2010-06-02 19:32:17 UTC
According to a recent poll 3/4 doctors believe that god is performing medical miracles on earth right now.
Most christians believe that god is curing cancers, healing diseases, reversing the effects of poisons etc...
Question 1 : Why won't god heal amputees?
It's a simple question isn't it. We all know that amputated legs do not regenerate in response to prayer. Amputees get no miracles from god.
If you are an intelligent person, you have to admit this is an interesting question.
On the one hand you believe that god answers prayers and performs miracles, but on the other-hand you know that god completely ignore amputees when they pray for miracles.
How do you deal with this discrepancy, because as an intelligent person you have to deal with it because it makes no sense. In order to handle it, notice that you have to create some kind of rationalisation. You have to invent an excuse on god's behalf to explain this strange fact of life.
you might say: "god must have some kind of special plan for amputees" so you invent your excuse and stop thinking about it because it's uncomfortable.
Here is another example, as a christian you believe that god cares about you and answers your prayers.
Question 2 : Why are there so many starving people in our world?
Look out at our world and notice that millions of children are dieing from starvation. Why would god be worried about you getting a raise, while at the same time ignoring the prayers of these desperate, innocent little children?! It doesnt make any sense why a loving god would do this.
To explain this you have to come up with some sort of very strange excuse for god. Like "god wants these children to suffer for some divine, mysterious reason." Then you push it out of your mind because it doesn't fit into your view of a loving, caring god.
Question 3 : Why does god demand the death of so many innocent people in the bible?
Look up these verses
- Exodus 35:2 - god demands that we kill everyone who works on the sabbath day
- Deuteronomy 21:18-21 - god demands that we kill disobedient teenagers
- Leviticus 20:13 - god demands the death of homosexuals
- Deuteronomy 22:13-21- god demands that we kill girls who are not virgins when they marry
And so on, there are lots of verses like these
It doesn't make any sense why a loving, caring god would want us to kill our fellow human beings over such trivial reasons. Just because you work on the wrong day of the week you must die? It doesn't make any sense. Infact if you think about it you realise that it is insane, so you create some kind of rationalisation to explain these verses.
Question 4 : Why does the bible contain so much anti-scientific nonsense?
You happily use the products of science: your car, mobile, microwave, tv, computer everyday. These are all products of the scientific process and you know that science is incredibly important to our economy and our lives, but there's a problem. As an educated person you know that the bible contains all sorts of information that is nonsense from a scientific prospective.
- God did not create the world in 6 days 6'000 years ago like the bible says
- There was never a worldwide flood that covered Mt Everest like the bible says
- Jonah did not live inside a fish stomach for 3 days like the bible says
- God did not create adam for a handful of dust like the bible says
Why would an all-knowing god write nonsense?! It makes no sense, so you create some type of very strange excuse why the bible contains such nonsense.
Question 5: Why is god such a huge proponent of slavery in the bible?
Look up verses:
- Exodus 21:20-21
- Colossians 3:22-24
- Ephesians 6:5
- 1 Peter 2:18
And why do all intelligent people so against slavery and make it completely illegal?! It doesnt make any sense and so you create some kind os weird rationalisation to explain it.
Question 6: Why do bad things happen to good people?
It makes no sense and you have to create an exotic excuse on gods behalf to justify it.
Question 7: Why didnt any of jesus miracles in the bible leave behind any evidence?
Its strange isnt it and you create a bizzare excuse to justify it.
Question 8: How do you explain the fact that jesus has never appeared to you?
Jesus is all powerful and timeless but if you pray for jesus to appear, nothing happens and so you have to create some sort of strange justification to deal with this discrepancy.
Question 9: Why would jesus want you to eat his body and drink his blood?
It is completely grotesque. Why would an all-powerful god want you to do something that, in any context, sounds like a disgusting, cannabalistic, satanic ritual?
Question 10: Why do christians get divorced at the same rate as non-christians?
Christians (supposedly) get married infront of god and their christian friend