Creationists, since evolution didn't occur in your eyes?
2008-03-07 21:51:41 UTC
Do you believe that all the dinosaur bones ever found are just fakes that people made for fun to mess with your belief? Do you really believe everything stays just like it is forever and never evolves? If so, how do you explain diseases evolving right before our eyes modernly like staph infections that are getting very hard to cure and even impossible in many cases but use to be curable? They have changed in order to survive our antibiotics, is this not evolution? Of course they are simple organisms and that is why they do it fast enough to be visible, but why is it so hard to believe that this same principle can apply to everything else that is complex and just takes more time so it is cannot be seen in lifetime? Why must it be all or nothing, one or the other? Why can you not be open minded and put science with creationism? Maybe a higher power made the 1st thing that evolved into all the rest in the universe. How can you not at least put science into the equation when it is proven?
Twenty answers:
2008-03-11 18:15:50 UTC
Let's see just how pathetic these answers really are...

Ftwasher--no, wrong, on the very first assumption. The scientific theory of biological evolution has nothing to do with origins. Hypotheses have been proposed, but none have been treated fully enough to be even close to inclusion in the theory.

>>Oh, and look into punctuated equilibrium. The answer may be phylogenic gradualism, or punctuated equilibrium, or both--either or both are consistent with geologic timescale, molecular clocks, etc.

Christ_ian777--You're probably thinking of the peppered moth population studies by Kettlewell. Adaptation is evolution on a shorter time scale.

Jo--It's just as easy to believe in magic. Belief does not make anything true in the light of science.

Prophet--The point of science is to investigate the real world without ad hoc assumptions. God is one of those assumptions. If you want to believe, be my guest, but it makes no difference to science.

Theresa N--The carbon dating argument is old. In fact, no good scientists rests on just one form of dating things as old as fossils. (By the way, C-14 dating is only reliable to about 50,000 or so years...that's why we have these other forms of dating--U-Th dating, K-Ar dating, isochron dating, Rb-Sr dating, just to name a few--for things older than 50,000 years.)

>>additionally, the firmament? Really? There are probably a dozen reasons why that is less likely than evolution.

dinger--Always a pleasure to see cut and paste jobs from or, two completely worthless sites in terms of science. Peer review is worthless when you only consider God your peer.

>>additionally, Darwin was a naturalist (a natural scientist), even though his degree came from Christ College, Cambridge. He was even an avid fan of William Paley (an earlier advocate of Christian design), until he realized Paley was wrong. Which one's theory has been upheld more often by the evidence?

R Rosskopf--Well, no, creation and evolution are not mutally exclusive (unless you take a literalist approach to Christianity), but, again, the theory of evolution has never tried to explain origins. Darwin himself said that all life probably evolved from one or a few species. The primary historical figurehead, principally seen as the father of the modern evolutionary theory, didn't even include origins in the plan.

Martin S--Please, do everyone a favor and read the transcripts from the Kitzmiller v. Dover decision. It is well documented that most of what you repeat from Behe has been completely destroyed in the light of science and within a court of law. And it was done right in front of Behe. Primarily by a Catholic evolutionary biologist (Kenneth Miller). And decided on by a right-wing, Bush appointed circuit court judge. Irreducible complexity is one of the weakest ID arguments.

notthemamas1--Good try. But, as I said before, science, at its purest, truest form, denies all ad hoc assumptions. Science only works when there is naturally occurring evidence to support it. Naturally occurring, not supernaturally occurring. Therein lies the problem. But you are correct, in that it is important to understand the "opposing" side's assumptions. Science starts with none. Christianity/creationism starts with one big, non-falsifiable one.

SONS OF THUNDER--Let's see, hepatitis is an STD. Good one. I'll make sure and let my anatomy students know that tomorrow. They'll love that one.

joannlynne2--Um...great. But I do agree--this is the worst forum for any argument with evolution. Because evolution is not religion, nor is it spiritual. It is science, and as such should be addressed there.

Mark E--Strangely enough, any biology teacher that teaches that linear progression of an ape transitioning from one form to another to another to our modern form is either grossly oversimplifying the process or is trying to deceive. Any biology teacher that uses that artist's rendering today should be fired.

>>And, yes, there is a possibility that the universe always existed. I tend to "believe" that Smolin selection theory is the best explanation for the Big Bang, though, although I personally have no way to justify that belief. (That is why I don't claim it to be true in any way...just what I like.)

>>And you do realize that this universe is practically a breeding ground for black holes, don't you?

>>Oh, and, by the way, none of the laws of thermodynamics are violated by evolution. Only people that don't really know the laws of thermodynamics claim this to be the case.

Leroy H--Well, you see, the first individual organism didn't actually have to be alive when the first speciation took place. Who ever said an individual organism had to live for millions of years to evolve? A species has to, a population has to, but not an individual. So, species A may become species B, but organism A does not become organism B--that, my misinformed friend, is creationism.

Questioner--again with the bunk? One of these days, you might actually need to look at what they are saying there and realize that there isn't any science worth writing home about on any of those pages. Certainly not any (or no more than a few) that are worthy of publication in an actual scientific journal after peer review. And, no, you don't get to redefine the term science to make creation theories fit into science. You don't move the goal posts in the middle of the game.


Edit: Thanks, Questioner. I didn't think anyone was going to take the bait. (Just kidding.) Sorry about that. I shouldn't have come off as so condescending. And, by the way, no, I don't believe that I am any smarter than anyone else answering this question. I just use what little I have differently.

First off, we will probably never agree to what science is and isn't. I have always known it to be the most logical, reliable, and repeatable way of investigating the natural world, relying on only that which we can know in the natural world. You would say "That's naturalism." I would say "I never said it was anything different. And I don't have a problem with it." And we could go on and on about the strengths and merits or whatever of naturalism versus anything else. But you don't bring a machete to a boxing match. You put everything on as level a playing field as possible. And naturalism is about the fairest set of rules--to *everyone*, metaphysically (in my opinion)--that there is. I only say "in my opinion" because I'm sure you won't agree, and I don't claim it as fact, because just about anything metaphysical is purely relative, subjective, and opinion.

~"When a creationist points out problems with the evolutionist model, they claim that the whole point of science is to answer problems like these. But, if they can point out even one problem in the creationist model, it should instantly be abandoned as absurd!"

>>What, precisely, is the problem with the creationist model, if I may ask your opinion? Is it the lack of evidence? Is it the ad hoc assumptions that must be made? Is it the mysticism involved? Do I have to go on? You act like scientists only have *one* problem with creationism.

As for the creationists problem with evolution, well, I don't know what to tell you. Outside of the things that are pure fallacy (like "Why are there still monkeys?" or "Evolution breaks the second law of thermodynamics."), biologists are working on the answers. You can investigate these "holes in the theory" as much as any other biologist, geneticist, ecologist, whatever (etc.) can, and come up with your own conclusions--as long as they are backed by evidence. We "evolutionists" just aren't afraid to admit we don't know, and we don't have to settle on an answer that stagnates us in ignorance (i.e. 'God did it' or 'His ways are mysterious').

~"I love the circular reasoning used by evolutionists: No real scientist rejects Darwinism (because as soon as they begin to question Darwinism, they are labeled as a pseudo-scientist)."

>>No, the evidence is what is most important, not whether Darwin is accepted or rejected. In fact, very few scientists subscribe to strict Darwinism anymore.

~"When a Christian points out the impossibility of a biological system (or feature) forming by random-chance processes and natural selection, they are often accused of invoking a "God of the gaps"."

>> If you are referring to irreducible complexity, you are just completely mistaken. Irreducible complexity has never been shown to even exist outside of IDers heads. It was completely demolished in Kitzmiller v. Dover.

~"Listen to Dawkins admit to his “faith”:"

>>Who cares about Dawkin's "faith"? Not me.

>>The rest of the thing is appeal to authority...nifty, but of almost no use in science, especially *without evidence*.

>>I almost began to respect you a little more, because I thought you had acknowledged the *true* difference between "evolutionists" and creationists--not what we know, but ***how*** we each know that our own side is correct and the other is absolute hogwash. But then, you slipped into all the same old creationist rhetoric: wringing hands about "fairness", false reasoning (although, I hadn't heard that particular "circular logic" argument for a long time), the complete absurdity of irreducible complexity, and then unnecessary appeals to authority...the standard creationist's play book.
2016-04-06 03:45:09 UTC
So why can't evolutionist just believe that God made things the way they are. It amazes me that evolutionist will not consider the complexity of life and all living things. You say for example things take millions even billions of years to evolve. Do you really believe that life continued on and on waiting through while we evolved reproductive organs. I guess you guys think the miracle of life is simple. The process of evolution just does not make since. How do species survive through the process? Let me say this, if you are right, I am glad that the process of evolution cared enough to give me sound so I may hear the birds sing, and smell, so I could smell the fresh mountain air, sight so I may see the beauty evolution created, the many colors of the flowers that bloom in Spring. This list could go on and on. Maybe you evolutionist will write your own list of things that was not necessary for simple reproduction. Oh yea, and remember this, the next time a friend or family member dies, don't let those little emotions get to ya. Cause in a world of no creator, those emotions are useless.
2008-03-08 14:04:40 UTC
The abundance of ill-informed (if not deceitful) cretinists in this thread is appalling. NOT ONE has cited ANY argument that has not been debunked for years (C-14? ROTFLMAO! Take a basics physics class. You know nothing about it.) answersingensis? You're kidding, right?

Not one of you knows the difference between evolution and abiogensis. Not one of you understands the first thing about the laws of thermodynamics, yet you feel free to cite them, incorrectly, to prop up your flimsy belief system.

Keep up the good work, though. Ludicrous arguments such as yours are what will keep real science in our schools.

Speaking of science, if you want to validate your "answers", try answering similar questions in the correct section next time. They'll hand you your butt in seconds.
Theresa N
2008-03-07 22:02:50 UTC
I believe in adaptation, not evolution. There's no question that things adapt to survive. There has never been a shred of hard evidence to show that one species evolved into another.

As far as dinosaur bones go, I know there were dinosaurs. I just don't believe they're from millions of years ago. Carbon dating is faulty because of the firmament. There was no rain until the time of the great flood. Up until that time, there was a firmament of water above the earth. The floodgates were opened and the firmament fell. (Genesis 7)

There is no way to know the conditions of how things aged before the firmament fell 4,000-6,000 years ago. Carbon dating is based on how things age in our time, thus is incorrect.

I believe in science. I don't believe science always has an explanation for everything and I'm OK with taking some things on faith. I don't take just one or the other when it comes to my faith and science. I believe they work together and most things are explainable in the Bible and with science.
Martin S
2008-03-07 22:07:46 UTC
In regards to dinosaur bones, they are fossils of an indeterminate age. The Bible doesn't say how old the earth is. It only says that God created it and the life that is on it.

Here's a link that gives 7 possible ways of interpreting Genesis chapter one

God created life with the genetic potential to adapt to changing environmental conditions. The monk Gregor Mendel demonstrated the basic principles of genetics hundreds of years ago in his experiments. But the idea that a fish became a frog that became a human being is not supported by the evidence. The idea that inanimate matter was organized by chance, came alive through naturalistic causes and via the formula of "time + chance + random mutations - natural selection's cullings" all of the complex interdependent structures that make up even a one celled creature came into being calls for a huge leap of faith when examined scientifically.

"Natural selection" cannot operate until there is something to select from.

Behe then presents an example of "irreducible complexity" from nature by reviewing the tiny motor that powers the flagellum, which propels a bacterium through the water:

Figure 3: This tiny mechanism, positioned to penetrate the bacterium's protective outer membrane, consists of over 40 parts - each of which are essential to its functioning. Figure 4 presents a functional equivalent: with any of its 40 parts missing, this mechanism would not be functional and would be a casualty in the processes of "natural selection" postulated by the Darwinists. The bacterium, dependent upon its locomotion, would be likewise.

So how did it come about? All the Darwinists can do is assert rather than explain.

The Miniature City

Darwinists love to postulate the "simple cell." With the advent of modern microbiology, we now know "there ain't any such thing." Even the simplest cell is complex beyond our imagining.

As Michael Denton has pointed out, "Although the tiniest bacterial cells are incredibly small, each is in effect a veritable microminiaturized factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, made up of 100,000,000,000 atoms, far more complicated than any machine built by man and absolutely without parallel in the nonliving world."4

The "simple cell" turns out to be a miniaturized city of unparalleled complexity and adaptive design, including automated assembly plants and processing units featuring robot machines (protein molecules with as many as 3,000 atoms each in three-dimensional configurations) manufacturing hundreds of thousands of specific types of products. The system design exploits artificial languages and decoding systems, memory banks for information storage, elegant control systems regulating the automated assembly of components, error correction techniques and proofreading devices for quality control.

All by chance? All without a Designer?
2008-03-08 21:45:01 UTC
I might believe it when someone explains how A molecule evolves into A gene and then A chromosome and then a cell and then A tissue and then an organ and then an organism how did each serive the million years or so till it got to the next step and then the next and so on?
2008-03-11 16:22:43 UTC
Most of the time, people just give examples of natural selection and assume it points to molecules-to-man evolution. Creationists believe in natural selection and even "speciation." Take a look at these:

And about your dinosaur bones, take a look at this:



For ejc11 (i.e. the one who knows everything), here are some articles you need to read before you continue to pontificate your garbage:

It's not science:

Peer Reviewed creationists?

Peer reviewed ID?

Can creationists be real scientists?

A list of creation scientists:

A growing list of scientists who signed “A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism”:

When a creationist points out problems with the evolutionist model, they claim that the whole point of science is to answer problems like these. But, if they can point out even one problem in the creationist model, it should instantly be abandoned as absurd!

I love the circular reasoning used by evolutionists: No real scientist rejects Darwinism (because as soon as they begin to question Darwinism, they are labeled as a pseudo-scientist).

When a Christian points out the impossibility of a biological system (or feature) forming by random-chance processes and natural selection, they are often accused of invoking a "God of the gaps". Yet, when evolutionists are asked how a particular feature could come about solely by random-chance processes and natural selection, they invoke "Evolution of the gaps" (i.e., we don't know HOW but we do know that Evolution MUST have done it!). Listen to Dawkins admit to his “faith”:

From what I've seen, I have to agree with T. Wallace: “A major reason why evolutionist arguments can sound so persuasive is because they often combine assertive dogma with intimidating, dismissive ridicule towards anyone who dares to disagree with them. Evolutionists wrongly believe that their views are validated by persuasive presentations invoking scientific terminology and allusions to a presumed monopoly of scientific knowledge and understanding on their part. But they haven’t come close to demonstrating evolutionism to be more than an ever-changing theory with a highly questionable and unscientific basis. (The situation isn’t helped by poor science education generally. Even advanced college biology students often understand little more than the dogma of evolutionary theory, and few have the time [or the guts] to question its scientific validity.)”

Dr. Jason Lisle, “...if evolution were true, there wouldn’t be any rational reason to believe it! If life is the result of evolution, then it means that an evolutionist’s brain is simply the outworking of millions of years of random-chance processes. The brain would simply be a collection of chemical reactions that have been preserved because they had some sort of survival value in the past. If evolution were true, then all the evolutionist’s thoughts are merely the necessary result of chemistry acting over time. Therefore, an evolutionist must think and say that ‘evolution is true’ not for rational reasons, but as a necessary consequence of blind chemistry.”
2008-03-07 22:09:02 UTC
Creationists and evolutionists, Christians and non-Christians all have the same evidence—the same facts. Think about it: we all have the same earth, the same fossil layers, the same animals and plants, the same stars—the facts are all the same.

The difference is in the way we all interpret the facts. And why do we interpret facts differently? Because we start with different presuppositions. These are things that are assumed to be true, without being able to prove them. These then become the basis for other conclusions. All reasoning is based on presuppositions (also called axioms). This becomes especially relevant when dealing with past events.

Past and present

We all exist in the present—and the facts all exist in the present. When one is trying to understand how the evidence came about (Where did the animals come from? How did the fossil layers form? etc.), what we are actually trying to do is to connect the past to the present.

However, if we weren’t there in the past to observe events, how can we know what happened so we can explain the present? It would be great to have a time machine so we could know for sure about past events.

Christians of course claim they do, in a sense, have a ‘time machine’. They have a book called the Bible which claims to be the Word of God who has always been there, and has revealed to us the major events of the past about which we need to know.

On the basis of these events (Creation, Fall, Flood, Babel, etc.), we have a set of presuppositions to build a way of thinking which enables us to interpret the evidence of the present.

Evolutionists have certain beliefs about the past/present that they presuppose, e.g. no God (or at least none who performed acts of special creation), so they build a different way of thinking to interpret the evidence of the present.

Thus, when Christians and non-Christians argue about the evidence, in reality they are arguing about their interpretations based on their presuppositions.

That’s why the argument often turns into something like:

‘Can’t you see what I’m talking about?’

‘No, I can’t. Don’t you see how wrong you are?’

‘No, I’m not wrong. It’s obvious that I’m right.’

‘No, it’s not obvious.’ And so on.

These two people are arguing about the same evidence, but they are looking at the evidence through different glasses.

It’s not until these two people recognize the argument is really about the presuppositions they have to start with, that they will begin to deal with the foundational reasons for their different beliefs. A person will not interpret the evidence differently until they put on a different set of glasses—which means to change one’s presuppositions.

I’ve found that a Christian who understands these things can actually put on the evolutionist’s glasses (without accepting the presuppositions as true) and understand how they look at evidence. However, for a number of reasons, including spiritual ones, a non-Christian usually can’t put on the Christian’s glasses—unless they recognize the presuppositional nature of the battle and are thus beginning to question their own presuppositions.

It is of course sometimes possible that just by presenting ‘evidence’, you can convince a person that a particular scientific argument for creation makes sense ‘on the facts’. But usually, if that person then hears a different interpretation of the same evidence that seems better than yours, that person will swing away from your argument, thinking they have found ‘stronger facts’.

However, if you had helped the person to understand this issue of presuppositions, then they will be better able to recognize this for what it is—a different interpretation based on differing presuppositions—i.e. starting beliefs.

As a teacher, I found that whenever I taught the students what I thought were the ‘facts’ for creation, then their other teacher would just re-interpret the facts. The students would then come back to me saying, ‘Well sir, you need to try again.’

However, when I learned to teach my students how we interpret facts, and how interpretations are based on our presuppositions, then when the other teacher tried to reinterpret the facts, the students would challenge the teacher’s basic assumptions. Then it wasn’t the students who came back to me, but the other teacher! This teacher was upset with me because the students wouldn’t accept her interpretation of the evidence and challenged the very basis of her thinking.

What was happening was that I had learned to teach the students how to think rather than just what to think. What a difference that made to my class! I have been overjoyed to find, sometimes decades later, some of those students telling me how they became active, solid Christians as a result.
2008-03-07 22:03:43 UTC
Evolution and creation aren't mutually exclusive, are they? If the first cell came through evolution, then please tell me how it came about. Tell me what the first self-replicating cell looked like. What structures did it need, and where did they come from? What is the simplest number of genes necessary for life to occur, and what is the probability of that particular arraingement finding their way into that first cell? How did the first cell wall form, and the first nucleous? What about mitocondria? Wouldn't you need some mitocondria in order for the cell to burn energy? What about microtubules? They do all of the work in a cell. They are hollow tubes of water. How will you build the tubes and fill them with water? Once the tubes are filled, how will you make them line up properly along the DNA and pull it apart for replication? It isn't like they have little tiny drivers. They don't even have wheels or any flagellum.
2008-03-07 21:56:23 UTC
major evolutionary assumptions have insufficient or no evidence supporting them.

1. Something (energy-matter) came from nothing at all

2. Non-living things gave rise to living things.

3. Spontaneous generation occurred only once

4. Single celled organisms (protozoa) developed into multi celled ones (metazoan)

5. Viruses, bacteria, plants, animals and materials are all interrelated

6. The various vertebrates are interrelated.

7. Invertebrates gradually produced vertebrates.

8. Fish, amphibia, reptiles, birds, mammals, and mankind are all interrelated.

Why have average species undergone little evolution in the course of millions of generations?

Why are well established species resistant to change?

Why in the past 40,000 years in Europe has human anatomy undergone extremely little change?

Darwin’s gradual model provides neither the time nor the mechanism to answer these questions

A gradual accumulation of acquired characteristics fails to explain the sudden appearance of multi-cellular animals or organisms like a vertebrate eye, for which any survival or adaptation required the functional whole at once, not individual parts over time.

God bless you
2008-03-14 08:52:33 UTC
Consider this evidence

Fingerprints of Creation

Mysteries In Science

The Young Age of the Earth

The Origin of Man by Dr. Duane Gish

The Origins of Life

Evolution: Challenge of the Fossil Record - Part 1 of 6

Skull Fossils - As Empty as the Evolutionary Theory

Neanderthals - Smarter Then We Thought

Dinosaurs: Those Terrible Lizards

Atheist's NightMare: Evolution
2008-03-07 22:08:46 UTC
Check out the answer above me.. (May be one or two by the time this is up) The bottom of that answer is why so many Christians creep the **** out of me.

I mean honestly.. some of these people need to be checked into a mental hospital.
2008-03-07 22:10:23 UTC
The infections are like STDs where the filth thereof takes on a much stronger form left untreated. Like hepititus a,b,and c. No different than a human being going from embryo to fetus to baby etc...
2008-03-07 22:19:51 UTC
you know I am wondering what about the flu okay fine, it evolves your right infections okay you're right there also. Why do these things that apparently happen have anything to do with serving God ? It is not that Christians are blindy following something that may exsist it is that we LOVE God and not ourselves I for one am glad there IS something greater than any human being because I can do absolutely nothing depending on myself. When I have a problem or someone is in need I can pray to God for peace and hope, I will not put my hope in man. What I do not get is the constant over and over about evolvement, it has nothing absolutely nothing to do with following Jesus, you may want that arguement to stand but it will not in a Christians heart, so throwing flu evolvment at us will never show us (those that can not be persuaded) that Christ does not exsist, He lives within us, we make space for Him we do not want to be without the Father we are better people because of Him we choose to serve God not because we are stupid but because we are concerned about ourselves our family and others, we share but do not push, we know evolvement exsist, my hair is turning gray I am geting crows feet my body is doing whas it is suppose to do I am aging is this not evolvement? My house is settling my car is getting older what else everything is changing what does that have to do with serving God? We are here to share Jesus not to force you to believe it I am not here to debate God I am here to share , pray and hope for anyone who is in need of salvation, you have been told the truth now when judgement day arises those that love the lord and serve him will go with him those that choose not to serve and love him will go to their own destination, it is simple, having the flu has absolutely nothing to do with loving Jesus no matter what anyone says, yes change exsist yes Jesus is alive now what?
2008-03-07 21:58:17 UTC
Adaption vs. Evolution. There is a certain butterfly or moth. It was white then suddenly Gray. Evolution? No. Adaption Yes.

Dinosaurs may have existed... where you there? Can you know exactally for sure how they lived? No.
Prophet John of the Omega
2008-03-07 22:00:01 UTC
Evolution without considering the WILL OF GOD is false. But evolution under the designed and WILL OF GOD is true. Under THE WILL OF GOD, man from the apes evolved to become the homo erectus the erect ape, then evolved in the savannahs of africa to become homosapiens, the thinking man. Man became a thinking man through the power of THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO gave the erect ape the heart of a man thus, becoming a homosapiens. This evolution of man from ape to homosapiens covered a period of 5 million years. This evolution was recorded in DANIEL 7: 4 that states I watched tlll its wings were plucked off and it was lifted above the ground; and it was made to stand on its two feet and a man's heart was given to it. Unseen in this verse is THE HOLY SPIRT WHO gave power for the powerful dinosuars era to be extinct and later also THE HOLY SPIRIT gave the power for the mammal to evolve and climbed the trees as monkeys; and also THE HOLY SPIRIT was the ONE WHO gave the monkey the power to stand on its two feet and finally THE HOLY SPIRIT was THE ONE WHO gave the homoerectus the power to think by giving it the heart of a man. But pray as follows: JESUS MY SAVIOR, AUGMENT MY LOVE; AUGMENT MY FAITH AND AUGMENT MY HOPE. AMEN--THANK GOD; FEAR GOD; PRAISE GOD; GLORIFY GOD; HONOR GOD; LOVE GOD AND WORSHIP GOD.
Jedi Tabby
2008-03-07 21:59:13 UTC
i believe that a deity (or deities) created us

i also believe that there's nothing stopping a deity from tapping an organism or creature and changing it
2008-03-07 22:03:05 UTC
Evolution is not a fact. It is based on lies, lies, lies, and more lies. If people would open their eyes and see for them-self, instead of blinding following what they are told, people would see this.

Here is my usual answer to evolution questions...

Evolution is built on lies and deceptions. Only people that refuse to open their eyes and see the truth can believe in it.

Here is a small part of that truth...

Evolution teaches that we came from animals.

Evolution teaches that animals came from Amphibians.

Evolution teaches that Amphibians come from sea life.

Sea life from single-cell life.

Single cell life from chemicals.

Chemicals from rocks that were rained on for years.

Conclusion, all live came from rocks.

Which is more likely, that an intelligent created life, or that nothing did, and what about bio-genesis?

The Evolutionist base their belief in Evolution on the fact that “Micro-evolution” is true. What they do not tell is that there are 6 different meanings to the word Evolution, and only “Micro-evolution” has ever been observed.

1) Cosmic Evolution (Never Observed) The creation of time, space and matter. (The Big Bang)

2) Chemical Evolution (Never Observed) Production of heavy elements from hydrogen.

3) Steller Evolution (Never Observed) The formation of stars, planets, and solar systems.

4) Organic Evolution (Never Observed) Life from random chemical.

5) Macro-Evolution (Never Observed) One animal mutating into another.

6) Micro-Evolution. (Observed) Slight changes in a species. A better name for this would be “Adaptation”

The Sun is Shrinking.

o.1% would mean a half-life of 10,000 years, so 10,000 years ago, it would be twice as big as it is now, 20,000 years, 4 times as big, 30,000 years, 8 times as big...

The inverse square law means the gravity would be 64 times then what it is now. What would it be in 65 million years?

Carbon dating is based on 3 assumptions that can not be proven.

1. The amount of carbon-14 in the body is the same as in the air.

2. The amount that was in it at the time of death is the same as in the air today.

3. Nothing has removed or washed-out any of the carbon-14

4. The rate of decay is a constant.

1,3,and 4 are assumptions. There is no way to prove them.

2 was proven wrong at lest twice, never proven right. The amount of Carbon-14 in the air is still increasing.

The Geological Columns.

Evolutionist believe that the Geological Columns prove that the Earth is millions of years old because each layer is a different age. What they do not tell is that the layers are not even. There could be 50 layers in 1 spot, 30 layers a mile away. And 80 layers another mile.

Also they do not tell that there are trees and animals buried in the layers crossing dozens of layers and some time upside down.

There is only 2 possibilities for this...

1) The plant or animal was there for centuries waiting to be buried before it decayed. Many of the trees would have to balance upside-down, and many animal, such as whales, would have to balance on their tail fins against wind, rain, and vibrations from other animals walking/running for centuries.

2. The plant or animal was buried quickly. This would require that they be under water since only water makes dirt settle in layers quickly.

The Van-Allen Radiation Belt.

The Earths Magnetic field is slowly getting weaker. It has a half-life of 1450 years. This means that it is losing ½ of its strength every 1450 years.

Time Magnetic strength

2,000 AD 1

555 AD 2

900BC 4

2,350BC 8

3,800BC 16

About 6000 years ago (The time of Genesis) it would have been about 16 times as strong as it is now. A magnet field of that power would stop the venom of snakes from being harmful.

About 4000 to 4500 years ago (The time of The Great Flood) it would have been about 8 times as strong as now.

About 2000 years ago (The time Of Jesus, The Christ) it would have been about 3 times as strong as now.

Now, lets see how strong it would have been just 50,000 years ago.

5,250BC 32

6,700BC 64



Sixty eight Billion, Seven hundred and nineteen Million, Four hundred and seventy six thousand, seven hundred and thirty six times what is it now.

What would it have been 65,000,000 years ago?

Many Evolutionist claim that the reason the Earths magnetic field is getting weaker is because it is reversing. They say that it has reversed several times in history. If this was true then that would mean that every time it reversed, there would be a time of neutral magnetic field. This would mean that there was no magnetic field at these times. If there is no magnetic field, then there is no Van-Allen Radiation belt, and all the X-Rays, Gamma-Rays, and other forms of radiation from the sun would hit the earth directly, destroying all life on the land, and making the oceans hot enough to boil cooking all life in the waters. Evolution would have to start all over after every reversal.

How do stars form?

There are many ideas about this subject, but no way to know for sure.

Some believe that stars form from clouds of gases collecting together. As they compress closer together, they get hotter and finally ignite into a star.

This has been proven to be impossible. As the gases collect, there would be 2 forces at work. The gravity pulling them together, and the pressures pushing them apart. The pressure pushing them apart would be between 50 and 100 times stronger then the gravity pulling them together. This would be like a balloon inflating itself from the gravity of the air inside pulling more air in with no help from a outside source.

Another possible explanation would be that a star or supernova explodes close to the gas cloud.

The problem with this idea is that the shock wave would not compress the gases, it would sweep then away and scatter them even more then they are so that they can not collect. Look at a leaf blower.

Another possible explanation is that 20 stars explode at the same time all around this gas cloud.

The problem with this idea is that 20 stars would have to die for 1 to form. 400 stars would have to die for those 20 to exist, and 8,000 would have to die for those 400 to exist, and 160,000 to make them. How far back can it go, and how did the first generation of stars from?

The several stages of evolution have all been proven to be wrong.

1) Lucy.

A 3 foot skeleton of a chimp, the “evidence” that she was becoming human was her knee joint, which was found more then a mile away, and over 200 feet in the earth.

2) Heidelberg Man.

Built by a jaw bone that was considered to be quite human.

3) Nebraska Man.

Built from a pigs tooth

4) Piltdown Man.

The jaw was a modern ape

5) Peking Man.

Lived 500,000 years ago, but no remains were ever found.

6) Neanderthal Man.

Old Man with arthritis.

7) New Guinea man.

? I have never been able to find any info except that this one was found in New Guinea.

8) Gro-Magnon Man.

Skeletal Structure is exactly the same as modern man.

PS: the only diploma Darwin got other then Highschool was a docteran of divinity..

Your GREAT SCIENTIST was not a scientist at all, he was a preacher.

Lets the thumb downs begin...
Mister Monk
2008-03-07 23:03:09 UTC
First, let me try to distance myself from some of the bizarre and grossly uninformed responders who are on here... yikes.

Now, I say this in all honesty and seriousness because it really is important to be sure that YOU are not making any assumptions about what you "know to be true" just as you ask that WE do not make any assumptions.

What do you - or any of us for that matter - truly KNOW about the fossil record?

First, yes of course there were dinosaurs and if anyone tries to deny it, then they are not even worth spending your time arguing against (a "firmament in the sky"... I've never heard such a bizarre explanation that is defied by so much evidence it is mind-boggling).

Second, if anyone tries to tell you that the world is 4,000-6,000 years old, they are just amazingly wrong; carbon-dating is not the only evidence we have of the age of the world, nor are "layers" in the soil. Try to keep up with science and reality people, it's important that you know what you're saying before you try to refute a scientific argument.

Third, and this is where we disagree, you say, "... put science into the equation when it is proven..." Therein, lies the problem. Just exactly, PRECISELY, what do you know about what the fossil record shows?

The same as me, you were probably told all through school - even through college and grad school if you studied the subject that high up - that the fossil record shows the stages from one species to the next.

You know that famous picture of 5 or 6 versions of "man" as he "evolved" from one stage to the next? It starts with this hairy ape-like creature on the left and goes to a standing man on the right. That's just an artists rendition. The truth is, the tiny fragments of fossil on which those drawings are based don't tell us nearly enough to make the assumptions made in that picture. And the fossil record beyond that also doesn't show what we were always told it shows.

To read the argument explained by experts on the fossil record, take a look at "The Case for a Creator" by Lee Strobel. I forget the exact chapter, but there is a chapter in there on this exact topic and it separates carefully the facts from the glossed-over half-truths we were always taught.

It seems that at some time in the fossil record, all sorts of creatures start to pop up all at once. What we were taught was a "Tree of Life" with a gradual branching off over long periods of time, turns out to be more like a big soccer field with hundreds of thousands of individual blades of grass popping up all at once. But again, read what they say since they really are the experts. It is a short chapter in the book so you don't even have to buy it really. Just go find it at the bookstore and read over the chapter while you enjoy some coffee or something.

There is also a chapter in there about the big bang theory you might want to look at. And if you think the people in there aren't "trustworthy" because they are already believers and are more loyal to their faith than their profession, then Google Stephen Hawking. You know... the greatest physicist alive today. Read what he says about: 1) the near certainty to which the big bang occurred and MUST have occurred, and 2) how that is like "looking into the eyes of God."

I find it amusing that evolutionists so often cite the big bang theory as though it supports their case, only to find out that the laws of physics and entropy specifically make the big bang an impossibility. The super-abridged version of the argument is this:

1 - You can neither make nor destroy matter/energy. You can only convert matter to energy, or convert energy back to matter but they will always exist in the constant ratio expressed by the world's most famous equation, E=mc(2). In English the equation means... take the amount of matter you have, to figure out how much energy that can create if completely converted to energy, multiply it by the speed of light... SQUARED!! And that's how much energy you end up with. Conversely, you can have a tremendous amount of energy and if, according to the laws of entropy, it were to convert to mass over time, then it would make a tiny amount of mass. Anyway, the point is, you always have the same amount of mass/energy OR you violate the laws of physics.

2 - Since physical laws tell us that 1, above, is true, AND since the universe does exist, then it must have existed forever.

3 - All things tend from a state of high energy with low mass, to a state of low energy with high mass. This is a law of entropy (the 2nd or 3rd law I believe). Over enough time all things will tend towards NO energy and ALL mass.

4 - The universe is now one big black hole. ALL of it is one large mass with NO energy.

See the problem here? IF you start with the assumption that the universe is eternal, THEN you come up with a nonsense result - the universe, over infinite time, would necessarily have become a black hole. The laws of physics and entropy demand it.

THEREFORE, we MUST start with the knowledge that the universe had a beginning. Meaning, somehow, it was CREATED. As I said in rule 1 above, that is impossible; you can't create mass/energy.

SO, somewhere, one of the laws of physics and/or entropy had to be broken. Some physicists have tried to explain this away by saying things were so hectic in the milliseconds after the big bang that the rules operated differently. Personally, I think that's as sad as the arguments some of the creationists here made; it is a sad attempt by someone to deny the scientific evidence in front of them because they are practicing bad science. They are starting with the "knowledge" that there is no creator, then - to cling to that knowledge with all they have - they say, "well the science must be wrong" or "the rules of physics changed."

Personally, I try to start with a knowledge of nothing. I question everything all the time and just follow the evidence wherever it points. Stephen Hawking says the big bang is a near certainty - no one credible can disagree, the evidence for it is overwhelming. He also says that means there MUST be "something" outside the physical universe, or not subject to the physical laws which caused the big bang. And that is like looking into the eyes of God.

Anyway, I've said enough about the physics of the universe and the truth about the fossil record, and now it is time for me to sleep so I don't fall asleep during Liturgy tomorrow (from 8am to 12!! Being Orthodox Christian is rough sometimes!). But seriously, don't just accept what you have always been told about the fossil record or evolution. I used to accept it and I would just explain it away (bad science) by saying, well that just means God directed it that way; even if it happened, it was His work. Maybe He wanted to cover His tracks so it wouldn't be so easy to prove His existence and force us to believe on faith. Then I read about evolution and found out... I don't NEED to explain it away. The very evidence which was supposed to PROVE evolution true - the fossil record - is what ends up proving it is false. Take a look and see if you don't agree. Just be open and ask yourself, do I REALLY REALLY "know" that the fossil record shows what they told me it shows? See what you learn along the way.
2008-03-07 21:55:00 UTC
right on! evolution ftw!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.