By your own logic, not all Atheists are mean people.
HERE, however, mean people of all stripes both religious and heretical get together in a community of venting idiots. Maybe you have noticed that some of your religious friends here on Y!A R&S aren't exactly nice either.
Where does it start? Do you recall how the Atheist creed claims that all religious people are eternally doomed to torture and torment, are ok to abuse do to having a different belief, or how people with similar beliefs but not the exact same practices as one's own set of Atheists are likewise doomed? With substantial effort, you *might* find one such nutjob. Now, imagine they WERE saying this. How would that make you feel? Suppose there was a subtext that, due to your being perma-condemned, you were likewise somehow less of a human being? Suppose there was a subtext that the difference in beliefs somehow made it ok to "jew" you? How does that make you feel?
If you're not feeling it yet, I can give you some more fun examples. Would you like that?
Granted, some people will say that Atheists are no angels. That's fine with most Atheists because they don't believe in angels anyway, but let's say they cite bastards like Hitler (who willfully manipulated Catholics to his side to gain power) or Stalin (who likewise was more interested in personal power than facts) murdered millions of believers. Taking an extreme stretch of history and somehow coming to the daft conclusion that these people might somehow be on modern Atheist' "side" deserves an equally silly, but sarcastic response: for all the people they killed, they never beat the high score for murders by the Spanish inquisition in the Americas - and that's ONLY the Inquisition. Even Genghis Khan couldn't beat that 100 million mark.
If you think about all the things religious folks attempt to keep hostage for themselves, and this includes prejudice against other religious types, I really don't feel any threat from Atheists at all in comparison.
So basically the way I take your question is that you think everyone on your side is nice and, if they kick other people, they ought not expect people to kick back.
Me, I'm not a peacemaker. I have seen for myself what happens to peacemakers. I'm not into being an abuse victim. When I meet someone that wants to abuse me, I think it's best they fear me. Fearing me doesn't come from me being nice to them when they act in an abusive manner.
It's very nice of you, in particular, to question all the emotional violence on this site. I appreciate that.
And, yes, I do know nice Muslims too. In fact, I have serious doubts that terrorists are so much Muslim as dupes. The people that lead others to terrorism (Bin Laden) have not blown themselves up in a terrorist attack. Why not? Because they are psychologically abusing people to do their bidding to achieve results different than what is stated. For example, Bin Laden attempted immediately at 9-11 to change his investments around. It was - at best, if there is such a thing - his attempt to make massive profits in the wake of mass murder. Given that Mammon and not Jesus is the real God of the Republican party (note how much effort they put in to banning abortion when they had the presidency, majority in congress and majority in the supreme court), it would not surprise me if they helped for similar gains, not the least being close to a decade of record oil investment profits along with weapons investment profits thanks to ongoing war.
All I'm asking is that you open your eyes to how you are being abused and demand that it stop! No more politicians proudly boasting of cheating on their wives (you can bet this was covering up something even more hideous) or cheating old folks out of their pensions. No more putting the economy before human life. No more putting endless wars ahead of dealing with real problems. And for Crissake, stop being pompous about it.
THAT is why more and more people leave religion each year.
Do you speak out against such attrocities? Do you?
If not, I kindly suggest you stop being so nice to the people that abuse your faith. I'm not saying it's ok to physically attack anyone, but people DO need to be told off. For Atheists, it gets a bit annoying people keep trying to convert them and the implications of damnation they bring with them. Such constant barrages of psychological attacks will eventually make even the nicest person irritable.