***Why dont messianic jews just admit they are Jews***
We do
***christians do not believe in the jewsis things***
Yes and no.
Many churches celebrate Passover everytime they celebrate the Last Supper. They simply have reduced a 2 to 6 hour meal to a crumb matzah and a drop grape juice. Instead of using the meal as an opportunity to teach their faith, they have reduced it to something that "Christians do" but don't know why because they have been taught so little about the Passover.
However, when you say, ***jews killed our christ***, this statement simply doesn't line up the the scriptural account. Luke 9 clearly states that Jesus deliberately headed to Jerusalem and no one can read Jn 13-16 and conclude Jesus didn't know what was about to occur.
To say "Jews" and not the former senators who now serve as president and VP, and current and former members of congress are not responsible for the economy is not to know the constitution. As the VP freely admitted, he (a member of the senate for 30 years) and the president (who probably has spent more time serving as president than he did as a senator) had no idea what they were talking about during this last election.
They currently admit that forcing the congress to pass a bill that spent more that the US had spent in their history up to now without reading it or a debate, was also a mistake. But they want to say that the congress (who had a lower approval rating than the last president) had no responsibility in the economy even though the economy and the running of the country is the job of congress and not the president.
What you didn't include in your rant were the immediate changes in Judaism between 70 - 135 AD. This period in Jewish history greatly influenced modern Rabbinic Judaism.
Please investigate the Talmud and the different views on it. According to http://talmud.faithweb.com/articles/whatis.html
***ng with that written text of the Torah, G-d gave Moses an oral explanation. We can thus speak of two Torahs - the Written Torah and the Oral Torah....
The Oral Torah was originally meant to be transmitted by word of mouth. It was relayed from teacher to student in such a way so that if the student had any questions he would be able to ask and thus avoid ambiguity. A written text, however, no matter how perfect, is always subject to misinterpretation. Furthermore, the Oral Torah was meant to cover the infinitude of cases which would arise in the course of time. It could never have been written in its entirety. G-d therefore gave Moses a set of rules through which the Torah could be applied to every possible case. [Kaplan, 9:8-9]***
And so if the oral tradition existed (scriptures never refer to 2 Torah) then the writing of them starting in 90 AD was out of fear that God would no longer preserve the oral Torah as He did through previous conquests.
Therefore, the previous problems of why Moses didn't write them down exists today because they are written. They are the same as described above:
1. ***A written text, however, no matter how perfect, is always subject to misinterpretation.***
2. ***Furthermore, the Oral Torah was meant to cover the infinitude of cases which would arise in the course of time. It could never have been written in its entirety.***
And so what separates Messianic Judaism from non-Messianic Judaism / Rabbinic Judaism are 1. The NT vs the Talmud
2. The Spirit of God working in believers vs the Spirit of God will come when there is:
A. peace on earth
B. diseases cured.
C. Etc.
Hope this helps
Marcuss says, ***I could resort to setting up multiple accounts too like Devoted and Suckels***
Marcuss says: ***DSM--any claim that I have made that can not be proven pales in comparison to your absurd claims, which can be and have been proved false
Please do risk breaking a nail and do what you very rarely do....prove your point with something of substance instead of your opinion. Educate us instead of demanding we follow you by blind faith.
Marcuss: ***for trivializing the Holocaust*** My family liberated the Jews in the camps. It is you that ignore that what my family did was what your family could not do for themselves. Why is that?
You also think that there was only one Holocaust as if the word didn't exist prior to 1940. You trivialize the brutality of Japan's unit 731, Stalin, Nero, and others. None of these should be taken lightly either.
Cher says: ***Well, Jews had the name long before Messanic believers tried to steal it***
We share Abraham, Moses, and the original manuscripts. How can we steal what is already ours?
Marcuss speaks out of line and out of ignorance when he says: ***You prefer to minimize the Holocaust by reserving the term "Holocaust" with a capital "H" for the persecution and murder of early Christians some 2,000 years ago. That alone is sufficient proof that you are not the Jew you claim to be as no Jew on earth would use the term "Holocaust" that way.***
Mathematically, there is roughly 40 years from God personally resurrecting Jesus from the dead with no outside influences and murders for entertainment or being burned to death to light Nero's cocktail party is to demean our history. To suggest that of the thousands of Jews recorded in the NT who followed Jesus where rejected by the Romans is absurd.
I do not minimize the Holocaust by saying that my family made major sacrifices to defeat Hitler and free the camps. In fact, I find it difficult how you fail to have the highest praise for all those who fought Hitler and freed those in the camps.
Should you think that those fighting Hitler didn't recognize what Hitler was doing soon enough or respond fast enough, then one has to apply this idea to all those living at that time to be fair....something you never what to do. Why is that?
Marcuss, the king of the "do as I say and not as I do", says, ***First, I see you have trouble following what people say. It has everything to do with the way you characterize the persecution and murder of early Christians as "the Holocaust".***
You are the one that put a THE in front of the Christian Holocaust...not me. I did say
"You (Marcus) also think that there was only one Holocaust as if the word didn't exist prior to 1940. You trivialize the brutality of Japan's unit 731, Stalin, Nero, and others."
Marcuss, the king of double standards, says, ***Finally, your continued demonization of the victims of the Holocaust because they were murdered.***
So, do you admit that there was no blame to placed on anyone for the rise of Axis power?... as no one, including
1. the hundreds of thousands of Americans and Chineses who Japan's unit 731 conducted experiments and disected without anestea
2. the 10 to 12 million Russians murdered by Stalin
would choose to die this way.
Or are you suggesting only Rabbinic Jews dying at the hands of the Germans were the only tragedy of WWII or through out all of history?
Or does everyone share the blame for allowing these events to make up our shared history?
MAKE UP YOUR MIND. Then practice the tolerance, justice, and attention to detail you would have me do as this would make life simpler by eliminating most of what you write.