People coming from Monkeys?
2007-07-19 00:14:18 UTC
I believe that people came from monkeys....
look at cave men!
They look the same!
I do not belive in God....
Think about it if Adam and Eve are white where did black people come from?
Please dont judge me
I just want to know what people are called when you believe that people came from monkeys!
26 answers:
2007-07-19 01:08:21 UTC
We did NOT evolve from monkeys so anyone who believes that is called WRONG

We evolved from the SAME ANCESTORS as modern day monkeys.
2007-07-19 07:49:28 UTC
People didn't come from monkeys! Are you all stupid? Unpope is just about the only one with a coherent answer.

Anyway, study the theory of evolution first, all simians come from the same common ancestor, millions of years ago. The lines of the what would become homo sapien and what would become apes/monkeys, diverged millions of years ago. That's why we don't look exactly like monkeys and why there still are monkeys and apes.

People seem to think that evolution suggests that there was one day an ape and the next day he was a man. Really. Use the few brain cells you have, I've seen monkeys that are more intelligent.

Edit: Hmm, at least a few others here as well that understand evolution.

BTW, the questioner, you are an evolutionist.
2007-07-19 08:46:44 UTC
That is technically incorrect. Humans didn't evolve from monkeys, that's just a claim made by Creationists in an attempt to ridicule evolutionary science. Rather, modern apes and humans all evolved from a common ancestor that became extinct several million years ago. I'm surprised there are still so many ignorant people in the world who refuse to believe in the FACT that organisms evolve. We know that artificial selection exists - people since ancient times have been breeding and altering the genetic characteristics of animals to the point where they gradually turn one kind of animal into another (just look at modern dogs, horses, and cattle). Well, the same thing happens out in nature. DNA does naturally mutate and every species' characteristics change over time. Organisms who evolve traits which are beneficial to them in their habitat have a better chance at reproducing than other organisms who do not, and their newly-acquired traits get passed on to their offspring while other organisms who are not as well equipped to survive eventually die off without reproducing or passing on their traits. This natural process cannot actually be demonstrated to the ultra-religious wingnuts, simply because it takes such a huge amount of time. But since artificial selection CAN be proven and demonstrated, is the existence of natural selection really such a huge stretch of the imagination? C'mon, folks.
2007-07-19 07:51:46 UTC
Most Evolutionists believe that humans and monkeys came from a common ancestor at some point in time...

IF evolution were true.. there could still be monkeys (the ones that did not evolve yet)... just like when I pop Pop-corn.. there are kernals left over that did not pop...

I personally believe that God created everything you see in the universe.. I don't know HOW He did it and I don't think that I really need to know how He created it all in order to return to live with Him in Heaven...

I believe that is is very possible that God created the Earth in such a manner as to have everything in place as if evolution did take place.. including fossils...

Many Evolutionists believe that dinosaurs walked the earth when there were not witnesses to it.. yet many of them do not believe that Jesus Christ walked the Earth and many people have written their witness of Him...

WE do NOT know how long it takes to make a fossile, nor how long it took for the different layers of earth to be made into rock.. we don't even know if day/night/month/year are now the same length as they were in ancient times.. and yet many Evolutionists claim to KNOW these things (Many of them RARELY use the word "THEORY" to describe their studies)...

I have personally met very few open minded Evolutionists.. yet each that I met claimed to be open minded...

Evolutionists point to "micro-evolution" as proof.. but that is taking place NOW.. perhaps it did not take place prior to Adam and Eve being expelled from the Garden of Eden (that is when things changed .. pests appeared, weeds, etc).. also.. MAN has made changes in his environment and in the animal and plant life that lives on this planet.. this does not mean that it was originally created this way...

EDIT: oh.. I once talked with an evolutionist about automobiles and paintings in a museum.. how they had evolved through the years.. He agreed that they had.. only thing is.. NONE of these EVOLVED.. they were each individually created by someone.
2007-07-19 09:19:33 UTC
Ok. People who believe we came from monkeys are called "evolutionists" or "Darwinian Evolutionists". This is due to the theory that you ascribe yourself to. The term "Darwinian Evolutionist" is a clearer clarification on the loose term "evolutionist" as "Evolution" has many varying definitions; it is generally assumed however that when you use the word "evolution" you are describing "Darwinian Evolution".

A couple of points though:

Saying that 'cave men looked like monkeys therefore they must have come from monkeys' is like saying 'that person looks like a (cow/whale/whatever) therefore they must have come from (that creature)'. People can't assume that just because it 'looks' like it does 'means' that it does (or we would think that the sky is blue (the colour of the sky is dependent on the time of day, the altitude, pollution, and many other contributing factors so simply claiming 'the sky is blue' is to be unscientific and ignores the many times when the sky is in fact not blue).

Secondly: Adam and Eve we not white. Nor European. The illustrations that depict them as such are inaccurate but are used to help people associate with them as from their 'race'.

Scientifically: although all culture came from the Middle East (according to archaeology), the earliest people were supposed to come from Africa. These people were black. It is reported that it only takes 13 generations (and the correct genes and environment) to change someone from white to black (or vice-versa). So it is very possible that Adam and Eve were either black or white but is unlikely, as they needed to have the correct genes available to them. Biblically though, it is more likely that Adam and Eve were 'Middle Eastern' or 'Arab' in their colour and appearance (dark but not black), therefore having both the genes to 'branch off' into the black and white races that we see today (as well as the other kin tones that are shared by many people). Melanin (the pigment that causes skin to appear black or white) varies greatly in the world but is a simple pigment that has proven very useful in human growth over time. It is not a good enough reason to dispute either evolution or creation as both allow enough time for melanin changes to occur to the extent that they exist today.

This wasn't meant to sound rantish or judgemental. I just wanted you to know some facts.
2007-07-19 07:33:08 UTC
Where in the world did you hear that Adam & Eve were white? Of all things...

On the other hand, have you taken a look at the available "remains" of "cave men"? Just an opinion, but monkey skulls don't really look like human skulls...

Like most Christians, you'll have to do your own research, because it just CAN'T be true that One person created EVERYTHING in ONLY 7 days!
2007-07-19 07:42:13 UTC
I have come here to rag on the people who don't get it and smoke cigarettes. And I'm all out of cigarettes.

Evolution isn't about the primordial slime evolving into humans. It's about everything there was a long time ago evolving into everything there is now. The reason that there are still monkeys and apes in zoos is that once a species has evolved or adapted to a particular niche, they can stop and just be what they are until things change.

Our ancestors just weren't any good at all at being apes. But, before they could die out, they found a couple of things that they were good at. As they discovered more things they were good at, there got to be more of them and they started evolving again to get better at those things. Once they got the concept of adapting their enironment to suit themselves, there got to be a whole lot of them and they started developing abstract thought and becoming what we now recognize as humans.

Half a million years go by and we're sitting here using complex tools made possible by complex social structures and arguing about how we got here.

From some of the arguments I've been reading here, some of us can't cut it as Humans and are experimenting with being sheep on their way back to becoming apes again.
2007-07-19 07:33:57 UTC
Those people are called evolutionists.

If evolution is true, Perhaps PRE-ADAMIC people could have came from monkeys.

Adam and Eve were indeed White, as the very word "Adam" means ruddy or pale complexion, able to blush or show blood in the face, and all the other races were around since before adam, which one or more of them could have been evolved from monkeys. I believe it could have been the black race, due to the proven similarities in the skull structure, and the fact that the so called "ape man" remains were found in Africa. They also say Africa was the origins of the first "humans", who's to say they weren't evolved from Apes to Africans?
2007-07-19 07:39:08 UTC
I guess if you think people come from monkeys I'd call you 'semi-educated'.

you've got the right idea - people are animals, and so are monkeys. all animals are related. people and monkeys are also both *primates* - and all primates share a common geneology.

but people didn't 'come from' monkeys. monkeys and people both evolved from a common ancestor. way back when.

it's a slight difference, but it is important. so you're on the right lines, but you still have some studying to do.
2007-07-19 07:23:20 UTC
mankeys?.....Studies published over the last few years (1990-2004) have demonstrated increasing numbers of problems associated with the theory of evolution. These studies have been done by scientists that believe that the theory of evolution is true. To a large degree, they represent a small amount of the "negative" research in evolutionary studies. Most investigators are not willing to submit a manuscript for publication that contradicts the current dogma. Reviewers of such manuscripts are unlikely to accept a negative study for publication unless a suitable alternate hypothesis is stated and supported by extensive data.
2007-07-19 07:19:19 UTC
Well, it means you are an evolutionist (like me). But we weren't descended from monkeys like the monkeys now, but from hominid ancestors that we have in common with chimpanzees, which are not monkeys. Humans and chimps are believed to have diverged from a common ancestor about 5 million years ago.

I think you are brave to state your views, and watch out, because the creationists will judge you and want to batter you into believing what they do. Stick to your guns, hon.
2007-07-19 07:23:47 UTC
People did not come from monkeys! Research and get your facts right.
2007-07-19 07:25:24 UTC
Maybe monkey lovers, I DON'T KNOW.... However, remember something cannot come from nothing. So where did the monkeys come from. God is the only answer, and also, do you look like a monkey? God made man in His image, and I don't think God was a monkey. You either believe in God or you don't. If a monkey created the

heavens and the earth, then we are in trouble. If you want proof that God exists, look at yourself, you are the proof, you exist, and you did come from something, God.
2007-07-19 07:32:23 UTC
If people came from monkeys ,why aren't all monkeys people?When people multiplied,they migrated to different parts of the world.Africa is the hottest,driest continent on earth,the people live outdoors in tents mostly,there skin is dark because of the sun.The people in cold climates skin is light ,they weren't exposed to the sun as much.
2007-07-19 07:28:11 UTC
I believe you would call it Evolution, and i am happy that someone else out there is in the same frame of mind as me

i have always said that we evolved and that we were never born by ADAM or EVE,there is no GOD or SATAN,we have these thing in our minds as we was brainwashed through

2007-07-19 07:26:06 UTC
incidentally, you may also be a gravitationist. our evil doctrine is that objects with mass attract each other with a force proportional to the mass of the objects and the inverse of the square of the distance between them. this causes planetary motion, which has nothing to do with angels pushing the planets along. it's daring, i know, being a gravitationist, but i think that one day it might catch on. at the higher levels of our cult, we let on that the whole 'force' thing was a bit of a lie, gravitation is actually a warping of spacetime by mass or energy and objects just experience inertial motion through warped space. just don't ask us to find experimental evidence for gravitons please, or talk too loud about quantum mechanics or you may find yourself expelled... or worse!!
Si semut
2007-07-19 07:51:38 UTC
It meannnnnnns.... all the monkeys soon will be a human!

No I dont belive it. I believe in God who create human.
2007-07-19 07:35:42 UTC
I just want to know what people are called when you believe that people came from monkeys!

They are called uninformed and unenlightened.
2007-07-19 07:26:48 UTC
God created man but he may have used evolution to do that I do not think that goes against the bible as it even says a day to god is like 1000 years to us his time scale is not the same as ours. as for the colour of Adam and eve no one can no and it is hardly relevant today. we are all still human beings of one race. all else is man made deviations.
2007-07-19 07:34:46 UTC
"what people are called when you believe that people came from monkeys"

we call them creationists who don't understand evolution.
kare V
2007-07-19 07:32:42 UTC
if i come from the monkeys, wheres my tail? hu? i think that theory is a lie, why do monkey don't keep evolting? Why there is not people half human and half monkey?
Muthu S
2007-07-19 07:34:40 UTC
Darwin & masters could not establish or conclude it , man from animal!
2007-07-19 07:21:01 UTC
Don't believe the theory of charles darwin saying that men came from apes. It is NOT true.

Listen to this and learn:

IF humans came from monkeys and monkeys evolved from being an ape or monkey to being a human...


There should have been NONE of them anymore 'cause supposedly they evolved already!


It depends upon you.

If you prefer to believe in lies, then what is written in 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 is very very true.

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12

"and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,

that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

For more information, visit
2007-07-19 07:19:23 UTC
Do i Look like a Monkey? NO
2007-07-19 07:20:38 UTC
I don't believe people came (evolved) from monkeys because if that were true, why are there still monkeys around?
my ki
2007-07-19 07:18:50 UTC

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