I'm 19, a Christian, but gradually turning into an atheist...please help?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
I'm 19, a Christian, but gradually turning into an atheist...please help?
155 answers:
2015-04-05 15:10:42 UTC
I ask the same questions all the time. I used to be a Christian, although I was never baptized, but now I'm an atheist. I enjoy everything much more, without the constant pressure to be as perfect as possible. Since I've been an atheist if I make mistakes I apologize/fix it if needed, but I don't have to worry about being punished eternally for it.

I personally feel like religion is something that will fade away eventually. I think that people along time ago came up with religion and gods to explain things that they didn't have the ability to explain with science. They didn't have the technology or resources like we have today.

One main thing that made me become an atheist is the fact that there are so many religions. How would you know which is the right one, if one at all. Besides there's so many different beliefs in each religion. For example, in Christianity there's tens of different denominations, if that's a good way to describe them.

Coming from a Christian family and having attended a Christian school all of my life, something I've noticed is that kids my age and sometimes older and younger (I'm 14 years old) have been taught things and that's what they believe until they are old enough to think for themselves. For example, everyone (except maybe about 3 people in total, including myself) at my school thinks that if you don't believe in god you're automatically some sort of drug addict or alcoholic or addicted to sex or something along those lines. It's crazy because I'm someone who doesn't believe in god, and I've never done drugs, had any form of alcohol, and I'm not addicted to sex. And about 60% of people I've met that are atheists have only say that they're one of none of those things. They are raised to believe whatever they're told, and most of them do.

I just don't see any evidence that a god could exist, and that's the way I think.
2015-04-05 23:04:09 UTC
I've been there. It's also hard to believe (or it would be if we weren't here) that we each have individual consciousness. How did that happen? Yet we do. The Bible is symbolic. God doesn't control people, so bad thing happen. You could read Emanuel Swedenborg's books. He had visions of the spiritual world and wrote many detailed books about his experience and what he was shown. They're so detailed, sometimes complex, and they make sense of everything throughout. It doesn't sound made up and it's too sensible to be from imagination. This is said to be a key part of the Second help people believe and understand symbolism. Heaven and Hell says what he saw there. Secrets of Heaven explains the symbolism of the Bible. For example, he says that the days of creation correspond to phases of our spiritual development. It's not literal, at least the old Testament isn't. The Gospels are.
2015-04-07 09:19:28 UTC
If you can't believe in miracles, you can't believe in Christianity. But miracles have to have happened at some time, because if the universe was eternal, the usable energy would have been used up in eternity past. Therefore, there was either matter created out of nothing (a miracle), or it organized itself into usable energy (a miracle). Anything else (i.e. colliding universes) is as untested and miraculous as any appeal to God. So there is no origins scenario that exists without some miracles.

Once you accept that miracles are possible, you look into things like NDE's. Don Piper was returned to life from someone singing What a Friend We Have in Jesus. Weird stuff. And the NDEs I've seen generally fall into two categories. Those that encounter beautiful and loving beings that claim that they are subject to an ultimate power (i.e. God), who is the source of everything we need. Or they encounter malevolent and lying spirits (i.e. Howard Storm - evil and lying spirits & Dr. Richard Eby - a lying spirit with a deceptive voice). The experiences mostly fall cleanly into those two categories, but it takes some discernment from time to time. The valid (in my opinion) experiences tell us why we're here and what we're expected to do. We are being tested for our quality. Life is supposed to be hard, and we are supposed to make it easier for people. The purpose of life is to love each other and to love God. And those who live by the Spirit actually see miracles in their own lives in the modern day. But if they happened all the time, they wouldn't be considered a miracle. Spiders make webs every day, and nobody seems impressed. I'm impressed. So some things remain rare so that we can point to things and still call them miracles.

There's so much I want to say, but there's no room to say it! And you might not read it anyway. You stopped at 50 or so messages. It's far more than that now. If you read this, may God bless you and give you an answer to the questions hat most bother you.

The flood was real and miraculous. You don't have to assume natural processes throughout, because 1. the animals came to Noah - so God could have preseved bugs and whales when they obeyed his natural promptings, and 2. God shut the door on the ark. The ark was not necessary except as an expression of Noah's faith. He could have had Noah stand on a particular rock, holding a feather in his hand and saved him by it. But it wouldn't have worked as well as the flood first and fire second. According to extra-biblical sources, Adam had a prophesy that there would be a destruction once by water and once by fire. It sheds light on the actions of Lot and his daughters, then, doesn't it? If they thought that the earth was just destroyed...

We are descended from Noah. See Josephus' Antiquities - book 1, chap. 6. It lists the nations with their founders. We know exactly how humanity started if we trust the historians. Pagan gods were mortal men: ( ). There are genealogies from Noah to the kings of Europe in After the Flood by Bill Cooper. And the ToE is made up. See In the Minds of Men by Ian Taylor. The fossil record is manufactured. See Living Fossils II by Carl Werner. And radiometric dating doesn't work. See the RATE project of ICR.

I hope you find the answers you're looking for. I'm not hopeful based on the tripe you chose as best answer.
2015-04-05 22:02:26 UTC
There is a big mistake in logic made by many atheists. The reason for being an atheist often goes like this:

Some of the stories in the bible are difficult to believe, and there may be some mistakes in the bible=====> Therefore God doesn't exist.

This reasoning is illogical because God could exist even IF the bible is not 100% correct, or even if it is 100% wrong. God, in the most general sense, is the brains behind creation. Believing that there is no creator, and that everything formed into existence by luck creates a whole host of things that are impossible to explain. It's pretty much absurd to believe that random forces can account everything that has been created.
2015-04-05 19:44:08 UTC
You may be 19 but you are not a Christian if you are turning atheist. Becoming a Christian means you admit your sins, you make a conscious decision to turn from them (Repent) and by Faith you commit your life to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Keep in mind that God is all knowing, all powerful, and ever present and if you have ever sincerely done the above God knows and you are sealed for eternity.Since you don't believe so much of the Bible you could already be an atheist and if so the reward for that is eternal separation from the God who created you (hell). You say you are 19 which is about the right age to think you are the smartest person alive but I promise you will see it differently in a few years. In the mean time I would ask every true Christian to pray for this person.. God bless
2015-04-07 04:15:55 UTC
There's nothing wrong with being an atheist, so there's not a lot of help to give. If you're looking for rational and logical explanations to remain Christian, the only reasonable things for you could do is to disregard the facts you already see see in favor of your faith. By definition, faith is a belief in something despite the absence of proof, and there isn't really a whole lot of proof that Christianity is factually grounded.

In the end, it's your own judgment call based on what you value more. If you value objectivity and skepticism, then you should embrace your growing atheism; however, if being a Christian is genuinely important to your identity and you truly believe it makes you a better person, then you should choose to keep your faith. There is nothing wrong with either choice as long as you remain an open minded, accepting, and compassionate human being.
2015-04-05 13:11:06 UTC
Thinking things over is something that people are supposed to do on a daily basis, regardless of religion.

You do ask some very good questions and point out some very popular impossible scenarios that are in the Bible. I honestly don't know how anyone can be persuaded of such nonsense like the flood or a virgin getting pregnant, other than children anyway.

You also have to take in account the countless numbers and variations of religion, and why they also have followers. If god is really like how most major religions describe them, then he would not be too pleased that so many people worship other "false" gods.

There is a possibility of god, but no one has successfully proven his existence just yet. There are people who say "prove god doesn't exist," but that argument has a rather big problem. The only way the argument can work is if someone knows for certain that god actually exists. Take this into consideration: If a man were to come up to you and say, "I don't have a Lamborghini," would you ask him to prove that he doesn't have one?

What you should do is consult religious experts of some sort, and have them provide answers to your questions. If they end up being unsatisfactory, then you will know that it is impossible for you to remain a Christian.
2015-04-05 08:53:58 UTC
You present a really confusing picture of yourself. You aren't "turning" into an atheist, you are "becoming" or have already "become" a non believer in Jesus Christ. That's NOT atheism. Your logic is flawed because you think the things that happened in the time that Jesus walked the earth or Noah's flood would never happen today. That's your "logical" conclusion. You miss the fact that Jesus performed something called MIRACLES. They are called that because they happened and cannot be explained scientifically or logically. They are outside the realm of possibility in both cases. Logically, any scientist will tell you that if you look at a bumble bee, that it cannot possibly fly. It's too large and it's wings are too short to lift it's body and yet it does fly. The bumble bee doesn't know it's not supposed to be able to fly "logically" but it's wings are able to provide the lift for it to fly. That very same "illogical" conclusion and faith in aerodynamics produced the first airplane. Men FLYING in machines could NEVER have happened in the time of Jesus and for centuries afterward. It wasn't "logical" and there was no "science" to say otherwise. Logic is not an absolute truth. Logic can and does lie. Faith in the unknown possibilities, the truth being exhibited, and an acceptance of what you know deep within yourself determines who you are and how you live your life. Logic is a thought process that humans are endowed with, which separates us from animals but it is not a way of life. If it were, logically, people would not climb Mt. Everest just to see if they can and risk death doing it.
Benjamin Gleason
2015-04-07 15:05:02 UTC
Did you know that a majority of people who believe in a deity living somewhere above the clouds explain away our tail bones as simply a bone created by said diety? It scares me that millions of people are willing to believe that a God will speak to a person through a burning bush, but they cannot possibly believe in say Bigfoot. Don't be scared to question anything. It shows that you are intelligent and open to both sides of the conversation. Also don't worry about becoming an Athiest. Perhaps you may even be Agnostic? I was raised Jehovah's Witness then Cathloic. As I got older I realized how ridiculous some of the stories were in "My Book Of Bible Stories" book. There was one word that stood out. Stories. People need SOMETHING to believe in because the though of dying and just ceasing to exist seems to pointless or scary. I guess we will all find out when we die. Here are the actual facts about our tailbones. These facts cannot be explained away no matter how hard one may try. We all have tails during embryo stages...I am sorry that people have misled you with the whole deity in the sky story. Here are the actual facts to answer your question. The coccyx, or tailbone, is the remnant of a lost tail. All mammals have a tail at some point in their development; in humans, it is present for a period of 4 weeks, during stages 14 to 22 of human embryogenesis.[14] This tail is most prominent in human embryos 31–35 days old.[15] The tailbone, located at the end of the spine, has lost its original function in assisting balance and mobility, though it still serves some secondary functions, such as being an attachment point for muscles, which explains why it has not degraded further.
2015-04-05 12:51:25 UTC
Ok firstly Noahs Ark. Noahs Ark is not a true story. It is a jewish story. Most Christians will tell you it never happened. You can still be in a Christian if you don't believe in Noahs Ark. Most Christians don't.

Moses separated not the Red Sea. Its a mistranslation. The REED Sea is the place he travelled through.

See Moses was meant to lead the people into Canaan. The Reed Sea is a sea nearby Canaan which would make more sense. For this reason we believe Red Sea was a mistranslation.

Also separated the Reed Sea is actually not such an unbelievable thing. The Reed Sea oftenly separates itself naturally. Its such a thin river mate. It actually today with a bit of effort could be separated. The Reed Sea is a very narrow river and actually once in about every fortnight it does get a bit apart. Then it washes back in.

What is said in Exodus is *exactly* what you'd expect the Reed Sea to do. Separate and then wash back up. It does that today automatically. So tbh if I was Moses crossing it wouldn't be such a hard thing. In fact nowadays you could probably separate it. Look up the Reed Sea it does separate and wash back up.

Now the Virgin giving birth. Mm yes this story does take a bit of faith. The Incarnation. Birth of Christ. I'm going to deal with all the New Testament.

Jesus said your faith would be tested. Your challenge is to believe that the Incarnation Of God, Crucifixion Of Christ, Ressurection, and the Acension are real stories.Nobody and I mean NOBODY said it would be easy. We said it would be worth it.

It's hard. I understand. It Is. Jesus himself said this and I quote exactly "Your faith will be sorely tested". Even Jesus lost faith at god sometimes. Of course he believed in him but found it hard to do well Spiritual stuff at times. If a man who is half God is having difficulty with this I think you should well be allowed to as well.

Jesus himself says believing is not easy. Its hard. But its worth it, it truly is.

Keep going for him. At least try your best. Trying your best is better then success. That's what I say.

So just try your best. If you fail you tried your best to believe. That's all God asks of you. And besides do you think he doesn't want you to believe? He's going to fight if you fail to get you to believe again. You tried your best to believe and that's all God asks.

Your doing great. Keep it up :). You truly are ^-^
2015-04-05 09:41:40 UTC
Congratulations, we're finally evolving from good and evil mythology. Mythology may have expanded our imagination but also made us violent and suspicious. Good riddance.
2015-04-06 20:10:43 UTC
I'd rather accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior while still living and then die and find out there is no God, no Jesus, and no Heaven or hell, then to not accept Him while still living and then die and find out there is truly a God, Jesus, and a Heaven that I'll never be a part of because Hell is where I'll be. What a sad forever! Do you really want to take that chance living and dying without God??

God is a mystery. The bible just may very well be a book full of made-up stories, but one thing for sure is that for everything that is created, it have a creator. Even if we exist because of some Big Bang, someone out there had to begin that process.
2015-04-06 14:27:05 UTC
As a 20 y.o, for the longest time I knew about God, but I didn't really know God. And there is a huge difference. It wasn't until I gave God my entire heart that I started to know him personally. And it is literally the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. You see, until then I heard a lot about being "christian", "born again", "saved," but to me they were only words--just ideas of what I should be. Alone they had no impact, and even though I tried to explain myself to others thru words--what I thought being a Christian meant--I became fatigued trying to paint someone else's picture.

When I was in 11th grade I became so obsessed with trying to prove Christianity while debating my atheist friend, showing God's existence thru logic, science, philosophy and other means. All the while I thought that this is what made me "Christian", and the more I tried to make God real by explaining (and trying to sound smart) him, the less real he felt.

God is after one thing and one thing only: your heart and mine. I can talk for days about how Christian I am and how I was brought up in it and how much I know, but if my heart is not in it, then it's all for nothing. God allowed me to go through years and years of suffering; he wanted to break me down so he could build me up. And wow, what a blessing it's been. I would rather suffer with Him on that raft on that sea called life than to be out where it's cool & cozy, but I don't see him as well. Years ago I could have said that, but it would have meant absolutely nothing unless I really meant it. And he'll bring you to that place if you want. To God it's all about the heart.

After all the things the Israelites went thru--being slaves in Egypt, escaping Pharaoh and going thru the Red Sea--they wandered for 40 more years in the wilderness because of their unbelief and disobedience to God. The only two who were allowed to enter the Promised Land were Joshua and Caleb. I find it so interesting that In Hebrew Joshua & Caleb's name put together means: God saves the wholehearted.

For so long I tried to paint that picture of what I thought my life should be, all my hopes and dreams, until I realized it wasn't my painting to paint.

God wants to win your soul--but not through your mind. Even Cupid knows where to shoot the arrow. I can tell you all about God and all the scientific reasons for his existence. I can bring up Bertrand Russel and Immanuel Kant--Isaac Newton and many more; we can cite history, anthropology, and paleontology; we can sing night & day about the woes of evolution, extrapolate the creationist model from string theory and M-theory and we can have a round table discussion about all the evidence for the existence of the Judeo-christian God and argue about world religions. But at the end of the day, he'll never have your heart the way he would if you simply asked him to. Give your life to him, give him the brush, and seek him with everything you've got, and I promise you will find more than you thought you were looking for.

You won't regret it!
2015-04-05 10:09:50 UTC
You do realize that you are typing into a keyboard and that people all over the world can see that immediately, that you are doing that while sitting on a sphere of dirt, rock and water that is hurling through outer space around a giant ball of fire right now, right? Science or no science, that is absolutely incredible. I have found that the more you apply the principles of the Bible, of Jesus, of the 10 commandments to your individual life (self governing), the more I understand that it works, why it works and why it is of greater wisdom and authority than anything that man has tried in place of it. As for why He allows terrible things to happen, man's lack of preparation or man's actions cause much of this tragedy. I cannot explain all, but I have seen enough personally to strengthen my faith greatly.
2015-04-05 07:09:50 UTC
Keep thinking, you ll come to the correct decision on your own.

Or, turn your thoughts off, and stick to what you ve been indoctrinated with.
2015-04-05 07:07:07 UTC
Help with what? Do you want someone to help you turn your thoughts off so you can believe? Do you want simple answers to the complex questions that are coming up?

You need to work through these questions on your own.
2015-04-07 01:32:55 UTC
Watch lots of the atheist experience on youtube. That will help. They can answer all your questions. Congratulations. Your doubts only demonstrate you have a high intelligence than the average religious person and your brain is capable of asking questions.
2015-04-05 08:56:01 UTC
Like you, I was also raised by highly religious parents. Unlike you, I was forced to witness mature adults behaving like insane lunatics, speaking in tongues, rolling on the floor while screaming at the top of their lungs, all while handling rattlesnakes and drinking their poison. Before I was even a teenager, every Wednesday evening and Sunday morning, I was forced to be the only sane person in a church filled with deluded Pentecostal wackos. More than anything else, I feared growing up and becoming like my parents and the rest of that loony congregation.

Although my story is long and complicated, the shame I felt for my parents and their hideous church motivated me to become a relentless student of science and engineering, which taught me how to think properly and how to distinguish between my own subjective mental experiences and the objective physical reality which actually does exist outside of our subjective perceptions. It was that knowledge -- that objective reality is separate and distinct from subjective experience -- that proved to be the key to freeing myself from the religious indoctrination my parents tried to force on me.

My advice is to figure out what it is you really love doing and concentrate on becoming the best that you can become. And, above all, remember that none of your subjective mental experiences are actually real. Objective reality is made of matter and energy and exists independently of your personal mental experiences. The truth is, those who believe they know God are deluding themselves by pretending their subjective mental experiences are actually real. Christianity has always depended on erroneously pretending one's subjective mental experiences are the basis of reality. Why? ...because the original Roman Catholics combined existing ancient religious manuscripts with Aristotelian and Platonic philosophy, as they compiled, edited and translated the first Latin Bible.

In our time, the Bible is nearly incomprehensible because those who created it were convinced Aristotelian Solipsism and Platonic Idealism where eternal truths. They were wrong back then and they're still wrong now, as both the 17th century Enlightenment and the subsequent rise of the scientific establishment have proved.

...hope this helps, but unfortunately, I just realized I understood your question to be a plea for help with becoming more rational and less superstitious. It's equally possible your question was actually a plea to help you become less skeptical and sustain your religiosity. If so, I apologize and remind you that everyone's subjective perceptions are always influenced by their own expectations..
2015-04-05 07:13:24 UTC
You don't need any help. This is how many people raised in a Christian household often feel ... that there is no logical explanation or validation for God, and it's perfectly fine. Christianity is just one perspective on life; you can have your own. Later in life, you might choose to become Christian again, as many people find comfort in religion, or you may not. Right now, though, I wouldn't worry about it. Lead your life the way you want to lead it, and don't be concerned about what religion or belief system is right or wrong.
2015-04-06 14:52:32 UTC
1. The surface of the earth alone is about 70% water. That's not counting water beneath the surface and water in the atmosphere. Yet it's hard to believe the remaining thirty percent could be covered? Consider that most mountains are actually broken edges of the earth's tectonic plates jutting from the ground as a result of the flood. The earth would theoretically have been smoother, and thus far easier to be covered for a few weeks with the water that even today covers almost three quarters of it. How is this illogical? Would you rather believe mainstream science, which theorizes that the entire earth was covered with water for hundreds of thousands of years? Either way the evidence of a global flood is plainly there. You can believe God's version of the story, or man's.

2. Can you logically explain how any non-virgin gets pregnant? How does DNA know what to do? How does a human body get constructed with more complexity than all of human science is able to figure out? Why can all the logic in the world not even poorly mimic these processes? Why is it logical to assume that a God who created man from dust, and dust from nothing, could not form a baby in the one place it would logically be found? Would you rather believe that living cells came into being from rain falling on the rocks and mixing with dust?

I apologize for being sarcastic. It's natural to face doubts, and dangerous to ignore them. Having you convictions questioned can make you weaker, but finding the answers to those questions can make you stronger. If you really want help, take time to write down all of your doubts on a piece of paper. Pray to God in the name of Christ, acknowledge your doubts, and ask for wisdom. Get a KJV Bible, and read it from cover to cover, constantly referring to your list of questions. From there it's up to you whether or not you believe what you read.
2015-04-06 16:05:19 UTC
in my experience, I used to be a Christian, then I started looking into ancient Egypt and seeing how much the mainstream religions copied them.

Basically I've come to the conclusion, that the God's, the man made ones the commercialized ones in the religions, are nonexistent, they're nothing but fantasy God's, it's just man trying to tell people what they THINK the one true good is like, they build different religions around what they think that God is like, when no one truly knows...And those people end up thinking their better than everyone and they're God's chosen people, they abuse that concept for political gain (Jews Israel). And it's just dumb. Just acknowledge that There's a creator of the universe, I'm neither atheist nore anostic. Something obviously created the universe and everything in it. Look up into the sky, literally, There's the "Sun" of the creator of the Universe bro. Also English is low German, In German Son=Sun, there you go. Jesus is anthropomorphized version of the Sun of the creator of the universe in our galaxy. The ancient egyptians and other civilized ancient Africans had it figured out, Then Europeans came in and didn't know what the *** was going on and they put their own convoluted and paganistic spin on it and created racism in doing so. There are other Suns, and there may be other gods for different galaxies within the Universe.
2015-04-05 12:17:04 UTC
Everything you see, is inside of you. All your beliefs and all you have done, are all you. But who are you, and the , "I AM?" If am is , to be. then you are being, and all the other I's around are also the same as we are, a part of the whole, and the all. All life is consciousness. Now you are aware of this consciousness, and it is waking you up. You have done this many times before, and slept. In many forms, all is consciousness, all is conscious. Try Alan Watts, or some Moojiji, on You Tube, to help explain it a bit more. There is no separation. When you consider, your eyes see nothing, only create a bright flash, that lights up nerves, and you then have a projector in the darkest corner of your mind. Inside of you, everything you believe to be outside, and separate, distant, are all here within. Once you realize we are all the I, as I am, so too you are, I am, your dad, and mom, are both , I ", sisters or briothers, cousins, all everyone is known as the I. Get past the I, let go, forget the i' in I AM and see, there never was a separation. Only your own perspective from the vantage point you are currently perceiving from.





Now is was and always shall be. the rest is, ILLusIon, just a ride. Time to awaken, or, enjoy the dream, of the illusion a ride we are all in this together. Enjoy/\...
2015-04-07 16:33:11 UTC
Wow that's a lot of answers on a pretty bi-polar scale of helpfulness. I was born into and raised by a loving Christian family and am now an Atheist myself. The move from one to another was not painful, however it was a long process. Let me start by clarifying a few things for you though, hopefully I can lend you some helpful information.

First things first, there's nothing wrong with believing in God or not believing in God. I know quite a few folks would argue with me for eternity on that, but in the end I looked at it like this: I genuinely do not believe in God, but I don't know everything so I could be totally wrong. If am am wrong for some reason I'm pretty sure when I meet my maker and he/she is omnipotent I'll go to hell for not believing OR I can try and fake my way through and end up getting burned for lying - not really a win-win situation. Basically I decided to not claim I believe in God just because I'm afraid, lying sucks and so do the people who do it.

Beyond that logic and faith can harmoniously co-exist, but they do not mix well. You can use logic and reason in your every day life, but faith does not mix with it at all. There are tons of Christian scientists, even Stephen Hawking says in a few instances that some of the big bang theory even leaves room for God. He never goes into the whole debate over it, just that some things physics cannot explain may never be mathematically calculated using logic because if God is real he/she may have just done a few things to help the universe along.

So instead of trying to apply logic to your faith, try and make peace with the two just not playing well together. In every argument I see from my fellow Atheists trying to disprove God I can poke a million holes through their logic. The truth is none of us know for sure and neither side is really right or wrong. For every Christian who can quote scripture and claim to know God is real - guess what I can poke a million of into it...

Faith in it's most base is just a belief in something without proof. People have faith in Big Foot, aliens and The Easter Bunny. At age 19 you've realized some things you believed in as a child aren't true and you're trying to forge your own path now. You're starting to look at things in a more realistic view, you're going to be dissecting TONS of things that you'd never have given a second thought to a couple of years ago and that's fantastic.

The main thing to keep a hold of right now is that you don't have to make a dicision right here and now. You don't have to declair anything on any cosmic timeline. Take some time, do some soul searching and maybe talk with someone you can really get into a discussion with about it. You may just be having a momentary lapse and you may be genuinely converting to Atheism.

Whatever comes of it, remember the lessons religion has taught - compassion, humility, acceptance, loyalty and so on - these fundamental ideals apply to us non-believers just as much as the most devout. All of the same is required of anyone who wants to be successful and happy.

Good luck and I hope you get something helpful from my ramblings.
2015-04-08 15:26:01 UTC
Don't let them lie to you. Jesus used Noah's arc as an example Its a true story. Hold on to all that God said and reject anything that contradicts what God said because they are wrong and will be exposed in due season.

look what Peter said about this 2000 years ago...How did he know that men would deny Jesus? How did he know that they would deny the creation? How did he know that they would say Noah's flood never happened?

2Peter 3:3-9 Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
Sacra Veritas
2015-04-05 07:43:33 UTC
God has never been on our terms. What the atheistic mind sees as rational and logical, simply does not take into account the possibility of a spiritual reality. It is an underlying assumption of the atheist world view that there is only the material world. If we can't see, touch or smell (including beyond our human senses - we have many sophisticated instruments in the scientific world). They never ever justify that assumption. Human experience throughout history knows that there is more to the world than just the material world. All sorts of religions and philosophies point to that - that is a ton of evidence that cannot just be ignored. (unless one is being intellectually dishonest). I am a chemist and a Christian. I have no conflict between my faith and science.
2015-04-06 20:13:41 UTC
The fact that you're asking for help is a real tribute. This is a hard life and it can take the best out of anyone. But remember back to when you first fell in love with Jesus. He is still here waiting for your love. In Feb 1988 I was in St. Croix. One afternoon I was taking a nap but was woken. I did not see an angel but felt it's presence ushering me to the balcony. The balcony overlooked the ocean and as I gazed across the ocean I heard the audible voice of God say "I will never leave you or forsake you". I gasped and asked how will I know? To my question there was suddenly a rainbow that appeared. I am no one special, in fact I was backslidden and yet God spoke to me out of Heaven. He is no respecter of persons and He still waits for us even when we've turned from him. That was a lifetime ago, I'm thankful I turned back to Him and have enjoyed His love all these years. Don't miss that.
2015-04-06 13:34:54 UTC
You can't believe in any religion if you don't have faith, faith is religion. Faith is defined: strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.

No religion can be looked into logically because God doesn't exist physically. Therefore there is no proof. The bible is said to be symbolic.

See I cant really explain this because im not religious. Im agnostic if anything however my partner is Christian, I am looking into and trying to learn about the faith in order to understand.

You might find it helpful looking at my recent question I've just posted called "Why do people choose to believe in science and discard religion?" A lot of people on there have said there is no proof for faith, in fact faith is the opposite of this. Faith is believing in something without proof. So I take it from my answers... you either have it or you don't. You can choose to keep searching for it or give up.

A lot of my Christian friends have said that they didn't "accept" God into their life until mid twenties despite practising the religion all their life through their families. Apparently you have to reach out to him and let him in and ask for his forgiveness and guidance... I know to me I've tried this and I just feel stupid but to each their own.

I guess for you, me and you are on the complete opposite ends of the scale haha...

Goodluck, as long as you're happy and healthy at the end of the day, you don't need much more
2015-04-05 14:21:30 UTC
Do a lot of research on ancient "gods" and religions. You will find many parallels among them. Ancient Egypt has numerous religious correlations to present-day Judaism and Christianity. Research Roman, Greek, Buddhist, Hindu, etc. religions. The more you learn, the more you can formulate and crystallize you own beliefs. But first, remember Christianity, at its core, worships the Jewish God. The Christian Bible begins with the Jewish religious teachings about the Jewish God. The first thing to ask yourself is why you follow Christian teachings that lead you away from the God that the Bible is based on. (Google Jewish 101 or what Jews believe)

From there you can learn about other gods and goddesses (ancient apocryphia says the Christian/Jewish God had a wife named Asherah). Ask yourself why there should only be a male God and not a female Goddess.

You have a good mind and are questioning teachings that make no sense to you. Continue your search until you are satisfied that you have explored every religious belief and can then make an informed decision as to which religion (or none) that you will embrace.

Enjoy your journey.
2015-04-05 07:10:55 UTC
In my experience, most christians today are actually deists. They decry the 'events' as you have, they doubt christ ever existed, for good reason, but they do hold on to the belief in a god. If I had to guess, I'd say the indoctrination they received as children doesn't let them entirely let go of their imaginary friend. Which is fine, but often leads to confusion over how to define themselves.

Logically, a Deistic, and apathetic god could exist. The abrahamic one does not, as its very existence would be a paradox. What you're experiencing is entirely normal for people with rational minds. Those with irrational minds will try to guilt you into going back. Don't let them. Nothing bad is going to happen if you stop believing in their fantasy. I speak from experience.
2015-04-05 19:24:59 UTC
In this thread, a bunch of people have already mentioned the flaws of Christianity, such as the parting of the Red Sea actually being the parting of the Reed Sea. This makes it really difficult to believe in a religion which you have been brought up to cherish. That's difficult.

There is also a logical way to explain the 10 plagues in Egypt. I can explain them to you if you're interested, but it's pretty long. No matter how logical the explanation is, it requires many coincidental incidents, all of which do not occur very often, to occur consecutively. The friend that explained the theory to me also said that the fact that all of these occurrences, normally rare by themselves, occurred consecutively in line with when Moses said they would, is a miracle in itself. I agree. It is a miracle that it all happened, and the fact that Moses knew that they would happen means that God must have told him that either they would occur naturally, or they were created by God himself.

I think that these miracles are very important for religion as a whole. For you to believe in a god, you have to believe that that god deserves your worship. In this case, God does, since he created (or knew about them beforehand) all of these miracles.

If you look at miracles rationally and logically, it's very difficult to continue to have faith in them. However, if you look at them while having faith, it can completely change your perspective. The fact that these miracles, which defy all we know about science, happened, means that something, somewhere, caused it to happen. Having faith in that being, having faith in those miracles, is what makes the faith itself so powerful. Paradoxically, the miracles can undo faith, but it can also create it. If you think logically about it, there's no way that the miracles can exist, however, the miracles not being able to exist is also what makes them so special, and so worthy for your belief.

Believe in God because He CAN defy logic.

I was an atheist until I found out about agnosticism. I am personally an agnostic, which, by my definition, means that anything could be the truth. That may be taking the rout of non-committal, but it is because I believe that God may exist, but then again so may Vishnu. And then, neither of them could exist at all. I will probably never know.

I'm not saying this to make you become agnostic, I just want to suggest that you consider your options. You may find that God is the right path, but you may also find that Allah is a cool God too.

Anyway, the bottom line is that I think the reason you should still believe in your religion is that all the flaws in Christianity defy logic. Therefore, Christianity is worth having faith in. Who could defy logic and the laws of science except a supreme being? Anyway, the controlled variable that we're all using to make our educated decisions also has some issues. Who knows when the next Newton, Galileo, Copernicus, or Einstein will come around to change the way that we think about things. "You know nothing, Human Beings." Who knows, the world may be flat after all :)
2015-04-05 13:29:06 UTC
Christianity is not inherited nor passed on by association, so from

what you have written about your beliefs and non-beliefs, show not the

slightest sign of you being a Christian. God is beyond the realm of

logic. If God were logical, he wouldn't be God; he would be a human,

stuck in mundane reality, not willing to believe there could be more

to our existence than what can be ascertained by the 5 senses.

The Old Testament events that you refer to are to much for the

sophisticated man of today, because things like that don't happen

today, so they most likely never happened, as far as the rational

thinker goes. In those days, God did the supernatural to show the

people that he is God. Who could doubt it? The time is coming

where once again, he will show that he is, indeed God and it won't

be pretty.

Before you drift too far away in your realities, try reading and finding

out about the God and events of the New Testament, where you'll

find out what a Christian truly is, and how to become one.
White Rose
2015-04-07 07:12:50 UTC
GOD NEVER LIES! if you don't believe something and can find reasons, even scientific reasons to object to truths in the bible, for a balanced and mature evaluation get an equal and opposite statement, that a true argument, there is so much leading evidence for things in the bible, for thousands of year science had it wrong and the bible had it right, atheist scientists are crediting the accuracy of the bible. But some of these are hard to find, propaganda, we are only fed what the world wants us to know, you have to search the truth, if you are hit hard fight back 7 times harder! These are the work of the devil he attacks Gods people more because he knows those who are not Gods are already taken by the world, he doesn't have to do anything!
nightcrawler 0_2
2015-04-06 01:49:37 UTC
When your questions have already made it clear you've never been a Christian, in reality nothing of consequence is turning at all.

Best advise, admit what you really are to yourself made clear by your current lack of understanding and then proceed to find all the answers to your questions without wrongly thinking Orthodox has them or for that matter is ver “highly spiritual”, or if you cannot be bothered as to be frank is the case with most, just be yet another atheist living in ignorance :)
2015-04-06 10:20:50 UTC
Just like you, I was taught a certain (impossible) interpretation of Old Testament passage(s), so that when I found out that particular interpretation -- doctrine -- was false (!), it destroyed my faith.....

(and now, much later, I'm a very lucky and strong believer in something much more on....)

All of us lose faith in man-made doctrines.

This instruction from Christ surprised me when I realized what it actually means!

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and *does* them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.” (emphasis on 'does' added)

Doing what He says to do -- an amazing thing happens then, and then you find out what *few* actually know!

It's a "narrow" gate.....and this is why....

See, every doctrine that insists some Old Testament story has only a particular correct interpretation ______ is not that Christian faith, by His Word.

(beside the main point, but some will wonder, so:...The Old Testament is full of passages that mix real events *and* metaphors/allegories together in the same passages/stories. This is a style that does not use the limited notion that literal events and allegorical stories must be separate! It confuses many. It is actually beside the real purpose of the Bible to get overly worried about precisely what is literal, because the *essential meaning* is the bigger meaning, not the particular details, like how many days, when, where, etc. little beside-the-point details. The Bible is *not* about the length of a 'day' and only by wrongly getting stuck on that kind of ego-based who's-right do people err so badly.)
2015-04-08 15:48:13 UTC

1) True worshippers respect the Bible as God's Word. (Matthew 15:7-9; John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16,17)

2) Jesus' true followers honor God's name, Jehovah. (Matthew 6:9; John 17:26; Romans 10:13,14)

3) True Christians preach about God's Kingdom. (Luke 4:43; 8:1; 23:42,43; Matthew 24:14)

4) Jesus' followers are no part of this wicked world. (John 17:16; 18:36; James 4:4)

5) True Christians have outstanding love for one another. (Micah 4:1-3; John 13:34,35; 1 John 4:20)

CAN YOU IDENTIFY THE TRUE RELIGION? Which religion bases all its teachings on God's Word, honors God's name, and proclaims God's Kingdom as mankind's only hope? Which group practices love and shuns wars? What do you think? (1 John 3:10-12)
2015-04-06 05:43:26 UTC
It sounds like you are getting lost looking at the trees and can't see the forest. Trying to scientifically explain how miracles happen is a loosing game. We call them miracles because they can't be explained. Does that mean faith and science are contradictory? By no means! It only means we can't explain it right now.

A key thing to remember is the scriptures in the Bible were written to tell us about God and our relationship to him. Genesis was written to tell us how we got to our current situation, not as a text for science. Although, as archaeology makes new discoveries, they do coincide with scriptural accounts.

Before becoming atheist put them to the same scrutiny. Ask an atheist to explain creation and give proof. They can't because science is alway experimental. Even the theory of gravity is revised yearly.

If he goes back to the big bang, he is relying on a Christian theory. God is the source of the BANG!
2015-04-05 17:10:54 UTC
It's natural to doubt and it's natural that many young adults are turning away from Christianity because we are taught from a young age to doubt the supernatural or even the existence of God. Even our churches are bereft of the supernatural and doubt God still works in our world today. However He does. God still heals, casts out demons, and changes lives all over the world. I see it in my church. I see it in my life. That stuff happens much more frequently in other parts of the world, third world countries, where they believe much more easily in the supernatural. Jesus said nothing happens if you don't believe. And that goes for Christians too who say they believe, but live as though God never works in this world.

And it's important to remember for christians and atheists alike. The Bible is not a science book. It is a book about God's relationship with mankind. It doesn't answer every question, but it does answer the question of how we got here, why we're in such a mess, and it answers where we're going and what God is going to do to answer all of our cries against injustice and suffering. I don't know why God allows human trafficking and beheadings of people of all faiths, but I know life is but a vapor, and evil is only temporary.

God will reveal himself to you if you continue to seek honestly with an open mind and heart.
2015-04-06 11:21:47 UTC
Just because you are starting to doubt the religion you've been raised to believe doesn't mean you have to be atheist. That's just going from one religion to the next. It's actually good that you are questioning your religion because if you accept anything without question, that means you aren't thinking for yourself. Look into yourself and all around you and your beliefs of the origin of life, the other side, a higher power, etc. will come naturally to you. Look into other religions and belief systems. This is a natural part of growing. Personally, I believe in reincarnation, "heaven", and a higher power. I've attained these beliefs by looking into myself and my surroundings.
Tony from Sussex
2015-04-06 16:21:09 UTC
I didn t read all the answers. What is telling, is that you selected as the best answer a flaky and poorly informed answerer. Probably a clever atheist.

That tells me that you are looking for a way to fail. Or at least not really trying. Being a Christian is always a battle.

I think you will drift off into a wilderness for a long time and maybe never return to God. Willfully losing your faith is a very real possibility.

If that bothers you, you need to man up right now.

Begin to ask God to set some strong foundations into your life.

I ll be aroundvif you d like to message.

I pray that you ll let God in. Maybe for the first time, in reality

2015-04-05 13:18:49 UTC
Read God's word more. 2 Timothy 3:16
2015-04-06 09:34:07 UTC
You are correct that the items that you referred to in the scriptures have not happened today and may not make logical sense. But consider this: the modern technology that we have today, would it seem logical to people back in the 20's, 30's, or 40's? would airplanes and cars make sense to those who lived prior to the 19th century? The answer is no. Also the scripture makes reference that the earth was a sphere (round) when the prevailing teachers of the day taught that it was flat. so the question is 'why'. if you want satisfying answers to make an informed decision please visit: You can have your bible questions answered and whatever decision you make will be one you can be happy with. take care.
2015-04-05 18:28:57 UTC
Sweetie, miracles are miracles because it would be impossible for them to happen in normal natural situations and could only happen if God Himself did them ---- that is what makes them miracles. May i recommend that you find a Campus Crusade for Christ group?; they are on may high school and college campuses. They are an excellent group. You might also try reading Lee Strobels books, starting with "A Case for Christ". He had been an atheist; he was an investigative reporter and decided that he would prove that Christianity was a lie ---- but in doing his research he found that he was proving just the opposite and had no other choice but to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior. And he has written many books sharing the information and facts that he'd found, the first being "A Case for Christ." He has a website so you can read more about him there ... and you can purchase used copies of his books on .... perhaps for as little as 1cent + S&H.
2015-04-08 08:22:31 UTC
You'll probably become Atheist because deception like that happens when one isn't being faithful to God. Your sin pulls blinders over your eyes, and gives Satan power to sway you and hide from you truths.

First, bad things happen because we have a choice to do right and wrong. If God wanted to stop us from doing evil to one another, God would have to take our choice away. And He will so that you can no longer choose to do evil to another, in probably about 80 years from now barring any unforeseen fatal complications.

Second, to say that there is no God means that all we see just happened. Everything. Nothing was controlled, guided, or helped along, it just happened to go in this specific direction, in this place and time, and work out this way. That means everything. The bee's dance, the eyeball, everything happened autonomously with no guide to get it to go in the right direction whatsoever.

Third, we read the Bible in English. The Bible was translated and re-translated. Granted, God carries the message, but what the words and phrases can mean can be different. For example, any given word or phrase can have different contexts in which they rely upon for the message to be determined. Well, translating a translation can be a daunting task, especially when one is trying to preserve the words of God.

The reason I tell you this is because, when God said there was a flood over the whole earth, does God mean the whole world of humankind, which may very well have been limited to Mesopotamia at the time, where we believe there really was a flood that covered the whole area, or does God mean the actual entire earth? Well, I don't know the original language to know the context, and those that did, that was their best interpretation that we then translated into English back in King James' day.

As for being eaten by the fish, well, was it actually "eaten" or was it swallowed? See how they have a different meaning in English.

Also, from the perspective of the writer, if Jonah had been aspirated, say in lungs of a whale because he just so happened to fall into spout of a whale just before it close it's air off and went under the water, how might that appear to the viewer of that day who doesn't exactly understand water-mammal physiology? Perhaps it would look like he's being swallowed?

Now, if Jonah was infact ingested, then it would have to have been God who kept him alive, but God can do that, if in fact He does exist, so I don't see why you find that illogical. But if you need an explanation that isn't God supernaturally doing it, then he could have easily been aspirated by a whale. Maybe his being inside the whale's lungs introduced bacteria and is actually what caused it to get sick and appear to throw him up on the shore? God can do it either way, if in fact He does exist.

If you ever saw your guardian angel, felt a loved one, heard someone from the dead talking or saw them, it is almost definitely Satan attempting some sort of deception, so you should be glad about that.

Christ never lost faith. Christ was tested and tempted. A lot of people think that Christ was tempted with world power in the desert. But the reality is, Christ was perfect, so the temptation was not likely world power, but what he could do to help people if he held such power, and Satan was using His goodness to try and plant a seed of rejecting the Father God.

As for a Virgin, well yeah, if she had gotten pregnant through having sex, would you think that baby was the Son of God? Or would having sex sound more like people made that story? Yeah, you're essentially creating a catch 22 for yourself in that either way, you'd have difficulty believing it. It actually had to be a Virgin conception because otherwise it wasn't God, and the human was of the same line as mankind, which was with sin since Adam. If Mary had to have sex to get pregnant that would mean that Christ isn't actually Christ.
2015-04-05 18:47:14 UTC
Where in the WORLD did you hear that the flood never happened and that Christians don't believe in the Flood?

1. Don't limit God to man's ability, you are talking about the creator of the universe and he has no limits and is capable to do things that you could not even imagine.2. Jesus Christ himself talked about the Flood of Noah's day at Matthew 24:37-39. So, are you saying that Jesus is lying about the flood? 3. Read your Bible and do not take the word of others.
2015-04-05 20:04:01 UTC
I am 72 y/o and the last 20 years of my work life I worked as a Registered Nurse on primarily adult psychiatric units in hospitals but at least 3 to 4 of those years of and on in adolescent psych units. At 19 y/o and especially if you are going to college the "stage" you are in is one of questioning and reflection. What did the school teachers and my parents teach me that was both true and helpful in my life and what was not. It is to a certain degree an unsettling time but a good one.

One of the problems that you are having regarding Christianity and logic is due to more than 1 factor. For one thing, since about the 1600's the mind and logic has been growing in esteem and cultural value until it is at times worshipped more than God. There have arose sayings and beliefs like, "If it isn't logical then it has no value or isn't true." When I was a boy of 12 if someone wanted to criticize something they might say, "That isn't Christian.". Now they would say, "That isn't scientific." That is not to say that logic is not useful but it has real problems. Logic is based on premises which are assumed to be true but can't be tested. On the most simple level, If A=B and B=C then A=C, Simple, unless A does not really =B or B does not really =C; then the entire logic process becomes useless for assessing the truth. Another problem with logic is that in order for the A=B process to yield valid assessments of truth all of the relevant facts must be known by the person doing the evaluating of the issue. For issues about God, how in the world can any human know all of the relevant facts.

If Christianity (let me say instead, the teachings of Jesus and His Apostles) were fiction and made up, as many atheists say, then that fiction probably would all be consistent with logic because the people who made up this fiction would have made sure that it did. The fact that many of the things that Jesus and His disciples seem illogical and the fact that Jesus disciples were such flawed characters who bumbled about at times is actually proof that the accounts in the Bible are true! Anyone who would made up a fiction story would have had everything logical and all of Jesus disciples would have been perfect men.

The Other factor that you are dealing with is that science does not only not know everything but cannot know even 1 billionth of all the facts of the Universe that it is possible to know. Let me share one example. Jesus said that, "Those who believe in me though they die yet shall they live. Those who "live" and believe in my, shall never die." According to Evolution we are the physical body and what Jesus said is impossible to be true. However, I lived in a Jnana Yoga Ashram in my 20's and did mental and Spiritual exercises that proved to me that we are not the physical body but the Spirit within. As Jesus said, "Why do you fear the those who can kill the body and then do no more. Rather fear He who can destroy both body and soul in Hell."

So what Jesus was saying was that when the body dies our real Self does not die. If before our body dies we realize through experience that we are the Spirit within when the body dies we will not lose the awareness of our Life which is our True self.

I do not say these things because of any thoughts or ideas but from actual Spiritual experiences I have had. Until you personally experience the Reality of God through Spiritual experience y6ou will have doubts. After I experience what I have just written in my 20's I have never had 1 doubt about the existence of God or the fact that He loves us with a love that is so great that it is impossible for the human mind to comprehend. I pray to our Heavenly Father that He leads you to the same Spiritual experiences That I have had so that you too will have no doubts about the existence of God or His infinite love for us. I ask in the blessed Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen and amen.
2015-04-06 03:38:27 UTC
The reason you are "turning atheist" is simply because the stories and supposed facts in the Bible don't actually fit the world you can see around you. It makes you just through all kinds of mental hoops to force it to fit, and the simple reality is that science and common sense offer far more satisfying answers to most of the big questions.

You have a simple choice. You can embrace reality and atheism, and see religion for what it is. Or, you can choose to cling to your belief and call it faith.

What you'll never be able to do is return to a place where you simply believe. You've outgrown that part of your life. You can either move on and live in the real world, or you can pretend it's true because you find it easy and comforting.
2015-04-07 05:58:30 UTC
You are starting to wake up. You're already an Atheist for the most part, you just have not come to terms with it yet. You basically have already woken up. Once you think like that, there is no going back. I became a realist.. oops I mean an Atheist a year ago.
2015-04-05 21:28:56 UTC
You don't need any help; you're already an atheist when talking about believing in Zeus or Thor or whatever other ideas of Gods are out there, so why not just take it one step further
2015-04-05 11:27:44 UTC
actually i believe you don't need help you are on the right track just get rid of the fear religion has instilled in you .you have been raised in it that's what your parents believe in the immediate people around you did too so it is normal that you did believe in it too .i did ask myself the same question about life a some point and religion being sneak was presented to me as the answer , and atheism is not real either and the bing bang theory which is a theory by the way it has never been proved ; i wonder why it is still being taught .how can you explain nothing evolving to everything including humans and enough oxygen to breath nonsense .it is just you brain logic kicking in .the society has been structured around centuries of religious nonsense and brainwashing and tons of contradictions .just check for what people did in the name of jesus or allah or whatever religion in africa , america ,europe , palestine .millions of dead people because they did not share the same belief .million of Africans shipped to america as slave ,denied freedom , the right to learn and read but all they had were bible instructions from their masters .get the picture .

right now i am experimenting discovering myself ,like what music i love without the influence of society and stuff like that .you are stronger that you think you are .stop torturing yourself ; that's what religion has taught us .two important things : no one on this planet was born a christion or a muslim whatever ... don't let anyone insult your humanity and i am starting to believe that you can make anything happen if you want it but you need to make the first step .

my name is patrice amundala check me on facebook if you want to have a chat just send me a message .
2015-04-06 12:05:46 UTC
Learn to think for yourself don't believe everything you read or are told. The Old testament is only a little over 5000 years old & was written by men then rewritten by men over & over again until they thought they had a way to control the people. That's why there are so many mistakes & changes in it. It was first Adam & Lilith not Eve. Then it just borrows stories from other people other than the Jews.
2015-04-05 07:21:37 UTC
Not everything can be explained logically. If you bury a seed in warm moist ground, logic expects it to rot, but for some reason it sprouts and grows. Logic indicates that a bumble bee can't fly, but it does. Logic would say that a caterpillar is just a worm, but it's not. If logic doesn't answer everything in the natural world, how can you expect it to explain the supernatural?
2015-04-05 11:09:27 UTC
O.k. You need to listen and listen very carefully, because you just answered every question and you do not need to know anything else by the sounds of it. But you are missing it my friend. You are seriously missing the whole point of the existence of God. It is not about all those things you mentioned, and you know what, If I were God, I don t think I would answer any of your requests either, and you know why, its because you already believe that you know, and so then why would God answer you. God answers those who realize their need for him. God blesses the humble and does not approve of your haughtiness, and your pride. Pride is what ended it for the devil. You need to start at the beginning again ad much as you probably do not want to hear that. But you are only nineteen and so how could you have all the answers my friend. I have been studying and reading the Bible for almost as long as you have been living and I still need to pray and ask God why this and why that sometimes. And sometimes I get an answer believe it or not, but sometimes there is no answer, but does that mean there is no God. Does the fact that the towers fell mean there is no God. Just because you do not understand something does that mean there is no God. Well, if that how you believe and feel then you have not digested the words of God within the Bible...... You need to stop the path you are on and you need to humble yourself, but first look up the definition of humble, and you need to start communicating from the beginning again with God, and maybe there is still going to be some kind of hope for you, but if you continue this path you are on my friend you will be in trouble and your life will be full of misery..... Just as the life of Peter. fOR MANY YEARS OF HIS LIFE HE SUFFERED GREATLY BECAUSE HE KNEW BETTER BUT HE DID NOTHING FOR GOD....
2015-04-05 07:11:44 UTC
I won't help you delude yourself. These realizations may be painful, but many Atheists go through them.

The religious don't really understand this as long as they're religious, but it's all BS. Look no further than the church leaders, how they act, their hypocrisy, etc.

Forgive the pun, but I think I'm preaching to Choir, aren't I?
Madeline W
2015-04-07 20:58:48 UTC
I believe in God but know that it's not 100% certain that he exists. You don't need help, you're fine. Being an Athiest doesn't mean you you're a bad person - and if God does exist he will love you even if you do question his existence.
2015-04-08 13:20:35 UTC
You are realizing how ****** up the true spirit of Christianity is. And no, I'm not a "bad influence," and I'm not "leading you into temptation." I'm trying to be a voice of reason.

And before everyone gets butthurt, I really don't care what religion you are. I am answering the asker's question with what I believe. As long as you try as hard as you can to be a good person, then I don't care if you worship a cereal box.
2015-04-07 00:11:23 UTC
I think you should become an atheist, because of a couple reasons. It seems to make you happy knowing that the world makes sense. Things that are supported with evidence are true, and absurd mythical things don't really exist. I believe that you would be more satisfied knowing the truth instead of worrying if a fairy tale really happens or not; a fairy tale supported by zero evidence.
2015-04-05 07:12:35 UTC
We all change over time. Just make sure you remember who you have been over your life and you will be fine. While I was searching the web for information on anatomy, a picture of a penis showed up in a chart at the same time I got an erection. I panicked for weeks, and hated myself until I realized the same thing happens randomly all the time because I'm in the process if puberty. I'm actually asexual, so erections for me aren't connected to anything. Its just sort of a "body wants sex, have sex" sort of thing that I don't control. It sucks having a sex drive.
2015-04-06 14:22:03 UTC
Your original indoctrination has made you fearsome of looking into a true interpretation of your religion, and making up your own mind with a view to reality.

It does not make a a horrible person, it doesn't inflict you with two heads, it doesn't make you any different than you are now, it simply alters your personal conception of the religious fables which were very appropriate to the peasant population at the time, and the realistic view of today.

It doesn't make you harsh or cruel, greedy or vicious, a criminal or an idiot. In fact it probably helps to accept the basic origins of your religion.

Stop trying to put horns on everyone who does not believe the dogma of Christianity, They can still be believers in the practice of Christianity without all the mumbo-jumbo that has been

attached to it.
2015-04-07 19:16:25 UTC
Its good your becoming more and more skeptical , as evidance suggests Christianity is a myth . The relgion has no real evidance to back up its claims . Its a proven fact Moses never existed as there is no evidence about him in any Egyptian records , If these stories were true their would be a lot of supportive of evidence with in the known world at that time , Kings and Kingdoms would of recorded such exploits . Yet non exists , only source of info is the torah.
2015-04-05 11:04:52 UTC

I wan to tell you what God is teaching in the bible about this. If the Lord really gives us a new heart and spirit, we will and can never go back into any other religion or any other kind of belief..We are his final and nothing else. The bile teaches that God changes the soul and we don't want to go back. Anyone can use the title, but it does not mean the Lord has changed that person and they have a new heart..God gives us that and there is no turning back..The bile teaches that salvation is permanent.. It is not temporary.
Dennis Sagt
2015-04-05 07:26:15 UTC
Logic is good and useful, but it isn't the totality. Logic and science have limits. Certain areas are in their purview, others are not. I prefer the tern "non-rational" to "irrational" because of the latter's pejorative connotation. I know next to nothing about Orthodox belief, but my church is okay with the belief that the deluge wasn't global.

I would advise learning more about Jesus' milieu. For example, saliva or spit was thought to have curative properties. Knowing this gives added meaning to Jesus rubbing mud in a blind man's eyes.

Your thoughts and feelings are normal.
2015-04-06 20:59:30 UTC
It is getting harder to be a Christian because sin is everywhere today. Like in the days of Noah, the path to being a Christian is an up hill one. It is a lot easier to serve the flesh weather is be sexual or drugs of alcohol. To serve god you MUST deny the flesh an people today people are self serving an self centered so that doesn't go well if you want to be of Christian faith. Young people today are facing almost insurmountable obstacles.
2015-04-06 09:47:59 UTC
If God didn't allow bad things to happen, we would have very little choice. God is all powerful and, such a long time ago, the world was, in a way, still being created. While it had been made, it did not function. But now, we have a fully functioning world and God no longer needs to send prophets.
Barney Google
2015-04-07 22:46:52 UTC
It's too easy to turn one's back on their youth and accept another concept or idea, after indoctrination. I was that way too, gave up my Christian God to atheism until my true inner spirit came out and I saw how wrong I was. Having faith in the power of love.
2015-04-05 11:12:17 UTC
Why do you have a hard time believing that God can exist in a different dimension? Do you realize that the chance of this universe coming into existence through nothing is in the negative numbers? Are you aware that if any one of the planets or stars where to move less than a tenth of an inch would cause the entire universe to be unable to sustain life? Believing that God is a loving and merciful God is a matter of opinion. However, it is more illogical to believe that the universe, in it's grand complexity came into existence from nothing.

Believing in God is a matter of faith, because you cannot prove or disprove his existence, however, there is evidence to support the theory that God or an intelligence does exist.
2015-04-06 00:07:18 UTC
Then WHY does the story of Noah still exist in scripture...Even Jesus was aware of it...and never denied it.

(Matthew 24:36-40) “Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. 37 For just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 38 For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, 39 and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be. 40 Then two men will be in the field; one will be taken along and the other abandoned.

If Jesus said it happened.
Deepak Oprah
2015-04-06 00:55:39 UTC
You're righf to question the ridiculousness of the Bible. There's nothing wrong with embracing empiricism and reason. Talking snakes and Jesus curing deafness with wet willies might make for interesting stories, but they're unlikely to be true.
2015-04-07 15:28:20 UTC
A TRUE CHRISTIAN never 'backs off' from being one. It is forever. You were raised in a family who thought they knew Christianity, perhaps, but if your dad was an auto mechanic, does this make you a Ford? You were never a Christian, no doubt.
2015-04-05 07:32:55 UTC
Faith becomes with the events happening with us.Logic is also essential for faith.You see, we, for the whole life run things after things, even we have all comfort of life with adequate quantity.You have money to fulfil needs of life,good spouse,good children,home,car etc.But you do not stay with this happiness and start finding something more by mean of enjoyment,playing,friends,religions,cinema,politics etc.Why this happens, because soul wants or try to find its original source.It does not know the right way or where to find so it starts finding in worldly things and pleasure.These pleasure do not give it that great or permanent joice so it starts finding in

other things.Because religions or spirituality are related with finding God so it start becoming calm by joining these even it has not found its source yet.

True faith comes only when we experience the truth by self otherwise we will be derailed by worldly hypocrisy.
Know-it-All Smar-t-Pants
2015-04-07 13:02:06 UTC
I went through the same transformation and it was scary. Most people are not able to view things from a logical and intellectual perspective when it comes to their emotional beliefs.

It took me years to come to the realization that god is manmade. Without getting too deep into it, the entire concept of faith is based on believing in what someone else told you to believe without evidence of it being true. Because there is no evidence they then say that is faith. So faith is in the word of man = I don’t have faith.

The process for me took years. In my 20s I studied the bible daily and considered being a Pastor. My church was also expecting the same for me. I was really hooked and new I was correct. What really started the change in philosophy was the studying. I wanted to bring in real scientific study into the bible because I thought it would stand up to the challenge. So I started comparing documented history to the word of god. The more I learned the more I questioned my beliefs.

Later I resolved myself to, I think there is a god but I don’t know who he is.

Today I believe there is no god and if there is one he has not made himself known to anyone on this earth.

I have to say the best part is that I don’t have guilt in my life over simple things, I don’t worry about keeping a god happy, and I have learned to care more about humanity and respect other beliefs more than ever. It is an incredibly freeing experience. I would say that I have more peace in my life than any time before. I do get frustrated listening to those who still believe. It is amazing they cant hear and see themselves. They are Cruel, judging, and condemn people based on faith.
2015-04-06 10:17:15 UTC
Somehow young adults are always bombarded with doubts about their religious beliefs. It is as though Satan knows this may be a turning point when a believer will either turn completely away from the teachings of the Bible, as so many young people do today, or adhere to it for the rest of our lives. As a young adult I had these same doubts for a very long time, but thanks be to Jesus who appeared to me in a dream and allay all my doubts. Don't give up. Pray more earnestly about it and ask God to show you the truth, The Bible tells us flee from the devil, and he will flee from you.
2015-04-05 11:27:09 UTC
Consider God just for a moment. He is supernatural, OK, so he can do things that are not natural. Now if there were no God, where did the universe come from? There are two choices, either it came from nothing sort of like magic, or God created everything. Do you believe in magic? You will have heard of the Big Bang and how everything that is came into existence at that moment. Time did not exist before that so you can't have a sequence such as branes touching because that involves sequence and sequence requires time. Any physical/mechanical mechanism for the Big Bang requires time. So Magic or God.
2015-04-07 09:01:46 UTC
First, the path to God is a very personal one. For some, it is a long and torturous path. For others, it is direct and carefree. Thus the path to God is as unique and individual as human beings. Some leave the path and never return, others leave the path and come back when they are ready. That said, I ask you to consider the following.

Empiricism and science cannot give us all knowledge. That sounds counter-intuitive, doesn't it? David Hume said that nothing enters the mind, but by the senses. Aristotle was of the same opinion. Yet, they were both right and wrong. They were right in that most things do enter the mind through the senses of touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound. So how can we say that such learned men are wrong?

Because of epistemology. Epistemology is the field of study that is used to examine man's knowledge and provides us with a metric for gauging what we know and verifies that we know in fact. Socrates once led a slave to arrive at how to determine the square footage of an irregular field just by asking him questions. This led Plato, his pupil, to conclude that knowledge existed within the individual from birth. As such, it only had to be remembered. My point is this, at no time did they slave's senses provide him with the input he needed to solve the problem. He did so purely with thought.

Plato recognized this and realized that there was far more to reality than merely what our senses can detect. Another example is our modern technology. The cell phones that we use, the computers that we access the internet with, etc. all use technology based upon mathematical principles that came from the mind alone. Because this technology works, we know that we know. Again, we arrive at something that cannot be detected or perceived through the senses.

So you see, God is not logical in a scientific sense of the word. You will never meet him at a bar, shake his hand, and get his business card. This is because our senses cannot perceive Him unless He wills it. Because of this, many assume that He does not exist, and that is really useful for the libertine as he will never face judgment, and that is yet another reason that many deny Him. But as His creations, we know deep down inside that He exists. In fact, that is one of the reasons that prompted you to ask in the first place. You doubt, because you know the truth. Even though that truth may be buried deeply within your subconscious.

Man has always had one foot in the spiritual world, the world of God if you will, and the physical plane of reality. From the animism of the Neanderthal to the religions of modern man, there is something innate within us that knows that there is more than we can sense. If one looks around you can see God's hand moving in the world today. But He is so very subtle and you must pay close attention or you will surely miss it. This is why I know that God has not forgotten us and that He still cares. But you still doubt, don't you? And that is alright.

Doubt is not a bad thing. It causes us to question and explore. It is the splinter in our mind that moves us to action. A faith that cannot survive doubt, is not faith. But man himself is an expression of God. By knowing ourselves and by knowing our world, we can come to glimpse the face of God. As we are made in His image, we have His free will, and that is both a blessing and a curse.

We are free to choose to be either good or evil. To decide if we believe or we can choose to be purely autonomous and deny Him and His place in our lives. The choice is ours, and ours alone. You say that your prayers were not answered, perhaps the answer was "no." In fact, that usually is the answer to our prayers. Just as a child asks many things of it's parent, the wise parent usually answers "no." Does this mean that the parent does not love the child? No, it means that the parent sees no benefit in granting the child's request. God is much the same with His children.

You will notice that I have not attempted to persuade you one way or the other and this is by design. As I said, each man must resolve his own doubt or it will eat at him until he does. Just as there are many roads to Kansas City, there are many roads to any intellectual destination, and truth can only be found by the searcher.

I wish you luck in your journey, traveler.
2015-04-05 08:44:03 UTC
I read bible for myself, brought up Lutheran I had doubts too. i have an all of the above theory..aliens, intelligent life, scientific reasonings and theories, for men who wrote bible could not express what they saw..but then found in the law of physics "all systems break down in time" proved to me there is something helping us..maybe it's all true? Then I looked at different churches/religions and their objectives in converting folks..I found generic middle of the road christianity most likely truth due to my guarantee of salvation by faith church at all. Good, I'll do that. Then the role of church? Fellowship and group worship, they support the elderly, help guide young families, give hope..okay..I can do that too. :)
2015-04-05 14:36:45 UTC
"My prayers I made over the years were never answered, I never heard or saw "my guardian angel", I never felt the presence of a lost loved one, and if there WAS a God, he certainly wouldn't have allowed 9/11, school shootings, and other tragedies to happen... "

With all due respect, I'd like to hear why you think you should be seeing angels. Also, bad things happen because God gives us free will. Are you communist?
2015-04-05 14:12:12 UTC
You see? This question goes to show how hard some religious people will work just to keep up their self-deceit because they can't bear to accept truth. Being religious isn't about believing, it's about denying.
2015-04-05 13:01:23 UTC
IMHO Christianity is a difficult religion to use to find God because it is so complicated. Just know you have a spirit and without it you'd be dead, useless tissue. If you have a spirit there must be other spirits out there because we know there are other people out there. And if you have a spirit it not too far to realize God is spirit. Do good and lead a good life. God will reward you.
Alan H
2015-04-05 12:35:31 UTC
If all you want is logic, have nothing to do with love, empathy, compassion

or such matters. Not that they are illogical, but rather that they go beyond logic. The reality is that, on may issues, the mind cannot show what the heart longs to know.

Of course, there is no proof regarding God..either way. To disprove God one needs to know everything; a god that could be grasped by a finite mind would, plainly, not be God. Both are a matter of faith...even if that term is not used.

However, minds such as Newton,Kepler,Boyle, Darwin et al saw

sufficient evidence to believe
2015-04-06 12:08:31 UTC
Does the Bible reveal everything about God? Of course not. The Bible itself says that we know “just the fringes of God’s ways.”—Job 26:14.

A common obstacle to learning about God is that some find it difficult to believe in God because of the suffering they see worldwide. They ask, ‘Why would an all-powerful Creator permit suffering and evil? We can gain great peace of mind from knowing that human suffering is not part of God’s purpose and can be proved from a serious study of the scriptures. But how many are willing to invest their time and energy to learn those satisfying answers?
2015-04-05 17:31:02 UTC
You are like many your own age, young, immature in the word of God and easily impressed by your peers and their quest to be known as HIGHLY INTELLIGENT, You say you are turning atheist, yet the reasons as to why you give are rather shallow and easily crippled by the deeper student and bible scholar. a man can tell you anything, young warrior, yes, a man can tell a thousand lies, yet he would ignore the fact that God is not flesh, He is spirit and cannot Lie.

If you don't believe the word of God right down to Noahs Ark, you are being deceived and that will definitely lead you into spiritual death. here is truth, now I hope you pay attention, but this may be what no one else has said.

Humble yourself before the Lord and ask for HIS help. Because men will be directed to their own intent and what is not true in their own beliefs that is not validated in the word of God to advise you. The help you seek no man can give you, that power is within you vested there by the creator that made you. At your age, we never think we are gonna die, we think we know everything, we also will be willing to believe anyone anything but the word of God.



like all of us, you gonna have to chose between the world and the LORD, it is your freewill.

but will you gain to be of this world, and then gain the whole wide world and lose your soul. at 19, nothing is promised my son was killed in a car accident at 18 years old. He had the good sense to call on the name of Jesus and be saved before he did.

Young man. I say to you, know yourself, love yourself and love the creator that made you for tomorrow is promised to no man. don't let satan steal your soul. it aint worth it in the end. the scriptures tells us that all will die and see God. what will you say.

just trust, try him, if satan has you this confused now, what do you have to lose??
2015-04-07 03:11:55 UTC
That's good religion is a crutch for weak-minded people and a tool used by oppressive tyrants. I know it sounds a bit jerkish for me to say but it's true. If your strong enough without it I would advise you to abandon it.
2015-04-07 15:41:35 UTC
On the contrary, the sinkhole that swallowed the man in Florida and his entire bedroom was a replay of the story of the earth opening and swallowing the men at Korah. The God of the Bible is esoteric and as one studies Bible Prophecy not only does it provide evidence of the existence of God, but gives us a glimpse into a world that our finite minds just cannot comprehend. Should we understand Him? We understand Him no more than a child understands how his parents think. On human suffering I wrote an article that might help you.
Dee D
2015-04-05 12:13:37 UTC
The Word of God is able to keep you from falling. The Word is Christ Jesus (John 1:1-5), and He left us His Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and comfort us through life. You are to activate His presence in your life if you want to see Jesus. You have to live right and be saved from all of your sins. It is a daily process, not a one time hit wonder.

Get in a Bible teaching church, and surround yourself with godly friends/family. Your greatest enemy is, first yourself, then Satan and the world. Don't conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind in Christ (Romans 12:2). God said that He is coming to get those that continue to wash their robes white (those that stay saved in Christ alone). (Revelations 21:3,4,7,27 & Revelations 22:7,11,14,15)
2015-04-05 09:49:00 UTC
Dont think you are actually telling the truth

The ONLY thing you have to decide (and that means you - nobody else) is if you believe there is evidence that a "god" exists AND is directly responsible for all the things claimed in the bible

(many things you are thinking about may have happened (personally I think they are just bullsh//t) but that dont mean a "god" MUST be responsible for them)

If the answer is yes then you are a theist

if its no then you are an atheist
2015-04-05 07:21:51 UTC
First: You cannot be spiritual AND religious.

Skeptcism is good. Logic is good.

That's how I became an ex-Christian
2015-04-05 07:08:14 UTC
You should believe what ever you want, don't stay Christian just for the sake of it, or for your family. It's also possible to believe certain Christian beliefs but not all. You don't need to label yourself.
2015-04-06 08:32:00 UTC
Let no man that be deceived, pass along the seed of deception to you. Do not sow the seed of deception that God is not real, for he is very real. Surreal to say. He is Omnipotent and Omniscient. He is Never ending and always New. He Commander of the Sky, the seas, the earth. The commander of our spirits. He will forever be with you, but he will not forever offer your the solution of Salvation. You Take my word what I give to you how Vast and wide the pits of hell are, and the never ending torment and agony in such place would never cease for you if you continue to sow and finally reap this seed. Instead, throw out this thought by renouncing it in the name of Jesus, in the Name of the lord command and evil demon or commander of hell to leave you be because Jesus has already given you power over it.

Follow the truth and the light to reach your true home, the heavenly kingdom.
2015-04-07 07:09:44 UTC
You were never a true Christian. No true born again Christian would want to be without their loving Savior Jesus Christ, and without His Holy Spirit living within them.

I pray that you become truly born again believer in Jesus Christ before it's too late. You won't find the Lord after you're dead.

Please watch this and listen closely -
2015-04-07 12:35:34 UTC
I know it seems like "How could God let all these bad things happen?" but he gave us the power to choose what to believe. It s just like farmers let some weeds grow because if they try to take them out the risk the chance of ruining the whole crop. And about the whole you never heard or saw your guardian angel, Faith is like jumping off a cliff. You know that there will be a net but you never saw it. God is like the wind you can t see it but you can feel it. And as for science, I think faith supports God. I believe in the big bang and I believe God created that. With string theory, all of matter is held together by one force and thats God.
2015-04-06 14:43:15 UTC
A good Church for you that might be more to your liking would be Unitarian. They are accepting of all faiths and beliefs in that we ask that you seek your own truths in what YOU believe. This is a church of the free spirit which welcomes every honest seeker after truth. It is open to all who, accepting its methods and sharing its principals, would join with others in a common cause. We choose to support this church because it can laugh. Because it stand for something in a day when religion is still more concerned with personal salvation and ecclesiastical nicety than with poverty, racism and war. We choose to support it because it insults neither our intelligence nor our conscience, and because it calls for worship truly worthy of our sacrifice. Supporting this church neither saves nor sells your soul, but it can bring nourishment to your spirit. This church is not so much a commitment for eternity as it is an affirmation of the present. Supporting this church does not weaken our ties with society; it strengthens our bonds with the causes of freedom.
2015-04-06 05:24:20 UTC
You and many others are as we would say new agers who have come back into incarnation to help the world teacher for this new age of Aquarius I could be wrong but that is the trend today. many older souls to coin a phrase are returning and they will be at the forefront of these new activities so to say.

there are many esoteric books to study which explains the world as it will soon enough become.

Om Shantih.
2015-04-05 23:46:38 UTC
It does seem to happen, without your consent, when you mistakenly think rationally, or have one of those accidental flashes of lucidity.

Don't worry. They don't recur often enough to become a problem to most people.
2015-04-05 14:35:58 UTC
"Is it normal for Christians to think things over, go their own way, and go by their own belief preferences?"

Sadly yes, there is a great apostasy and many will and have gone away from the faith. However, if you were (born again) saved once, you can never be saved again so be cautious to abandon the eternal gift of salvation for popular and fallacious beliefs.
Kim R
2015-04-06 23:15:32 UTC
An ant living in an anthill in Iowa cannot prove the existence of dolphins, and vice versa, but both do exist, right? Keep an open mind - there are many things far beyond our knowledge in the universe.
2015-04-08 19:05:56 UTC
I know this answer may be short but God is real. A movie that really helped me is God's not dead. I suggest you watch it
2015-04-07 17:25:18 UTC
Please don't turn away from Christianity. I think you are feeling this way because you were never transformed by the Holy Spirit! The name of JESUS has transformed the lives of million of people! Dying for someone is the greatest love! JESUS died for us all! Jesus is alive and living. Please turn to him in repentance (turn from your sins) and ask God to put his Holy Spirit in you.

1 Corinthians 2:9 However, as it is written:

“What no eye has seen,

what no ear has heard,

and what no human mind has conceived”—

the things God has prepared for those who love him—
2015-04-05 07:39:44 UTC
You are definitely confused. You can not BE a Christian and turn atheists.

Either you just think you are a Christian, or you just think you are becoming atheists. One or both of you suspicions are wrong.
2015-04-05 07:10:36 UTC
I'm 13, Jewish, living in Israel, and have been in the army for 5 years!
2015-04-07 09:01:29 UTC
wow that's horrible I know god real I've seen his work in me. if your in church talk to your pastor about these types of thinks not just the internet world. being a Christian not only is having seeing with your eyes but by faith have you lost yours? if so pray! talk to GOD!!!! Don't be lead by your ear back to the devil dude!
Robert Vincent
2015-04-07 07:56:04 UTC
That's good religion divide humans. So left all religion. But always believe in truth ,honest and kindnss and be a helpfull person in your life. Help everyone, love everyone. God lives in our heart and our soul.

"Live and let live."
2016-01-21 20:08:00 UTC
It's hard. I understand. It Is. Jesus himself said this and I quote exactly "Your faith will be sorely tested". Even Jesus lost faith at god sometimes. Of course he believed in him but found it hard to do well Spiritual stuff at times. If a man who is half God is having difficulty with this I think you should well be allowed to as well.
2015-04-05 12:36:12 UTC
Pl. read the Bible and verify it is the word of God.

I have known God since 14. Now I am 70. I enjoy God and life in holiness.

6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.

Hebrews 11

The Bible says:

Psalm 14 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

Folly and Wickedness of Men.

For the choir director. A Psalm of David.

14 The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”

They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds;

There is no one who does good.
2015-04-05 17:31:29 UTC
You don't need to believe in the bible to be an theist. nor do you need to believe in a sky god. I believe god is everywhere and that's when I listen to my thoughts not from a book telling me what to believe.
Johnathan Hensley
2015-04-07 14:53:18 UTC
i know what you mean im 11 and im a Christian but ive been treated so horribly and I never get helped by "god" and it don't help that my family wont let me decide they are shoving Christianity down my throat and im nervous to tell them how I feel but it all don't make sense like how was he made if he made man??!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!
2015-04-06 18:37:59 UTC
you don't need help. you are becoming an enlightened being. If you believe there is no god and jesus died 2000 years ago, then you are a perfectly normal fine great human being.
2015-04-06 04:53:49 UTC
Hebrews 3:4 states that "every house is constructed by someone but the one who construcyed all things is God." Yes, you should keep on believing that a design was made by a designer, Jehovah God.
2015-04-07 13:37:25 UTC
I was in a similar position this time 5 months ago. Went onto a downward spiral but then there was a light at the end of the tunnel that saved me from completely going off the rails and possibly saved my life as I was more and more hopeless and feeling oppressed and trapped in my life, idk how long I would have lasted.

That was Islam, alhamdullilah (all praise and thanks be to Allah) :)
2015-04-08 17:41:10 UTC
You go to a secular college don't you? And when is the last time you actually read your bible or talked with God?
2015-04-05 07:12:13 UTC
You CAN still believe in a God, if you want, without believing in any heaven or afterlife. There is no PLACE for God if he's everywhere.
2015-04-07 07:14:47 UTC
When I was 19, I also went through a period where I felt that Christians had it wrong. So, I did what many at 19 do. I tested this myself. I read all I could on the subject as well as its antithesis and everything in between. Then, I decided to test my faith and, even though I shouldn't have, I tested God's love for me. I understand this is not the way for everyone, nor is it the way I suggest for you. Nevertheless, for me, it worked. On many occasions, I should have died. I could have died. I pushed it so far. I just wanted to believe.

Forget, if you can, about everyone else. Forget about all of the definitions we humans create to understand things such as time and space. Try to simply feel. You are born with all of the answers within you. You do not need the indoctrination of Christianinty to know that God is real. Even the scientists agree that with the Big Bang, something cannot come from nothing. They can only explain so far before it all comes back to the beginning of Creation. You have a connection with your creator and you can know for yourslef that this is real, but you have to learn to listen to what is within you and use prayer and the Bible as a guide. Speak with God and have faith. I know it is difficult to understand why bad things happen to good people and it can still be part of God's plan. Just know that Jesus said that many will come to him and say, "Lord, Lord, I did miricles in your name. I cast out demons in your name." and Jesus will say to them, "Depart from me, I never knew you." "Lord, Lord, implies an intimate relationship with Jesus. So, many who profess to know God will not be entering into Heaven. Many of the so called "Christians" are these people who, in my opinion, give Christianity a bad reputation and the younger generation do not want to be a part of this hypocritical and oppressive group. Try not to allow these people to get in the way of your life with God...your eternity with God. Jesus loved and accepted people such as Mary Magdaline, Peter, and even Judas. He loves you and became the sacrafice for you to enter into Heaven with all of the others who believe in him. It is not by works, or stature, or by any other means that we can enter into heaven. You do not have to define yourself with words such as Atheist, or even Christian when you are simply a child of God and loved by God. Whether, or not the Flood of Noah really happened, or if the Garden of Eden was here or on some distant planet. It does not matter if we are the trees in the Garden and the fruit was sexual sin, or if it was canabalism. We really do not know. We can only speculate, define, and categorize. What we can know is that we do not need to know anything other than we are the creature and the Father is the creator. Our Father loves us so much that he sent his only Son to be the sacrafice for us. So that when the time comes, we can be home with him and not cast away with those who do not know him. I will pray for you. I hope you do not have to put yourself through as much torture as I did before you realize that Atheism and Christian are only words. What we are does not need definition. No mother, or father needs to know what her child is, or will be to love it...just that it is his/her own and loves him/her back.
Yorkshire Lass
2015-04-07 08:09:17 UTC
You discover that Jesus is alive and active for good when you ask him into your heart and life. Jesus is a relationship for the true Christian, not a theory or article of doctrine And it is w very wonderful and awesome!
2015-04-05 07:21:58 UTC
my advice for you is to turn into muslim

many people says that muslim are terrorist

but who started the world war 1 and 2 ? who throw an atomic bomb on japan ? who invented gun ? who have consider african as slave ?

of course there are not muslim

reason for someone who don t beleive in god to be muslim:

allah said in the coran:كَيْفَ تَكْفُرُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَكُنتُمْ أَمْوَاتًا فَأَحْيَاكُمْ ثُمَّ يُمِيتُكُمْ ثُمَّ يُحْيِيكُمْ ثُمَّ إِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ

translation :

How do you deny Allah and you were dead and He gave you life? Again He will cause you to die and again bring you to life; then you shall be brought back to Him.

reason for christian to be muslim:

1 Muslim beleive in jesus as a prophet

2 Muslim beleive in bible but we said that it have been changed

3 In the bible there is a phrase that said that when jesus were asked when is the end of the world he said i don t know just God know. if he don t know so he isn t God because God know every thing
2015-04-08 11:15:21 UTC
You don't need help. You've finally woken up.
2015-04-07 14:24:12 UTC
Jimbo is 100 on everything he wrote. Oh, except I interpret his message as someone who believes Jesus was a man who was the son of God and did perform miracles, so 99. Jimbo is 99 on everything he wrote.
2015-04-07 18:59:06 UTC
I encourage you to check out these youtube channels: The Thinking Atheist, and The Atheist Experience.
2015-04-05 20:32:09 UTC
One thing is sure: God cannot lie. His word tells us this, among many other things: Seek me with your whole heart and you WILL FIND ME. "Ask and it shall be given you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you." You cannot believe anyone or anything. Seek him with your whole heart and believe what his word says. He did that for me. It is impossible to please God without "faith", meaning that you can't see proof of it but believing his word-there is no danger with that. But not believing his word will put you in danger.
2015-04-05 13:32:10 UTC
you need to start doing what Christians do. you need to ask yourself if you believe in God, Jesus. you could go to church, read more about Christianity (e.g. bible) which could help you know the religion better which helps you make a decision about if Christianity is what you will follow or not.
2015-04-05 09:10:51 UTC
It is called thinking, many people are doing it. There is nothing wrong with "believing" in a deity, there IS a problem living your life along the lines of those fantasies.
2015-04-06 10:27:31 UTC
1. Why did an omnipotent being create everything in six days when he could have done it in one, and why did he need a day to rest when he is fuckn omnipotent

2. In the story Noah's ark, how could one family get all 2 million species of animals on a boat they built in one week, feed them for 150 days, and redistribute them the correct areas (polar bears in arctic, marsupials in Australia). Also the bible states that it rained "and the water rose to the heavens" in oreder to flood the entire earth, billions and billions of gallons of water had to be created, (im not gonna even talk about the water cycle) if it was raining this much, wouldn't it have sunk the ark?

3. Splitting a ******* ocean and walking 70 - 220 miles while a tower of fire followed them, while trees with ripe fruit blossomed on the sides of the trail. (sounds like an acid trip) Give me a Break

4. If god is all just and loving, whats with kids being born with cancer and terminal illnesses, bugs needing to gouge out eyes of other animals to reproduce and mental illnesses, such as psychopathy.. that's like making and setting mines in a shopping mall and then sending the mine to hell for what "it" did.

5. Selling daughter for sex in the bible?

6. the book of job

7. Why would an all-knowing, omnipresent and omnipotent create billions of perverted and disgusting piles of goo (aka humans) just so he/she could get the arrogant pleasure of then groveling, pleading and loving him and his feet.

8. Why is it mentioned that this omnipotent being gets upset, angry, and feels love. I am pretty ****** sure that an omnipotent being that created the universe would be able to act without emotions clouding his view

9.Why was 1000 years of medical, scientific, and human advancements held back in the sake of "Jesus"

10. who created god

11. Why did jesus only heal the people the people he bumped into, couldn't he just lift his hands up and heal everyone

12. why did god rape a married woman

13. why does satan even exist, I mean god is omnipotent and all knowing, and he can't even "discipline" his own angels? sad

14. This is more of a statement, but why is the cross symbolized as a holy thing, when in reality it was equivalent to the guillotine. It was used to brutally murder and torture people, including your messiah. Why would you turn something like that into a good thing (ik you can say, "look at the bright side of everything", but seriously this is a bit ****** up)

15. Why can't jesus just stay down on earth, and why can't god like give everyone a dream or something when they are born so they have TRUE evidence that he exists, also why are their so many religions, maybe it would be nice if he just popped down for a second and said, "Shintoism is the true religion" or something. That would defiantly save billions of lives, and would have saved billilons if he had done it before

16. did dinosaurs believe in jesus?

The point is, the bible should not be used in a way of fact or proof, but in faith. The definition of faith is "strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof." This supports the fact that religion is not supposed to be scientific, or logical. Its just supposed to be hocus pocus, pull wool-in-front-of-your-eyes-so-you-don't-have-to-face-the-brutal-truth-about-life-and-death, nonsense. honestly,I would love for a guy in da sky looking out for me, and that I get to see everyone that died when I die (I can talk about death if you want/ask questions) But there is just no actual evidence to support the wild claims that religion holds. So until jesus come out of the sky, on a pegasus and riptide in his hand, and explains everything to me, I will continue to think of religion for, delusional people, cowards, and men and women who were subject to indoctrination.

So the choice is yours... faith, or logic
Rigal T
2015-04-05 12:26:10 UTC
You are making the right choice. There's no demonstrable, repeatable, evidence for any deity.
Fred Bauder
2015-04-05 15:17:46 UTC
Sounds like the beliefs you are rejecting are the superstitions beliefs that make no sense to anyone with common sense. By all means, abandon nonsense. However, God, having good sense himself, will hardly be dismayed. Look to the essence of your faith, to the love of Christ, and adopt that.
2015-04-05 07:13:39 UTC
what is logical or rational about being a meaningless collection of molecules

and for the only reason we exist is to promote our selfish genes

and that There is no true good or evil, everything being relative.

what is logical or rational that existence was spontaneous, causeless, sourceless, purposeless, and without meaning.
2015-04-07 01:08:52 UTC
2015-04-08 01:01:01 UTC
Religion my friend is an experience, ---- one you are still hoping to discover and most likely at this this very moment in your life. You are seeking to validate yourself by asking questions which you believe you can answer, -- but cannot. "Know thyself", ---- go climb a huge mountain. LL
Ernest S
2015-04-06 14:40:47 UTC
You are obviously more concerned about justifying yourself rather than your need of salvation from your sin.

Why do so many try to fool themselves and others that they are Christian?
2015-04-05 16:22:05 UTC
Decisions determine destiny
2015-04-05 22:50:18 UTC
Help you with what? You're just becoming an atheist like me. "Judge me not by my size, do you?" -Yoda.
2015-04-07 16:07:11 UTC
would,nt it be nice to think when you die that there is the slight chance you would reunite with all your love ones.somewhere ,some place .im old an id like that .god luck an be a great friend
2015-04-05 14:55:19 UTC
well done atheist, you've sent another 200 poor souls to hell.
2015-04-06 16:09:31 UTC
Heaven is for real read the book it is a good book

God bless all in Jesus name Amen.
2015-04-05 12:27:02 UTC
All the answers to your questions, and the correction to your thinking are still found in the Bible. The answers come when you search for them in truth.
2015-04-05 21:13:19 UTC
Oh no please do not turn your body heart and soul away from our God. He loves all of us equally.Continue to pray and he will open your eyes.

Yes and you will see the light.
2015-04-05 17:52:26 UTC
I would say that you do not need help, any more that a child needs help when they discover that the tooth fairy is not real.
2015-04-05 16:05:53 UTC
My brother turned athiest then got killed. Now he is in hell. Moral of the story, DONT!
2015-04-06 01:41:29 UTC
Fine. You can try Buddhism
2015-04-08 03:44:25 UTC
Contact me at
2015-04-05 14:01:25 UTC
Gize gawd iz reel i saww him he wuz reel kay? Stawp sinnin an bein ilegle F.A.G.G.O.T.
2015-04-08 22:58:56 UTC
Matthew 14:31

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"
2015-04-07 14:06:02 UTC
Your not an atheist. you are just believing what u believe to be true
2015-04-07 12:34:21 UTC
2015-04-08 09:10:42 UTC
good for you. use your intellect and realize that all this christian nonsense is just mythology.
great knight
2015-04-07 15:33:25 UTC

Noah's ark is real.


Get a kjversion Bible and believe.
2015-04-08 00:31:37 UTC
2015-04-05 09:07:38 UTC
Go with the flow.
2015-04-06 22:59:34 UTC
2015-04-07 17:58:10 UTC
Be proud of yourself for seeing through all the bullshit that is the bible.
2015-04-07 06:29:41 UTC
try weed
2015-04-07 07:41:36 UTC
your choice
2015-04-06 13:16:41 UTC
2015-04-07 00:54:06 UTC
think for yourself
2015-04-05 16:22:29 UTC
turn to god
2015-04-07 13:06:00 UTC
2015-04-07 04:40:03 UTC
CALL ON jesus
2015-04-06 09:18:46 UTC
The thing.
2015-04-05 08:15:44 UTC
It's April the 12th, 2015 (by Pope's calendar). Pope celebrates April 5th,2015 (by Pope's calendar). Jewish Passover is from April 3rd until April 11th, 2015 (Pope's calendar).

I celebrate "(Orthodox) Christ's Resurrection (Pascha)". Do you know what happened to Arius for preaching against the truth?

His intestines fell out.

1st day celebrates Resurrection.

7th day celebrates Creation.

Resurrection > Creation. Resurrection should always be celebrated after Jewish Passover.

Christ was resurrected on April 1st.

That's why Jews came up with April fool's day to discredit it. John the Baptist was beheaded on 9/11.

That's why the Twins were "pulled" on 911.

Holy Tradition of Orthodox Church says that Christmas is on 25th of January by old calendar.

Pope moved the calendar.

Orthodox celebrate on 7th of January (Pope's calendar),

but 25 by Old Calendar (Orthodox Church's calendar).

Jesus created the world in March.

March = 1

April = 2

May = 3

June = 4

July = 5

Aug = 6

Sept = 7

Oct = 8

Nov = 9

Dec = 10

Jesus incarnated in March.

Add 9 months.

And you get Christmas date.

Pope is a heretic. Don't follow him.

Ecumenism has 263 heresies.

Each heresy leads to hell.

Jesus said that you have to drink His blood.

All people have soul, body, and spirit.

In animals, blood substitutes soul.

That's why you're forbidden to drink animal blood.

Animals don't have spirit.

You're forbidden to drink human blood (like during blood transfusion) because sins transfer.

You're told to drink blood of Jesus (because He's sinless) so that your sins are forgiven.

Dogs are not allowed in your home and your church because the Holy Spirit will leave.

One can receive mark of the beast because of cats; so, stay away from cats.

Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from hell.

JW's messiah is Yosef who was crucified on a pole in 1066.

JW's leaders are Freemasons. Freemasonry was created by Sionists.

JW's await a king aka antichrist. Why? Because Jesus will come back to end the flying antichrist's rule when this antichrist conceives a thought in his evil mind that he 666-isotope-ray-lasered everyone.

So, when antichrist comes (in a few years), JW's will welcome him. 666 is not forgivable; it leads to permanent hell. 666 is given with World Passport with no name on it (grey plastic card). Police 666 people on highways. Food stores and prisoners 666 people too. Reject vaccines. Don't go into UFO to be healed by demons. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666. Forgive me.



Jesus is 176 cm tall!

Stalin's real name is Jugashvilli which means son of Jew.

Hilter is descendant of Rotschild.

Hence, they're both Jewish.

It's a deal they made with Satan. Jews infiltrate churches; Satan gives them land and riches. Talmud says: Gittin 57a: "Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in semen. Christians are boiled in dung." That's not "kool".

Jews (particularly Sionists) are chosen people by Satan to lead people to the antichrist.

Slavs (particularly Russians) are chosen people by Christ to lead people away from the antichrist.

Star of David = Hexagram = 666 = King of Israel = Antichrist = Flying Billy from Saw movie.

Note: Jesus = King of the Jews , not King of Israel.

The churches have been infiltrated by the antichrist's forces. Society is getting more rotten by the minute. It's all according to the plan outlined in the 24 Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion. Soon, you'll see people eating dishes made from children, that is, child cannibalism.

Ever heard of Scido amafreikis? It's hard-boiled egg sprinkled with ashes from a cloth soaked in Christian blood. That's what they eat. The rest of Christian remains is given to McDonalds.

Since antichrist (born to a 12th generation prostitute, flying, big-nailed, gloved, pale-faced, red-eyed, Satan-possessed since he's 12 years old, homosexual man from the tribe of Dan, who wears blue robe over left shoulder while red/pink robe is underneath just like Jesus, and is surrounded by demons but people see angels of light) is around, there is no need for disputes.

Jews are welcomed to repent of their heresies and join Orthodox Christianity. When Seraphim of Sarov is resurrected, many will join.

When antichrist is being crowned, he will take off his gloves to sign himself with sign of the cross; his big nails will be revealed. Many Jews will not accept him based on big nails.

666 is not forgivable; it leads to permanent hell. 666 is given with World Passport with no name on it (grey plastic card). Police 666 people on highways. Food stores and prisoners 666 people too. Reject vaccines. Don't go into UFO to be healed by demons. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666. Forgive me.

According to Russian Orthodox Christian Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov: Humans were created about 7525 years ago. Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are rescued from hell. Dinosaurs live under our level. They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov said that first dinosaur will come out of Volga River.

Demons live inside clones. Jesus died for all sins committed by all.

Jesus said that you have to drink His blood.

All people have soul, body, and spirit.

In animals, blood substitutes soul.

That's why you're forbidden to drink animal blood.

Animals don't have spirit.

You're forbidden to drink human blood (like during blood transfusion) because sins transfer.

You're told to drink blood of Jesus (because He's sinless) so that your sins are forgiven.

Dogs are not allowed in your home and your church because the Holy Spirit will leave.

One can receive mark of the beast because of cats; so, stay away from cats.

Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from hell. Forgive me.

Sionists want to be the only white people. So, they promote contraceptives (early abortion), interracial marriage, homosexuality, abortion (aborted babies go to hell for 33 and a half years and a demon is freed from hell), etc. not for them, but for white Goyim. Obama will destroy the Dollar. Euro will be world currency. Obama is a good puppet to Sionists. He does what he's told, obviously. Sionists want to attack Iran. So, they need an excuse, which will be the Statue of Liberty. New Sodom (New York) will be flooded after an explosion in the sea; New Gomorah (Los Angeles) will follow after. Look at what Seraphim Rose had to endure. He was a homosexual, but repented. Now he is one the great saints of the Orthodox Church. Pray to Seraphim Rose; he'll help you.

Dinosaurs are smarter than the smartest dog.

That's pretty smart.

And they want to eat us.

That's bad.

Dragons are born in hell.

Dragons hate people. You have to kill them.

If an animal attacks you, pray to Grigorij "Novyj" Rasputin.

We need to k-i-l-l the dinosaurs before they eat us.

Meet me at Volga River soon.

First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia.

According to Russian Orthodox Christian Vyatcheslav Krasheninnikov:

Humans were created about 7525 years ago.

Birds participate in time creation.

It's a sin to kill birds.

Dinosaurs live under our level.

They will get out through sinkholes and lakes.

To kill them, go for their nerves.

So, save the birds, but kill the dinosaurs.

Why do sinkholes happen?

Because people dig for resources

creating an imbalance underground.

Opinion; do you disagree?

Oh, and feed the pigeons, please.

If you have time, ask Orthodox Christian priest

to bless your house. Forgive me.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.