Well I explain it as Fantasy Fiction...
“Bibel is sentimental speculation and replacement theology at its finest lacking any meaningful philosophy that was had by the Judaism that reputedly spawned it.
AND, it's filled with lotsa ignorant mistakes:
1. There is not one bit of physical evidence for a global flood - no geological evidence, no mass extinction a few thousand years ago, no evidence that all life was wiped out and gradually repopulated from a single location.
2. You don't get striped goats by having your goats mate in front of striped sticks.
3. Stars can’t hover over a spot on earth ’n accurately guide people to that place.
4. Earthquakes do not happen when an angry god shakes the earth.
5. The cure for leprosy is not rubbing birds’ blood all over a person.
6. You can't cure snakebite by gazing at a brass snake on a pole.
7. All species of life did not come into existence in a single week.
8. Rain does not happen when windows are opened in heaven.
9. It is not possible to stop the sun as it travels across the sky.
10. The earth is not a few thousand years old.
11. Rabbits do not chew their own cud.
12. There are no four-legged fouls.
13. People can't float to the sky.
14. Rabbits do not have hoofs.
15. Stars cannot fall to earth.
16. The Earth is not a circle.
*17. Pi does not equal 3.
18. The earth is not flat.
19. Donkeys can't talk.
20. Bats are not birds.
21. Snakes can't talk.
Oh, and that bloke spending three days inside a fish is a bit suss, don't you think?”
“Because all the works of science cannot equal the wisdom of cattle-sacrificing primitives who thought every animal species in the world lived within walking distance of Noah’s house.”