Questions about the bible, and how women are considered less?
2014-05-13 09:31:10 UTC
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this sort of question, and I'll probably get answers that aren't serious. But recently, I decided to try and read the bible and understand it before I dismiss it.

So God created man in his image; Adam. He didn't make Eve until he realized Adam didn't have a match. And even then, he didn't make her the same, not in God's image but instead from Adam's. She was created from a piece of him, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”

And then the purpose woman were made for: “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.””

Wouldn't a more suitable helper be one who was just as physically strong as as Adam? If woman were made the same in God's image, wouldn't he have given us equal ability? It seems that woman were meant to be the helpers of men, to be ruled. So they weren't meant to be equals. Adam always stood out as the first, the more physically powerful and given dominion over everything, including women, who came second and only as a helper to men.

"...and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”

Some say that women are supposed to be loved/cherished, but a loved dog is still a dog. It doesn't make decisions for itself, and it seems the same thing for women. Like we're not respected by God. Like children.

Please help me understand this?
Nineteen answers:
2014-05-13 09:40:47 UTC
Ok this will be hard for you to understand... But society is built around strong marriages. Right now in this time in the USA there is an attack on our way of life.... There are people and powers that are trying to weaken the American community. The easy way to do this was to make women think they can be independent... Live on their own, pay their own bills, raise kids by themselves... ( don't buy into this LiE). I make 6,000 month and I'm poor.... Society is meant to have two incomes...just to make it.....

No the problem in the bible is that it's just stating the women are the natural beta's in life.... Your suppose to take care of the family ( like in the wild ). And the man is suppose to care for you....his job is to provide for you! How can he do that if he cooks, cleans, sows, shops, and loves you as you need.... He simply can't.... So men must take the hard road... While women's work is the hardest job of all.... Men just arnt the best at it. Hope this gives insight!
2014-05-13 11:12:58 UTC
I know of a website that specifically answers the questions you have. It answers your questions straight from the Bible and the explanations are clear and easy to understand. Please go to On the home screen, click on PUBLICATIONS. Scroll down a little, and click ONLINE LIBRARY. When u get there, search w12 9/1. It takes you to an article that talks about God's view of women. I think you'll find it very helpful.
2014-05-13 09:38:18 UTC
In the bible Man was made first! Women was made from Adams rib (a cheaper cut) to be beside man,not over man. Man is to oversee the needs of the family,women are suppose(bible mind you) to take care of the needs of the Man.
2014-05-13 10:31:04 UTC
I am glad you decided to read the bible before dismissing it. Unlike EndersGame who can assure you it was written by the retarded although he has never read it.

As for the bible's view of women, I could not have given you a better answer than Alexis Faiythe-Joy. She has that correct but remembering that Satan knows the bible by heart, she has also told you 2 lies.

The bible tell us that Jesus was created by God and is by no means equal to Him.

Hell, as a place of torment, is a pagan myth, not taught in the bible.

It is good that you are seeking knowledge of God for the scriptures tell us that knowledge is the key to salvation John 17:3.

Not baptism or "accepting Jesus into your heart." as some will tell you.

If you have any difficulty understanding what you read, God has provided a group of people to help you. They are called by His personal name - Jehovah's witnesses. Their help is free for the asking. Now is a good time to learn as the end is rapidly approaching. Only the truth will get you safely through Armageddon.
2014-05-14 13:36:22 UTC
Thats the problem of learning a text through a tertiary translation of that text within a religion that for most of its history very strongly opposed the culture of those who wrote the text.

In the Hebrew Bible --

God created the human both male and female in God's image.

(Genesis 1:27 and 5:2)

Women are supposed to be equal

The Jewish concept of this story is that the "primal Adam" is hermaphroditic, and the Jewish understanding of the creation of woman is to read "side" not "rib".

With respect to Genesis 2:18 - an important detail of the Hebrew

"I shall make him a helpmate against him"

ie: it is not good for the human to be a single being with a single mind -- human development requires the clash of minds -- a friendly conflict!

So, this too is a language of equality.

the inequality of human society is a negative and there are Jewish prophecies that envision one of the "symptoms" that the final redemption (the time of the Messiah) is coming would be female equality within marriage.

"you shall call Ishi ("my man") and not Baali ("my master")" (two words for husband -- one based on equality, the second on power)
2014-05-13 10:23:25 UTC
You're not understanding it correctly and I don't have enough room here to fully go through a thorough study with you. Men AND women were created in the image of God. See Genesis 1.

Genesis 1:27 KJV

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Man in this place is Strongs Hebrew 120 --> הָֽאָדָם֙ --> hā·’ā·ḏām, which means MANKIND...not only males but males AND females.

So often, we read the Bible from a WESTERN point of view and we have to take a step back and FIRST see it from an historical view. THEN, we can see the greater picture of the Word of God.

You see, there are multiple levels to the wisdom of God's Word. You can take it at face value and once you have that, you must be prepared to dig for treasure.

God created women to be a partner, a companion to men. He didn't do it after the fact. It was His plan all along. You have to understand that there's a difference between the creation stories in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. In Genesis 1, God is called Elohim. Elohim means God Almighty. It's the big, omnipotent, powerful God of creation. Elohim is THE GOD ALMIGHTY. Genesis 1 is creation from HIS point of view. Then, in Genesis 2, we drop down into the most important day of creation to we humans. It's creation of the human race. And instead of Elohim as God, we have a relational YHWH Elohim, which translates from Hebrew to English as LORD God. It's a covenant name, a relational name, a Fatherly name. It's not the big, scary, powerful GOD ALMIGHTY but the loving God the Father. Do you see the difference?

Now, when we look at how God created men and women, the perfection of His creation was not finished UNTIL He created Eve. And up until then, God said, "It is good." After He created Eve, and had completed His glorious, PERFECT world, He said, "It is VERY good." Eve was the CROWN JEWEL of His creation.

GOD LOVES WOMEN. To see the Father, look to Jesus. Jesus LOVED women. Read all of his interactions with women. He LOVED THEM DEARLY.

I could go on and on an on about this for pages. I could write a book about this and perhaps someday I will. If you want to learn more, let me know. You can always contact me and I'd be happy to spend some time pointing out some of the many things I've learned about God's Word over the years and what the KEYS are to understanding it properly. Come talk to me. liquidsolace at yahoo (dot) com. If you truly are interested in learning something about God and Christianity before you discount it, I'd love to give you some good places and truths to start exploring.
2014-05-13 09:49:24 UTC
Ever noticed that the bodies of men and women are different?

Different roles and responsibilities--but equal in the sight of God. Women are not even equal with each other.
2014-05-13 09:47:52 UTC
You should go on a decent course. Self reading is very hard since it's more than just the surface of the story.

The creation is Jewish poetry and was never meant to be taken literally.

"UFO" has a great description of how to view the story of Eve's creation.
2014-05-13 09:38:20 UTC
Just remember God took a rib out of Adam's side for her to walk alongside him, not out of his head that she should lord it over him or out of his foot that she should be his doormat. She is called a help mate, not a slave or a pet.
Praire Crone
2014-05-13 09:35:00 UTC
"Like we're not respected by God" Yup that about sums it up.

The CHristian Bible is a property rights book. It lists rules on how men should treat their property. That property being women, children (especially female ones) and slaves.
2014-05-13 11:19:06 UTC
OH, do I get tired of ignorant, prejudiced people saying that the Bible condones slavery and/or mistreatment of women :P Do THESE verses sound like God or the Bible or Christianity are condoning those things?


1 Corinthians 7:3 The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. IN THE SAME WAY, THE HUSBAND DOES NOT HAVE AUTHORITY OVER HIS OWN BODY BUT YIELDS IT TO HIS WIFE.


1 Corinthians 7:20 Each person should remain in the situation they were in when God called them.

21 WERE YOU A SLAVE WHEN YOU WERE CALLED? Don’t let it trouble you—although IF YOU CAN GAIN YOUR FREEDOM, DO SO. 22 For the one who was a slave when called to faith in the Lord is the Lord’s freed person; similarly, the one who was free when called is Christ’s slave.


Ephesians 5:25 HUSBANDS, LOVE YOUR WIVES, JUST AS CHRIST LOVED THE CHURCH AND GAVE HIMSELF UP FOR HER...28 In this same way, HUSBANDS OUGHT TO LOVE THEIR WIVES AS THEIR OWN BODIES. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church...31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”...33 However, EACH ONE OF YOU MUST LOVE HIS WIFE AS HE LOVES HIMSELF, AND THE WIFE MUST RESPECT HER HUSBAND.

[My comment: Anybody got a problem with husbands loving their wives so much that they're willing to die for them? Anybody got a problem with wives respecting their husbands? And for the benefit of any of pinheads reading this, that's "RESPECTING," not "being a doormat."]


Ephesians 6:5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, JUST AS YOU WOULD OBEY CHRIST. 6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.


[My comment: The Lord did NOT institute slavery: the devil and sinful humans did. In the old Mosaic laws, the Lord instituted regulations for the treatment of slaves so that they would not be mistreated. Here, in the beginnings of Christianity, Paul goes beyond the "Do nots" of the Mosaic laws" into the "Dos" of the Christian faith--"DO obey your master as you would obey Christ," "DO treat your slaves as well as you would treat Christ Himself."]


Colossians 3:18 Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.



22 Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, NOT ONLY WHEN THEIR EYE IS ON YOU AND TO CURRY THEIR FAVOR, BUT WITH SINCERITY OF HEART AND REVERENCE FOR THE LORD. 23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 25 Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is no favoritism.

4:1 MASTERS, PROVIDE YOUR SLAVES WITH WHAT IS RIGHT AND FAIR, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven.


1 Peter 3:1 Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands SO THAT, IF ANY OF THEM DO NOT BELIEVE THE WORD, THEY MAY BE WON OVER WITHOUT WORDS BY THE BEHAVIOR OF THEIR WIVES, 2 when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. 3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. 4 Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight...



All of the passages above are from the New Testament, BECAUSE CHRISTIANS ARE NOT REPEAT NOT SUBJECT TO THE OLD TESTAMENT.

Now, do any of you oh-so-enlightened persons claiming that the Bible "is a book of property rights for men" see a theme between all these verses? Paul, Peter and the other early disciples were not concerned with the social justice issues of their day. Commissioned by none other than Jesus Himself, their focus was on TELLING THE GOOD NEWS THAT THROUGH CHRIST JESUS SINS CAN BE FORGIVEN, AND WE CAN BE RECONCILED TO GOD. And running a close second to this mission was seeing to it that the early Christian church was strong and healthy, and that ALL people were to be "first-class citizens" of it. Thus, all Christians, regardless of their lot in life, were instructed to treat each other as Christ treated the church, loving, forgiving and caring for each other:


Galatians 6:26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 THERE IS NEITHER JEW NOR GENTILE, NEITHER SLAVE NOR FREE, NOR IS THERE MALE AND FEMALE, FOR YOU ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS.


Now, Nostradamus, Prairie Crone, and Enders Game--ARE WE CLEAR ON THAT?

One last note, and only because I happened to see her post just before hitting Submit, for Linda: You and every other Jehovah's Witness have been deliberately, systematically deceived by the Watchtower Society, which only wants built-in customers for its publishing empire. For your OWN sake, put down that poisonous trash known as the NEW WORLD TRANSLATION and pick up a REAL Bible. And start by reading John 1:18, especially verses 1-2, verse 12 and verse 18.
2014-05-13 09:48:00 UTC
What is the biblical view of a woman? Is she a man’s equal, his superior, or his inferior?

Modern extreme feminism places women in authority over men, while traditional Darwinian evolution places women far below men.1 And since the Bible directs that a wife be in submission to her husband, even Christians may wonder, “Is the woman inferior or equal?”

The Genesis account of God’s creation of the first male and female gives a clear picture that is extremely different from evolutionary views in our culture. God designed both the man and woman in His own image equally (Genesis 1:26–27).

Adam was created first, but God decreed that it was not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18). Therefore, God fashioned Eve out of Adam’s rib. The well-known Bible commentator Matthew Henry said that Eve was “made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.”2

That “Submission” Command

Many women believe that the Bible’s command for wives to “submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:22–23, NKJV) places a woman in an inferior role to her husband. However, this is not the case.

The concept of submission is found throughout the Bible. One of the keys to maintaining the order God desires is recognizing the authority structure He established. Of course, the best example of one who submitted to authority is our Creator and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who submitted to God and fulfilled the role He was called to by the Father (Matthew 26:36–39; Philippians 2:5–8).

The Creator chose to form man first and to entrust to him the role of leader in the home, for His glory. Obviously, man is not the ultimate authority, but is also under authority (1 Corinthians 11:3). The Bible commands the husband to be a loving servant leader who models the sacrificial love that Christ has showered on the church (Ephesians 5:23–33)—a love that led to His death on the Cross on our behalf.

God designed both the man and woman in His own image equally. Yet they were designed to fulfill different roles.

God assigned the married woman the responsibility of being a helpmate to her husband (Genesis 2:18, 20). A helpmate (or helper) is a position of great responsibility and gentle strength. It is not a position of weakness as often associated with the command of submission (Ephesians 5). A godly helpmate entrusts herself to God, follows her husband’s lead, and uses her gifts and abilities to effectively support and aid her husband.

Josh Harris, author and speaker, reaffirms this biblical teaching in his book Boy Meets Girl.

From the first two chapters of the Bible we learn that Adam and Eve were created equal in God’s sight. Within the context of their equality, God assigned men and women different roles. He made Adam first, signifying his unique role as leader and initiator. He created Eve from Adam and brought her to Adam to be his helper in the tasks God had assigned him. She was made to complement, nourish, and help her husband. God’s greatest gift to man was “a helper suitable for him” (Genesis 2:18). This doesn’t minimize a woman’s role, but it does define it.

Men and women were created equal, yet different. And the fact that we’re different is wonderful.

God didn’t make us to duplicate each other, but to complement each other. The point here is not that Adam was better than Eve, just as God the Father is not “better” than God the Son. Father and Son are equal in essence, power, glory, but they have different roles; and the Son joyfully submits to the Father’s will (1 Corinthians 15:28). So in marriage a husband and wife are equal, even though Scripture tells the wife to joyfully submit to her husband’s leadership.3

Even with these truths, some women struggle to follow and thereby to fulfill the Bible’s requirements for godly womanhood. The husband, as the God-ordained leader of the home, can make his wife’s mandate to submit easier by also obeying God’s command to love his wife, “just as Christ also loved the church” (Ephesians 5:25, 28–29; 1 Peter 3).

Both husbands and wives must realize that God’s plans are always for our good and that following them brings us happiness and fulfillment (Psalm 23; 33:18–22; 34:8–22). But when we attempt to reverse God’s lovingly prescribed order, we disobey His commands, just as our first parents did only a few thousand years ago in the Garden of Eden.

Women in the Bible

Throughout the Old and New Testaments, God records the virtuous actions of women. Most are described in their role as homemaker, but a number are singled out as workers beyond the home setting.

Deborah was a judge in Israel (Judges 4) as well as a wife; Lydia was a seller of purple fabrics (Acts 16:14). The maidservant of Naaman’s wife told her master about possible healing for Naaman’s disease (2 Kings 5:3–4). Miriam, the sister of Aaron and Moses, led the Israelite women in celebration and worship, singing and dancing as they came out of Egypt (Exodus 15:20–21). The noble wife described in Proverbs 31 was wise, a beloved mother, a home-based businesswoman, charitable, strong, and unafraid of heavy work. Queen Esther used her position as the wife of the Persian king to save her people, the Israelites.

These women used their God-given abilities in many different roles. Whether married or single, whether in prominent positions or in humble service, these women focused on doing what God called them to do. Their obedience is what God values and highlights in His Word.

Today’s Woman

Modern culture has placed expectations on women. In the United States and other Western nations, women are expected to strive for prominent positions in politics, the workplace, and the education system. Often, Christian women buy into a worldly mindset of “reaching one’s potential” in society, and they associate their value with these achievements.

Another social pressure is for a woman to compare herself to others and base her value on that comparison. But this mindset is focused on the earthly and not the heavenly, as it should be for Christians (James 3:13–17).

The Christian Woman

Men and women alike bear the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and are sinners equally in need of His saving grace (Galatians 3:28). Christ redeems sinners who deserve eternity in Hell. A Christian woman can glory in following after Christ and being conformed into His image (Romans 12:1–2). The Lord admonishes, “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight” (Jeremiah 9:23–24, NKJV).

Christian women can find purpose in following God’s plan for them. The following verses outline His plan: Genesis 2:18; Proverbs 1:8, 12:4; 1 Corinthians 7:2–5; Ephesians 5:22, 33; Colossians 3:18; 1 Timothy 2:9–15, 3:11, 5:9–10, 14; Titus 2:3–6; 1 Peter 3:1–6.

Although the Bible does not prohibit achieving prominence in the workplace or acquiring possessions, Christian women should not glory in these things. Instead, our primary goal should be to seek after the things that God delights in, beginning with a personal relationship with Him and obedience to His Word.
2014-05-13 09:44:34 UTC
Your thinking about the Korun. Moseliums. Their idea of women is Cattle.

Gods idea of a woman was to help us Stupid men make the right decisions. Remember that both sides of a Women's Brain works at the same time. We Men are lucky if our one side works at all.

That's called life experience.
Common Sense
2014-05-13 09:43:54 UTC
Women are not considered less, they were made to be a helpmate for man.
2014-05-13 09:43:32 UTC
God was saying how women Will be treated in a fallen world. Paul said "Submitting yourselves one to another. So that means both submit not just the woman.
2014-05-13 09:42:48 UTC
okay so what the bible is trying to explain is that adam was created first after that came eve :) back then women where weak and men where stronger and smarter :c then women(women's fault :P) this created a meta that is being broken now a days where a women can go and work while the man can stay with the children + doing house work etc the bible was created thousands of years after eve and adam where created so the idea might be manupilated to support an opinion which is probably jesus christ's opinion back then (im tottaly not sure because im not chrisitian but my guesses are always sharp :P)
2014-05-13 09:40:40 UTC
Who ever wrote the bible was retarded

I think they are trying to explain why women exist by writing bullshit as to god taking from man to make woman

Here's my idea

God(a race) saw a barren planet and brought forth life onto it (terraforming) then god (a race) created (cloned) man and then saw that (his clone) couldn't reproduce or expand (created woman) but they didn't know they were naked till satan (one of that race) gave man knowledge of his existance. There for god punished man and Satan by banishing them to earth

Later on god sends his son (an ambassador ) to save the people (take back those loyal to the god race) and leave the rest

So I basically just solved our existance and I've never completely read the bible.

We are mutts the dieased the low life's of gods race. I think your rapture came and gone. Time to pull our heads out of our a$$es
2014-05-13 09:37:27 UTC
Well it's even worse in islam read the koran women can be stoned to death for adultery and women have to wear veil or hijab and cover up just not to get raped. And child brid is common also did you know the prophet Muhammed slept with 11 year old did you?
2014-05-13 09:36:10 UTC
the bible is a product of it's age more than anything else.

this is why slavery is specifically approved of, as is infanticide, murder, cruel torture and war.

all of these things were ok with romans - so they are in the bible...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.