it's because, At the Moment your more interested in BUDDHISM ....
You do not know A to Z about Christianity....
It is easy for you to say you do, you may think you do. But you do not....Non of us do..We may think we do. but we do not....
Even the Apostles who were with Jesus as Christianity was being formed Did not understand Christianity until he sent the Holy Spirit to give them Wisdom. And at that , he needed to make Saul-Paul) an Apostles to help Peter , Who didn't understand how to reach out the the Gentiles.
It was Paul who explained how Baptism replaces circumcision to the Apostles.
There is a deep meditative Prayer life in Christianity that most people do not know exist, Meditation of the Gospel
More importantly, God is our creator of our Spirituality (Our Soul) , Jesus our Savior from our fallen nature as Humans on earth , Protecting and saving our Souls. The Holy Spirit of the Lord our God abides in us if we allow it , All three are one God , deserving of all our love