Why are atheists mean people?
2009-09-26 20:56:26 UTC
Im a muslim and I was talking about religion to my atheist friend today and she said that Im stupid for following Islam and that Allah doesnt exist. Why are most atheists really mean?
81 answers:
2009-09-26 20:59:01 UTC
I don't recall atheists flying planes into buildings.

Now that would be mean.
2016-05-21 06:34:52 UTC
Atheist is used in some slightly different ways -not right or wrong. All uses generally mean that the person does not believe in gods or a particular god. The main difference is that some believe this more strongly than others. I am 99.9% confident that gods don't exist. Some atheists will say they are 100% confident, others perhaps 90%. Some atheists might wish that they could believe in god(s), but many (most?) of us do not wish for that. Most atheists have struggled considerably with their belief systems, and have arrived at this place: atheism. In the process, most of us have become theologists or experts in religious belief and even epistemology. Our belief systems are usually very well thought out, so there is little chance that any of us visit places like Y!A in hopes of becoming theists. We just don't think that way. Our belief systems are based on evidence and sound arguments, so unless we experience some kind of direct revelation or discover a new powerful argument, we are not likely to change our beliefs. We can gain understanding, though, and enjoy ourselves, and possibly help others. We belong here. This is not your church. This is an open forum re spirituality and religion. We have some strong opinions on these topics. I want people to learn that atheists are all around you everyday, we are good moral citizens who care for others. I would also like to help some religious people and doubters to realize that atheism or at least a-religion, is a viable choice. I realize that this may appear to be abhorent to you. I can assure you that it is not evil and that my intentions are to help people. I have proven successful in this regard on at least a few occasions, even here on Y!A. I wish everyone was more civil in the discussions as well. You just have to ignore that crap when you are on a loosley-monitored online forum like this. People don't behave this way when they are in person. I hope this helps you, my friend.
2009-09-30 15:06:49 UTC
I'm not mean, but I find Christians at my school are always saying how I'm evil i am and have no morals because i don't know whats right and wrong because I don't think the Bible has any scientific credibility. They say I'm going to hell and they're going to heaven haha but the sad truth is they will die when they're old and so will everyone including me.

The smartest people in the world are always athiests, Einstein, Hawking, 93% of the royal academy of sciences, and countries with more religious people have the highest crime rates - Militant Islam, creationists attacking evolutionary biologists, most likely because religious people need a book to tell them what is right and wrong.

Muslims i know are the meanest, they preach their zero scientific credibility muhammed stuff on everyone and start arguments that they fail to back up and all eventually end up in "the Qu'ran says so"

I don't think athiests are mean, in fact, America is 90% religious, and yet only 0.02% of the prison population are athiest.
2009-09-26 21:12:25 UTC
Please answer.

How many atheists do you know?

What do you know about atheism?

So, any random person who labels themselves an atheist is mean?

Yes, calling you stupid was mean and I am sorry about that but were you completely innocent in this conversation.

I would be a little upset if my friend belonged to a mainstream religion because their holy books command them to hate and murder anyone who is different.

I understand some people do not take their religious texts litterally but some still do.

Everyone should know not a Muslims are terrorists and you should know not all atheists are mean.

I am an atheist and if I tell you there is not proof for your deity then I am not being mean, I am being truthful.

Rethink the whole conversation you both had and tell her that she hurt your feelings by calling her stupid.

Did you insult her during the conversation before or after she insulted you?
Andy F
2009-09-26 21:03:07 UTC
Your atheist friend really is mean, and shouldn't have insulted your values and hurt your feelings in this way.

My guess is that your friend, like many atheists, probably is doing this because they're really, really, really afraid of Muslims and Islam.

Looking at self-styled Muslims like Osama bin Laden and the militants of Al Qaeda, and looking at Iran's president Ahmadinejad and the religious leaders who have just cracked down hard on Iranian political dissenters, many atheists wrongly conclude that Islam is mostly a warlike, intolerant religion..

They're deeply afraid that a large number of Muslims are going to follow the examples set by Al Qaeda and the mullahs in Iran.

How can you, as a Muslim, help to allay their fears, and show that this negative and frightening picture of Islam is wrong?
2009-09-27 11:56:16 UTC
Salaam alekum.

Everyone's different.

To me the only mean part of what you said was that your friend called you stupid, and I'm sure she'll apologise for that if she's a real friend.

The other points seem to be opinion, which might possibly be offensive to you, even if the intention wasn't to offend or to be mean.

Perhaps this will help both of you understand each other's views on the matter, and will help you to consider each other's sensitivities in future. If that happens, maybe you'll both accept and respect each other and each other's views, and your friendship might then become deeper.
2009-09-26 21:08:36 UTC
They're not. There are cruel people of every religion.

I don't think all Muslims are terrorists. Actually, I consider the fundamentalists of all religions terrorists.

Being mean and offending your belief system is not the same thing. When an atheist says I don't think the it any merit behind the belief in god, they're not being mean. That being said, there are polite and impolite ways to state your beliefs.

On the flip side, saying that atheists are evil or will burn in hell won't win anyone a Miss Congeniality title either.
2009-09-27 00:23:08 UTC
Why can you not face reality?!!

Acceptance of a supernatural claim tends to promote cooperative social relationships. This communication demonstrates a willingness to accept, without skepticism, the influence of the speaker in a way similar to a child's acceptance of the influence of a parent. By encouraging this kind of behavior where the most intense social relationships occur it facilitates the lack of skepticism and deters more open minded thinking.

They are christian, Muslim or the other religions depending where they were born simply because they were indoctrinated by their parents as very young children. They will go on to indoctrinate their own children and those will go on to indoctrinate their grandchildren!!

Atheists have the intellect to see through the conditioning and escape into the real world!!

Agnostics have the intellect to see through the conditioning but lack the courage to throw of the conditioning entirely.

Sadly Christians and muslims are still held firmly prisoner by the self perpetuating brainwashing!!
2009-09-29 18:30:56 UTC
...Um, no offense but maybe your friend is just mean. I think race/religion has nothing to do with someone's personality. Most people have a reason for believing what they do, but everyone isn't so pushy about it. It is what it is, bit pointless to try and change it, no?

And can everyone quit blaming 9/11 on the ethnic/religious group rather than the ones who actually did it. Every belief has their extremists. I'm sure we've all heard about Christine Sundae and Reverend Soleil, not to mention Westboro Baptist Church. Please lay off. We're looking for intelligent response not the blame game.
2009-09-26 21:01:49 UTC
Your friend was probably comparing this to the fact that the towers were attacked by Muslim terrorists. Yes I know not all Muslims are terrorists but the actions of few give many a bad name. And people will judge by that alone.

A shame that the world has turned out this way.
2009-09-26 21:02:33 UTC
She shouldn't have said that. She's not a real friend. I would never say that to someone... and I would ever DREAM of saying that to a friend. My closest friends are christians, hindis, muslim & diests. That would absolutely break their hearts.

I'm also sorry that you feel we're mean. I promise not all of us are.

You believe what you believe. And as long as you're okay with someone not believing that very same thing to the tee... there's a mutual respect present. I think religion is good for some people. And if you find peace in it, more power to you. Seriously.

I hope all goes well for you and your friend. Just tell her that you hate her intolerance as much as she hates some forms of monotheistic intolerance. Surely she'll understand.

A person secure in their beliefs would fight for someone else's right to believe (or not believe) what they do just as strongly as they fight for their own. And that's the truth. That's the only way any of us have choice or freedom in this world. And what would religion (or lack thereof) be without choice & freedom? A little tolerance goes a long way.

- a humanist
2009-09-26 21:02:00 UTC
Muslims are mean too. They were responsible for 9/11.

But of course not all Muslims are terrorists, which is similar to the fact that not all atheists are mean.
Butterfly Christie :~:~:~:~:
2009-09-26 21:07:31 UTC
Saying any group is mean is a generalization and being mean all depends on the individual. There are mean Christians, Muslims, and Atheists alike. Any person you debate with on emotional issues like Worldviews can easily end up stirring up emotions and them being seemingly mean. Even though they should try their best not to be lol.
this person
2009-09-26 21:03:52 UTC
Well of course you can't even say most atheists are really mean because I know atheists and they just avoid talking about religion all together, some people will be mean about it, some won't, it depends on the person.
2009-09-26 21:05:22 UTC
So let me get this right were talking to an Atheist about religion and they said Allah,God, Hoobie Doobie, doesnt exist. And you thought that was mean.....what did you expect an Atheist to say....I mean come on. Now I will agree they shouldnt have called you stupid...just misinformed.
2009-09-26 21:04:43 UTC
You are generalizing. Atheists are like everyone else. Some are nice, some are mean, and some are in between. The same can be said for Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Agnostics, Scientologists, Hindus, Pagans, Animists, and others.

People are individuals. They can use their beliefs to justify cruelty, or they can use their beliefs to inspire kindness.
The State
2009-09-27 13:01:23 UTC
Sara, you're hypocritical, go look at your questions. Your preaching your own stuff, flaming atheists. Oh yeah, I'm not being mean, I'm telling the truth.

You're bashing atheists and asking similar questions. I'm not surprised your friend said you were stupid.

You even claimed that Hitler and Stalin were blood thirsty atheists, neither of them were atheists. They were BOTH Christian.
2009-09-26 21:00:41 UTC
Your friend was being mean by calling you stupid, and honest for saying Allah doesn't exist.

Not all atheists are mean, but that one doesn't sound like much of a friend. Suggest you find some new ones.
Acts 2:21
2009-09-26 22:01:23 UTC
Not all Atheist are mean people, as a believer in Jesus Christ, I had friends of all religions, but we all respected each others beliefs.
2009-09-26 21:39:31 UTC
Sara. You're so incredibly stupid.

Not all atheists are mean, just like not all muslims are terrorists!!
Cheshire Cat
2009-09-26 21:29:43 UTC
By your own logic, not all Atheists are mean people.

HERE, however, mean people of all stripes both religious and heretical get together in a community of venting idiots. Maybe you have noticed that some of your religious friends here on Y!A R&S aren't exactly nice either.

Where does it start? Do you recall how the Atheist creed claims that all religious people are eternally doomed to torture and torment, are ok to abuse do to having a different belief, or how people with similar beliefs but not the exact same practices as one's own set of Atheists are likewise doomed? With substantial effort, you *might* find one such nutjob. Now, imagine they WERE saying this. How would that make you feel? Suppose there was a subtext that, due to your being perma-condemned, you were likewise somehow less of a human being? Suppose there was a subtext that the difference in beliefs somehow made it ok to "jew" you? How does that make you feel?

If you're not feeling it yet, I can give you some more fun examples. Would you like that?

Granted, some people will say that Atheists are no angels. That's fine with most Atheists because they don't believe in angels anyway, but let's say they cite bastards like Hitler (who willfully manipulated Catholics to his side to gain power) or Stalin (who likewise was more interested in personal power than facts) murdered millions of believers. Taking an extreme stretch of history and somehow coming to the daft conclusion that these people might somehow be on modern Atheist' "side" deserves an equally silly, but sarcastic response: for all the people they killed, they never beat the high score for murders by the Spanish inquisition in the Americas - and that's ONLY the Inquisition. Even Genghis Khan couldn't beat that 100 million mark.

If you think about all the things religious folks attempt to keep hostage for themselves, and this includes prejudice against other religious types, I really don't feel any threat from Atheists at all in comparison.

So basically the way I take your question is that you think everyone on your side is nice and, if they kick other people, they ought not expect people to kick back.

Me, I'm not a peacemaker. I have seen for myself what happens to peacemakers. I'm not into being an abuse victim. When I meet someone that wants to abuse me, I think it's best they fear me. Fearing me doesn't come from me being nice to them when they act in an abusive manner.

It's very nice of you, in particular, to question all the emotional violence on this site. I appreciate that.

And, yes, I do know nice Muslims too. In fact, I have serious doubts that terrorists are so much Muslim as dupes. The people that lead others to terrorism (Bin Laden) have not blown themselves up in a terrorist attack. Why not? Because they are psychologically abusing people to do their bidding to achieve results different than what is stated. For example, Bin Laden attempted immediately at 9-11 to change his investments around. It was - at best, if there is such a thing - his attempt to make massive profits in the wake of mass murder. Given that Mammon and not Jesus is the real God of the Republican party (note how much effort they put in to banning abortion when they had the presidency, majority in congress and majority in the supreme court), it would not surprise me if they helped for similar gains, not the least being close to a decade of record oil investment profits along with weapons investment profits thanks to ongoing war.

All I'm asking is that you open your eyes to how you are being abused and demand that it stop! No more politicians proudly boasting of cheating on their wives (you can bet this was covering up something even more hideous) or cheating old folks out of their pensions. No more putting the economy before human life. No more putting endless wars ahead of dealing with real problems. And for Crissake, stop being pompous about it.

THAT is why more and more people leave religion each year.

Do you speak out against such attrocities? Do you?

If not, I kindly suggest you stop being so nice to the people that abuse your faith. I'm not saying it's ok to physically attack anyone, but people DO need to be told off. For Atheists, it gets a bit annoying people keep trying to convert them and the implications of damnation they bring with them. Such constant barrages of psychological attacks will eventually make even the nicest person irritable.
2009-09-29 11:25:37 UTC
2009-09-26 23:07:35 UTC
Not all Muslims are terrorists, and likewise, not all atheists are mean people.
Outside the Box
2009-09-26 21:03:23 UTC
A lot of atheists are so because they want to be different, or for other stupid illogical reasons. The majority of serious atheists, people who did research and came to a serious conclusion about their beliefs (or lack thereof) are not like this. Most will just say "believe what you want, but don't shove anything in my face."

I'm sorry your friend said this to you, that is quite rude. Personally, I've never said anything like that to anyone, and I'm an atheist.
2009-09-28 15:16:01 UTC
Well most just cant stand religion since they have no meaning for life.
2009-09-26 21:03:55 UTC
Nope not true and most atheists i know wouldn't call anyone that believes in a "god" stupid either, they would problaly say that everyone's entitled to their own opinion...that is just ONE atheist out of how many? and Muslims aren't that nice to begin with either...should i go over a few phrases that encourage violence and unwarranted killings and attacks?
Dances with Unicorns
2009-09-26 20:59:55 UTC
You decided that because one person who happens to be an atheist was mean to you, that all atheists are mean??? That's no different than me saying that because the people who hijacked the planes on 9/11 were Muslims that all Muslims are terrorists.

Stereotypes are ugly, no matter who they're aimed at. Grow up.
2009-09-26 21:17:41 UTC
atheists are stubborn. They choose not to believe anything because they don't want to have to define between what is right and wrong. That makes them angry when someone with a different religion that defines between the two is right.
♥ gina ♥
2009-09-26 21:01:09 UTC
saying all atheists are mean is like saying all muslims are terrorists. You don't like that generalization and neither do they. Your friend was just being mean.
2009-09-28 10:39:04 UTC
it probably has less to do with her being atheist and more about you both being so passionate about your opinions. a lot of the time these kinds of conversations bring out defensiveness in people because they are, in fact, defending their deep personal beliefs.
2009-09-26 21:03:21 UTC
it was mean to call you stupid, but it wasn't mean to inform you that allah doesn't exist. you know, not all atheists are mean. i don't claim that all muslims are homophobic and murderers even though gays are killed in the middle east all the time.
2009-09-26 21:02:34 UTC
I was punched once by a muslim because I said I was an atheist,why are muslims violent?

Do you see what I did there,.....exactly what you just did.
Billy the Rabbit
2009-09-26 21:00:57 UTC
Atheists are just like any other group of people. Some are 'mean', some aren't, and some refuse to believe that such concepts are relevant in an objective world where such subjective value is meaningless.
2009-09-26 21:02:45 UTC
We are mean because we know we can get away with doing whatever the hell we want because...well because hell does not exist, therefore there is nothing to be scared about, including the consequences for our actions as long as we do not get caught if it is something extreme, or what will happen when we die, because we already know what will happen...

that is why.
2009-09-26 21:02:24 UTC
They are not mean. They just know there is no proof whatsoever that there is such thing as a god, no matter what you call it. If you need need some crutch like religion ask yourself what you are afraid of because I bet my bottom dollar that you are scared shitless of something.
2009-09-29 07:28:28 UTC
Atheist are people who don't believe in God.
Sweet Suzy 777!
2009-09-26 21:04:19 UTC
Allah doesn't exist. Only Almighty God of the Holy Bible is the real, one and only true God.

All terrorists are muslims.
2009-09-26 21:00:18 UTC
that's pretty stereotypical

people are mean due to their stupidity
2009-09-26 21:00:05 UTC
Most atheists are really mean because you decided that they are after seeing one atheist behave like a douche. It's foolish to generalize an entire group after you encounter one person.
2009-09-26 21:04:54 UTC
Maybe the real question is, how many atheists do you actually know to where you have the right to generalize all of them?
2009-09-28 15:28:43 UTC
Ask the same question of your own and every other religion and you will get your answer.
Alana R
2009-09-26 21:01:12 UTC
im sorry that she said that but most atheist aren't. I am a atheist and i love to help and care for people and animals. i don't think that she meant to hurt you but everyone has there downfalls.
jessica [GORE]
2009-09-26 21:01:19 UTC
Not all Atheists are mean, no matter what religion you affiliate yourself with you can be mean to someone. Just take a mental note to never talk about your religious beliefs with that person. I have Christian friends that I don't talk to about my beliefs, but we're still friends.

Btw, 9/11 was an inside job.
2009-09-26 21:03:59 UTC
I know all Muslims are not terrorists. that's post 9/11 racism. as an american, i apologize for that. not enough..but sorry.

my mother is an athiest, and she's pretty ok.

i know a lot of athiests who are very nice people, they just don't happen to believe in God.

i know a lot of christians who can't be called nice by any stretch of the imagination, but still refer to themselves as christians.

i know a lot of people from a lot of faiths who are different in their manner.

it's the person, not the faith.
2009-09-26 21:03:28 UTC
Check out Jl's answer above. He never discusses religion but he's in a religion forum. lol

And he told you to go away. Is that what you're talking about?
2009-09-26 21:01:25 UTC
We're not all mean. We are just trying to release religion's grip on humanity. Believe it or not your friend was trying to help you. Actually historically Devout religious people are mean.
2009-09-26 21:00:49 UTC
Saying Allah doesn't exist? Those beasts! And I thought savagely decapitating people or blowing oneself up with no regard to children in the area were bad.
Ha ha ha!
2009-09-26 21:00:21 UTC
Some atheists are just strong in their opinions. I personally don't care for religious beliefs, but I'm not going to insult your intelligence because you agree with them.
2009-09-26 21:00:33 UTC
so you talked to one person, and decided that the rest of us mean. I don't think you would want me to judge you on the basis of others muslims actions.
2009-09-26 21:02:53 UTC
Mean people suck.

I do not suck.


Therefore, I am not mean.

Honestly, you should be more concerned with Christians. They're the ones that hate you. (yes, this could be a fallacious statement, but I stand behind it 99.98%)
2009-09-26 21:01:28 UTC
We aren't mean, we're just grumpy from having to listen to hypocritical morons all the time.
2009-09-26 21:00:57 UTC
Salaam Sister!

I am a Muslim convert. I actually used to be atheist but I NEVER belittled anyone for their beliefs.

so, I suppose all arent mean.

2009-09-26 21:02:15 UTC
Damn your cute but yeah Allah doesn't exist
2009-09-26 21:01:17 UTC
I've never been mean to anyone, but you can put any tone you wish on the voice in your head when you read my answers.
2009-09-26 20:59:29 UTC
We can get really frustrated with people who are so gullible, and can loose patience with people who preach nonsense. Atheists are just human. Most atheists I know try to be polite.
2009-09-26 20:59:54 UTC
You haven't seen anything, yet. Wait 'til we start beheading believers.


"Not all muslims are terrorists"

However, the vast majority of terrorists are Muslims. Throttle your own and stop playing hurt.
2009-09-26 21:01:47 UTC
Were not, just the ones your talking to
2009-09-26 21:01:46 UTC
Are you trying to troll.. yourself?

Also: lololollolololmuslims r terists jesuz

EDIT: OH ****, Successful troll is successful. R&S, I'm so ashamed of you...
2009-09-26 21:01:43 UTC
probably because they look at religion just as an opportunity to come up with jokes
2009-09-26 21:01:49 UTC
I dont think muslims are terrorists.

I have more tolerance for muslims than i do christians.
2009-09-26 21:01:16 UTC
the truth is not always meant to be pretty. don't blame us for the way of the world, though.
2009-09-26 20:59:26 UTC
You should not expect people to be polite when you take a hard stand on a controversial issue, particularly issues over which people have been killed.

If I tell a black person that I support the KKK, he has a right to be rude to me (in fact, I would expect it). In the same way, if you tell people that you support the religion behind 9/11, the Iranian government, and most of the significant resistance to the age of enlightenment in the modern era, you should not expect everyone to be cordial in their reaction.

"Stop being mean. Not all muslims are terrorists."

Not all KKK members actively participated in lynchings, either, but I plan to keep "being mean" to them.
2009-09-26 21:02:29 UTC
Honestly? because they don't have the joy of everlasting life in Heaven in their life. No matter what situation I'm in, I know I have God by my side. I always will. He will never leave me. They don't have that as part of their life. It would make me sad too.
2009-09-26 21:01:22 UTC
We aren't mean. We're honest. Stop believing in horsesh*t,
2009-09-26 21:04:26 UTC
we arent mean the truth just hurts.
2009-09-26 21:01:32 UTC
Because they are in pain. They are denying communion with God. Because of their own pride, they hurt themselves. That makes them mean.
2009-09-26 20:59:46 UTC
That's so weird, every atheist I know, including myself, and my husband, are super nice. Huh.
2009-09-26 21:00:15 UTC
We get all defensive with religion and such and eventually, when pushed really really far by all those who tell us we're wrong, we turn defensive into offensive.
Persian Melon
2009-09-26 21:01:00 UTC
I don't think they are mean they just tell it as it is...
2009-09-26 21:00:13 UTC
They're not, only the loud obnoxious arrogant internet atheists. (no offence to the good ones that do mishappen upon the internet).
2009-09-26 20:58:38 UTC
We are not all mean. Your friend is just a little militant with her atheism. Most atheists aren't exactly militant.
2009-09-26 21:03:00 UTC
Im a CHristian but one thing we agree on is yes they are mean.

and illogical.
2009-09-26 21:05:25 UTC
Because David calls them ......INSANE!!!!

Psalm 14:1.

Psalm 53:1.

fool = INSANE.

2009-09-26 21:03:57 UTC
Why are believers so judgmental??????
God Needs A Diaper Change
2009-09-26 20:59:16 UTC
Why are you rude? Generalize much?
2009-09-26 21:01:35 UTC
Why are theists mean people?

please don't base all of us around your 'friend.'
2009-09-26 21:00:37 UTC
there mean because they dont believe in god or jesus so they r like the devil all the time, but they r ppl and we should love eachother no matter what,
A Modest Proposal
2009-09-26 20:59:20 UTC
Don't be afraid to hit people like that. Any help you can give to straighten the people up who make us look bad will be greatly appreciated.
2009-09-26 20:58:54 UTC
"I was talking about religion to my "

Somehow I have never been in this situation where I just "happen to be talking about religion.

Go away, please.
2009-09-26 20:59:57 UTC
No belief in God = No sense of responsibility = Who are you to question my attitude.

Atheists dictate their own code of law, so being mean is not bad to them, its probably good in their sight :)
2009-09-26 21:01:01 UTC
Punch that ***** in the face.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.