2012-10-07 13:55:49 UTC
Would it not make more sense to:
1) Simply never have “tested” Adam and Eve since god knew they would fail before he tested them. Adam and Eve were not created as deities because god didn’t want equals so he knew they would fail and prove themselves inferior.
2) Simply let jesus rule during his first visit instead of allowing him to be murdered and making everyone wait for his second coming to rid the earth of evil.
3) Just admit that we puny humans are a bad idea and destroy everyone with the flood and start over on a different planet with and put a soul in a different species.
I can go on all day with other things god could have done to avoid the murder of his son and I only have the imagination of a mere mortal and not a god! It just doesn’t make any sense that he would sacrifice himself or his son to protect us from a wrath that HE is threatening us with. Please explain because this is really not making any sense.
Did jesus really die for our sins or was he just a man that got murdered for saying he was the son of a god?