Be very aware of the stage.
All the major faiths give reference to being dead/blind/asleep.
The lies on stage are conducive to mentally leading people away from God. A less spiritual realm of carnal pursuits, objectified truths whilst identified and confounded with the psychophysical organism.
If we evolved over hundreds of thousands of years, (General estimate – 200,000), why does the story keep changing?
Man found in Palastine 400,000 years ago.
Also, in equivalent and relevant terms of time, why have we technologically evolved over the equivalent to 5 days?
Lets say 30 years for modern technology.
So: 30 years Multiplied by 10 Divided by 400,000 years = 0.00075
So 30 years is 0.00075% of 400,000 years
Now 365 days in a year Multiplied by 400,000 = 146000000 Days.
0.00075 Divided by 146000000 = 5.1 Days.
So in equivalent and relevant terms of time, we have technologically evolved in the last 5 Days.
In Lebanon - The ruins of Baalbek, according to Arabs said to have been built by a tribe of Giants for the Biblical King Nimrod consists of rocks no modern Crain can lift today.
The history of settlement in the area of Baalbek dates back about 9,000 years.
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
Albert Einstein.
"Nothing is as it seems. Nor is it otherwise."
Lankavatara Sutra - Mahāyāna Buddhism
There is no greater mystery than this; that being the reality we seek to gain reality.
Sri Ramana Maharshi (December 30, 1879 – April 14, 1950)
The universe is endlessly going through creation and dissolution. But that does not affect the Self. The Self is beyond time and causation. Creation and dissolution are in time. In reality nothing else exists. ASTAVAKRA SAMHITA – Chapter XV - P98