HELP I Have a ghost in my house!?
dr strangelove
2008-06-01 03:40:56 UTC
I live in a 300 year old house in Germany. North east of me about 150 meters is old cemetary, east of me at 50 meters is 600 year old tower gate. between me and tower was a house whose family was exterminated. West of me about 150 meters, a B-24 crashed and took out a whole block of houses and killed several families. The aircrew bailed out but was captured and shot in woods about 1 km southeast.
There were several houses around me where whole families were deported and eliminated. We have heard noises in attic of things being moved and footsteps. Also smell of pipe or cigar smoke. I have seen seen somthing like a reflection of light in middle of attic that was there for about a second.
Is my house haunted, can I do somthing about it, and should I?
24 answers:
PJ Morris
2008-06-01 03:42:26 UTC
no, you don't.
2008-06-02 11:48:49 UTC
Tell the ghost to go in the name of the Great Mother even a jewish ghost will run at that one!

Clang lots of saucepans and sound horns all around the house.

Put candles in all corners of the rooms.
2008-06-01 10:49:52 UTC
I don't think u can do much abt it. When you have a house that's been occupied by many many individuals who've already passed away, of course their energy would stay. It's like holding an old letter of your great great grandparents...that attachment of energy survives. The only thing I can think of is to do bit of re-arranging to make your room more modern and impersonal. Maybe add some clean-lined furniture. Or repaint the walls with more contemporary colors. Replace old paintings with new ones. Hope this helped, good luck!
2008-06-01 10:57:35 UTC
there no such ghost but there a jinn normally they do harm people some of them good some bad believers and no believers they are mention in quran so many time but never mentiond the ghost


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Say: It has been revealed to me that a party of the jinn listened, and they said: Surely we have heard a wonderful Quran, (1) Guiding to the right way, so we believe in it, and we will not set up any one with our Lord: (2) And that He-- exalted be the majesty of our Lord-- has not taken a consort, nor a son: (3) And that the foolish amongst us used to forge extravagant things against Allah: (4) And that we thought that men and jinn did not utter a lie against Allah: (5) And that persons from among men used to seek refuge with persons from among jinn, so they increased them in wrongdoing: (6) And that they thought as you think, that Allah would not raise anyone: (7) And that we sought to reach heaven, but we found it filled with strong guards and flaming stars. (8) And that we used to sit in some of the sitting-places thereof to steal a hearing, but he who would (try to) listen now would find a flame lying in wait for him: (9) And that we know not whether evil is meant for those who are on earth or whether their Lord means to bring them good: (10) And that some of us are good and others of us are below that: we are sects following different ways: (11) And that we know that we cannot escape Allah in the earth, nor can we escape Him by flight: (12) And that when we heard the guidance, we believed in it; so whoever believes in his Lord, he should neither fear loss nor being overtaken (by disgrace): (13)
2008-06-01 10:50:54 UTC
Yes, it's very possible you have an entity. Remember dead people do not walk the earth. I've had a lot of supernatural, not God supernatural, happen in my life. I've seen "ghosts". I believe they are part of the 1/3 of angels Lucifer took from heaven with him. They are demons and take on forms familiar to us. I anoint my doors and windows and pray for God's protection. You can bind and cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ. I would get rid of your "ghosts" if I was you.
2008-06-01 11:39:29 UTC
Sometimes when people die..they do not realize they have and continue to live there life as they always in the 1800's.....or 2005...and so on....They have been letting you know that they are there....moving things ..footsteps ..different smells....and, even trying to show there self to you....aka reflection of light.....They are able to pull energy from you make noise's.....Light headed..dizzy...sick stomach feeling....they can use that to do the things they do....they can even draw from fear....That creepy feeling you might get....They can also drain batteries !

Take pictures...and look to see if you caught anything on film...You've already seen something with your eyes....the film will sometimes let you see more....use a tape recorder.....ask questions....who are you ?....etc...leave space for them to answer your questions....Let them know You are not there to hurt them....You just want to help.....If they wish to talk they will...there voice will leave an in print it back and you will hear what you catch on type......There's times when they can see and feel your energy as well.....Your can tell them they are dead and to go to God.....Tell them to go to the light of Christ Consciousness....Ask the angels to help them over !

Angels are orbs,,,in case you see them on film..... can just leave them alone...and live with them

Spirits are everywhere.....Somtimes you'll be able to see them and somtimes you want...but, that doesn't mean they are not there.....
2008-06-01 10:53:40 UTC
I'd check for rats and other vermin before assuming that it is ghosts.

Also, old wiring can generate significant electromagnetic radiation which leads to headaches and hallucinations. You should keep that in mind, too.
2008-06-01 11:45:40 UTC
Seems someone alrady answered longer versioin, but shorlty.

"I command you ghost of this house in Jesus name to leave from here forever"

But of course you must first be geniunely christain and you have to have the auhtoriy of Jesus name in you.

Jesus name is spiritual, so you need to get that name in your spirit (Holy Ghost), and then you can use it as authority to get rid of any demons.

Dont forget the part "In the name of that Jesus tha tPAul preaches we..."

"Paul we know, but you we know not..."

So they basically used name of Jesus, but they didint have the spiritual authority to use it, since they werent new born Christians.
Cowboy Rance
2008-06-01 10:45:55 UTC
If it's not causing any uproar in your home, just think of it as another member of the family. If it's keeping you awake at night, have a talk with it. If that doesn't calm it down at night, then get a Ghost Expert.
2008-06-01 10:43:19 UTC
Chances are, some homeless guy is living in your attic.
2008-06-01 10:45:03 UTC
Does Orkin have branch offices in Germany?
2008-06-01 10:44:18 UTC
Call Der Geistbusters....
Xgnfb R
2008-06-01 10:43:47 UTC
Are you sure? Did you enquire how its previous tenants fared from your neighbours? Didn't you get an inspection before buying it?

If you are so uncomfortable, why dont you consider consulting your local religious authority?
Doug C
2008-06-01 10:49:31 UTC
Get in an exorsist, seriously, or if you were a christian (assuming you're not) then you could pray for the spirits to be at peace.
2008-06-01 10:42:59 UTC
You can't get rid of me. They have been trying for 300 years.
2008-06-01 10:50:20 UTC
We have a few ghosts too. One even turned a crucifix upside-down, but don't worry. They never hurt anything. Except they move stuff... that gets annoying sometimes.
♪☻☺☼ ᵅᶸᶻᶻᶤᶟ ᵍᶤʶᴸ ☼☺☻♪
2008-06-01 10:45:59 UTC
call the ghost busters !!! or get a dog t$hey are sed to b able to sense spirits. im creeping my self out >W<
2008-06-01 10:44:24 UTC
No such thing dead people do not hang around earth.
Mr. John
2008-06-01 10:48:15 UTC
Don't worry ghosts don't harm living beings.
2008-06-01 11:16:37 UTC
you need to remove ALL religious Artifacts from your house!!! the demons are use them to stay in your house.


14 What is one way that you can resist wicked spirits and protect yourself and your family from their snares? First-century Christians in Ephesus who had practiced spiritism before becoming believers took positive steps. We read that “quite a number of those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them up before everybody.” (Acts 19:19) Even if you have not practiced spiritism, get rid of anything having spiritistic uses or overtones. This includes books, magazines, videos, posters, musical recordings, and objects used for spiritistic purposes. Also included are idols, amulets and other items worn for protection, and gifts received from practicers of spiritism. (Deuteronomy 7:25, 26; 1 Corinthians 10:21) To illustrate: A married couple in Thailand had long been harassed by demons. Then they got rid of objects associated with spiritism. What was the result? They were relieved of the demonic attacks and thereafter made real spiritual progress.

15 In order to resist wicked spirits, another necessary step is to apply the apostle Paul’s counsel to put on the complete suit of God-given spiritual armor. (Ephesians 6:11-17) Christians must fortify their defenses against wicked spirits. What does this step include? “Above all things,” said Paul, “take up the large shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the wicked one’s burning missiles.” Indeed, the stronger your faith, the greater will be your ability to resist wicked spirit forces.—Matthew 17:14-20.

16 How can you strengthen your faith? By continuing to study the Bible and apply its counsel in your life. The strength of one’s faith depends largely on the firmness of its base—the knowledge of God. Do you not agree that the accurate knowledge you have gained and taken to heart as you have studied the Bible has built up your faith? (Romans 10:10, 17) No doubt, therefore, as you continue this study and make it your custom to attend the meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses, your faith will be fortified even more. (Romans 1:11, 12; Colossians 2:6, 7) It will be a mighty bulwark against demon attacks.—1 John 5:5.

17 What further steps might be taken by a person who is determined to resist wicked spirit forces? Ephesian Christians needed protection because they lived in a city infested with demonism. Hence, Paul told them: “Carry on prayer on every occasion in spirit.” (Ephesians 6:18) Since we live in a demon-infested world, praying intensely for God’s protection is essential in resisting wicked spirits. (Matthew 6:13) Helpful in this regard is the spiritual assistance and prayers of appointed elders in the Christian congregation.—James 5:13-15.


18 Even after taking these basic steps, however, some have been troubled by wicked spirits. For instance, one man in Côte d’Ivoire studied the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses and destroyed all his amulets. Thereafter, he made fine progress, dedicated his life to Jehovah, and was baptized. But a week after his baptism, the demons began to trouble him again, and voices told him to abandon his newfound faith. If this happened to you, would it mean that you had lost Jehovah’s protection? Not necessarily.

19 Though the perfect man Jesus Christ had divine protection, he heard the voice of the wicked spirit creature Satan the Devil. Jesus showed what to do in such a case. He told the Devil: “Go away, Satan!” (Matthew 4:3-10) In like manner, you should refuse to listen to voices from the spirit world. Resist wicked spirits by calling on Jehovah for help. Yes, pray aloud using God’s name. Proverbs 18:10 says: “The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection.” The Christian man in Côte d’Ivoire did this, and the wicked spirits stopped harassing him.—Psalm 124:8; 145:18.

20 Jehovah has allowed the wicked spirits to remain in existence, but he shows his power, particularly in behalf of his people, and his name is being declared in all the earth. (Exodus 9:16) If you stay close to God, you need not fear wicked spirits. (Numbers 23:21, 23; James 4:7, 8; 2 Peter 2:9) Their power is limited. They were punished in Noah’s day, were cast out of heaven in recent times, and are now awaiting final judgment. (Jude 6; Revelation 12:9; 20:1-3, 7-10, 14) In fact, they dread their coming destruction. (James 2:19) So whether wicked spirits try to attract you with some kind of bait or attack you in any way, you can resist them. (2 Corinthians 2:11) Shun every form of spiritism, apply the counsel of God’s Word, and seek Jehovah’s approval. Do this without delay, for your life depends on your resisting wicked spirit forces!
Naim P
2008-06-01 10:44:41 UTC
Your house can't be haunted! It's all your imagination.
2008-06-01 10:46:03 UTC
get a priest, or move, or leave it if its not causing u any harm tho i understand u may feel disturbed
2008-06-01 10:44:24 UTC
put CROSSES all over the house..
2008-06-01 10:46:36 UTC
No dude, you don't.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.