Well there are Atheists. Pure Atheists who simply have no belief in any gods and find arguing with Theists over the existence or non-existence of god to be the same as arguing with 6 year old children over the existence or non-existence of Santa Claus...they just have no interest in engaging in never ending arguments that never produce a clear winner.
My guess is your friends are the pure Atheist types who would simply leave the room if you tried to start a religious debate with them.
What you see on the Internet are Atheists who are also Anti-Theists. As in, they publicly oppose Theism/Religion and seek to limit, undermine or eliminate Religious Influence from the Public Sphere. At the least, the Anti-Theists are simply trying to show Theists that there are options as well as trying to limit the damage from Christian lies and propaganda.
I am here for one reason and one reason only...to try to influence the minds of christian teenagers and young christian adults.
Why would I do such a thing? Because I finally got sick and tired of christians putting up their billboards on the highway and trying to force Government to shove Christian ideology down MY KIDS throats in public schools and public buildings.
Christians are going out of their way to bypass MY Parental Rights, going out of their way to try to influence MY KIDS to worship a baby killer (egypt's first born, Amalikites, Flood, she bears sent to murder 40 children).
How would you feel if your kids came home and said some guy tried to convince them to worship Charlie Manson? Or if your kids saw a billboard everyday telling them to worship Charlie Manson?
I bet you would not be too happy about it...yeah, well, same here. I am trying to teach my children morality...REAL morality...not the kind of "morality" that allows for the worship of a baby killer.
I am not flaming...just speaking the Gawd's honest truth.
If you really are open minded you won't have a problem seeing where I am coming from.
"Well, I guess its safe to say that there are some of us who won't shove a Bible down your throat. I've seen people at my church rant about how they can't get someone to convert and why and I've always pretty much thought: Well probably because they don't want to."
It is safe to say that Christians such as yourself are a near invisible minority. The majority of Christians think they have a mandate from a baby murdering god to try to convert MY children and to hell with my parental rights. They think it is their RIGHT to catch my kids alone and scare them to Jesus with tales of Hell and it is a criminal action worthy of death should I dare to try to get their kids alone and tell them baby killers are not worthy of worship.
I don't have a problem with you...I have a problem with your militant brothers and sisters in christ who make up the majority of christianity.