What's wrong with me? Am I posessed?
Road Trip
2006-05-14 08:55:33 UTC
I got saved about 13 years ago, and ever since then, I find myself on a roller coaster of emotions. I can feel thrilled about serving God one minute, and ten minutes later, I feel as if I hate him, and don't want to hear anything about him.
This Jeckyll and Hyde experience goes on continually throughout the day. My pastor says it's "my flesh". Are there any born-again Christians out there who can help me?
Or am I just crazy? No smart alec remarks from non-Christians, please! I already saw one of those.
24 answers:
2006-05-14 08:56:07 UTC
No you are a kid... Grow up!
2006-05-14 16:07:04 UTC
Perhaps you are not yet ready to be fully saved. Being saved is a process, not an instant gratification.

Our being is spiritual and physical, and as a result we will always have a desire to do things that go against our spiritual nature but completely fullfill our physical nature.

I have found that in order to fully appreciate God, sometime we need to get a little sinning out of our system. It seems contradictory, but often if we keep the needs of our flesh pent up, they will burst out in unhealthy ways, such as your sudden flips between hate and love of God.

But, it might not be such a bad idea to see a counselor or psychiatrist in addition to seeing your Pastor, so that you can have some help working through these difficulties with your journey to salvation.

Think of it this way: if a person is both flesh and spirit, when you have a problem in life you should see both people who are able to treat your spirit and those who are able to treat your flesh.
2006-05-14 16:33:41 UTC
Dear, it sounds like you are really struggling with emotional issues, and these are not necessarily connected with your salvation experience. Things like depression can cause you to feel distant from God, because what it does is make you unable to feel love at all, and thus you can't feel the love from God - even though, please believe me, His love never ceases for you.

There are some very good Christian counsellors out there who may be able to help you with the emotional stresses that you are experiencing. Also, a good counsellor ought to be able to recognize if you might benefit from a visit to a doctor that might be able to prescribe you with a mood stabilizer of some kind.

Flax Seed oil is a marvelous mood stabilizer. It is safe, healthy, and can be purchased in capsules over the counter. You may want to try that.

You may need to really look inside yourself and see what is going on within you which causes such confusion of emotions. Don't be afraid to look yourself in the eyes! Don't be afraid to get to know yourself. It is through your soul that you have your relationship with God, and you therefore ought to be comfortable with yourself, so that you can have the best possible relationship with God.

Now, pastors are of course well-meaning, but sometimes they don't understand all the ins and outs of emotional disorders and counselling issues. This is why I HIGHLY recommend a certified Christian counsellor. You could try a secular counsellor, but personally, I think you might have better success with a Christian one. And make sure that you are receiving help from the counsellor. There are unfortunately more bad ones out there than good ones. A lot of them just sit there like a wall and don't say anything. You've got walls in your home you can talk to. No need to pay a counsellor to be a wall! Get one that actually TELLS you something.

God Bless You!
2006-05-14 16:12:18 UTC
well, Lone Ranger, has that same problem. He is not really stalking the "Born again" questions as it appears. He is angry at the "Christian" for not having the answers. And well should he be. The Apostle Paul said "Have a good Answer for every man" Christians flounder on the banks of question like fish out of water. Their answers? "You are dead with christ" "Go to church and you will see" " Accept Jesus and he will guide you"

We know none of that has happened to these lazy slackers.

Like LoneRanger, you are battling with real challenges and are frustrated with the seemingly lack of help and support, which real solutions offer you. know this: Adversity will cause you to grow immensely with experience so valuable that it is priceless. I have walked in that lonesome valley and the dark mountains..and the decades roll on. You do what you must, but do not sin and do not give up.

Saying " I have been there!" is too trivial. I came through will you.
Joseph C
2006-05-14 16:02:16 UTC
I don't think you are posessed, but being saved is not about emotions, and trying to change ones self. God does all the changing. Being saved does not mean you are automatically a good person. Being saved means that you are going to Heaven when you die. The other part is this. Do you think Jesus approves when we sin? Does He still feel the nails every time we fail? When you feel hatred towards God, what are you doing at that particular time that makes you feel that way? What music or worldly events are you participating in? Just some thoughts..
♥ Yame ♥
2006-05-15 00:00:26 UTC
Well I am not like that but I am kinda the same in one way...One minute I am christian, I love God and have to go to church, the next minute I am like these people geesh then I go out party and do "worldly "things and then I feel all guilty about it. I guess its that we need something dramatic to make us really believe and abide by his word. I don't know but its a constant battle in my brain and my heart. I think somewhere along the way....I lost my faith and I have been trying to get it back. So thats where my Dr. Jeckyll and Mrs. Hide come from.
Martin S
2006-05-14 16:16:16 UTC
It's rather difficult to give you a definitive answer based upon a short statement like you have provided. I'm a lay Biblical counselor and it usually takes several sessions started with prayer and led by the Holy Spirit to help someone get their walk with Christ on the upward path.

Undoubtedly your Pastor is correct to some extent when he says that your "flesh" is coming against the Holy Spirit as it is described at the end of Galatians chapter 5.

But a believer has two other enemies to consider, namely the world (1 John 2:15) and the spiritual forces of darkness as described in Ephesians chapter 6.

It sounds to me like you need to develop a daily consistency in your prayer life, Bible reading, and in the choices you make about how to spend your time, along with the companions whom you associate with.

If you hang out with worldly people and spend a lot of time watching television then you are aiding the spiritual forces of darkness that seek to destroy God's children or at least their effectiveness as witnesses for and servants to Him.

If you don't have a close relationship with God through a pattern of time set aside for daily prayer and by sending up short prayers throughout the day as your circumstances and the Spirit move you then you constrict the "sap" that a branch of Christ needs to abide in Him.

If you don't prayerfully read the Word on a daily basis and meditate upon the truths therein contained with an attitude of comparing your life to them and seeing how you can incorporate them into your decision making so that you will be a "doer of the Word" and not like a man who looks at his face in the mirror and then goes away forgetting what he looked like, then you are starving the new man whom the Spirit has created in you. The new man becomes weak and he has trouble guarding the gates of the house of his life and the enemy pushes his way in so that he can sow lies and steal the spiritual fruit that might otherwise be growing.

I pray that this will help you by pointing you towards Jesus and the narrow path that He calls all of us to walk upon.
2006-05-14 16:08:58 UTC
You're human. That's it. We are born of flesh and have many feelings and emotions throughout the day. Try not to focus so much on God all the time. You have to live your life too. Believing in God is a great act of faith. You live in a world of reality, day to day. It sounds as though you haven't found your place of comfort from within. You must be happy with yourself first of all.

Secondly, if you go to church too often, it can definitely drain the human body. Nowhere in the bible does it say you have to go to church. Church was created after Jesus Christ came and died. It is definitely a place to draw strength when you need and not a bad place to go every week.

I was raised in church 3 days a week and hated it. I know where I stand with God. It doesn't take 3 days a week to express that. It's between me and him, and not everyone else.

Thirdly, if you find yourself hating God, ask yourself the question, why am I feeling resentment toward God? Why is God always to blame for your hatred? God is who you want him/her to be to you. If you look for God, he is all around us. In the flowers, the birds, in all of nature. When you find yourself hating him, go outside and look at nature for a while. You'll find yourself not hating him any longer.

Good luck.
Jennifer M
2006-05-14 16:12:13 UTC
No, I don't think you are possessed. I think it is very natural to love God one minute and feel hate the next. The world we live in is not fair and we tend to blame God for that. But it is my belief that God is looking down at us and crying for us. When something bad happens to us I think God is sad for us too. That is the love that we sometimes forget and just blame God for all the nasty things in life. Sometimes we can learn from our mistakes and we can learn from others that hurt us. But sometimes...people can be so cruel and hurt us just for the sake of hurting..and that is free will...a gift the God gave us but unfortunately we misuse. Just remember that God loves you tremendously and doesn't condemn you to hell because you mess up at times..that is part of being a human. The love that God has for you is so powerful that you could never comprehend it in this life. But be assured that it is always matter how you feel or what you do...God will always love you.
2006-05-14 16:03:07 UTC
It sounds as if you have issues with your faith. One minute you are proud of your service and the next you are disgusted with it.

Looking at it from the outside, I would say you do not have complete faith. It is becoming an issue.

You may need to take a step back and re-evaluate your service to God. Don't try and do too much. Slow down and take some time for yourself. This will better allow you to gain perspective on your faith, your service and your sanity.

Conclusion: Slow down and take some time for yourself.
2006-05-14 16:07:46 UTC
Serious answer from an atheist (me):

This is what happens when you experience an extreme case of cognitive dissonance. Inside your mind, just out of reach of that little voice that you think of as you, your brain is grinding away trying to process the mixed messages of religion and the conflict of those messages with reality as it is.

It is normal to have problems dealing with conflicted ideas, especially when those ideas you feel you owe great loyalty to are in conflict with reality (such as you are able to conciously or unconciously percieve it).

My recommnedation is to walk away from religion, or at least find a more moderate and accepting variety.
2006-05-14 16:02:22 UTC
You may have a psychological disorder where your emotions quickly change from one end of the scale (happiness) to the other (depression). You are not posessed, but being "saved" may be a factor in causing this problem. There are therapies that can probably help you.
2006-05-14 15:59:55 UTC
You are suffering from some form of personality disorder, mild or serious. Unfortunately, talk of "possesion" and "my flesh" are hiding you from the reality of seeking proper professional help. A pastor is not it. A born again christian is not it. You know what it is, so I'd suggest you see your doctor first.
2006-05-14 15:59:13 UTC
I doubt seriously that you are possessed. And I doubt more seriously that there is anything in your "flesh." Why don't you try to cultivate a less threatening, less intense relationship with God? You don't have to be a zealot to be a good Christian. Stop punishing yourself and just love God but have your own existence too. He's cool--He'll understand.
2006-05-14 15:57:40 UTC
You have regrets about your past buried in your subconscious. This has happened to me also. The only way to destroy these demons are to go back in your mind and confront your most painful moments, admit things to those you have things to admit to. Come clean on everything you've done. It will be difficult. But you'll realize how great of a person you were to do this and it will be good.
2006-05-14 16:04:35 UTC
I want you to take a deep breath and exhale do this three times: now. there is nothing wrong with you AT ALL.

The closer we are to the truth...the more disassembled we become. that is the paradox of true faith.

You are a leader as well as a follower. Do not follow where your heart does not know the truth follow that.

Im me if you ever want to
2006-05-14 16:05:30 UTC
you are not crazy. I do believe that the devil is working hard at trying to get you to stray away form the Lord. Just Pray every time you get those thoughts in your head, pray harder. Don't give in, what awaits you in heaven is worth it. pray
2006-05-14 16:00:59 UTC
i think you need to control your own life, not let god control it for you. god is great and everything, but if you have a bad day, its probably not god, its you. and if you have a good day, thats you too. not everything can be blamed or explained using god.
u wish u knew
2006-05-14 16:02:57 UTC
if you are really worried id say get baptized and say a couple rosaries and read a comforting passage from the Bible
2006-05-14 16:00:49 UTC
i'm not christian but maybe you're one of the lucky chosen ones to do the bidding of god. maybe He and the devil are fighting over your soul or something.
2006-05-14 15:58:20 UTC
i wouldn't be too concerned about it.

most of the people here that talk about cult nonsense, and yak about "god" like they personally know his thoughts and desires are possessed...

...possessed by self-importance and incredible idiocy.
2006-05-14 16:05:32 UTC
I would suggest you are having problems with your christian conditioning.
2006-05-14 15:57:45 UTC
seems as if the devil is trying real hard on you, just dont give in, go get babtised
2006-05-14 15:58:57 UTC
you are crazy

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.