I don't mean to give you this answer and say, "My answer is THE ANSWER", but I am going to.
When a person becomes a Christian, it is their duty to tell others that they need to repent of their sins, come before the Lord, ask forgiveness, and ask Jesus to be their Lord and Saviour, being He died for our sins. Perhaps this person in the chat room was pushy.
I grew up Catholic. I believed, till I was 18 years old and went to college, that I would never know the answer to whether or not I was going to hell or Heaven. I would always live in fear on the unknown, and "hope" God chose Heaven for me. I knew I had to go to church every weekend, or it was a huge sin and I could not take communion until I asked forgiveness and went to penance.
What I discovered, when I became a Christian at the age of 18 years old, is that if we really do repent of our sins, ask forgiveness and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, that we can truly have assurance that we are saved and going to Heaven. My family and people I knew growing up in the Catholic church had a hard time believing what I shared with them, and my parents had a WORSE time accepting that I did not want to be a Catholic any longer. I found that I missed out on too much of God's love and acceptance of me, and I would not go back to a church that has tons of man made rules and does not share the message of salvation. I am sure there are Catholic churches out there that do share salvation with the people, but mine didn't. I had to be good, or I was going to hell. That was my mindset. Now, I am free. I am assured by faith thru Jesus that I am saved, a Christian and going to Heaven. I don't have to go to church and ask a priest to forgive my sins. Jesus set me free when I accepted Him in my heart, and I can go to God now, ask His forgiveness, and He will completely forget my sins I asked forgiveness for. I do not have to do penance, because Jesus did that on the cross for me. You can email me, if you like, I can share more with you. I believe walking in love, is the best way to share salvation with others. I will be your friend, and answer any questions you may have. Take care...