Yes, atheism has a twin sister known as evolution, and evolution IS as outdated as the flat earth theory. I believe that the REASON so many still cling to it is that it has become a religion.
By denying the existence of a Holy God, atheists/evolutionists escape ACCOUNTABLITY to Him; if only for this short life. Thus, abortion, promiscuity, homosexual marriage, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, and a whole Pandora's box of ill-conceived moral ideas all become RELATIVE, and nothing is really WRONG, because sin doesn't exist.
Atheism/evolution flies in the face of sound science and Biblical morality, but like all religious cults, they are NOT open to any teaching or evidence that contradicts theirs. For example, the age of the earth has been scientifically proven to be in line with the Bible, but as the man in this video states, you have to be willing to listen:
Richard Dawkins is the New Archie Bunker, and he is the epitome of Bigot. The saddest thing about Mr. Dawkins is the number of people he is taking to Hell with him.