Dear, it sounds like you are really struggling with emotional issues, and these are not necessarily connected with your salvation experience. Things like depression can cause you to feel distant from God, because what it does is make you unable to feel love at all, and thus you can't feel the love from God - even though, please believe me, His love never ceases for you.
There are some very good Christian counsellors out there who may be able to help you with the emotional stresses that you are experiencing. Also, a good counsellor ought to be able to recognize if you might benefit from a visit to a doctor that might be able to prescribe you with a mood stabilizer of some kind.
Flax Seed oil is a marvelous mood stabilizer. It is safe, healthy, and can be purchased in capsules over the counter. You may want to try that.
You may need to really look inside yourself and see what is going on within you which causes such confusion of emotions. Don't be afraid to look yourself in the eyes! Don't be afraid to get to know yourself. It is through your soul that you have your relationship with God, and you therefore ought to be comfortable with yourself, so that you can have the best possible relationship with God.
Now, pastors are of course well-meaning, but sometimes they don't understand all the ins and outs of emotional disorders and counselling issues. This is why I HIGHLY recommend a certified Christian counsellor. You could try a secular counsellor, but personally, I think you might have better success with a Christian one. And make sure that you are receiving help from the counsellor. There are unfortunately more bad ones out there than good ones. A lot of them just sit there like a wall and don't say anything. You've got walls in your home you can talk to. No need to pay a counsellor to be a wall! Get one that actually TELLS you something.
God Bless You!