"LOL at there's more evidence pointing towards God as Fact than there is pointing towards the Big Bang or natural selection"
Patently false. Feel free to refute these 29+ evidences for macroevolution alone if you're so cocky: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/comdesc/
"LOL at all of you use an excuse that there is lack of emperical evidence towards God being real, when you have no emperical evidence towards the Big Bang happening!"
Someone wasn't a physics major. Just because you're ignorant of it doesn't mean it's not there. Perhaps try reading a peer-reviewed scientific journal sometime.
"LOL at most of you who can't fill in the blanks!"
Uh, as opposed to your infinite regression fallacy? Who created the creator, hotshot?
"You can rad tis setence evn thoug thers mising leters."
And yet you can't see how scientists can "read" evolution even though (obviously) there don't exist fossils of EVERY SINGLE TRANSITIONAL FORM THAT EVER EXISTED? Do you even know how rare fossilization is, you moron? Hypocritical fool.
Please explain to me how "the universe always was" is harder to believe than "God always was." For one, we can SEE the universe, okay? What have you got? Diddly squat, that's what. A holy book that asserts its own authority. Your arguments are laughable, and that's why MENSA is full of atheists and other non-religious people and not Christians.