science guy knows that you can not prove a negative.

Faith does not require proof, the rebuttal of faith does.

My answer is no but that does not mean that I am suppressing critical inquiry.

Just because people are in the process of acquiring evidence, that does not give anybody in the world of science a right to call a theory a scientific law until all inquiries are complete. If a SINGLE contradictory FACT is gathered anywhere along the way, then the proposition needs to be thrown out.

I have yet to see a single FACT which NEGATES the existence of God.
2017-09-20 16:11:18 UTC
Prove the Holy Spirit isn't real. Can't? I know you can't. Too bad.
2017-09-20 14:40:42 UTC
There is no evidence that can convince me because I am convinced he is real. No one can tell me that the Holy Spirit inside of me is fake. LOL
2017-09-20 14:08:32 UTC
nothing, if there was actual proof of ginash for instance, and saw him face to face, I would have to kill him out of loyalty
2017-09-20 13:44:59 UTC
Many people know of the warning of Hebrew 6 of falling away but they don't know about the hope God gives though in the Bible .

James 5:20 19 My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, 20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.

Jude 1:22 Be merciful to those who doubt;

God is a kind loving God a merciful God who abounds in love. Only God knows whether a person falls under Hebrew 6 or James 5. If you have doubt repent God and the Bible offers hope
random florida guy
2017-09-20 12:51:40 UTC
There is no evidence against God and we as christians have all the evidence we need through the Holy Spirit. What a foolish thing it is to think there is no God.
2017-09-20 04:16:41 UTC
There is absolutely zero evidence that you can provide to me to cause me not to believe in God I was a crack addict for 27 years God healed me and that's that there is no convincing me of any bull crap that God doesn't exist
2017-09-20 01:59:52 UTC
I would say experiencing death, except I have been dead already and have more then enough proof for my needs.

So when you can show me you have been dead and came back maybe we will have a common experience on which to discuss the matter.
2017-09-19 19:51:36 UTC
I can't think of any.
2017-09-19 19:07:59 UTC
The fact that you think there could ever be such evidence shows what a tool you are.

How do you provide evidence to prove a negative?

God has very much proven Himself to me, there is nothing you could offer that would change that.
2017-09-25 19:25:57 UTC
2017-09-25 15:15:27 UTC
2017-09-25 14:05:05 UTC
Peter Gore Seer,

2017-09-24 18:18:22 UTC
i dont beleive
2017-09-24 15:18:04 UTC
The Holocaust for one. A better question might be what evidence is there to support the existence of God. Be honest with yourself. None.
2017-09-23 21:21:06 UTC
99% same DNA, same number of teeth and have baby teeth , same number of hair folicals and can have a blood transfusion from a Chimp, just need to have chose the same blood grouping, no different than blood transfusion from human to human. Religious nutters you are just a Chimp !
2017-09-23 20:14:58 UTC
"Seek me and you will find Me." I sought Him and I found Him but not until I was 19 years old, intelligent and in a good job. No-one brain-washed me or told me I'd go to Hell if I didn't believe in Him. He knew me long before I knew Him and has done the most amazing things in my life since I began to believe His Word (the Bible) and live the kind of life He wanted me to live. Once I began to understand 'why' Jesus died the way He did my life has never been the same. <>< <>< <><
2017-09-23 16:25:35 UTC
I already have the evidence I need to believe.
2017-09-22 06:24:19 UTC
Revelations mentions a point in time when the world is ruled by evil for 3 and a half years before being personally destroyed by god's own wrath. If evil ruled for like say 10 years, I think might be feeling pretty screwed over.
2017-09-21 22:09:19 UTC
There's nothing. God has already proven to me that he is real. Period.
2017-09-21 11:18:44 UTC
What for? Are you nuts?

Believing in god have some benefits, like glory and peace of mind.
2017-09-21 05:04:56 UTC
Well, forgive me for answering with a question, but, what evidence would someone who believes in life on other planets need to stop believing it? There isn't any. It is not possible to "know" everything about the universe, therefore, "evidence" does not exist. I guess such a person could simply stop believing on their own accord, but there is no "evidence" that could convince them. Similarly, there cannot be "evidence" that God does not exist, because to definitively state "there is no God" would be tantamount to saying, "I have learned everything there is to know about the universe, and one of the things I have learned is that there is no God."
2017-09-21 02:35:44 UTC
Do you really think you can actually disprove God to us? That's pretty bold yet futile. I know some of you atheists are in the business of hunting down christians and dragging them away from God but you can believe I won't be one of them. 🙄
2017-09-21 01:50:49 UTC
This is my opinion so if you disagree good for you I don't need to hear it: God exists if you believe he does; deities only existed in the past because humans needed something to explain the world around them and they needed a reason why if they didn't understand something they would say it was God or it was god's plan or something but now that we can explain most things religion shouldn't be as big a deal as it is and if people need a reason why they can blame god if they want but low key things don't have to happen for a reason they can just happen. Thank you for your time.
Climate Realist
2017-09-20 17:33:02 UTC
For one thing, you would have to disprove the big bang.

If the Universe had actually been around forever, no need for a First Cause.
2017-09-20 15:33:33 UTC
God is a faith based concept...I use my common sense
2017-09-20 12:43:16 UTC
none, he doesn't exist. if he did i would be living instead of existing
2017-09-20 11:33:58 UTC
The triple A will rule the branding of all Atheists! For our science is the right science, your science is flawed! Praise be science! Praise be it in all its logical instances!
2017-09-19 23:07:36 UTC
Ive been serving Jesus for 30 years, and there is no evidence against God. All of creation, history, and experience align themselves with the Word of God. I would die for my faith. There is absolutely nothing that could get me to doubt the existence of the Lord Jesus Christ.
2017-09-19 19:07:16 UTC
There can be no evidence against God simply because he exists.
2017-09-23 02:19:44 UTC
Direct answer to what happens after death
2017-09-22 12:49:33 UTC
You know, if u don't believe in god I'm fine with that, if u have any beliefs in religion or none at all I'm fine, True Christians learn to accept everyone regardless of their beliefs and values, but please don't criticize our values as Christians just because some decide to show no evidence, I myself believe very strongly in God,he brought purpose, meaning, and passion to my life, Ever since my childhood years, I was a victim of domestic violence, abuse and heartache, my adult years were hard and difficult, gang activity in my town and loss of loved ones tore me apart. But then, when all hope seemed lost, Jesus visited me in my sleep, and for the first time in years, I felt hope, comfort and security. I found Jesus, I started praying every night, going to Church, and hosting Bible classes for children in the area, and I gave my heart and my faith to the lord. My life has turned around since, working a high paying job, a beautiful wife and two children. Christian or not, I accept all.
2017-09-21 15:17:40 UTC
Perhaps a good explanation of how life came from a non-living source.

Perhaps an explanation how intelligence could arise from something that can't even think.

Perhaps an explanation of how the intricate design we can see created itself without a designer.

Perhaps an explanation of how people in the Old Testament were able to predict events in great detail hundreds of years before the event took place and were able to get it right.

Perhaps an explanation of the scientific facts disclosed in the Bible that were stated before modern science discovered them.
2017-09-21 13:16:53 UTC
Proof that God did not create the universe.
2017-09-21 09:16:16 UTC
* Faith is not blind and God gives us evidences to sustain our faith: He says, "Come to me all you who are burdened and heavy ladened and I will give you rest for your soul. "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness as you shall be filed. Then in Jeremiah 29:13 "And ye shall seek me, and find [me], when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

* God gives ample evidence and expects us to act on it. Didn't He who wrought such marvelous plagues in delivering Israel's slaves from Egyptian bondage thereafter bar them from entering the promised land for unbelief.

* Has anyone manifest such miracles as healing disease, controlling the elements, and raising the dead? No, Just Jesus--the Creator and deliverer. So . . .

* So God gives evidences to His children, but also evidence of His hatefulness of sin and the retribution to transgressors. And if someone feels they can believe, like Adam and Eve, nd still transgress God's plain command, they they will be banned from Heaven like transgressing angels.

* And when God's Spirit departs from you, then you flounder in unbelief, and God waits for you to return from presumption to FAiTH, which really means TRUST, that He will not acuit the guilty, but will in no wise cast out His faithful.

* So, if one is cumbered in unbelief and doubt, they need look at their works--as they may have driven out the Savior and invited 9 more demons into their psyche.
Kazoo M
2017-09-21 05:08:27 UTC
Friend, as believers we are here to inform, we are not here to convince.

As believers we require no actual sight, we accept the Lord by faith.

Sadly, you walk another path - a path without God, the latter is not our fault.
2017-09-20 23:29:23 UTC
Nothing because you don't have anything. 0. Zilch. Nada. You are wasting your time and my time.
2017-09-20 22:10:48 UTC
Common sense
Wellll... hello then!
2017-09-20 18:58:24 UTC
When God stops proving His word is true by fullfilling every word,especially in fullfilled prophecies.
2017-09-20 18:00:30 UTC
Nothing. There is nothing you could send to me to turn me away from Jesus. He is the way the truth and the life, the God of my salvation and my best friend. Truly there is nobody as good as Jesus.
Yorkshire Lass
2017-09-20 15:24:09 UTC
Jesus was the human face and likeness of God, he said that those who had seen him (at work) had seen the Father. I believe that Jesus was the ransom price Jesus had to pay to buy us back from a place of detachment from God due to rebellion and ignoring God's wise Law.

In this state of isolation from God we are easy prey for Satan for we are now on his spiritual wave-length of rebellion. THIS fact outweighs all arguments against faith in God despite .The terrible evil of murders, pains evil executions, genocide, injustice, cruelty to defenceless children and animals. that perplexes unbelievers and believers alike, but the true Christian has received such a weight of evidence and experience of the goodness and love of God that the good outweighs the evil.

The pain is the price for future Eternal Love, Harmony and Blissjust minutes on the Eternal Clock. The rest of our 'time' and experience, in the next Heavenly Sphere, can be perfect bliss, cocooned in pure Love and every wonderful we can imagine... and so much more.

Jesus gave up his glorious place in Heaven - Heavenly Bliss and security to be obedient to intense suffering and death. Through his obedience, the Holy Spirit was released to dwell within man - in true bel God's character of Love and kindness, was demonstrated by Jesus.

The wonderful power of God's Spirit has transformed millions, past and present, and many to come. The Spirit upgrades belief into a Living Faith by which we see wonderful answers to prayer and provision appearing in times of real need. Miraculous protection in serious accident is a frequent experience of true believers.

The Spirit fills our heart with love, peace joy and assurance of God's Presence and Blessing throughout life and into the next.

Using the name of Jesus people have been released from many bad things -like hopelessness, despair, self-hate and disease. A few people have been raised from the dead for Jesus promised that his followers would do the miracles we did, but much of the church forgot this promise.
2017-09-20 15:12:33 UTC
Nothing that any atheist could say could convince me God does not exist. God is better at convincing by a long shot.
2017-09-20 12:55:50 UTC
None he has revealed himself to me through his son and his word.
2017-09-20 08:21:26 UTC
I'm not a Christian but I do believe in "God" or whatever you want to call it. I'm not religious either. Ive seen too much evidence in my life due to the law of attraction and many life experiences. No one could give me evidence because my faith in god does not lead to me to a disbelief in science. Everything correlates perfectly to me. It all makes sense, more than most usually see. Life is so much greater than you could ever imagine.
2017-09-20 05:08:56 UTC
I cannot stop believing in God, neither does satan; however, as satan failed, so is it possible for me and others to fail and become disqualified.
2017-09-20 04:38:29 UTC
I need to be totally convinced that Romans 1:20 IS NOT TRUE. I want 100% facts that this scripture IS NOT TRUE.
Jan C
2017-09-20 02:23:19 UTC
Not an intelligent question.
2017-09-20 02:05:32 UTC

There ya go.
2017-09-20 00:38:33 UTC
Most Christians place faith in a prodigy which has been described in every language known to the human race, arrives independently of any third party guidance, affects the psyche on the deepest possible levels, and transforms the person themselves through both a form of 'death' and a form of 'regeneration.' The form of 'death' is so impactful that it replaces our natural fear of death itself with a fear of GOD. This indescribably frightening encounter occurs in the deepest level of the psyche. Measurable aspects of the psyche do not survive. In their place, a new 'person' emerges from infancy complete with a new set of abilities, memories and knowledge which include the set of forensic evidence enabling us to believe in the resurrection of the dead. This also occurs on the deepest level of the psyche and is an inheritance passed from person to person. It has been described in words, in art and human drama in every language known to man and maintains a consistency across all tribal and cultural lines.

The actual forensic evidence is left through something called 'majesty,' (Greek: 'megaleiotes' 2 Peter 1:16), a conscious encounter that leaves an 'impression' upon the psyche which is repeatable without third party assistance. The phrase 'eyewitnesses' is used in scripture, which has led to widespread misunderstanding about the basis of our faith being comparable to courtroom hearsay. The actual term is 'epoptes' which means 'mental perceivers,' referring to the above brain impression and the forensic trail leading back to its originators.

Given all of this, the challenge you would face would be to confront the forensic evidence gathered from across every tribal and cultural tradition on earth giving direct confirmation of a shared prodigy taking the form of a series of psychological impressions and transformations so personally powerful, they are able to instantly convince a person to abandon their former religious beliefs, cultivate a newly perceived 'person' growing inside their psyche, (known in many languages as being 'born again from above'), developing this 'person' until he emerges and begins to convey the powerful psychological encounters into art, music, life dramas, economics, and forms of genius which emerge through something called 'prayer.'

Prayer is the contemplation of hundreds of separate allegories, (the basis of the Holy Bible), which are based on the universal human arts, (shepherding, fishing, hunting, archery, economics, pottery making, sailing, etc...), with the expectation of the arrival of genius for problem solving. This is a form of genius which is able to bypass any need for wasteful experimentation or sacrifice of existing resources. It is a 'conversation' involving both the new psyche and the perceived presence of GOD, which fills in details after the new psyche completes every aspect of the arts by attempting to superimpose one or more over the dramas of his current life. This gives rise to the 'roles' of the Church. Briefly, a 'pastor' is the role that emerges as one contemplates solutions to complex problems by seeing the entire life drama as though it is part of the arts of 'shepherding.' If I am the shepherd, where are my 'sheep?' where are the 'wolves?' the pasture?, etc... As we contemplate and fill in what we can, GOD fills in the rest, revealing genius to use in our life dramas, thereby directing our course and revealing solutions to complex problems. This typically arrives as an intellectual 'seed' which must be carefully cultivated until we receive the 'answer' to our prayer as actionable & transformative knowledge.

This is how most great exhibitions of genius actually came into the world. It is an easy matter to simply take credit for them after the fact by adding the obvious successes to a list of growing 'experiments.' This is all that atheistic science has done, never actually supplying any natural genius of its own.

I suppose you could start to actually do that first and begin to earn my respect. However, you should realize that overcoming forensic evidence left by 'epoptes' within the deepest part of the human psyche, watching this phenomena reach every tribe on earth with blinding success before the era of easy travel and information sharing began to make the phenomena seem less miraculous than they actually are, and 'explaining away' all that you don't seem to have the basic capacity to even acknowledge---that is a task so daunting for a flash-in-the-pan intellectual dilettante like atheistic science, that imagining the course itself is emotionally and intellectually staggering. However, let us go completely crazy and assume you somehow even begin to address any of this. In order for me to place trust in your tradition, you would also need to explain to me how a presumably intelligent person traps himself inside an inescapable arms race, compelling himself to produce weapons of mass destruction just to survive, all while pervasively poisoning his entire planet in under 100 years.

I look forward to hearing how you reconcile that with anything worthy of my intellectual interest.

I am more open to critical thought than you or anyone in your tradition has ever demonstrated yourself. You simply don't have it yet. Prospects are not looking good either, to put it mildly.
2017-09-19 19:11:21 UTC
I want the EXACT detail of how the universe started, how life started, how human beings appeared on their own without any supernatural intervention. No theories or speculations.
Fort Erudite
2017-09-26 02:01:43 UTC
Death by a Klingon.
2017-09-25 22:13:33 UTC
There is no evidence to make a person stop being in God. Romans 1:20 states that "his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable." It is inexcusable to look and evaluate creation and not knowledge its Creator, which is Jehovah God.
2017-09-25 07:49:28 UTC
I am not Christian, but I believe in God and I really don't understand what evidence you need to prove the existence of the Creator of existence!! If you are looking for a material evidence, then no-one can provide you for sure, He is not "something" that you can see or feel with your hands, He is not an object! If you want an intellectual evidence, then think about a car without a maker, or a meal without a cook, how more to this whole universe and its complexity, do you think it just existed without a Creator?! That's why God chose not to be seen by people so he can test who would believe in Him by the signs he put in this universe and who would disbelieve in him by ignoring them!

I feel bad for those who choose to go to hell just by not trying to give this matter what it really deserve of thinking!
2017-09-25 01:12:04 UTC
you can be good and bad and everything in between. choices arise in our lives and can be interpreted differently by others. you can be good, and someone else can view it as bad. Therefore if god was real he can see me as doing both. Even if i lived a life of good, given the circumstances and the situations it can be viewed as bad. so in my opinion god is not real no one is perfect,and someone judging me and looking down on me because of my decisions is not welcomed in my book. I cant be mad because at least the bible gives people hope and something to believe in to carry on.
2017-09-24 23:31:35 UTC
Sorry but its pretty hard to un-know the fact that God loves me.Want proof ? Ask Jesus to come into your heart and forgive your sins and see if he will not do it !

I know you are afraid,but if there is no God what are you so scared of ?
2017-09-22 13:59:21 UTC
In the same way you need evidence to believe in God, I need evidence to not believe in God. If you can prove to me that the God of the universe, who Is not made of worldly things such as cells and lives outside of space and time doesn't exist, I would believe you. I can't prove to you that God exists, but you can't prove to me that he doesn't.

I know he is real because I have a relationship with him. I've seen my prayers answered. I've seen miracles. I've seen people who were atheists finally understand the Bible and believe in God. We are saved by our faith in Him.
Aortas Insotomia.
2017-09-22 01:01:24 UTC
A belief in God or any other various mythological deities is a personal choice. You can choose to believe in Santa Claus or nor believe in him.
2017-09-21 23:44:52 UTC
Why don't you read revelation 12 and see all of the prophecy being fulfilled around us. You can google the September 23rd date and find all the information about it. You can't say that is a coincidence. It's prophecy in the Bible. Old and New Testament.

Also, the very first thing is to ask yourself if you believe nothing came from everything. If you don't, then some divine creator must have created everything. The question is, is which God created everything. I personally believe it is the God of the Bible. It's the only religion where you are saved by grace and grace alone. Not by works. All you have to do is trust in Jesus as your personal savior, repent of your sins and ask him to change your heart. I went from atheist to Christian about 3 years ago. It's unbelievable how my life has changed. I struggle sometimes because I am truly a "proof" and "evidence" person but I have found enough evidence that Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
2017-09-21 15:51:46 UTC
Stop the apocalypse
2017-09-21 10:50:03 UTC
I'm always baffled by those who need or require evidence that God exists in order to believe in Him when we CLEARLY state that if YOU, not me, seek HIM then He will reveal Himself to you. That doesn't mean you can sit there smugly and say out loud to God, reveal yourself to me. He's NOT at YOUR or MY beck and call. IF you seek Him in honesty, humbly, and sincerely you will get your answer. He's not going to magically appear before you but you'll see Him and know when you do. You won't SEE Him with your eyes as a physical being. You'll see Him as the SPIRITUAL BEING that HE is in your heart and you'll see HIs handiwork all around you. It's not incumbent on me to prove Him to you. It's incumbent on YOU to find Him.
2017-09-21 03:13:51 UTC
You can't prove a negative, so this question is impossible to answer.
The Football God
2017-09-21 02:15:11 UTC
My death. Just don't trust anyone on earth for this information. If they are right, when we die, I'll be dead just like them. If I'm right, when we die, I like my chances at the afterlife.
2017-09-20 17:37:37 UTC
Their literally cannot be evidence. The same way you cannot physically provide a being that lives outside of this physical dimension (unless he enters it - see Jesus) is the same way you cannot say he is not their.

All we have to go on, is the revelation of God INSIDE this physical universe (prophesies, God made manifest, etc) and the Universal structure itself (built on numbers - aka logical foundation which includes laws\truth constraints, morality, design\symmetry, etc.). This is why it is a BELIEF\Faith in Christianity or the same in a-theism. You gather facts and you sell out to it. need to be careful that you don't rationalize the fact away for a particular worldview. i.e. just because you like having sex before marriage doesn't make God nonexistent. This is what many people do - it can go the other way - just because you can't explain something doesn't mean God did it.

For Christianity - either Christ existed (fact), he died (fact - even by Romans\athiests) - and he raised (no body found) or He didn't. You gather the evidence and decide. Life is about Love not likes.
2017-09-20 13:17:34 UTC
There is no evidence against God.
2017-09-20 13:17:26 UTC
Matter came from somewhere and there is no way something appears from nothing so there is not a reason to question the beginning of all or any and if you continue to interfere in goodness it is a sadness for me.
2017-09-20 05:19:00 UTC
I think I can help you understand this.

Pick a city to which you travel regularly, but do not necessarily live there. Just to help you out, I'm going to pick Harrisonburg, VA so we can follow along togehter. Lovely city, Harrisonburg. Home of James Madison University. I've been there more than once and spent a good deal of time there. I'm sure you can think of a city like that. One you've spent some real time in even if you've never lived there. Got it? Good.

Now ... what evidence would it take to convince you that city didn't exist? Would ANY evidence be sufficient?

If I showed you newspaper articles that said it didn't exist, and a Google Earth view that showed nothing but wilderness where you knew that city to be, what would you think?

You'd think the newspaper article was bunk, and you'd assume that Google Earth was seriously malfunctioning (or assume deliberate hoax, perhaps).

What if I lined up 40 people for you who all said, "Yeah, I used to believe in Harrisonburg (or whatever your city is), but then I realized it's all silly because ... ". Never mind what the "because" is. Would it matter?

If they tried to tell you that a city you visit regularly does not and has never existed, what would you assume about those 40 people? That they're NUTS, perhaps. Or maybe that they've just been misled.

At any rate, you're not going to be convinced by them, are you?

So ask yourself, what evidence do YOU need to stop believing that city exists?

It's the same with those who have EXPERIENCED the Power and Presence of God in our lives. We've BEEN there ... we've EXPERIENCED Him DIRECTLY along with His Personal involvement in our lives. Convincing me that He does not exist will be like convincing me that Harrisonburg, VA does not exist.
2017-09-20 04:46:35 UTC
You think Ken Ham is a tool because you are a tool. I've posted umpteen times on this forum that there are links between atheism and autism. You have extraordinary difficulty with abstracts. Dawkins admits to it. To help you in this particular case let me ask you a question. If someone tells you that they can provide evidence that YOU don't exist, would you consider the possibility that YOU don't exist?
2017-09-20 03:46:48 UTC
You are a liar if you think that you will believe in God if you had evidence. I've had numerous first hand accounts and sometimes I still think that maybe God isn't real. Be sensitive to God. Don't test him. But be sensitive to his presence and things will make sense. No one believes anything based on evidence atheist or Christian. Being an atheist is faith based too your logic is invalid anyway. There is no logical reason to not believe in God. If there is a god then it will be a good idea to trust in him and to accept the holy Spirit and believe Jesus Christ died and rose again. If he isn't real then nothing is lost right? So the logical, reasonable thing to do is to believe in God. It's actually illogical to not believe in God. If you want to know about God then simply observe the people.. observe with a nonbiased.. if you can right? Who will do such a thing?
2017-09-19 19:14:33 UTC
Why stop TRUTH? Why stop LOVE? I wasn't always Christian, so I experienced uselessness, wastefulness, depression, addictions?

Why EVER stop the BEST thing?

Bill Nye is a paid shill. You follow a failed actor?

We live on a FLAT EARTH, watched by all the host of heaven.

The whole point is the judgement.

You like it that those who put us in debt get away? Pedophiles?

I HAVE evidence and I don't know what anyone means by no evidence.

Surrounded by it.
2017-09-19 19:09:46 UTC
None, no evidence can conclusively disprove God, just as there is no evidence that can conclusively prove Him. It's about faith for both sides.
2017-09-25 16:39:56 UTC
I am an Atheist, so does that answer your question.
2017-09-24 12:08:18 UTC
There is no evidence for an existence in a god, therefore why would anyone believe in one?
2017-09-24 00:40:22 UTC
God uses the foolish things to confound the wise. 1 Cor. 1:27. You will see.
2017-09-23 22:58:10 UTC
you shouldn't cling on to worthless things like meaning. Instead think of how amazing funerals are :) all sins forgiven and only the good things remain about the person in the sweet smelling soil of demise . Ahhhh funerals ^-^.. Besides, it's your choice and trying to justify things will only waste times. As I said earlier, just go to a funeral or something!😄
2017-09-23 21:48:10 UTC
Anything that is worshiped can be termed a god, inasmuch as the worshiper attributes to it might greater than his own and venerates it. A person can even let his belly be a god. (Ro 16:18; Php 3:18, 19) The Bible makes mention of many gods (Ps 86:8; 1Co 8:5, 6), but it shows that the gods of the nations are valueless gods.—Ps 96:5
2017-09-21 20:54:42 UTC
I love it when atheists try to pretend they're smart and really only show they're not.......

You see, if you thought about this question to any depth you'd know it was a really dumb question.

.... how could anyone really know what evidence would or would not stop them believing in a thing? It's a question that requires them to first of all imagine there is evidence they don't believe exists or is really and then imagine how strong this evidence would be to undermine all the evidence they have (real, imagined or twisted).

More than that. If someone asked you "What evidence do you need to believe your brother didn't exist?" you'd think them nuts because you know your brother ahd have a relationship with him. Now you might mock Christians who say they have a relationship with God but you don't know if that's possible or not. All you know is that you don't and your assessment of the evidence you collected says He doesn't exist..... and that's why you ask this question. It reveals you really don't understand the faith that Christians have..............for the purposes of considering this question, it doesn't matter if God is real or not, if Christians believe they know and have a relationship with God the question is irrelevant to them...................yet you still ask it! It says more about you than it does about Christians who openly admit their faith.

Of course, such difficulties elude atheists because the evidence they cling to isn't that great and they can easily say that if God appeared to them they would believe in Him, or some such like. However, such statements only go to show that they don't really understand themselves. The reality is that many atheists have put so much emotional investment in not believing in God that if God showed up they would likely find a reason to explain it away and still not believe.

The irony for me is that atheists often make two of the most foolish claims. They claim they are 100% open and that they only accept consideration of evidence. They are both naïve, foolish and biased claims... Oh the irony.

In the first place it's impossible to be 100% open. Nobody is. Only those who are blind to their bias make such a claim, be they Christian, Muslim or atheist.... but in the main it's only atheists that make that claim.

In the second place the evidence that atheists consider is founded in faith, examined in faith, deliberated in faith and concluded in faith. Take science, the holy foundation of atheist faith. Is the scientist who conducts an experiment free from all bias? Nope not if they're human. Does the scientist set out to prove something in the experiments? Of course, they wouldn't conduct experiments that they think are pointless. Has any scientist declared a scientific breakthrough and them themselves then announced it was wrong? Nope never happened. Yet many scientific breakthroughs have been wrong just never discovered by the scientists who found them. When a scientist announces a discover do a whole load of other scientists argue about the assumptions, the methods and even the conclusions? Of course, nearly every time... and yet this is arena that atheists argue is all about fact and evidence. The only thing is that all these assumptions, biased motives, skewed experiments, tainted conclusions, etc are never ever called faith because that would mean admitting something that those involved (and those who cling to their conclusions) don't like.... it's faith based.
2017-09-21 18:25:40 UTC
“They Are Inexcusable” ... Regarding him, the apostle Paul wrote: “His invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s [mankind’s] creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they [unbelievers] are inexcusable.” (Romans 1:20)
2017-09-21 12:27:00 UTC
I don't think they can. I know he is real. The Angel of Death is real too. So is Satan. So, I don't think there is anything they can do to me.
Scarborough Fair
2017-09-21 11:21:40 UTC
You don't get to Heaven by passing a theology test. Many Christians seem to think that's what does it. You have to love and show your love to God and those God loves, which is everyone. It's not what you think but what you do.

Jesus, God the Son, said that when you do something for the least of these, you do it for him. When you neglect to do something for those who need it, you neglect to do it for God. You can's get to Heaven without love.

Jesus told a parable about a wedding banquet. Some guests showed up without the proper wedding garment and were cast out into the darkness where there was much weeping and gnashing of teeth. The wedding banquet is Heaven and the wedding garment is love. You can't go to Heaven without love.

If someone were to convince me that God does not exist, I would still love the concept of God. It doesn't matter whether you call that concept God, the universe, or a higher power. Love is real and God is love.

God bless.
2017-09-20 22:20:39 UTC
Our faith is based on Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ has proven himself to us as believers. What makes you think you can give us anything that is more real than what God has given us already? Honestly, you atheists are something else.
2017-09-20 21:49:27 UTC
I've seen a lot of death. I have cheated death. I'm very aware that every living organism will eventually die. I don't want to die, neither do you who asks this question. But don't confuse religion with faith. Also I ask you one question.

If a Christian stops believing in God because unrefutable evidence, they would have to have died, to gain the unrefutable evidence that after they die there is nothing. Therefore how can anyone provide evidence of no God whilst alive? Or dead?
2017-09-20 18:49:01 UTC
As long as the church keeps asking for money and paying no taxes that puts me at odds as Christian when the church has heat and power and a child has no lunch that puts me at odds as a Christian nothing will stop me from believing in God but much makes me not believe in the Church.
2017-09-20 15:01:54 UTC
There is no evidence that can do that. I know in my knower.
2017-09-20 13:02:23 UTC
God is real bruh. I seen him do great things in my life. I should be dead BUT HERE I AM
2017-09-20 12:52:14 UTC
As far as I know (personally) there is no evidence at all that points to God of the Bible Yahweh - God as Christians understand Him, not existing.
2017-09-20 11:51:43 UTC
how dumb is dumb. every culture in earths history belives in a creator, even charles darwin begged forgiveness on his death bed;
I care
2017-09-20 05:22:49 UTC
I need no evidence other than GOD'S HOLY WORD, GOD'S LOVE AND ACCEPTING JESUS CHRIST AS MY SAVIOR.............I WILL ALWAYS BELIEVE (My path in life and death in CHRIST has been written in stone........) meaning it is solid within my heart/life and knowing HIM.
2017-09-20 03:49:35 UTC
religious folks have no interest in reality...
2017-09-19 20:01:23 UTC
Because there exist no evidence, which could to effect what you talked about I've to say "none" is the only correct answer on your question, if you like this fact or not.Because I "know" Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior (when we're able to repent, to reverse and to let the Lord in our heart), I would rather prefer to die as to renege my savior (the "eternity" is much more important compared to this "limited life").

I had no faith when I was 6 years old, but I was curious too because all these things, so I decided to provoke Satan as much as I can, told bad things about him, tried to laugh about him, was in ecstasis by laughing about him, called him a ridiculous coward and so on to proof myself all these things are fairytales.

The problem was when I slept, I woke up in hell or that, what we think about this place, which isn't just a place, it's a "feeling/status" too.I just saw his shape in outlines, felt his presence and was shocked.I couldn't told this other ones, because they would think I'm crazy (before this happened I had thought the same about people who telling this...), so I was quiet.A long time I did wake up and saw eyes which seems to be energy, I feared this and tried to ignore this.Someday I had enough and tried to blow these demons, I thought I've a strong will and can handle this, but against demons I was helpless.They controlled my body, they knew I was informed about them, so they showed their presence and did fight against me.

Just my prayers to Jesus Christ rescued me, it was the only one which had an effect in this situation, but when I had silence, I became lazy and thought I wouldn't need Jesus , because he's no longer useful and necessary in my opinion, what was a fallacy.I had a good time for some weeks, but then I woke up and couldn't see anything.I pushed the button to get light, but it seemed there was no electricity.Later I understand there were demons who did this, so it could be midmorning, the sun could shining and nevertheless "black" was the only one what I saw, unless I prayed to the Lord to save me, just then they were gone and I could see.I ve had have this problem 10 years, before I stayed by God/Jesus permanent, as opossed to use him to shed demons, so I had no trouble with them since I was 16 years old (at the moment I'm about 30).

It's really paradoxial that Satan & Co showed me all this is true, but that's the reason because it's undoubtably in my opinion that both of them exist and I've a bad consience more often because I'm not good in "proselytizing" (that's why I not do it on this way), but it would be a "disservice" to do this worse and to blow lost souls, as opposed to showed them the way to the Lord, so I just talk about these things, when another one start to talk about themes like this one.

As I've said I'm over 30 today and I'm happy to have trust in Jesus.It's not the prettiest way to find your faith and to become a Christian, but for that it's verry effective.

Conclusion:demons aren't stupid, they exist longer than humans and know they would lost souls, when they proof all this is true, so they try to conceal this normally.It was an emotional reason why they revealed to me (provocation of a kid), that is why they tried to destroy me before I find to God, during they've a lot time to do this on another way by humans, who think all this would be nonsense and so on, because they're easier to influence, during anyone who knows the truth is a problem in their opinion.
2017-09-19 19:11:55 UTC
Nothing at all. There is nothing you can say that could convince me God does not exist
2017-09-25 22:02:16 UTC
Well to stop believing in God, I would have to NOT receive support when I ask for it. Eventually I would stop believing 🌞. While the Lord continues to assist me there's nothing that can make me change my mind.
2017-09-20 17:36:19 UTC
No such evidence exists, Troll.
2017-09-20 14:50:59 UTC
As a Christian if science can prove by evidence where life itself came from if not from God who is life itself.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.