2011-06-05 18:09:05 UTC
Constant pressure to do more and more to find out if it's true,nevermind that I was already going to church every week, that I was praying everyday,that I read the book of mormon everyday,that I went and helped people I didn't even know with them, that I obeyed every rule they had.
It still wasn't enough for them because I hadn't reached an answer and when I did it was the wrong answer because there was no way they were wrong , they would stake everything they own and their families lives on it, they said to me in front of my face and then asked me if I could do that.
I'm not the kind of person to take a wild gamble like that so I obviously said no, at which point they constantly guilt tripped me and made more promises that I would feel so much better ect.
I've also noticed them manipulating their own people too, young children at the age of 5 being told they needed to go to church or they couldn't be "Saved" there is no way in hell that isn't manipulation. I saw these things and it made me angry, angry how they could get away with all this.
I had a friend who was a long member of the church and was not sold on the idea of going on a 2 year mission. Everytime he would come over he would say about how much pressure he was getting, how the elders kept telling him to go on the mission, that it would make him from a child into a man. Eventually after months of "Persuading" my friend had done his mission papers and was off before the end of the year. I talked to him before he left and it was like he was a different person, he was thrilled and estatic about going on the mission, he gave up his job and gave his car away,gave away all his material items. Nothing mattered anymore unless it was to do with the mission, it was rediculous.
Now another close friend of mine, who didn't want to go on the mission at all, who has only just started University, has only just recently got a job and a house with lots of nice things.
Suddenly as of yesterday, the bishop had a talk to him and "Convinced" him that he should go on the mission. Now my friend was constantly getting pressure from both people in the church and also his mother. You can't tell me no manipulation was involved, my friend had NO intent on going on a mission and suddenly he's as happy as can be taht he's going on this mission.
The people in the church are saying things like "Hell yes!!" and " Don't worry university will still be there when you get back" It's sickening, this guy is a really close friend of mine and I really want to say something to him, but I don't know if I should. Even if University lets him defer for 2 years, his house won't pay itself for 2 years, his job won't be kept for 2 years either.
Really really mad about the way these things happen, and thats why I'm asking around to see if anyone else has experienced things like this.
Seriously from what I have seen, there are 2 types of members.
The ones who genuinely believe in it and the ones who were too weak willed.
I'm not condemning the religion, just the way they recruit and treat their young men.