He didn't.
One’s understanding of Luke 23:43 is greatly influenced by the PUNCTUATION used by the translator.
There was NO punctuation in the original Greek Bible manuscripts.
The Encyclopedia Americana (1956, Vol. XXIII, p. 16) states:
“No attempt to punctuate is apparent in the earlier manuscripts and inscriptions of the Greeks.”
Not until the 9th century C.E. did such punctuation come into use. Should Luke 23:43 read, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise” (RS), or should it be, ‘Truly I say to you today, You will be with me in Paradise’?
The teachings of Christ and the rest of the Bible must be the basis for determination, and NOT A COMMA inserted in the text CENTURIES AFTER Jesus said those words.
The Emphasised Bible translated by J. B. Rotherham agrees with the punctuation in the New World Translation. In a footnote on Luke 23:43, German Bible translator L. Reinhardt says:
“The punctuation presently used [by most translators] in this verse is undoubtedly false and contradictory to the entire way of thinking of Christ and the evildoer. . . . [Christ] certainly did not understand paradise to be a subdivision of the realm of the dead, but rather the restoration of a paradise on earth.”
The Bible DOES NOT agree with the view that Jesus and the evildoer went to heaven on the same day that Jesus spoke to him. At Luke 9:22 Jesus had foretold that, after his being killed, he would not be raised up until THE THIRD DAY.
During that three-day period he most certainly WAS NOT in heaven, because at John 20:17 following his resurrection he told Mary Magdalene: “I have not yet ascended to the Father.”
It was 40 days AFTER Jesus’ resurrection that his disciples saw him lifted up from the earth and out of their sight as he began his ascent to heaven.—Acts 1:3, 6-11.
The evildoer did not meet the requirements to go to heaven even at some later time. He WAS NOT “born again”—being neither baptized in water nor begotten by God’s spirit. Holy spirit WAS NOT POURED OUT upon Jesus’ disciples until more than 50 days AFTER the evildoer’s death (John 3:3, 5; Acts 2:1-4). On the day of his death, Jesus had made with those ‘who had stuck with him in his trials’ a covenant for a heavenly kingdom. The evildoer had no such record of faithfulness and was not included.—Luke 22:28-30.
When would Jesus ‘get into his kingdom’ and fulfill his Father’s purpose to make the earth a paradise? The book of Revelation, written about 63 years after the statements recorded at Luke 23:42, 43 were made, indicates that these events were still in the future.
Ciao and Agape!