Doesn't it get annoying when people try to convert you to some other religion?
2008-07-05 19:42:31 UTC
I was on a chat room the other day, and some girl out of no where sends me a private message saying, "Hey, are you a Christian?" I said "no." And she kept telling me "you need to convert or you're going to hell. All the other religions are man-made. Follow what Jesus says." And I just recently found out that Christiantiy is a man-made religion. But I DID find out that Chatolic was mad by Jesus. (Jesus told someone...I think it was peter...I forgot the build 'the church on the rock.' or something.) And sometimes it annoys me when the mormoms come to my door and tell me that Catholics worship idols, which we don't....and ya....

but atheist (or anyone), do u find this annoying?? what do u do when people try to convince you that you're wrong, and their religion is right??
269 answers:
†Army Ranger†
2008-07-05 22:43:03 UTC
I agree that kind of evangelism is completely of base, on par with door to door type of things. The best way to "convert' someone is by example of your own actions, and how you yourself reacts in helping the community and people around you.

I don't go out shouting to people if your not "blank" your going to hell, surprisingly not that effective.

At the same time I am not afraid to talk to people about my faith if they want to. I wear a crucifix to let people know my faith and let them have that opening and invite them to conversation through my actions.

Edit. Congrats on 200+ answers, I guess it helps that your question has been up on the top slot for 3 hours. ;-P
Pedestal 42
2008-07-06 00:24:48 UTC
No, not really...

It's when they do it BADLY.

There are alternate vewpoints out there and I'm not about to insist that mine has to be the absolutely correct one, but it's the one I believe on the best grounds I've been abe to turn up.

I'm happy to debate the evidence, my conclusions and my methodology, concerning that.

I also understand that there are faiths, notably Christianity, where believers are under an injunction to share their beliefs, and that they are being inconsistent if they do not.

But formulaic unthinking spouting of religious dogma, with arrogance and condescension in many cases, and very rarely any hint of reciprocity in consideration, of actually listening, now that's just appalling and off-putting.

(What caps it is when some of such individuals announce that they expect a rejection, as "persecution", as " the offence of the Gospel", when it's not the message but the offensiveness of the messenger that's the primary problem.)

This is far from all Christians or all faiths...

But when it occurs, and it does, yes it's seriously annoying.

To put it mildly.
2008-07-05 23:23:26 UTC
I grew up Christian, even though my family didn't regularly attend church or anything, and when I got older I started realizing that I didn't really believe in all of the things they were telling me. I have a lot of friends with different religions (one of my best friends is a Jehovah's Witness, and another close friend is Wiccan) but none of these friends has ever tried to get me to convert. I am no longer Christian, or religious at all for that matter, but I find it extremely annoying when other people try to convert me. I have the utmost respect for people of different religions, but I can't stand when they force their's on me. I've tried to kindly tell them I'm not interested, or that I have different beliefs, but most of them just tell me I'm going to Hell, which is kind of ironic of them since they're all about the Greater Good and all that jazz. What upsets me the most is when religions separate you from your friends and family, saying you can no longer be friends with this person because they don't have the same beliefs as you. It's then that I am usually forced to drop those people, no matter how much I don't want to.

Overall - yes, I do get very annoyed. And it upsets me when they don't accept my choice with an open mind. Isn't God supposed to give you an open, accepting mind? Why do they give me that ultimatum - do it or go to hell? It's not very friendly, really.
sungpei h
2008-07-06 00:25:49 UTC
i dont believe in any religion.

Because their gods are all powerful and almighty.

However, they just can't manage their money.

they always want a little more money.

Donation and donation.

And don;t you find it interesting?

Most of the prayers take place on Sunday (God's day off)

l mean that's just part of the reasoning that i have the patience to write. There is a whole lot more of the incompetence of God being.

But l agree with you.

Those religious people are really annoying
2008-07-05 23:00:34 UTC
Yes, I do find it annoying. I am agnostic, and I don't believe that us humans can really and truly comprehend how the earth, universe, and humans came to be. I mean, how do we really know--we don't. This is why I don't have a religion because we cannot possibly know these things.

Now, I went to private christian schools for eleven years. So when those christians try to convert me, I just quote the bible with them and point out flaws.

Or--Let's say they tell you that you must be baptized to be saved. Well then I would tell them--In at least two places in the bible, it says that all you have to do is believe.

I was dowtown the other night, and a bunch of Southern Baptists pulled me aside. We argued for about two and a half hours.

Now, I have three Southern Baptist preachers in my family--so I knew what they had to say, and I was prepared.

So again I say-Yes, it is annoying because every religion truly believes that it and it alone is right.
2008-07-05 21:49:46 UTC
No, what sucks is when you are forced into a religion while a child...I was confirmed by the Lutheran church earlier this year, against my will. One full year of Mondays was wasted on something I didn't believe in. I have recently discovered that Buddhism is the right religion for me. Up until today I was atheist, but I guess I still am because in Buddhism you don't worship anything, just follow a set of rules, very reasonable laws at that. So, not trying to push it on anybody, but if you're looking for something to believe in, but not some hardcore religion, check it out. Again, not trying to push anything, your life is up to you.
all star
2008-07-05 21:37:57 UTC
For some, it just means they care enough about you that they want to share what they believe to be true. Others do it for the sake of being accountable stewards of God's word. Of course, if you reject the opportunity to hear them, then they should back off. Otherwise that would get annoying. Many people have tried to share their version of the truth with me, but it has never annoyed me.

Suppose you died one day and found out that those who tried to share the gospel with you actually had the truth after all. How would you feel? On the other hand, how do you think you would feel if someone who had the truth decided to keep it to themselves?

When people try to convince me that I'm wrong and they're right, I usually attempt to have a calm discussion about our differences. I don't mind hearing from someone else as long as they don't mind hearing from me.

BTW, are you really gonna read all these answers? Looks like you won the Yahoo lottery!
2008-07-05 21:32:37 UTC
If I'm not pressed for time, I find some amusement in the door-to-door missionaries.

The most fun I ever had was a few years ago when a couple of impeccably dressed young Mormon missionaries came to my door. I live way out in the woods, at the downhill end of a long, steep driveway, which is significant in this story.

As soon as I answered the door, it was obvious who they were. It was quite a hot summer day.

At the time I had two large Newfoundland dogs. I knew from experience that if I let them get out the door, they'd run off to explore the neighborhood for a couple of hours before returning.

So I "accidentally on purpose" let them do that. Then, with a distressed look, I turned to the young Mormons and said, "Oh, my goodness. They got away. Please help me catch them!"

Off they went at full tilt. It took them about 20 minutes to snag the dogs and bring them back. By that time they were soaked through with pespiration and thoroughly disheveled.

I thanked them profusely, and offered them some iced coffee (which of course they declined.) I think that was the end of their missionarying for that day. So I did my neighbors a big favor.
2008-07-06 00:08:25 UTC
She is really silly and stupid if she is doing it like that , I never try to talk about my belief unless I personally know the person and if I see that he/she can understand what I'm saying , I just don't like to waste my time with stupid people . If I talk about my belief with anyone I do it from the point that I wish good to him/her , that I care , but I don't give a damn also if they didn't care or they weren't convinced , I'm not God and you can't change the world , I believe if I can help I'll do it but in a good and wise way not forcing my belief in the throat of anyone .
2008-07-05 21:47:07 UTC
I do find it annoying. I'm a Muslim and wear the hijab. People come up to me and say you poor dear you must be made to wear that scarf on your head. Maybe you should find the right God. Well I use to be a Christian and the reason I left was because the bible contradict its self and no one could tell me why. Also Christian's (that i knew) say that Jesus says "I am God" when I have read the bible and not once did i see that in there. He says "we are children of God" and "I am a child of God" but all religions came from God. In Islam we have prophets. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Jesus, Abraham, Noah, Adam, and so on. And its said that each one prophet we had they came with something from God. Prophet Mohammad with the Qu'ran Jesus with the Bible and others. Even tho I am a Muslim I believe that all the religions started off right but man has had a hand in them for years they found a whole book of the bible and wouldn't put it in because it contradict every thing man had written in the Bible

I hope this helps a little well just from my point of view
2008-07-06 00:41:50 UTC
While I think it's really ignorant to speak publicly about your religion's superiority and to put down the beliefs of others, that's really what "believers" should do. If you believe in something with all of your heart, and you honestly do think that another person is completely wrong, of course you're going to say something if you're not a reserved sort of person.
2008-07-06 00:26:30 UTC
No-one has tried to convert me since I was 19. I'm 46 now. Of course, I haven't converted anyone either. There are few people I discuss my beliefs with outside this forum. If someone approaches me, or comes to my house, I am usually able to send them on their way nicely. In real life people seem to sense a spiritual aspect of me on their own. I think it kind of makes them ... leery? to "bother" me.

I never have people here try to convert me. Perhaps, they too, see the futility.
Rev. TomCat
2008-07-05 22:05:07 UTC
I personally listen and learn. I have studied other religions and it is interesting to me to learn first had from them.

I read the Quran and discussed it with a doctor friend of mine and felt some what threatened when he asked me if I was ready to convert. It is not that I would not be willing to learn more, but I have made a personal commitment to Jesus because I have decided over the past 40 years that There is one who taught about Love more than any other I know and what he said really you can't argue too much about if you want to believe in God. Even if you just want to read his words and follow them, it is way more cool that some of the stuff out there. I just take the best from a lot of religions. It is fun to me, but I know the feeling you get from pushy people.

People just want to share what they believe. Let them. That does not mean you need to convert. Just say no thank you.

Rev. TomCat
2008-07-05 20:52:01 UTC
It's really funny out of all the Religions there are the Catholic Church is the only one that will not try to convert you. If your interested in joining you have to come to them. If you go to Mass no one will ever know whether you are a Christian or an Atheist. No Priest will ever look and point at you and tell you your going to Hell.

That priest at Obamas Church will never speak out like that again or he will be removed from his duties for good. That is not what a priest learns at the seminaries in the Catholic Church..They don't use scare tactics to get you to join the Church. That is completely up to you if you care to find out more about the Churches teachings.
She said
2008-07-06 00:24:37 UTC
I find it annoying to but i am not an atheist. Dont assume people with a belief in God find it OK for others of other faiths to try and convert them too?

I dont like Christians or Jehovah's Witnesses knocking my door especially when i am in the middle of cooking dinner or on the phone why is it not annoying for me? But i am not offended by it they are just doing what they believe is right.

Its not part of my faith to try and convert people and i never tell anyone they are "wrong" for what they believe and that my faith is right?

Obviously i believe its the true path otherwise i would not be following it but others paths are for them to find themselves they are at liberty to see all the information the rest of us do.
B Knott Wildered
2008-07-05 22:55:51 UTC
Actually, I rather enjoy it because I typically can ask some seemingly very innocent but ultimately extremely challenging questions, and can generally do it without the person realizing I probably know their faith better than they do. I love it when Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormon missionaries come by, and if I am honestly too busy to talk to them then, I will set up a time for them to return and then welcome them in. I have made numerous friends that way, and more than a few have embraced my faith. I once was told that the Mormon bishop in my area actually warned new missionaries away from my house, and even though I repeatedly, openly and directly asked him to come by, I never saw him. At least until I accepted an invitation from a missionary friend to come to a service. I think he may eventually have also become a Baha'i, though I do not hear from him now. By the way, you should have seen that bishop's face when I introduced myself. My friend had earlier quietly pointed him out and then right after the service discreetly disappeared.

Here is a link you may or may not find interesting, but I did and put a "slightly" longer answer in for that one.
2008-07-05 23:47:39 UTC
I'm christian and I hate it when people try to shove their beliefs down your throat. Catholic wasn't made by Jesus. Jesus was Jewish... Catholicism (or Roman Catholicism at least was really begun by Constantine after (long story short) he converted to christianity because he won a battle that he asked God to help him win. That girl was ignorant and though I believe she was wrong to diss all other religions that way I do believe that people have to believe and trust in God to go to heaven. the "build the church on a rock" thing,,, that was a metaphor for putting a solid foundation beneath the christian faith.
2008-07-05 22:49:01 UTC
Hi, I just got back from church, maybe you can try it someday.

Basically to sum up what she was trying to tell you: The way to heaven is not by any religion by Christ. She's telling you to convert not to religion but to faith in Christ.

(anyone) And it may get annoying, however, no OTHER religion has tried to reach out to me. I only had Christians coming up to tell me about Jesus. So I would say they should be right.
2008-07-06 00:43:44 UTC
I just tell them my point of view on heaven and hell.

I've come to the conclusion that heaven is actually where most people like me dont want to end up :)

You know those uptight clubs that have really strict regulations? (Kinda like heaven right?) they're not even worth getting in, with the stupid rules and limitations you cant have any fun.

Heaven: Cold and windy, Lame people and goody goods.

Hell: 99% of the worlds populations gonna be there, i mean theres one thing every religion agrees on. that they're the right one (There can only be one)
2008-07-05 23:23:38 UTC
Yes I agree that when someone tries to covert you into something they don't even know themselves why they believe. But something that you need to know. The Catholic church was created 1054 A.D. Jesus did not create the Catholic church that is a Heresy. They kept changing their doctrines for years and years. Power corrupted the Pope. God did not give power to one man but to the church. The only faith kept as the original is the Greek Orthodox for 2008 years. Need to search a little bit your history. Just because most of the Christians are Catholic doesn't mean that it is right Church in doctrines. And as I said before the Catholic has created so many man made up doctrines that you must be blind not to see them
*♥* MissLaniz[TSL]
2008-07-06 00:32:09 UTC
I HATE THAT!!! Im the complete opposite of religious. I hate it so much when people come door-knocking and stuff!

And when you here things on tv like the news or something with all these poeple saying 'This should not be happening, this isnt what god wanted' BLAH BLAH BLAH. Get over it. ITS ALL FAKE.

When people come to my house i get my parents to answer the door and they just say 'Dont waste your time. It's fake.' and close the door on them. I love it. Its hilarious.
2008-07-06 00:21:41 UTC
I am now a Christian, but I was not converted by those telling me, "You're going to Hell." Even though their statements were true, they came across as if they wanted me to go there. Therefore, they did more harm than good, and might have come back to Christ sooner had they tried a more loving approach.
Snake In The Grass
2008-07-05 20:57:48 UTC
I (politely) ask them to back the heck off. I'm pretty tolerant, I think theists find it hard to comprehend that saying "you're going to hell" has no effect on someone who doesn't believe in hell. It's that non-belief that's so hard to understand for them, and I try not to get too mad when people try to convert me, because I find it equally hard to understand their beliefs.

Sometimes I think they'd have more luck by telling me how it will change my life on earth, rather than telling me I'm going to spend an eternity in pain if I don't follow Jesus.

It's best to try and look at things from their point of view. To them, it's as if we're (athiests) throwing away a chance at a peaceful and happy afterlife. I know how annoying it is, but their intent is a good one,even if it comes across as harassment.
2008-07-05 20:44:26 UTC
Lol, yes, I do find this annoying. About a year ago, I had the same Mormon church group come to my door 3 times in one day... AHHHH!!!! First it was the old ladies @10 a.m., then two teenage boys @12:30, then a group of FOUR girls @ 5:00 p.m., two girls about 17 and 20 one about 14 and the youngest about 9!!!! IF YOU ARE A MISSIONARY, YOU SHOULD NEVER DO THIS, WE non-going-to-church-folk FIND THIS VERY AGGREVATING!!! WE WILL ONLY THROW YOUR PAMPHLETS IN THE GARBAGE! Save some paper & the Earth! Check up with your group members who are going door to door and make sure that you're not knocking twice!
2008-07-05 20:29:00 UTC
You can be diplomatic or annoyed. How you respond depends on you. Religion or denomination is not the key to God. It is faith and having a personal relationship with God through Jesus.Anytime someone wants to discuss or talk religion there is no need to get aggressive or defensive. Talk about agape love- how it can be manifested more in the life of those who profess faith in Jesus. Challenge the person to love enemies and those who are 'unloveable' or hard to love.Faith without hope,love and positive action is futile. Try it and you will see a difference.
David S
2008-07-05 23:41:54 UTC
No, I don't find it annoying. If anything, I am impressed that someone would be concerned with my spiritual well being enough to want to engage me in a conversation on spirituality. I enjoy a lively discussion on the subject; it's always educational.

By the way, when Jesus said "You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church" he was referring to himself, not to Peter. This is apparent in the original Greek.
2008-07-05 23:14:54 UTC
I personally am a Christian myself. But i DO find it extremely annoying when other people of my religion try to shove Christianity down other peoples throats. There's no problem with sharing one's faith but there is a point where it's too much. If someone obvisouly doesn't want to talk about it or care to listen, they should stop talking about it and change the subject. Trying to talk more about it will just annoy people. And make them most likely even more annoyed by their religion in general.
οὐρανοῦ πολίτη
2008-07-05 22:01:04 UTC
Well, she's not a very good evangelizer. There's a much better way to approach bringing someone to Christ. She's trying the fire and brimstone approach; not effective. It's not done out of self-righteousness. It's out of our fervent love for you. We understand from our experiences that life away from God is no way to have to live and ends in a horrible afterlife. We are trying to help you not fall into this like many of our friends and family have died and perished into the Grave.

However, she needs to understand that she is not the Savior. We do not save people. Christ saves us. He took our failures upon Himself so that we do not have to follow sinful lives into the Grave.

She needs to learn that you do not bring people to the Savior, you show them the path and let the Holy Spirit use you to work in them.

You got a beginner. She had her experience. Now she needs to grow and let the Holy Spirit work with her and let her words not be her own.

It's not that our religion is right and your's is wrong. is, but that's beside the point. =D It's that Christ has saved us and we are called to get the word out that Life is available. The End is coming. Jesus will return as He promised and we must be ready for Him.
2008-07-05 23:20:21 UTC
That girl is a b word. I'm a Christian. And Christians don't "force" people to convert. We evangelize and stuff but if people don't want to convert whatever. And Catholism is good but bad at the same time because they also worship the saints. And I don't know if it was "man-made" or not but where did you hear that?
2008-07-05 21:19:56 UTC
Yes, Peter started the church, but he was not the be all end all. Mary Magdalene was actually given that charge and the closest confidant of Jesus(being his wife and all). Of course the patriarchal society of the day, they could not and would not let that happen, so she was rolled together with some other Marys and conscripted as a "ho" in the king James version and is preached as a reformed sinner, etc. This is what happens when people with political agendas are allowed to run amok.

Good luck with the catholic thing. When you are ready to think for yourself, start with really studying your own religion. I think you are in for a shock!

and yes, it is annoying.

p.s. I am not trying to "convert" you away from christianity, just want to warn you that the Catholic church was founded and is sustained by humans, which means of course, it isn't perfect and has a political agenda just like any large organization.
VAndors Excelsior™ (Jeeti Johal Bhuller)™
2008-07-06 00:45:27 UTC
Religion gives legitimacy to intolerance, hatred and terrorism, be it verbal and national. A platform for power seekers to vent their frustrations.

So far removed from the perfection of the Christ's or Mohammed's word.
2008-07-05 22:09:51 UTC
In their own twisted way, they mean well.

So I don't let it get to me.

They don't understand how condescending it is to essentially be told: "Oh, but your beliefs don't have any value, you see... Thank God I'm here to tell you about the true faith".

So they are more deluded than annoying, really.

Patience and compassion.

As a Buddhist, there's a joke I heard, which I find quite funny. I don't mean it to disparage anyone, just as lighthearted fun:

You see, JudeoChristians only get one existence on Earth. That's why they're always in such a hurry.
2008-07-05 20:30:06 UTC
Yes, its because everyone thinks their religion is th right one and everyone else's is just a lie. i don't mind educating people about my religion but i don't try to convert them. its actually forbidden in my religion to make someone convert by force. I am Muslim BTW, and i know no body will believe what I am saying because they listen too much to CNN and Fox but that's the truth. So yea, I agree with you.Wow! I just check back on the question... Whoa! 79 answers!...I guess lots of people have a lot to say on this topic..
2008-07-05 21:27:31 UTC
I am an Atheist meaning I converted out of Christianity and a lot of other things. So, what they say I am going to hell, I tell them I am already there so, when I die I will just be dust, worm food and no longer. I have the last word and not them, cause it is my life.
2008-07-05 20:00:46 UTC
No, I don't find it annoy because they were an @$$hole. It is not fair to me because I never tried to convert anyone to other religion and I respect them. Right now, I treated them like a little more sh!t becuase they treated me like a sh1T, it p1ss me off. Whoever religion mofos who called me wrong, I'll just ignore them because they can waste their time on blah blah fu*cking bullsh!T!! I'm sorry about swearing but I don't give a f*ck if stupid mofos reported me.
2008-07-06 00:04:20 UTC
It's more than annoying. I have a protected right called freedom of religion. If someone else's religion was that great they wouldn't be trying to convert me, I would be bothering them to let me in. The very fact that they are looking to get more people should tell you something.....
2008-07-05 23:04:31 UTC
Though I am a Christian, my answer is yes. Especially when the person trying to convert you does not walk his talk.

I would say actions speaks louder than words.. All religions teaches good values - yet the world is such a disaster.

People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
2008-07-05 21:49:31 UTC
I used to get in huge 'debates' with other people about religion, but then I realized that their not really interested in hearing about my opinion, just preaching their own. I know that most Christians think they do this for our own good. That's why now I kindly tell them I don't discuss religion, since my relationship with Deity is my own and not really their business. Usually, if they are good Christians, they back off then and we can be friends. If not, then I just walk away or ignore them if they start talking that way.
2008-07-06 00:33:49 UTC
My friend, you said it so right. There are people out there trying to convert others to different religions. I think easy way to deal with such people, is to say "show me the proof is what you say is true". and trust me they don't have anything to show because many of these religions are "man made" where they end up contradicting with one another...

God Bless humanity... Ameen.
2008-07-05 22:15:11 UTC
I discuss what they are saying as an intellectual exercise. In the example you gave, I would say something like, "I don't believe there is any such place as hell. Where would it be? Why would it exist?" I'd argue that any god worth worshiping would not set up such an unjust system of punishment and reward as is depicted by the Christians.
2008-07-05 21:02:53 UTC
No I dont get annoyed. I can easily identify falsehood. Oh, another thing that statement you made about Jesus making the Catholic church is also not True. Thought you ought to know that before you go on believing it. For one the Catholic church was established 300 years after Christ was resurrected to heaven by one Emperor Constantine. Do research, you'd be glad you did.
2008-07-05 20:18:13 UTC
As a pagan, I think we are more targets for the christian extremists than the atheists. We seem to cause them some insecurities being as for the most part we are open about our religion and live by our beliefs. I guess they feel the need to be competitive with us, but generally, we do not recruit or try to convert.

I did have one workmate that was one of the extremists and when she heard I am a pagan, ( she never noticed the pentagram I wear openly ) she took on a crusade to save my soul. Within a week, I not only had her questioning her beliefs, but asking to learn more about various pagan beliefs. I did not want her to have problems in her family, she had children and it would have been unfair to cause them problems, so I then talked her back into being a christian. She was humbled and gave up on converting people.
2016-10-07 05:39:40 UTC
I as quickly as grew to become right into a spiritual Christian and my real venture each time I utilized for a role grew to become into to hold God there. yet then I observed how this crazed believer indignant my mom and sister IN PUBLIC by making use of saying, "Oh God spoke to me and advised me to tell you he loves you and he desires to alter you". So i desperate to easily throw away evangelism reason that's utter disrespect for the ideals of others. does no longer mean you think of you're genuine you're rather genuine and deserving to push it down somebody's throat.
2008-07-05 23:08:17 UTC
I find it annoying the people tend to think that the catholic church is the only church and that it is the correct church

tell them No

I also find it annoying that this question seems to be reappearing also



See...I go back to the home page and BAM....there it is again...your must have magic powers or something....{I'm kidding, I know Y/A is messed up right now}
Gina G
2008-07-05 22:47:44 UTC
Definitely annoying especially when i'm being told to convert so that my life will be successful, meaning financially sound. can't really say it's a stupid way of getting people to convert especially when the members of this particular religious group are mostly rich people. they can be very convincing to certain types of people. i wasn't convinced. these people are so financially sound that they use their resources to attract other rich people while their building of praise is standing right opposite squatters -young and old- who are living under a bridge surrounded by black, polluted and foul-smelling river water.

my relatives and members of this born-again christian sect have tried to get me back several times. i just smile and turn a deaf ear.
Niklaus Pfirsig
2008-07-05 22:43:18 UTC
I find it somewhat annoying.

In his book "Stranger in a Strange Land", Robert Heinlein had a major character by the name of Jubal Harshaw who was a self-admitted agnostic. In explaining his religious point of view, Harshaw explains that each religion claims to be the one true faith, and that most religions proclaim an end of time where only the believers of the one true faith will escape eternal torture.

What if the end of time happens tomorrow and the one true faith turns out to be a religion that no one has practiced in centuries? Harshaw was simply waiting to find out which faith to convert to.
2008-07-05 22:36:39 UTC
I'm Catholic and I can't stand it when people/groups (because sometime they hunt in packs) try to convert/witness/save...or whatever else they want to call it. Even if I was they type to be converted, being hounded and told I'll go to Hell because I am Catholic is not the way to convince me or anyone else I know.
Rich W
2008-07-05 22:32:05 UTC
It seems irritating when people try to tell you you need to be saved or you will go to hell... I know.. I used to be there. myself. I didn't need anyone to tell me about Jesus. I was seeking truth and was open to receiving it. I did receive it and am a Christian!

As far as Jesus making the Catholic church, promising it to Peter, that is not really true or accurate, since there is no office of Pope in the Bible and the Catholics try to force that on everyone.

It was Peter that Jesus said He would build His church. Peter never called himself pope or father. He called himself a servant of Jesus Christ. The office of Pope did not arrive until the mid 15th century. The first man to hold the office and title was Gregory 1 also called Gregory the Great; No one before him held the title Pope , which came from the Italian papa meaning daddy.

Don't let anybody push their beliefs on you. If someone warns you of something they are privy to and you adhere to their warning, you are wise. If someone tells you if you do not accept Jesus you will go to hell, they are telling you for your benefit so you will not miss out on heaven
2008-07-05 20:40:14 UTC
I find the pervading presence of Evangelistic Fundie Atheists here, trying to pull down God, destroy faith, and call all people of faith childish or morons, to be annoying.

They come to an area set aside for Religion (Which they say they aren't) and Spirituality which they haven't got.and make no claim to it)

These Fundie atheists band together like a pack of piranha or timber wolves, trying to cull out the weak and pull them down. They are missionaries for humanism, existentialism and nihilism. They have the brass to complain about being imposed upon, and converted against their will. They enter areas and questions aimed at people of faith and interject their belief in nothing, trying to pull down belief in God as foolishness, and in general disrupt those interested in spiritual dialogue. They are pervasive, and intrusive on this site, and sit self satisfied, judging others who would have the effrontery to challenge their beliefs. Poor atheists.
God's Special Lady
2008-07-05 21:30:20 UTC
I am not religious but I have a relationship with Jesus I am just glad I am on His side and not the side of the devil. My take on it. Your choice but I am not to judge you but there is a heaven and there is a hell. People choose where they are going. I choose heaven. I dont follow a religion I follow Jesus a person.
Ellen J
2008-07-05 20:31:49 UTC
No, because they believe very deeply in what they are doing. Why would I be mad at them for following their conscience and beliefs?

If it's a religion I disagree with I will tell them that there is no chance I'm going to convert but I'd be happy to sit down with them and discuss (or argue) what they believe and why I believe what I believe.

If you are Catholic than I would suggest that you find out something about your religion because you don't seem to know anything about it now. The fault lies with your church which is not teaching you anything about your "faith." You can't really believe in something if you don't know anything about it and what it stands for. Ignorance does not please God.
2008-07-05 21:36:01 UTC
i am atheist, the other day my catholic brother tells me i am going to hell, i said, 'groovy, nice knowing you'

i use to get extremely annoyed, anymore i try and consider that they are only saying what they are out of concern, what they believe comforts them, as my beliefs comfort me

and when we are all dead, what does it matter? if they are right it is too late to do a darn thing, and if i am right, i will be dead, and i will no longer be here to have opinions

but yes, it is horrrendously annoying, when christians even on the internet, are bound and detirmined to try and save me, i have been know to blast them pretty hard, like one of my answers which was deleted yesterday! lol, oopsie, oh well
Shi Tao Jailed because of Yahoo!
2008-07-05 21:28:51 UTC
This is just like the soda machine giving me endless sodas last month.

I can't seem to find a place to address the outage.

I can post here...

There is a form to post on the bottom of the page.

Is there a better answer page?

bugs bunny
2008-07-05 23:45:51 UTC
It is so annoying, when you are trying to take a nap and the doorbell rings just for you to find out it is the very people you never invited to your house? They have no decency or respect of others. I think we whould put signs out that if they are preaching the word of their lord they should pass your house.Go annoy the neighbours.
2008-07-05 21:52:06 UTC
I follow the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu.

I have been told by many that I will burn in hell, which always makes me laugh, because "hell" is a christian concept and one that I do not believe in.

I have discovered that it is much easier to kindly tell people, "Thank You for your input. I will consider it."

Anything else will get a firm "No Thank You".... as in "Would you like to have some literature?" or "Would you like to come to church with me?" or "Can I come in and talk to you about God's word?"

"No Thank You".

It works wonders!
2008-07-05 21:13:15 UTC

I hate when people try to convert me. It happens all the time, everyone wants you to be like them, to believe what they believe. I think to them, it validates their faith or something. I consider myself Agnostic. I believe there is a God, but I really don't believe in any specific organized religion. And that's exactly what I tell people if I'm asked.

BTW, that girl on the chat sounds like a complete lunatic.
Robert K
2008-07-05 21:09:15 UTC
Yes, I do find that extremely annoying. I believe in God and love Jesus, but I think my spiritual/religious beliefs are a personal matter. I find it equally annoying when atheists try to put down people of faith and act like we're all just a bunch of gullible, lame, backward, naive, etc. yahoos because we've decided, for our own reasons, that God exists. Quite obviously, there's room for a lot more understanding on all sides.
2008-07-06 00:01:22 UTC

yes it does.

It's not like they're approaching you like a friend.

they're like door-to-door salesmen.

People who really believe in "giving a glass of water to the least of my brothers" are taken in by this awful tactic.

It makes me mad that they reduce God to the value of a bristle brush, or of a vacuum cleaner.

There are so much better things to do. I began turning them away when I realized their entire doctrine is set up to refute the teachings of the Catholic church. "There is no trinity" "Mary is not a virgin" "You can't celebrate anything" "Christmas is a pagan holiday."

I had a vision once that there was a river of darkness in this world, and it oozed from town to town and village to village, coming to the very doorsteps of the people, causing them to be in danger, their souls raped and pillaged like a Vandal raid on Ireland. Everything is stolen, and Justice awaits upon the rise of the hill of the valley.
Dancing Witch
2008-07-05 23:23:33 UTC
Extremely annoying! When will people realize that 90% of the time, instead of accomplishing what they set out to do in trying to convert someone, all they end up is frightening people away!
2008-07-05 22:56:49 UTC
It's always annoying, but generally, just not something worth worrying about. Usually, I just tell the person, "Sorry, I'm not interested in changing my beliefs." If that doesn't keep them quiet, I ignore them. People like that just need to learn how to respect the decisions of others, and keep their religion to themselves.
2008-07-05 20:55:09 UTC
What is really annoying or sad, is the ignorance regarding Jesus

and what He means to mankind. Never mind all the religions or whatever you want to call them. Do not look there, but look at the Man who said "I am the Truth, the Way, and the Life".
2008-07-06 00:00:07 UTC
We all have the right to our own oppinions. That is America. Freedom of speech. Sometimes that can be annoying whatever the subject is. If you ask a question, expect someone to answer it. Even if you don't like the answer, it is food for thought.
2008-07-05 20:53:11 UTC
I'm not atheist, but I find it annoying when I get singled out by people who think they need to preach to me. I even find it annoying when people that are the same religion that I am do it. For some reason, it seemed to happen more often when my kids were babies or when I was pregnant. Why can't people just accept that I've reached my own conclusions? If heaven is going to be full of people who are only one religion, that seems like it's going to be a very boring place.
2008-07-05 20:35:01 UTC
I know many people don't like others coming up to them trying to convert them and the truth is nobody is going to convert you, that is a personal thing for you to go through between you and God. But, believers our suppose to lay out the truth that has changed them and present it to everyone, and even give their testimony. We shouldn't continue on if you don't want to hear it anymore, the total opposite is suppose to happen, we our suppose to leave you alone and pray for you and yes be the light that you speak of, and through your holy lifestyle on an everyday basis , people might see that and how nothing rattles you and how you always our loving and never put your faith down and always trust the Lord. People might see that and change, but it will be overtime. We our suppose to be annoying or persistent if you don't want to hear it, wipe the dust of our shoes and go on. We plant the seed and somebody else waters the seed and then and only does God give the increase or change anyone. If we truly believe what we believe we will spread the Gospel to everyone with love and compassion but also telling them the truth of hell and their sin and how they our under the wrath of God because of their sin. Jesus died on the cross and took the wrath that we would take in hell for us on that cross the whole worlds sin, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me." God the father turned his presence from Jesus while he was on the cross because he could not look upon sin and Jesus was dying for our sin at that time. That is what he did for us, thats gift of God to be accepted into everlasting life in heaven or in hell.
2008-07-05 20:02:44 UTC
I'm not an atheist but I must say one thing concerning the conversion attempt. The girl who responded should not have said that you were going to Hell. No one on earth can make that kind of judgment. Only God can decide if you will go to Heaven of Hell.

I am going through bible study with the Jehovah Witness. Although I do not believe everything the JW is exposing me to, it does force me to take a closer look at my religious beliefs and take a position on the what I believe the bible is teaching. In that respect no matter what your beliefs or non-beliefs it is a good thing to use what others has to say as a way to examine what you think you believe. Reconcile it in your heart and then teach others.
2008-07-06 00:10:49 UTC
Yes but fortunately it doesn't happen often to me
2008-07-05 21:53:40 UTC
Allah says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And Allah hears and knows all things.” [Sûrah al-Baqarah: 256]

Allah says: “If it had been your Lord’s will, all of the people on Earth would have believed. Would you then compel the people so to have them believe?” [Sûrah Yûnus: 99]

Allah says: “So if they dispute with you, say ‘I have submitted my whole self to Allah, and so have those who follow me.’ And say to the People of the Scripture and to the unlearned: ‘Do you also submit yourselves?’ If they do, then they are on right guidance. But if they turn away, your duty is only to convey the Message. And in Allah’s sight are all of His servants.” [Sûrah Âl `Imrân: 20]

Allah says: “The Messenger’s duty is but to proclaim the Message.” [Sûrah al-Mâ’idah: 99]
2008-07-05 21:52:43 UTC
I am a Christian, and I believe in Jesus Christ, 100%, but I DON'T believe that people should try to force you, or scare you into Christianity or any other religion. The bible teaches us to be loving and caring in sharing of our faith. And ultimately, it is your decision to accept what they tell you. But I do pray that you accept and believe the truth of what Jesus did for you, and how much he loves you. :) I hope this helps. :) God Bless You!!!
2008-07-05 21:36:25 UTC
It's annoying and it's scary. Some organized religions have a history of killing nonbelievers. Some cults have resulted in mass suicides. What do I do when i'm confronted with a conversion agent? I tell them I'm a mexican witchdoctor, a curandera. They get wide eyed and give me my space.
2008-07-05 21:06:01 UTC
It annoys me when people keep talking about religion when they know your not that into it. I'm the same religion as my Mother-in-law but i've made it quite clear that i'm not a churchgoer and am not that interested in it. She has told me I will go to hell because I don't go to church. That in itself was annoying but to top it off, she hardly goes to church herself. Very hypocritical. No-one has the right to judge anybody else in these circumstances. I made it quite clear to her that I would be the first to help a stranger in need of help which I feel would make me more of a better person as opposed to going to church every Sunday. On the other hand my mother-in-law would just step over that same stranger and ignore them. Is she in a position to judge me? I THINK NOT!!!!!!!!! So in answer to your question, stick to your own belief and tell them that religion is about living in peace and harmony and acceptance.
2008-07-05 20:33:53 UTC
It might be annoying to some people that they try to convert you to some other religion but sometime people do convert. I ran into some people that are Assembly of God and they try to get me to convert to their brand of Christianity but I told them I just didn't want to Convert to their brand of Christianity at the time.
Third Successor
2008-07-05 22:47:26 UTC
Not really, they have good intentions. If I thought someone was going to burn in hell forever I would try to help. But that's just for the sensiblie, respective ones, not the screaming idiots who talk about how awful I am.
Becky L
2008-07-05 22:36:44 UTC
I find it highly annoying.

My first line of defense is proudly flying a US flag on my front porch. Most of those who come knocking skip by my place when they see the flag.

As to those who attempt to get me into a 'discussion' about religion, I act stupid and cheerful for about 30 seconds, then I refuse to play and leave.
2008-07-05 20:33:38 UTC
I tell them I'm not interested and go on my way. I've never been a religious person, so I let them know they're wasting their time. Many years ago, my dad said something to a Jehovah's Witness at our door. To this day, I don't know what he said, but they avoided our house for years.
Vivian D
2008-07-05 20:01:54 UTC
I usually have an answer. I am a Christian. If they told me that I was going to go to hell if I didn't convert, I would tell them, that's fine with me, because if you look up the original meaning of hell, it means the GRAVE. We are all going to end up in a grave one day. I don't know why you think Christianity is a man made religion, we Christians go by what is in the bible, and the bible is a letter from God to his children, instructing them on how they should live their lives. I don't take mans word for anything, I check things out for build the church on the rock (Jesus IS the rock) so in other words, believe in Jesus. I have No idea what Chatolic is. When Mormons or JW's come to my door, I just sit at my computer, and watch them walk up to the house and knock on the door. They can see me :)..they don't knock too long before they take the hint and go away. I do get a chuckle when they walk away with their heads down, they don't want to look my way because they know that I am sitting right here :) husband will open the door to them, and before they even get a word out..he will tell them..I AM NOT INTERESTED..and they usually just say, thank you sir and walk away, either way, it works for me :)
2008-07-05 23:37:02 UTC
I find that it opens a dialog which gives you the opportunity to ask them hard questions. I welcome the opportunity! It can be quite pleasant, and often times the people are quite nice and sincere. They often can't answer my questions, but being able to plant any seed of doubt is a good thing.

Unless they're doing it at 8am on Saturday! Then that is just rude!!
2008-07-05 22:07:47 UTC
Most of the time its mildly annoying and I just let it go through one ear and out the other.

But one really P***ed me off. Somebody put a flyer in my kid's Halloween candy. I inspect her candy before I let her have any so I was able to intercept it. It really angered me that somebody was telling my 3 year old daughter she and her family were going to burn in hell because we don't follow their religion.
2008-07-05 21:13:01 UTC
2008-07-05 20:52:52 UTC

I get so annoyed when the evolutionists lay their lies on me. "Science says says that..." when obviously they've never worked the formulae nor read the actual reports for themselves and are just repeating what their teachers told them. "Evolution is not a religion"...oh, please. That's the biggest lie of them all.

I've been hearing the same evolution crap for 30 years. But I'm glad the light at the end of the tunnel is visible. With the last 25 years of genetic research totally disproving evolution, the data is spreading among the scientific community. When the general population is allowed to see this, evolution will finally be junked along with it's younger cousin spontaneous generation.

As for the other religions, they don't bother me so much - as long as they're honest. Being an American, I firmly believe everyone is entitled to their religious beliefs AND freedom of speech. The "market place of idea" will sort the wheat from the chaff eventually.
Once Confused
2008-07-05 20:33:29 UTC
I'm just curious. Would you have felt the same way if Jesus or his disciples had come to you with their message? There are some that share that same message out of love and also because it is a direct command from Jesus himself. (Matthew 28:19,20) Jesus said GO... make disciples. Not wait for them to come to us. He sent his followers out preaching when he was on earth, and never said this message should be stopped. Yet. Be glad about that. It's not too late... yet.
2008-07-05 20:19:31 UTC
It is very annoying. As a matter of fact, Jesus said that many false prophets would arise in the last days. Watch out for false religions and don't let them suck you in.

Just read the bible and obey it. Don't listen to those religious fanatics, unless of course you discern they are telling the truth. If you listen to someone like Ray Comfort for instance, he's telling the truth.
2008-07-05 21:08:23 UTC
I think it goes beyond annoyance, it's actually a blatant insult to your most personal and private belief system. I feel that anyone who is bold enough to tell me that all that I hold dear to my heart is wrong and distorted is strong enouh to be told to P*** Off.
δฬєєԏเᏋ ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙
2008-07-06 00:57:59 UTC
Oh yes I do find this annoying more from the fundamentalists and Mormons, Misconceptions and misinterpretations too!.

Even yahoo agrees with you I hope you turned your email off, I think the question has broke yahoo LOL
Wesley B
2008-07-05 21:35:26 UTC
Yes I do I am a Spiritual Satanist (see and if you want to know what that is)

I don't push my beliefs on anyone nor do I want to. Everyone has free will and I am not sure my beliefs are for everyone anyway. So yeah I say to each his own if you are a Christian Mormon Jew or something else and you want to push your beliefs on me I say you are the one who is insecure cause if what you believe is so true why should you need to try to convert me cause would not it be obvious also for Christians there is growing evidence that Nazareth did not exist until 25 to 130 years after Jesus was born so I would suggest you check out your own beliefs before telling me or anyone else about them cause you may end up sounding like an Idiot to that person if you don't.
2008-07-05 21:34:22 UTC
2008-07-06 00:18:57 UTC
Catholics do this to me alot and yes it is very annoying I am not going to just pick a religion just because if i'm wrong i go to hell i refuse to beilieve that i did at one point

now i am constantly insulted indirectly by people saying "O, We will just pray for you, since you're going to hell" although i don't believe that hell exists i do know that they do and by saying that they want me to burn for a couple billion years yea.... thanks
2008-07-05 21:49:58 UTC
It depends on the means of how they attempt to convert me.No, I don't get angry at somebody just because they want to share there faith and hopefully get you to be interested in becoming whatever it is. All you need to say is " No thanks". I can't really say much about the people who actually do get angry at people for that. I can understand if they are interrupting you or bothering you at your house.Getting angry at them when they haven't done either of those things is just rude.
2008-07-05 20:07:55 UTC
Yes, it's annoying. It's also very intrusive and assuming, for someone to proselytise that way.

ALL religions are man-made (although most of their respective adherents would argue that their particular flavour of deity tells them that their religion is the only true one).

When someone starts their conversion act on me, I walk away (or close the door, in the case of door-to-door proselytisers). If it's in a public place and they follow, I ask them politely to go away. If they refuse to - and I've never had to do this - I would go to the nearest security guard or authority figure and report harassment.
2008-07-05 23:09:26 UTC
I must say I find it annoying when muslims try and convince me Christianity is false I have read the quran and it convinced me the bible is the truth. but you must seek God for yourself no one can make you accept any faith.

Jehovah's witnesses and Muslims are the only ones I have had trouble with.
2008-07-05 20:05:44 UTC
Maturity is not relative to just one thing.

In the personal experience of knowing God in ones life fills the heart to over flowing it reaches the point it cannot be contained then spills over into everything one does. As we become more mature in this as with all things we learn to share in ways that are more acceptable and by following the inner guide this is much more comforting to us personally.

I would hope that we can see all others as a brother and forgive in our hearts their errors as we would any one we love in life. Even if one is not religious thay still love and want love in return.
2008-07-05 23:55:01 UTC
yes i know what you mean. They call us statue worshipers even though we do not we do not worship the statues. And I always get people at my door and on the streets trying to convert me, usually it's protestant religions, from my experience.
2008-07-05 22:09:54 UTC
Yes. For as many people of religion who feel assured that THEY are going to heaven and YOU and I "aren't" why is it that of ALL religions none of them have been good EXAMPLES over the many centuries of their existences? To date over 200 MILLION peoples can be counted as having been SLAUGHTERED by these religiions yet they go around telling people they want to "save" them?

What many of them should DO is concentrate on the hypocrisies of their faiths and save "THEMSELVES" by learning to be HUMANE in their judgments of others because only the supreme entity above has the answer as to whom he find "acceptable" and whom he "doesn't."

By evaluation of the ancestry of all religions NONE of them believe in a SUPERIOR "God." For this all you have to do is read of it's behaviors written by it's own servants.

Jesus, whom I deem a wiseman, said it best. "Let the blind lead the blind and whine up in the ditch."

When mankind IN it's RELIGIONS portrays an entity superior in it's holy words to persons on this planet and SHOWS that which defies logic it will be too late. By then all these "holy ones" will kill each other out of their own judgment and probably take the rest of us with them BECAUSE no government will stand up to stop all their spread of violence and hate...................
2008-07-05 21:36:58 UTC
I get annoyed when Atheist tell religious people they are wrong.. when they believe in nothing! Who made them general manager of the universe?

I feel that my life has meaning and purpose.
2008-07-05 21:23:05 UTC
Not anymore.

They are coming from a totally different perspective than we are...people like this honestly think they are "helping" us by trying to convert is. I just smile, nod, and walk away. I have my own set of beliefs, so unless these people threaten me or try to harm me, it doesn't bother me at all.

The more agitated you get, the more it gratifies them and makes them feel more "holy" or "persecuted". Not to mention, convinces them further that all non-Christians are nasty people.

2008-07-05 20:45:05 UTC
You don't have to be atheist to find this annoying. Christian religions vary greatly, and people tend to think their own religion is the right one. I know I do. (LOL! :-) ) Anyway, people are always trying to convert Christians over to their form of Christianity, and, yes, it is very annoying.
2008-07-05 23:37:00 UTC
Beware of those who would try to convince you to convert to their religion. Converting someone is the act of ramming words into someones ears until it comes out of their mouths.It is an act of spiritual rape and an assualt on your freedom
2008-07-05 21:44:15 UTC
I don't mean to give you this answer and say, "My answer is THE ANSWER", but I am going to.

When a person becomes a Christian, it is their duty to tell others that they need to repent of their sins, come before the Lord, ask forgiveness, and ask Jesus to be their Lord and Saviour, being He died for our sins. Perhaps this person in the chat room was pushy.

I grew up Catholic. I believed, till I was 18 years old and went to college, that I would never know the answer to whether or not I was going to hell or Heaven. I would always live in fear on the unknown, and "hope" God chose Heaven for me. I knew I had to go to church every weekend, or it was a huge sin and I could not take communion until I asked forgiveness and went to penance.

What I discovered, when I became a Christian at the age of 18 years old, is that if we really do repent of our sins, ask forgiveness and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, that we can truly have assurance that we are saved and going to Heaven. My family and people I knew growing up in the Catholic church had a hard time believing what I shared with them, and my parents had a WORSE time accepting that I did not want to be a Catholic any longer. I found that I missed out on too much of God's love and acceptance of me, and I would not go back to a church that has tons of man made rules and does not share the message of salvation. I am sure there are Catholic churches out there that do share salvation with the people, but mine didn't. I had to be good, or I was going to hell. That was my mindset. Now, I am free. I am assured by faith thru Jesus that I am saved, a Christian and going to Heaven. I don't have to go to church and ask a priest to forgive my sins. Jesus set me free when I accepted Him in my heart, and I can go to God now, ask His forgiveness, and He will completely forget my sins I asked forgiveness for. I do not have to do penance, because Jesus did that on the cross for me. You can email me, if you like, I can share more with you. I believe walking in love, is the best way to share salvation with others. I will be your friend, and answer any questions you may have. Take care...
Bob H
2008-07-05 20:23:52 UTC
Story: So I'm walking down Hollywood Bl, and this guy starts touting "Dianetics". Have you read it? sez he, expecting a "Why no, I haven't". Instead he got a much too loud: "Yeah, it really sucks". That was probaly the most interesting thing to happen to him that day,
2008-07-05 20:10:28 UTC
hell yes!!!! it is so annoying, it makes you go from being indifferent and respectful to their point of view to just straight up disliking their religion all together.

it's not just christians though i have had some muslims try to convert me too, i thought i was going to get a delicious shwarma and some salad and ended up with a koran.

jehovahs witness drop by your house and want to give you these retarded a$$ comic books and 6 page brochures even though you tell them you don't want them.

don't ever try to humor yourself and get in a debate with these people either, because the end result will be a bunch of verses from the bible or whatever and then the patented "your wrong and your going to hell" . so hell yes! it's annoying.
2008-07-05 20:25:49 UTC
I am starting this new religion, you may have never heard of it before but it you want to live a peaceful afterlife you need to donate $5000 to:

Routing #: 1009209393

ACCNT#: 29090494095

Otherwise you'll burn forever. Please join or suffer.
2014-09-25 19:53:08 UTC
Though I am a Christian, my answer is yes. Especially when the person trying to convert you does not walk his talk.
2008-07-05 22:36:50 UTC
Huh!? Well, all religions are man made, God never told us to divide ourselves into religions and groups and pray to him in an invisible form, or through his son or through idols! And another thing, praying to idols is not a sin. According to Hinduism, using idols to worship God just for the purpose of concentration is allowed, and yes, Christianity does idol ism to a certain level. Pictures and statues of Jesus Christ and Mother Mary? What about those? It's all a part of idol ism. I don't see idol ism as a sin, if it's prayed for concentration purposes. And anyone who tries to force another person into their religion, is a complete loser. He/She is just forcing you to believe in their faith. And yes, it is pretty annoying when someone brags about their religion as if it's flawless! Aarrghh... RELIGION IS MAN MADE AND IT ALWAYS HAS ONE OR THE OTHER MISTAKE IN IT, NO RELIGION IS PERFECT!
Rogue Scrapbooker
2008-07-05 22:30:26 UTC
Indeed I do... it's no one's business what I believe and I get quite annoyed when people want to pass laws based on their beliefs that will affect me and those I love (like banning gay marriage, for example). That just forces others to abide by the religious beliefs of one group and it's wrong.

Just let me be... I prefer facts to their "truth" any day of the week.
2008-07-05 21:24:18 UTC
Yeah, it is annoying and its a very retarded thing to do. There's no justification to it. No matter how much a person love their own religion, it doesn't meant the entire world must love it as well..

and who are they to judge who's going to hell? I hope they are the first to burn in hell for acting like a retard on purpose.
2008-07-05 23:37:32 UTC
I find it especially annoying.

But I have a fool-proof plan for them to not try to pester and shove their religion on you.

Everytime, I'd annoy and pester them to become atheist first, and make them so mad that they'd avoid me next time.
2008-07-05 22:00:32 UTC
There's only one true religion.... and it has always been theee most popular... and always will be... sex, drugs, and hard acid rock.

Even the tales in the bible, they're just like the hard acid rock songs... stories of astronomy, astrology, and most important of all psychedelic enlightenment through psychoactive plants/drugs.
2008-07-05 21:37:47 UTC
Nobody can convert anyone else. We are only messengers - only God can convert a man's heart. It does however need the person to make a decision.
freedom fighter
2008-07-05 21:10:26 UTC
yeah i do find it annoying. with me being muslim i have people emailing me telling me that i'm oppressed and or going to hell and that i should be Christian and then i'm like guess what i was raised christian and my whole family is so there's nothing i don't know a/b the religion but i don't remember being so judgemental. i even had an atheist email me and basically said i shouldn't believe in any religion. my philosophy in life is to respectfully disagree w/ people. i've met nice people of all faith or no faith at all on here but man you do get some crazies on here. it's amazing the amount of hate talking a/b religion gets on here. and i love it when people give you thumbs down just b/c they DON'T agree with you or b/c they hate your religious beliefs. i see this mostly w/Christians and atheists. i believe we should just respect one another.

watch how many thumbsdown i get just for saying i'm muslim. lol

i remember last week i was waiting for the bus and a christian guy tried to hand me a pamplet i was like no thank you and then he tried to give it to my husband w/ the same answer. and we were like gee we're obviously muslim,so why even come over to us.
Dream Killing Keith
2008-07-05 23:10:43 UTC

In America we always have to deal with Jesus Freaks and all their pamphlets! Being attacked by Mormons wanting you to follow Joseph is not a joke!

This is powerful....OH, YEAH!
2008-07-05 22:20:37 UTC
I'm a Christian, but as soon as they find out that I'm Catholic, it's the same scenario, so I know what you are going through. I tend to tell them thanks, and they can pray if they want, but I don't think it'll help one bit.

Dang YA must be stuck
Ŧєçħηĩċøιøΰŗ.. ̈́¤΅ £ητ̈́єřρŗĩşє
2008-07-05 23:49:37 UTC
=\ What's Catholic again?

Telling people that they're going to hell if they don't 'repent' is NOT a very kind-sounding way to go about it...

I think of God as being a welcoming person who wants you to want to know him, and for you to want to listen to what he says.



Just wondering, but what do you mean by Christianity being Man-made? (You don't have to answer, and sorry if I sound rude... =\)

Sorry ya had a bad experience... God bless ya!
2008-07-05 22:50:54 UTC
it never ceases to amaze me how so many people with so many different ideas can have 100% certainty that their way is the one and ONLY way .surely if we are all created by god ,we would all get to heaven , regardless of the road we took?

oh ...and.....yes it does annoy me when people try to convert me ,why do they think they have a monopoly on who gets to heaven?
2008-07-05 21:54:17 UTC
yes, this annoys me about Xians no end. I have read their Bible cover to cover, every single word, so I can, and do, turn the table on them and use their own religion against them. They usually go away questioning their faith.
2008-07-05 20:21:02 UTC
I am a Christian. All you need to do is to tell them, "Treat others as you want to be treated. YOu do not want me to try to convert YOU. Don't you try to convert me."

That ought to do it. Good luck.

I've had atheists send me messages telling me I am stupid for not being atheist and that I need to let go.
2014-06-13 12:24:10 UTC
Of course, if you reject the opportunity to hear them, then they should back off. Otherwise that would get annoying. Many people have tried to share their version of the truth with me, but it has never annoyed me.
Fibio the Torturer
2008-07-05 23:53:04 UTC
Hopefully i do not offend anyone by saying that it is rather annoying. Why do they try and persuade people. It is your choice what religion you choose. Why must they knock on your doors?
Ryan K
2008-07-05 23:41:39 UTC
God does the converting. Jesus told us to preach the Gospel.
Lilith of the Garden
2008-07-05 22:00:38 UTC
Yes, that's why I like paganism. It preaches that if someones religion makes them happy and isn't hurting anyone, it is wrong to try and take it away from them and show them yours.
2008-07-05 21:55:35 UTC
Not at all!

I've been black-balled by the Jehovah's Witnesses (and others) because I welcome them with open arms.

I've personally de-converted so many of them (to atheism) that I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have a death warrant out for me.

All of the religions are wrong and I can prove it.
2008-07-05 21:46:04 UTC
It is truly annoying! What makes these religious nuts think anyone WANTS to convert to their religion? I sure don't! They should keep their religion to themselves!
2014-09-19 20:20:14 UTC
I would say actions speaks louder than words.. All religions teaches good values - yet the world is such a disaster.
2008-07-05 20:50:58 UTC
Atheist are religious and they try to convert us to their religion all the time.
2008-07-05 23:48:47 UTC
Would you rather they say nothing & leave you to your own


I do not agree with threatening hellfire & brimstone, but telling

people of their choices is another matter, after that the choice

is theirs & they can be master of their own fate to their own

detriment, but at least you have warned them.
Karema Midnight Atheist
2008-07-05 23:25:08 UTC
I politely tell them I am not interested in their nonsense. I don't get annoyed by such drivel. You shouldn't let such little things annoy you. There are much bigger issues out there to become annoyed over.
2008-07-05 22:50:25 UTC
Coming onto your computer is almost as bad as COMING TO YOUR DOOR! Only you aren't wearing your housecleaning shorts, hair a mess, koolaid smile and kids let them in!

Someone online annoying?

2008-07-05 22:45:19 UTC
I actually don't find it annoying because I'm sure of myself and I'm sure of my beliefs. What does annoy me though is when people put me down just for what I believe in. Peace!
Neil M
2008-07-06 00:32:02 UTC
We should go around to religious peoples houses with a carton of beer and convert them to atheism. At least we could get drunk with them. What comes around goes around.
What? Me Worry?
2008-07-05 23:09:42 UTC
I simply advise them that there is not sufficient empirical evidence to support the hypothesis of a god and/or gods. That stops it cold, because there isn't. I believe that which can be proved.
2008-07-05 20:15:54 UTC
yes it does but sometimes just let the person know that you believe something else....then you will get into a convo about it.....they will understand the deference between the 2 religions
2008-07-05 20:14:00 UTC
i am agnostic and i dont like it when people try to "show me the light" its all bs if you ask me.

i had a jehovah witness lady tell me that i was going to "pay on judgement day" because my premature daughter needed multiple transfusions.

i told her to kiss the fattest part of my ***. i also told her if i go to hell for saving my child's life, then i will go with a smile of my face. people like that should be banned from talking

religious people should leave others alone and let them live their own life.
iggy rocks
2008-07-05 23:19:07 UTC
wow I just cant believe how many answers there are!!! far out!! yeah it annoys me!!! it doesnt happen too much here in Australia through so its ok!! I am always as polite as I can be, but if they are rude to me it dont mind bringing it on!!!
2008-07-05 23:10:26 UTC
Of course it's "annoying". I have seen by example of family members who are more charitable than I am that if you show such persons true hospitality (invite them in, offer them food, really listen) they rarely try twice.
Solly Llama NOR★CAL R&S
2008-07-05 22:08:27 UTC
This doesn't happen to me.

I think looking like a throwback to the 60s frightens people.
2008-07-05 21:58:42 UTC
I'm atheist , and when people try to convert you to another religion i find it humorous.

You ask them a question, and question about the religion, they say god did it.

Except of course: Buddhism, and Islam its Allah
Rallie Florencio C
2008-07-05 20:36:30 UTC
You can be frank with them and they will understand that you are not interested. Do not try to say anything for or against their belief because they are trained to get you into lengthy talks.
2008-07-05 20:27:39 UTC
I am an atheist. I never try to go out and change peoples religion, but if they do that to me them I will prove their religion wrong.
2008-07-05 20:09:21 UTC
doesn't usually happen to me, but my son came home from grandma's talking of dead people, jesus and howhe doesn't want to go to heaven. I was annoyed. I was trying to keep him from these terms until he was older.

Now I feel I have to run out and teach him about all the religions and he's too young to really get it.
2008-07-05 21:23:16 UTC
Catholics are not the only ones who worship idols. The cross is an idol...a sacred object of adoration not to Catholics only but also to Protestants and Mormons. The apostle warned "Little children guard yourselves from idols."

Catholic Idols (objects of devotion) are used in worship, they are also used to bring safety and blessings to Catholics. The same applies to Protestants.
Billie V
2008-07-05 20:51:44 UTC
I'm jewish. And i find it annoying and insulting when people try to convert me.

In class this year a girl told me i would burn in hell because i didn't accept Jesus as my savior.
2008-07-05 20:03:29 UTC
Yes it is. Thankfully I don't deal with it often unless I come onto the R & S forum. Fundies and atheists alike try to convert me everyday.

Born-again Christians are the worst though.
2008-07-05 20:02:45 UTC
It's annoying that this question has been at the top of the page for 20 minutes.
2008-07-05 23:57:20 UTC
ohh it does annoy me!!! anyways..... has anyone noticed that the questions aren't being posted since like 4 hours ago??? what is going on????? i posted questions and they aren't up yet, and the only way for me to get my say out there was by posting an answer....
2008-07-05 22:21:49 UTC
Those people don't see that they are the problem by shoving their false beliefs in your face.Its a religious form of harassment.Do your best to ignore them.
2008-07-05 21:06:48 UTC
Hell yeah, it's annoying. If my "no thank you." doesn't get the point across, I tend to start being more bluntly truthful about what I feel about being that person's religion.
2008-07-05 20:41:49 UTC
I see it from another perspective. It is always pleasing for me when one tries to convert me. I feel as if a friend of mine is caring about my future. Because he / she wants me lead a life which is good for me according to his/her belief.

I never discourage such people. But I remind them that they shoul not be illogical.

I question them about their belief and way of life. I study their dogma etc. I learn a lot in this way.

I am a muslim.
Pray for the Redskins
2008-07-05 20:15:36 UTC
I think when that happens, and as a Catholic in the Baptist Bible Belt it happens often, it makes you have to know why you believe what you do. It sort of solidifies your beliefs.
2008-07-05 22:41:10 UTC
well, just like any asshole, I ignore is too short for that BS.....they don't understand all the time they are missing by making true human connections with the only life they got....fools...
2008-07-05 23:36:21 UTC
Yeah, and that's hella obnoxious. But, I guess in a screwed up way, they think they're trying to help.

Some people can't help it. They're just a little ignorant.
2008-07-05 23:31:18 UTC
I hate it when they do that. And they wont leave the door until they've convince you to be one of them. And when you go rude cause ur pissed they'll think your a bad person.
Somewhat Enlightened, the Parrot of Truth
2008-07-05 20:21:00 UTC
There are religions today that exist SOLELY to put down the Catholic teachings.
2008-07-05 23:52:03 UTC
Hell yeah because A) I dont know what theyre talking about when they speak of this 'God' person. B) they should just leave you the **** alone!!
2008-07-05 23:32:11 UTC
I'm very annoyed when Xians tell me I am not a complete Jew until I accept Jeezus.

It is beyond annoying!!!!!
2008-07-05 23:13:06 UTC
I have no problem with people trying to convince me I am wrong, I just have problems with people trying to tell me he/she is right without substantial evidences.
2008-07-05 22:01:21 UTC
yeah it does get annoying... alot of ppl try to get me to convert to alot of different religions.... but i like mine... and i trust what the bible says. when this happens to me i usually just pray about it and ask God for the strength to follow what i believe and for reassurence.
Taylor M
2008-07-05 21:00:05 UTC
Okay so I am a Unitarian Universalist which if you don't know is a religion where you can believe in whatever you want and you should respect others religions and fate... and i choose to be Buddhist/atheist. I find it extremely annoying when people say "ahhh i don't want you to go to hell" or "its okay your still loved". So pretty much i just ignore those people enough until they just drop it. But it can be extremely aggravating!!!
2008-07-05 20:43:09 UTC
Jesus said "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church."

Barely two minutes later he called Peter the devil, cause Peter said something that pissed him off.
2008-07-06 00:18:34 UTC





Sue Ellie
2008-07-05 22:33:08 UTC
yes, it is annoying to have another denomination to come to my door, i just politely tell them that i belong elsewhere to church and they try to leave their booklets, i hand it back and ask them to save trees, unless it is winter and i could use the paper to start my next fire in the stove.

Aetheist or not, Judge not so ye not be judged.
2008-07-05 22:01:31 UTC
It gets very annoying. I personally don't care for religion, but I am for freedom for your religion, just preach to yourselfs. i don't wanna hear it.
Elise R
2008-07-05 21:11:18 UTC
Nobody likes being told they are wrong. But put yourself in their position. If you knew/believed that if a person did not believe in God (etc. for other religions), they would go to hell, wouldn't you go warn them? Wouldn't you want to save people from a place like hell?
2008-07-05 20:48:21 UTC
yeah, really, really annoying! every like 6 months these jaovah witnesses that live down the street come to my door. my family always says the same thing: "no, but say.. have you thought of converting to catholicsm??" we like turning the tables on them!!
2008-07-05 20:12:35 UTC
If you talk to anyone about their religion, they try to convert you. They have the world already figured out and what part you should play in it.
Sucre Noir
2008-07-05 22:42:52 UTC
Sometimes. I'm a Christian, and I'm tired of atheists on here giving me crap.
2008-07-05 22:00:28 UTC
Yea...its VERYY annoying.

Its one thing to spread knowledge about your religion,

but trying to get someone to convert is just stupid IMO.
2008-07-05 21:30:28 UTC
yea most religions do that! haha

its pretty funny but annoying too

i dont really believe in anything but i dont tell people what they think is wrong or try to persuade them to think differently

i just question them sometimes
Bella Z
2008-07-05 21:21:05 UTC
Jesus did NOT form the catholic church. Man did after Jesus died. The real church is not the catholic church. By the way, the only reason Christians (REAL Christians, mind you) try to convert people is because we know they will go to hell if we don't. Look at it this way--you're in a burning house with someone, and they are sleeping. You're trying to get them to wake up so they won't burn to death, but they just rub their eyes, look at you, and tell you to stop messing with them. Messing with beliefs? Why? Because Christians are trying to save you from eternal flames? Right. Whatever.
2008-07-05 21:17:30 UTC
I find it interesting when someone wants to talk to me about what they believe. If someone wants to convert me, it shows they love me or care about me.
2008-07-05 22:43:46 UTC
Sometimes, I just ignore it become a jerk and walk away during the conversation.
the Bruja is back
2008-07-05 22:20:40 UTC
it is very annoying ot me, especially atheists who try to tell believers that they are wrong for believing what they believe. i also hate when christians say "youre going to hell". that is so much crap godd. yes its annoying. that being said, i wnat to invite you all to join my religion, becuase yours is wrong and i fyou dont you're going to hell LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
2008-07-05 22:13:11 UTC
oh god that is so annoying. it should be a sin to try to make someone change your religion. there are people who are very quick to force their religion on you. shame on them
2008-07-05 20:37:43 UTC
The best thing is not 2 say a word - just punch them in the face & walk away.
Elder H
2008-07-05 20:10:05 UTC
Yes I do. It is VERY annoying.

Rev. Dr. Donald Betz D.D.

Interfaith Minister and Pagan High Priest
2008-07-05 21:36:43 UTC
It annoys me when anyone tries to get me to do anything that they feel is "right" long as I'm not harming anyone or anything, "Live and let live!"
2008-07-05 20:56:33 UTC
yes, it can be. Still, I let them talk and say thankyou but I know I will be with my creator in the end. I don't tell them she has a consort because if I did I would never get rid of them.
prince kyoopid of authenticity
2008-07-05 20:27:47 UTC
There is the option of being one of my princesses, but you have to pass the test of love >>>>-------->?<3
2008-07-05 20:16:01 UTC
ofcourse it is anoying, ur having a nice after noon nap after reading some of "the god delusion", and some anoying chrch people wakes u up and tells u your soul needs to be saved while you don';t even believe in such thing as souls
Dont Have A Grand Son With A Dog Collar
2008-07-05 23:53:24 UTC
Salt is always annoying.

Figure that out.
2008-07-05 23:40:42 UTC
Yeah, that makes me angry! So, would you like to convert to my religion? JK
Atheist Mafia (AM) Henchman
2008-07-05 22:56:16 UTC
I find it as a source of great entertainment.
2008-07-05 21:13:49 UTC
yes its annoying

especially when people knock at doors trying to convert me to become christian? and its stupid lol
2008-07-05 23:25:38 UTC
Yes, I just tell them I am going to put a foot in their booty.
2008-07-05 21:48:19 UTC
yes, it does unless you want to change it and ask some one to explain about his/her religion. but as you said she was in chat and it is not so important.
paula r
2008-07-05 19:56:55 UTC
yes/ i do get annoyed/ i try talking w/ them about my beliefs since they asked/ then i just walk away/ I am walking in the Only true religion there is. People can join me or not, no pressure.I don't go door-to-door, nor bug anyone. Truth be told I rarely mention it. But I expect to be able to share if asked or if someone is in need.
2008-07-05 23:58:59 UTC
I treat like I do any other spam, such as webcams, selling me long distance, whatever.
2008-07-05 20:44:27 UTC
start reading and studying the bible and see what God is saying to you. If you are a teen join a teen bible study and make good friends for life.
Just Ragles
2008-07-05 20:05:05 UTC
Yes, it is annoying being told that you are evil, wrapped around Satan's fingers, that you have no morals, etc. It gets old, so I mostly ignore it.
Diane (PFLAG)
2008-07-05 21:57:02 UTC

Who broke Y!A?

Was it the squatting monkeys? It's been said they tell no lies..

Are you the lemon?
2008-07-05 21:40:04 UTC
Humans need to grow up and use logic to exist. All religions are human creations.
Dances with Unicorns
2008-07-05 20:57:58 UTC
Yes, it does get annoying. I don't spend any time with people who want to convert me; why would I willingly do so?
2008-07-05 20:52:10 UTC
I just listen to, them I like to hear what others believe. Dosent mean I have to convert.
2008-07-05 20:32:58 UTC
You know that never happens to me often do you give your opinion on something when it is not asked for?
2008-07-05 20:04:25 UTC
Yes, especially mormons.
2008-07-05 21:20:55 UTC
You do realize if you are Catholic you are Christian right? But I do agree with you it is annoying.
2008-07-05 21:14:51 UTC
Catholics are Christian.
2008-07-05 22:00:51 UTC
hell yeah i have my beliefs but i dont try to get other ppl into and i just respect their stand
2008-07-05 21:25:33 UTC
yes i know in life every thing is voluntary and if you dont want to its on you and even if you tell them leave me alone they dont just try harder im sorry for your in convience in life
2008-07-05 20:14:37 UTC
Yes, it's very annoying. I would have simply typed, in response: rofl!! That would probably have given her pause.
2008-07-05 20:02:48 UTC
2008-07-05 20:19:17 UTC
shouldn't be, as long as you know who you are in Christ, than it should not bother you. when the lord is in control, it doesnt matter what they say. the bible says, to avoid foolish and unlearned questions. get a relationship with Christ and learn who he is.
2008-07-05 20:16:24 UTC
I was a catholic all my life but am no longer. Yes, catholics do worship idols just to let you know the cross is an idol.
the Ol' Foolosifer
2008-07-05 20:14:36 UTC
Even the Catholic Church is man made.

Yes, it bothers me if any religious denomination tries to reform me. I am Native American and I try to follow our traditions. When they start, I tell them this and if they keep it up I leave or ask them to.
2008-07-05 23:41:05 UTC
absolutely not, i consider it humorous how they try to get you to convert

its like they tried everything,

i mean whats next, bribery and seduction?
2008-07-05 20:08:38 UTC
no one has the right to force into you their beliefs and i tell them that straight away. sometimes it could really get annoying and force-sell their literature that you have no choice but slam the door on their faces.
2008-07-05 20:02:22 UTC
yah like the Quakers wanted me to because it could lower my cholesterol by 2 points in just 6 weeks

get outta here!
2008-07-05 21:43:21 UTC
It doesn't bother me I am firm in my faith, and I tell them so and wish them a good day

2008-07-05 21:26:03 UTC
i think it is fun. i usually go to OTHERS' doors. i am a witness, and love it when people tell me i am going to hell.

i have BEEN to hell. it is in michigan.

2016-01-24 05:32:00 UTC
2008-07-05 20:48:48 UTC
Yes, your religion is your own business.
Rob R
2008-07-05 20:29:30 UTC
you don't argue with someone like that you ask for them to have a nice day and be on your way...
Colt L
2008-07-05 23:31:27 UTC
if someone were to bring it up in conversation then thats fine, i just hate when its shoved down your throat.
Imma Eat Chu
2008-07-05 20:15:42 UTC

but I usually just let it go


look what you did you broke Yahoo Answers!!!!!!
Luke Weiss: knight for Jeanne
2008-07-05 19:51:27 UTC
you're ugly on the inside and the outside

and this is attention seeking

do you justify your atheism as a means to act like a ho?

thats what most atheist women do isn't it, lose faith so they can justify their sleeping around?
2008-07-05 20:39:52 UTC
I find it not only annoying but insulting.
2008-07-05 21:19:36 UTC
yeah i agree. no need to push something i will never believe
2008-07-05 20:11:11 UTC
I'm sorry that people try to witness without love.

The message is right, but it should and must be given in LOVE! Remember to seek Jesus in love, and He will be everything wonderful to you!
2008-07-05 20:36:15 UTC
Yeah,I so hate it! I mean come on you make Christian's look worse then they already do.Jesus doesn't won't you to be forced to him but to chose. So PLEASE stop making us look so bad & judgmental,cause it's not helping us.
2008-07-05 20:22:18 UTC
it is annoying, and it isnt proof that their religion is false, but it makes me dislike their religion even more
Cecille RokKonzert#
2008-07-05 22:20:04 UTC

annoys the hell outta me :]
sulaimaan ibn ya'quub
2008-07-06 01:35:24 UTC doesn't bother me...i love allah [god] ta'alaa.
2008-07-05 20:10:50 UTC
2008-07-05 23:02:03 UTC
It sure dose
2008-07-05 22:06:16 UTC
Catholicism is the one and only true religion

You will know how to respond to disbeliefs, as you educate yourself and your soul.

God Bless
2008-07-05 21:49:51 UTC
no because thats there choose i dnt really kare personally
2008-07-05 21:43:48 UTC
yes it is very annoying
2008-07-05 19:59:03 UTC
Yes, I am Catholic and I am amazed how many people do not believe we are Christians and try to convert me. I t was Peter, and he was our first Pope. Even though I think the Catholic Church is the right church for me, I know some very holy people who are other denominations. Conversions come from leading a grace filled life not from threats and force feeding doctrine.
Jungle Boy
2008-07-05 20:59:36 UTC
It is annoying when a religious person speaks as if they know God....what a crock!!!
2008-07-05 20:30:52 UTC
2008-07-05 21:23:07 UTC
2008-07-05 19:54:18 UTC
I find it very annoying, thankfully I don't ever have to deal with it too much other than the occasional spammer in a forum or two
2008-07-05 21:01:31 UTC
Oh noooooo. She asked a question. If you didn't like it delete it and move on. Stop making a mountain out of molehill.
2008-07-05 22:50:45 UTC
idk, hehehehe. i see that u'r happy being a catholic, but it wouldn't hurt keeping an open mind, would it? and besides, catholics DO worship idols and stuff.
2008-07-05 21:37:50 UTC
ur so going to hell for this
2008-07-05 21:22:38 UTC would be annoying...i guess you could put on some decent cloths...that might help...good-luck..jejejejejje
2008-07-05 21:07:34 UTC
It's kinda arrogant to assume that your "god" is the one true god and the thousands of other gods are fake.
2008-07-05 21:34:17 UTC
Randy R
2008-07-05 23:25:18 UTC
take off yer shirt.
2008-07-05 21:17:28 UTC
2008-07-05 19:58:11 UTC
Yes, it came be pain in the a$$, especially when you work 3rd shift and they wake you up in the morning.

And when I tell them that I'm saved, they try to convert me to their church and can they have a donation...

One of these days, I'm going to answer the door naked, covered ketchup, with a machete, screaming "Your late, you got the sacrifice!!!" :-)
2008-07-05 19:58:14 UTC
ya man,. but thats life. it comes from the survival extinct; kill or be killed. in this case. convert or be converted. we all exercise that through conscious and unconscious means.
2008-07-05 20:38:21 UTC drives me crazy....i will change for no one....blessed be!!****
2008-07-05 20:03:04 UTC
yes. i hate it sooooo ******* much.
2008-07-05 19:51:30 UTC
No, I don't find it annoying; I enjoy the dialogue.

Someone who is going to go through that much trouble will be VERY interesting to talk to, even if we find that we disagree.
2008-07-05 19:50:47 UTC
Agnostic, thanks so much for asking. I find it annoying that anyone thinks they can possibly know, one way or another.

To think we puny-brained mortals can comprehend who, what or how we came to be is the height of human folly.
2008-07-05 22:04:31 UTC
.......its just a chatroom,but yea.
2008-07-05 19:55:52 UTC
I wouldn't be afraid of an email evangelist...if I were you.....

You can delete them and go on your merry is the

fanatic ...radical...fundie...who gets in control of the government...and demands compliance...and conversion...or death.....

Choose your fights.....
James C
2008-07-05 19:54:15 UTC
I AM , the master of my fate, the captain of my soul and responsible for only my journey, good or bad Too many religionist wish to take their missionary positions to others.!!
Holy Crap!
2008-07-05 19:54:01 UTC
I just tell them that the virgins are arriving soon to jump naked over the fire with me. No Christian tries to convert me after that. (Although a few HAVE tried to get invited to my "parties")
2008-07-05 19:53:45 UTC
Oh yeah. People try to "save" me almost every day. It's sad, I seem to know their religion better than they do, and when i point out it's obvious flaws and inconsitancies they get deffensive and mad.
2008-07-05 19:51:11 UTC
Conversion is annoying.............people actually think religious variety is a bad thing..................."There can only be one"
2008-07-05 19:49:02 UTC
I had a telemarketer hang up on me once after 30 minutes of debating the bible and i kinda had fun with that.
2008-07-05 19:54:40 UTC
I think that this annoys everyone, including religionists.
2008-07-05 20:10:36 UTC
2008-07-05 19:50:37 UTC
I am a Christian, but I don't think it is right to tell someone he/she is going to hell.

that would be judging someone and we should not judge anyone.
Michael K
2008-07-05 19:47:47 UTC
Yes, so in retaliation, I try to convert them to Pastafarianism or to the Church Of The One Winged Angel of Latter Day Summons.
2008-07-05 19:47:03 UTC
It's not so bad, especially when you know enough about the religion in question to pass as a member.
2008-07-05 20:01:37 UTC
i hate them so much
2008-07-05 19:58:59 UTC
If you are annoyed by such things, what are you doing on this forum?

Are you a glutton for punishment?

There is no need to be annoyed if the person speaking is doing so out of the sincerity of his heart with a good motive. I should think that if you had come into a knowledge of the truth, you would want to share it with others, unless you are a selfish man. But if you have not come to the knowledge of the truth why be offended when someone who believes they have seeks to share it with you?

This is not a fault in them, but in you.
2008-07-05 19:46:57 UTC
hahah yea thats why i know religious books inside out

to defend myself

but im hindu btw so sorry if i answered an atheist question

my answer is i tell them to back off and if they dont then i fight back with their own insults
2008-07-05 19:47:35 UTC
All religion is man made and are fake
2008-07-05 19:48:02 UTC
Not really because I have done the same.

God bless
2008-07-05 21:12:17 UTC
2008-07-05 19:57:24 UTC
doesnt it make you feel special?
2008-07-05 19:56:25 UTC
Mormons are a bumch of wack-os. Idiots. And Christian females bug me. I am a Christian and I want to be a missionary, but seriously, you don't approach someone like that. Wow, are you a Christian? "I hope so, or you are going to hell". Nowadays, you can be Christian and still go to hell. Mormos claim to be Christian but they aren't. Wacky chick, and yes, it's annoying.
Mullah gets Angry
2008-07-05 19:50:10 UTC
Of course its annoying. They are like small children, only with more conviction.
2008-07-05 19:50:10 UTC
I don't get your name. you are less than 3 haters? what does that mean?
2008-07-05 19:48:37 UTC
yes, cause iam a christian and i don't wanna be a mormon.
Pinkie Pie
2008-07-05 19:48:36 UTC's like totally weird!!!
moonshine annie
2008-07-05 19:47:39 UTC
It's because everyone want's to be the leader! I'm right, follow me................
2008-07-05 19:47:08 UTC
God, yes.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.