Do YOU believe in the second coming?
2009-11-29 15:44:25 UTC
I was told that the first coming was when Jesus Christ had resurrected and moved the rock. The second coming, which is very true to me.. goes like this

1)God takes 1,400 of the current people on earth who are deserving, along with Jesus Christ giving the baptismal of fire, wiping out the non believers, and the ones who are going to hell. The christians and people who try? They survive, maybe not a scratch of the fire.

2)The following people on earth are from heaven, and they remain on earth, and receive the coming of Jesus Christ and receive baptismal resurrection of fire, taking them to heaven.

3) The people from hell, will come up to earth, where they will live on earth and Hell will be set on there, receiving rapes, and whips, for if they are immortal, they survive it all.

Mainly , if you believe in god.. it will get you to heaven.
But the people who sin unforgivingly will not live and be taken to hell.

Here is a couple of problems I feel with this..
Usually, it gets blown out of proportion.. who really can believe it when the government even lies.. people in war cant get a true story here because they hide or make it worse.
Technology is what I think makes it so bad. Its false.. and they act like the research is right there.. well when is he coming then..

It wouldnt be mentioned if we had no technology.. and I cant believe things people say, when it is made fact that most the news is biased.. and everyone is to believe for it.
32 answers:
Billy B
2009-11-29 15:50:15 UTC
Yes, yes i do.
2009-11-29 15:49:19 UTC
Not in the way most people do, no.

What will happen will not be known until after the fact.

No prophecy has ever been fulfilled as predicted by a majority, otherwise all of Israel would have accepted Yeshua.

Prophecy is a waste of time, it is much better to be kind, patient and loving, and seek the kingdom of heaven in your life NOW, not after some wish fulfilling apocalypse.

Like Yeshua, I would wrap my arms around everyone that none suffer, it hurts me that so many do. It has become hard to listen to the news, some of it breaks my heart more than I can bear. The last thing I want is an apocalypse. It is my fervent prayer that none befall us.

2009-11-29 16:04:34 UTC
Yes, My Lord Jesus Said I will prepare place for you, when I am going to be you will be with me. I belived him, and do not care what a lot of people that has benn here on earth for as long 2009 years after his dead and resurrection and asention to heaven, and still have trouble to belive, maybe I will care for those little that are babies because they need to learn about him. and salvation but the old that still are trouble, like Jesus said are stumble stone. They just wait for judgement day after the second coming. But we the believers all these billions of billions of Christians that really love Jesus and believed in his words. We will be taken in the rapture. 1Thesalonians.4:14,18 and 1 Corinthians

2009-11-29 15:53:52 UTC
First of all the first comming was when he was born. Second,the second comming? If you read the letters the apostols wrote and the words jesus told int he gospels it is more like a quick stop to pick up the ones who want to go with him. As far a technological advances and such. Who cares? Watch that movie "Knowing" and then think about the prophetical advent.
2016-11-07 02:13:26 UTC
No believing in Jesus is great in case you persist with the metaphysical area yet to have faith such as you do is like an dependancy, this is muddle. positioned it down for approximately 3 months & see in case you're able to do this. whilst you're you able to then are believing reason you suspect yet truly sensible people don't get all co-based like this. all of it is mindless. it truly is not logical. it truly is not mandatory. maximum persons argue with others approximately it. start up wars. injury people who're already having a tricky time in existence. it truly is not approximately Jesus Christ this is approximately reachers hynotising you to supply up your money & herald greater cult individuals. i don't even understand what you're speaking approximately secound coming. it truly is not significant in different components the place people are truly residing pleasing lives. So NO.
heart the uk
2009-11-29 17:01:23 UTC
I don't believe in what you've listed out, but there is definitely going to be a second coming.

The entire world situation points to it, Europe becoming increasingly unified, for example.
2009-11-29 15:54:03 UTC
No, but I believe in a Golden Age. But that must happen by our rising consciousness, increased spirituality, and good workings to bring it about.
Bill A
2009-11-29 15:53:32 UTC
Yes, I do believe in the return of Jesus the Christ or the "Second Coming".

The second coming of Jesus Christ is His teaching and blessed hope of believers that God is in control of all things, and is faithful to the promises and prophecies in His Word. In His first coming, Jesus Christ came to earth as a baby in a manger in Bethlehem, just as prophesied. Jesus fulfilled many of the prophecies of the Messiah during His birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection. However, there are some prophecies regarding the Messiah that Jesus has not yet fulfilled. The second coming of Christ will be the return of Christ to fulfill these remaining prophecies. In His first coming, Jesus was the suffering Servant. In His second coming, Jesus will be the conquering King. In His first coming, Jesus arrived in the most humble of circumstances. In His second coming, Jesus will arrive with the armies of heaven at His side.

The Old Testament prophets did not make clearly this distinction between the two comings. This can be seen in Isaiah 7:14, 9:6-7 and Zechariah 14:4. As a result of the prophecies seeming to speak of two individuals, many Jewish scholars believed there would be both a suffering Messiah and a conquering Messiah. What they failed to understand is that there is only one Messiah and He would fulfill both roles. Jesus fulfilled the role of the suffering servant (Isaiah chapter 53) in His first coming. Jesus will fulfill the role of Israel’s deliverer and King in His second coming. Zechariah 12:10 and Revelation 1:7, describing the second coming, look back to Jesus being pierced. Israel, and the whole world, will mourn for not having accepted the Messiah the first time He came.

After Jesus ascended into heaven, the angels declared to the apostles, “‘Men of Galilee,’ they said, ‘why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven’” (Acts 1:11). Zechariah 14:4 identifies the location of the second coming as the Mount of Olives. Matthew 24:30 declares, “At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory.” Titus 2:13 describes the second coming as a “glorious appearing.”

The second coming is spoken of in greatest detail in Revelation 19:11-16, “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. ‘He will rule them with an iron scepter.’ He treads the wine press of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”
2009-11-29 15:56:06 UTC
Yes... Read Revelations
2009-11-29 15:51:07 UTC
Only 1400 go to heaven? Why do I even bother then? I might as well make my sins count for something...

Now, what does the word "unforgivingly" mean? I do believe you made it up.

Sorry God, I got you beat on that one, I'm waay more forgiving! Haha
Hot Head
2009-11-29 15:52:21 UTC
Jesus is too pissed off at the morons who made a religion after him to come back....

Why should he?

SOLUTION for atheists, theists, agnostics, wiccans, pagans and religious believers: Create YOUR Relationship with Our Creator and eliminate religion from YOUR Life.

Peace be with YOU / LOVE is the answer
2009-11-29 15:49:21 UTC
Me personally; i don't believe that there was a first coming let alone that there will be a 2nd.

I believe in the Big Bang Theory & Evolution.

Each to their own i guess :)
2009-11-29 15:49:08 UTC
No this is just an wise tale that got passed on from the olden days. The best accounts of what's going to happen when you die are from people that had near death experiences. Dont worry the world is not going to end and your not going to hell.
2009-11-29 15:53:12 UTC
the world is something very complicated within its self and some things just cant be answered so its not really woth the thought
2009-11-29 15:49:10 UTC
I kind of believe it but I would believe it more if it would say what would happen to all of our loving animals. I believe they should be saved too.
2009-11-29 15:52:53 UTC
i wish I could.

Let me ask YOU something:

Do you not believe in leprechauns because you don't want to or because you can't? Well I can't believe in a second coming, or a first, or Allah, or Zues for that matter.
2009-11-29 15:50:54 UTC
I don't believe in the info you provided, but i certainly believe in the second coming.
2009-11-29 15:48:28 UTC
You certainly possess a great deal of false data. You might want to visit Truth Seekers and Speakers: post archives open to the Public, Files only to members. Join us if you wish a better way.



Seventh Seal Library
2009-11-29 15:48:42 UTC
I never believed in a first coming, so why would I believe in a second?
2009-11-29 15:48:17 UTC
I didn't at first, but then it hit me squarely between the eyes.
2009-11-29 15:49:19 UTC
it is spelled out in Revelation
jess b
2009-11-29 15:51:48 UTC
just read the poem the second coming.
2009-11-29 16:04:44 UTC
believing don't matter . if it's gonna happen it's gonna happen w/e or not you believe.
2009-11-29 15:48:39 UTC
It'll never happen.

Coming once is a gift.
2009-11-29 15:48:26 UTC
The second coming is so fake i took the time to read all your crap and i can tell you the second coming of jesus is a bunch of crap. at our church our minister says that the second coming of jesus will be the end of time. WTF??? so a crazy person cant kill us all but jesus can?!?!?! WTF!!! tahts yore answer
2009-11-29 15:48:47 UTC
Stalking the truth
2009-11-29 15:48:35 UTC
i don't believe in the first...
2009-11-29 15:50:25 UTC
2009-11-29 15:47:34 UTC
There wasn't even a first, so no.
2009-11-29 15:48:21 UTC
2009-11-29 15:47:31 UTC
when i was younger i could!!!

like wow, like OMD!!! (oh my devil!).
2009-11-29 15:47:21 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.