10 Questions an Intelligent Christian Must Answer!?
2010-06-02 19:32:17 UTC
As a christian, you believe in the power of prayer.
According to a recent poll 3/4 doctors believe that god is performing medical miracles on earth right now.
Most christians believe that god is curing cancers, healing diseases, reversing the effects of poisons etc...

Question 1 : Why won't god heal amputees?

It's a simple question isn't it. We all know that amputated legs do not regenerate in response to prayer. Amputees get no miracles from god.
If you are an intelligent person, you have to admit this is an interesting question.
On the one hand you believe that god answers prayers and performs miracles, but on the other-hand you know that god completely ignore amputees when they pray for miracles.
How do you deal with this discrepancy, because as an intelligent person you have to deal with it because it makes no sense. In order to handle it, notice that you have to create some kind of rationalisation. You have to invent an excuse on god's behalf to explain this strange fact of life.
you might say: "god must have some kind of special plan for amputees" so you invent your excuse and stop thinking about it because it's uncomfortable.

Here is another example, as a christian you believe that god cares about you and answers your prayers.

Question 2 : Why are there so many starving people in our world?

Look out at our world and notice that millions of children are dieing from starvation. Why would god be worried about you getting a raise, while at the same time ignoring the prayers of these desperate, innocent little children?! It doesnt make any sense why a loving god would do this.
To explain this you have to come up with some sort of very strange excuse for god. Like "god wants these children to suffer for some divine, mysterious reason." Then you push it out of your mind because it doesn't fit into your view of a loving, caring god.

Question 3 : Why does god demand the death of so many innocent people in the bible?

Look up these verses
- Exodus 35:2 - god demands that we kill everyone who works on the sabbath day
- Deuteronomy 21:18-21 - god demands that we kill disobedient teenagers
- Leviticus 20:13 - god demands the death of homosexuals
- Deuteronomy 22:13-21- god demands that we kill girls who are not virgins when they marry
And so on, there are lots of verses like these
It doesn't make any sense why a loving, caring god would want us to kill our fellow human beings over such trivial reasons. Just because you work on the wrong day of the week you must die? It doesn't make any sense. Infact if you think about it you realise that it is insane, so you create some kind of rationalisation to explain these verses.

Question 4 : Why does the bible contain so much anti-scientific nonsense?

You happily use the products of science: your car, mobile, microwave, tv, computer everyday. These are all products of the scientific process and you know that science is incredibly important to our economy and our lives, but there's a problem. As an educated person you know that the bible contains all sorts of information that is nonsense from a scientific prospective.
- God did not create the world in 6 days 6'000 years ago like the bible says
- There was never a worldwide flood that covered Mt Everest like the bible says
- Jonah did not live inside a fish stomach for 3 days like the bible says
- God did not create adam for a handful of dust like the bible says
Why would an all-knowing god write nonsense?! It makes no sense, so you create some type of very strange excuse why the bible contains such nonsense.

Question 5: Why is god such a huge proponent of slavery in the bible?

Look up verses:
- Exodus 21:20-21
- Colossians 3:22-24
- Ephesians 6:5
- 1 Peter 2:18
And why do all intelligent people so against slavery and make it completely illegal?! It doesnt make any sense and so you create some kind os weird rationalisation to explain it.

Question 6: Why do bad things happen to good people?
It makes no sense and you have to create an exotic excuse on gods behalf to justify it.

Question 7: Why didnt any of jesus miracles in the bible leave behind any evidence?
Its strange isnt it and you create a bizzare excuse to justify it.

Question 8: How do you explain the fact that jesus has never appeared to you?
Jesus is all powerful and timeless but if you pray for jesus to appear, nothing happens and so you have to create some sort of strange justification to deal with this discrepancy.

Question 9: Why would jesus want you to eat his body and drink his blood?
It is completely grotesque. Why would an all-powerful god want you to do something that, in any context, sounds like a disgusting, cannabalistic, satanic ritual?

Question 10: Why do christians get divorced at the same rate as non-christians?
Christians (supposedly) get married infront of god and their christian friend
Nineteen answers:
2010-06-02 20:17:34 UTC










You are doing an awful lot of judging and dictating what God's will should be. Neither of which is a good idea.

Forgive others as I have forgiven you.
2010-06-03 09:34:21 UTC
Question 1 : Why won't god heal amputees?

Your question is better phrased as, "why won't God heal amputees now?" God does not work on your timetable.

Question 2 : Why are there so many starving people in our world?

Because the world abandoned God, and this is one of the results of abandoning God. You are on your own as a result.

Question 3 : Why does god demand the death of so many innocent people in the bible?

Because they are not innocent. Secondly, to show the seriousness of sin.

Question 4 : Why does the bible contain so much anti-scientific nonsense?

The Bible is not a science book.

- God did not create the world in 6 days 6'000 years ago like the bible says

You are mistaken. The Bible says no such thing. You are saying it says so.

- There was never a worldwide flood that covered Mt Everest like the bible says

This is due to a mistranslation of the Hebrew, as well as other factors and perspective.

- Jonah did not live inside a fish stomach for 3 days like the bible says

A whaler was swallowed by a whale early in the 20th century, and he survived the ordeal for nearly a day before the whale was butchered after being caught. In any event, are you saying God could not keep a person alive for three days in a whale's stomach? Were you there?

- God did not create adam for a handful of dust like the bible says

And what does science claim man is made of? The earth; dust. After you die, what do you end up as when you have totally decayed?

Question 5: Why is god such a huge proponent of slavery in the bible?

Your citations do not prove God to be a "huge proponent" of slavery. What the citations demonstrate is a condition that was extant in those societies, with God dealing with them on that level. Seeing as slavery existed, God required slaves to be well treated, unlike how they were treated in other cultures.

Question 6: Why do bad things happen to good people?

For the same reason good things happen to bad people. Time and circumstance. Random events.

Question 7: Why didnt any of jesus miracles in the bible leave behind any evidence?

He left behind eye witnesses.

Its strange isnt it and you create a bizzare excuse to justify it.

What is strange and bizarre are people who deny others who were eye witnesses to events.

Question 8: How do you explain the fact that jesus has never appeared to you?

He has. But you will deny my witness even as you deny the witness of those who saw Him produce miracles.

Question 9: Why would jesus want you to eat his body and drink his blood?

It is completely grotesque. Why would an all-powerful god want you to do something that, in any context, sounds like a disgusting, cannabalistic, satanic ritual?

He does not. He was speaking allegorically and symbolically, as is brought out later in that same chapter of Scripture. And yes, the whole concept was designed to be repulsive to the Jews who were present and listening at the time. God seeks those who are slow to judge and those who are willing to see past the physical to the underlying spiritual intent. A shame you don't fit this category.

Question 10: Why do christians get divorced at the same rate as non-christians?

Because there are Christians, and there are false Christians; tares among the wheat. As it is written, you judge according to the fruit produced.
2010-06-02 19:58:35 UTC
1. I dont know any amputees. Maybe he has? He certainly could. If someone came forward and said they were, would you believe them?

2. To understand the starving, you have to understand the curses of the Bible. Read it. Starvation isnt the worse thing going on. Id rather starve and goto Heaven than be well fed and goto hell agreed?

3. You are attempting to broaden what is considered "innocent." I dont consider disobeying God "innocent."

4. The problems you have int he Bible either arent there at all, or there are alternative explanations. This comes from Biblical ignorance and simply repeating what is on atheist websites and not knowing the Bible yourself.

5. The Bible doesnt teach slavery. It only makes provision for it because it was happening anyway. God simply tried to make it more just. Same problem with divorce right?

6. Bad things happen to good people because of the curses to humanity, coincidence, the world, and Satan, as well as self-infliction whether realized or unrealized.

7. We have testimony, and we have evidence of miracles today!

8. In the age of the church, faith doesnt depend on physical appearance. Ive never seen Charles Darwin either but Im pretty sure he existed. That argument is logically invalid.

9. Because Jesus is likened to life-saving food and water. Consuming him is also symbolic of living our lives for him because our bodies become what we eat.

10. Because the word "Christian" is simply applied to anybody who believes in God. Since most 90% believe in God, that isnt going to skew the statistics either way.
White Shooting Star of HK
2010-06-02 19:50:43 UTC
1) God NEVER promised that he would heal the amputees. I am sure he can but he NEVER made that promise that if you pray, he will do it.

2) If God provides food for the starving children, then God would also take away ill-gained wealth from other countries and people! You can't expect God to help the poor but at the same time, ignore the rich ones! God gave use free will, he isn't going to babysit us every second. You wouldn't want that anyway

3) We are his creation. It is his will and within his discretion in what to do with us. A clay doesn't talk back to its master. Remember, we are God's creation. God is holy and sins require punishment.

4) Wrong! The bible is ahead of science! Read it again...... bible said the moon doesn't shine, it describes the water cycle, blood is life, the earth is a circle, etc........there is alot more. Science doesn't replace God. IN fact, science and God go hand in hand

5) Slavery was a way of life back then. Remember current slavery is forbidden in the bible! You CAN'T kidnap, rape, lure little children and women to be slaves! That's are forbidden in the bible.

In fact, God made many rules regarding the slaves and the master to ensure the slaves would be safe and in good welfare!!

6) No one is good according to the bible.....we are all sinners. We are responsible for our choices......if someone wrong us, you can be sure God will settle the matter during Judgement

7) Jesus said the only miracles that unbelievers would get is that he died and raised after 3 days. WE are to believe by faith, not by sight. Jesus said "blessed are those that believe without seeing"

8) Same for question 7........

9) Wrong wrong wrong, Jesus was talking spiritually, we are to believe in Christ, you in him and him in you.

10) Christians are sinners just like others.........we still lie, cheat, get angry, lust, etc...........the only difference is we know it is wrong to do so and will struggle everyday!

2010-06-02 19:58:09 UTC
1) God does heal amputees. In the bible Jesus healed a lot of people. Have you even read the bible? DUH

2) People are starving in the world, it's always been this way. Just think of it this way, people may be starving in the world, and others may be suffering from severe mental illnesses. The fact is, you have to keep faith. God cares about you, just like a father would. He is probably deeply troubled by suffering people.

3) My personal belief on this one is that God makes rules for his children, just like a father would. Like how it says in the bible that you cannot eat the meat of the cloven hoof animals. That was put in effect because back then (IMO) people would get sick because they couldnt treat the meat properly. And for the virgin thing? STD's. Only now proper prevention is coming into effect for STDs. In the bible days there was no protection.

4) Some of the stories in the bible (IMO) are there for a message, not because they actually happened. And LOL how do you know that he didn't survive in a fish?

5) Slavery was huge in the bible days. The only way God could get his message to his people was to mention it.

6) Bad things happen to good people because there is a purpose behind it. For example, you lost your job because God wants you to redirect your life to make you happier, and helps to guide you to his will.

7) Because (IMO) to truly have faith in something you need to believe in it, whether there is no evidence or not.

8) This one is good. God works in mysterious ways. Just like the episode on Futurama when Bender meets God and God says "Sometimes, if you do something right, no one even notices at all."

Personally, God has worked a lot in my life. I don't really want to get into it but a lot of miracles have happened to my family. You can say that that is just a random event, but when it happens so often in such an influential way.. you sometimes have to believe it.

9) It is not Satanic. Omg. Have you read the bible at all? It is a symbolic gesture to show that you are a part of God.

10) People sin. Its stated in the bible many, many times. People are naturally sinful. No one is perfect. This is my #1 pet peeve of atheists. Christians are not above society. They are HUMANS just like atheists.
c c
2010-06-02 19:57:34 UTC
You have a lot of anger, don't you? I could sit here and try to make you see the Christian point of view, but you wouldn't listen/read it anyway, so...

To sum up most of your questions, What did God say (or what does the bible say God said) after He created everything?

"It is Good."

So God created everything 'Good.' God didn't create amputees, and war, and starvation and slavery and divorce and and all those bad things. Most of those are products of the human race, and you might say, evil things. So God didn't create them, but yes, He has *allowed* them to happen because WE created these things from our 'free will,' which He DID give us.

Note on #4: No, God did not create the world in 6 HUMAN days. He created the world in 6 GOD days. His time is not the same as ours. One of His 'days' could have been millions of our years, because God is timeless.... There WAS a worldwide flood on earth, several of them, in fact. We just like to call them 'Ice Ages'. And of course, 'world' meant the *known* world at that time.... Who says God did not create Adam from a handful of dust? What is dust/dirt made from mainly? Carbon. What is the main composition of the human body? Carbon. Hmmm. Oh, and GOD did not write the bible. The bible was written by HUMANS, but inspired by God. Humans make mistakes. The ONLY part of the bible that was directly quoted from God (or His spokesperson) is part of Revelations.

Note on #7: The miracles Jesus performed were performed on people--- people who are human so they had to eventually die. And when they died, there went our 'evidence' or proof of those miracles.

Note on #8: Most Christians do NOT pray for Jesus to appear to us. We know we will see Him in the hereafter.

Note on #9: It's not grotesque to think of eating His body when you think of it as communion. EVERY person who believes in Him is getting a bit of Him too. We are SHARING it. Pretty amazing to think that you are sharing the same meal with thousands, millions of others. One BIG Thanksgiving Dinner!

Note on #10; Christians are human. They break promises and make mistakes. So sue us. It's not really up to you to judge us, that is up to our Lord, and your opinion doesn't really matter to us.

Bring on the THUMBS DOWN!
2016-04-14 09:14:28 UTC
So here is question #1: Why won't God heal amputees? The answer is found when you look at what would happen if He did. We are in the era of faith. What would you, personally, do if someone with a missing arm or leg woke up one morning with a completely restored limb? What would you "really" do? So the second question is: Why are there so many starving people in our world? Because people have rejected God. They don't want God involved in their lives. Third question: Why does God demand the death of so many innocent people in the Bible? Look up these verses: Innocent? God wants you too to understand the ultimate fate of those who reject Him. The Bible is not a science book. Nonsense is subjective.
jimmy V
2010-06-02 20:01:11 UTC
lol, so far the only answer anyone has given is "have faith", which means blindly believe albeit overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

have the christians and others realized that maybe just maybe, its their bibles that were put on this earth by satan to deceive us all?

of course i don't believe that mumbojumbo i know it's all a fairy tale but how can they be so sure. sure was easy to say they were following the word of god, sounds like the perfect deceit to me.

and saying that you eat flesh and blood (bread and wine) for some sort of real purpose is pure baloney. that is just a ritual, a sick cult ritual. and perhaps something the devil threw in there to damn us all. good thing he's not real.
The Former Dr. Bob
2010-06-02 19:59:23 UTC
Question 1 is a silly question. I can't believe how much mileage that "amputees" guy gets out of this website from those who can't think critically. The simple answer is that some things are permanent. Death is permanent. Gravity is permanent. Amputation is permanent.

In no way is permanence an argument against the existence of God.

Question 2 implies the "Problem of Evil" argument. This is the best argument there is against God's existence ... but sadly, it's very weak. It assumes that God exists to please man, to make life easy for him. It also assumes there can be no greater good to come from evil. You need look no further than the tons of supplies, medical aid, construction dollars, and more that has winged its way to Haiti in the last four months to understand that indeed bad things can bring about monumentally great things!

Question 3 fails to understand that the rules in place about punishments for sin are there to PREVENT the sin, not to encourage the killing. We have no record of anyone having ever been punished by these methods, do we?

Nevertheless, it's sort of silly to claim that the creator of man, the one that determines how many days we'll each live, is somehow wrong to complete that life cycle. I honestly can't see how anyone can sympathize with abortion rights and yet object to God's determining when someone lives and when someone dies. A greater problem exists, however: it's not logically possible for us to have greater morals (or anything else) than does the one who created us. We can only have a subset of our creator's values, knowledge, talent, etc. Can a painter paint with a color he doesn't have? Neither can God give us morality he doesn't have. Objecting to God on this basis is simply foolish.

Question 4 proceeds from wrong assumptions. The Bible DOES NOT say that the world was created 6,000 years ago. In fact, the Bible is ENTIRELY CONSISTENT with Big Bang cosmology, so much so that even the atheist and agnostic astrophysicists who are on the cutting edge of the field recognize the parallels. See for some interesting quotes on this.

But you've also made a fatal argumentative error (and have shown yourself to be a poor scientist) when you dispute stories like the flood and Jonah simply because "it couldn't have happened." Science requires empirical evidence, not assumption. Provide evidence to the contrary.

Question 5 proceeds from a modern sensibility about slavery and is completely unaware of the cultural significance of slavery in the 1st century. Persons sold themselves into slavery then, for a specified period of time (today, we have something similar, called "internship.") The Bible lays out rules for the fair and proper treatment of these people who willingly became slaves, and then -- some of them at least -- would voluntarily give the rest of their lives as a servant to their masters because of the good treatment they received. Paul considered himself such a bondservant to Jesus Christ, and urged us all to be the same.

You simply fail to understand the historical difference between slavery as it was then, and slavery as it was in the 1800's, when men and women were captured, separated from their families forcibly, and sold as property with no benefit to themselves to face a life of hard labor.

Question 6 is simply a rephrasing of question 2, an appeal to the problem of evil.

Question 7 is looking for the wrong kind of evidence. Certainly even the most liberal scholars, those who reject belief in Jesus Christ as anything more than an ordinary man, agree that Jesus' disciples believe they saw him risen after his crucifixion. Psychologically, unless these men truly believed they saw Jesus (note that I do not say that they did, only that they believed that they did), then we're powerless to explain the transformative experience they had, going from scared men afraid to admit they even knew Jesus to bold preachers willing to defy the law and go to their deaths for the testimony of what they said they saw.

Now, if the critical, liberal scholars like Elaine Pagels and the rest of the Jesus Seminar can agree that the disciples believed they saw the risen Christ, what are your academic credentials that permit you to know better?

Question 9 is once again failing to understand the cultural relevance of the ritual, and is missing the point that it is symbolic. There are only two ordinances given by Jesus Christ: baptism and communion. Both are symbolic. Both are mandated.

Question 10 comes from wrong assumptions. First, non-Christians are more likely to live together and engage in sex prior to marriage. There is extensive sociological research on this. Of those who live together prior to marriage, about 60% will break up prior to getting married. Of the remaining 40%, about 25% will divorce within the first 7 years of marriage, leaving only 15%
2010-06-02 19:40:36 UTC

Dude, I was kidding. I'm hovering somewhere in between agnosticism and atheism. I'd hope that my answer to Question 8 would have been confirmation of my less-than-serious intent...


Out of curiosity, where'd you pull that data about doctors? I work at a hospital, and I can't say that very many doctors who I know share that sentiment.

Anyway, here's the answer to your questions:

Q1 A ) Have faith. God will reward you in Heaven for the suffering that you endured here on Earth.

Q2 A) Have faith. God allows mankind to manage its own affairs.

Q3 A) They brought it upon themselves by their LACK of faith.

Q4 A) Have faith. God is the answer. Dinosaur bones aren't real. They were planted in the Earth by Satan, to tempt us and lure us away from the Path of the Lord.

Q5 A) Have faith. In not having faith, you sacrifice your soul to an eternity of slavery, pain and suffering. Being cut away from God is the greatest horror imaginable. Get baptized, and feel the love of Christ.

Q6 A) Have faith. You will be rewarded for your perseverance in the afterlife.

Q7 A) Have faith. It was a really long time ago. You just have to HAVE FAITH that everything in the Bible is true. And how could it not be? It was written by God, ergo, everything in it is an infallible truth.

Q8 A) I have faith. Jesus does not need to appear before me physically for me to be assured of his existence. When I pray, I can feel him in my loins; when I walk down a dark road at night, I can feel him hovering above me, his warm, gentle light penetrating my most vulnerable places. It is in these feelings that I know that Christ exists. I have FAITH!

Q9 A) Have faith. In the act of performing the Holy Communion, you are renewing your bargain with the Messiah. Jesus died for our sins; in consuming his Holy Flesh, we're making sure that his sacrifice was not in vain.

Q10 A) Have faith. No true Christians get divorced, only the posers and those who have been tempted by Satan.
The Tin Man
2010-06-02 19:41:26 UTC
The Holy Bible isn't the ultimate work of God, its the ultimate work of holy men. Men justify what they want by writing scriptural things to back up their justification. They point to the scripture to support their human decisions.

All things happen due to circumstances. Sometimes they are His will. Sometimes they are the doings of human beings. Why is there greed, graft and how come there's criminals? All of them make people die, starve and make wars.
2010-06-02 19:42:17 UTC
I consider myself an intelligent Christian. I would LOVE to answer all of these questions ( and I believe I COULD answer every single one of them intelligently ) but I have to get off the computer. Sorry ! Every single question of yours has an answer. Why don't you just TRY to have a little faith and ask Jesus yourself ! He does want to reveal Himself to you. Repost this question, or myabe I can answer tomorrow night
2010-06-02 19:36:18 UTC
It really doesnt sound like you care about any of the answers Christians might give because you clearly have your mind made up already.

Here is a question for you:

Why do you ask a question when you already think you know the only correct answers?
2010-06-02 19:37:08 UTC
When I see something that says I "Must Answer" certain questions ... I will not, under any conditions, on pain of death, answer those questions.
2010-06-02 19:36:59 UTC
1. Because religion is silly.

2. Because religion is silly.

3. Because religion is silly.

4. Because religion is silly.

5. Because religion is silly.

6. Because religion is silly.

7. Because religion is silly.

8. Because religion is silly.

9. Because religion is silly.

10. Because religion is silly.
2010-06-02 19:41:40 UTC
'God' really is imaginary...

2010-06-02 19:36:15 UTC
Intelligent christian??? where?
2010-06-02 19:35:05 UTC
I R Sonajiso
2010-06-02 19:34:52 UTC
Please stop Trolling.

You should know better.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.